The Iron Empires, A DnD and Ark Experience
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Incrad Map

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1Incrad Map Empty Incrad Map Tue Apr 21 2020, 22:40


The land of Incrad, it does go out farther but this is the location of which the game will be played.
This is a dark land with a lot of black dirt and many dead trees, there are monsters around every corner and the backstabber hides in every ally, one must be careful to live here and really even if you are careful you can still end up on someone's platter.
nobility is hard to find, but town keepers are here and there, ever since the sky went black and the minions of the dark took over the nobility of the land has gone into hiding or fled for there lives.
Find shelter or face the wilds the choice is fully up to the players, for the storyline please read the storyline thread and enjoy the plot that is about to take place, this is the storyline that comes after The Iron Dynastys ending chapter.

Incrad Map Incrad10

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