The Iron Empires, A DnD and Ark Experience
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The Dawn of Darkness

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1The Dawn of Darkness Empty The Dawn of Darkness Sat Mar 30 2019, 08:47


The Dawn of Darkness Skoll211
The Dawn of Darkness Incrad11

2The Dawn of Darkness Empty Re: The Dawn of Darkness Wed Jun 12 2019, 10:06


She sat there holding her tome in her fingers, black hair framing her face as she smiled and flipped a page. A small woman siting at her feet made of stone, simply kneeling there as she placed her feet up on the stone shoulder of the petrified female, a reminder of a older time before things were as they are now.

"In the beginning, Darkness was the first....In the end, darkness will be the last.:. There is no being in this world that can escape their beginning or their end..Your God and his deceitful words fall upon a book of decorated pages, written by foolish men desperate to make a living even at their dying ages..What truth could be such words if not a means to an end?..When one dies you simply say "part of the plan"..Yet, if true, then free will isn't free will at all, is it?..How could one have this so called “Free Will” when you are forced to follow a certain path?..What plan seeks it’s own destruction, like a building created just to be annihilated, and broken down to serve a new purpose?..Humans and all other life were built to use up their lives and die with simplicity and limited importance for only a few humans can impact the world in such a way..Oh humans, I sympathize the life that you were so cruelly given. Allow Caliga to sever your miserable bond to the fake cowardice God in which you foolishly follow.. Caliga is not a lie or a thought. Unlike God in which humanity blindly follows, Caliga is truth. God is but an evasive thought, something that can simply escape you. But once learned of Caliga a being wouldn’t dare forget, for Caliga is not a thought but a memory. This memory in which ensnared your mind and whispers to you from the darkest corners of the unknown, leading you by the hand into a shallow grave of gloom and eternal silence, always waiting, always watching. Give yourselves to the void, the kinn await you with open arms. Accept Caliga, and become nothing at all but a purpose worth killing for. We are the children of darkness, the hive mind of a God not seen but always there. Once more I tempt you, accept the void, become one with the God of supreme darkness, Caliga the God of not before, nor after, but always"

She let out a breath as remembers the days when the words were sworn into the pages of this very tome, words scribed in ink and blood forever etched into time. She smiled as she waited, waited for her doors to open for the flood gates to break, for the mass to understand who was the loving, eternal God thay craved, not one spoken in shadow or hidden from the masses but said aloud and proudly to others upon the ears of the innocent may her name be candy to there senses. Oh that day was upon them and now, now we simply need wait, here, in a throne made of the stone bodys of fallen foes crushed down by the darkness made silent and still, for magic in this world was fleeting and darkness be eternal.
"We wonder, who will be first, the rabbit, or the hawk"

3The Dawn of Darkness Empty Re: The Dawn of Darkness Thu Oct 08 2020, 10:14


How did it all start? how does everything start, dumb choices, dumb choices, and having one's heart in the wrong places, a foolish girl and her want to bring back her dead brother made darkness eat the sky. to think the end of the world was brought forth by a single elf, not a magical one, not a dragon, not another god, just one single elf girl and a fucking magical goat.

Winter gripped the land on a cold night like no other, a shimmering sun, the snow bright and clean and whispering in the woods was the call of the season, a small hat-wearing goat nestled down into the wood calling forth all around it to come and ask for a gift, a trinket, new weapon, even armor or small favor, a little thing one wanted in the spirit of the season. the ball on its hat dung after every little wish it did give and then one day it sat on a rock and fell face to face with a white-haired elf so much brightness in her eyes as she was all bundled up and shivering in the snow. she asked the goat for a wish, a wish that was so very strong in her heart.

“Hello little one, I am guessing you are the one that everyone is so worked up about. I am guessing that you are one of lore and can grant wishes as well. If you would be so kind as to grant mine I would be in your debt little one. My first wish would be to bring my brother back from where ever he may be. I miss him dearly and he was the closest thing I had to a sibling, so if you can I pray of you that you do little one.”

Worlds so simple and sweet changed everything, as the goat agreed to it the ground at its feet broke and clawed fingers came up to rip the goat down into jaws it could not win against, it kicked and screamed as it  was crunched down into the darkness to no longer exist at all. “oh little Ana, adopted slave daughter of a dragon, big wish for a little goat, but we will grant it, but you owe us something very dear to you”
without thinking the girl agreed to the darkness that called forth, anything for her brother, anything for family.

The wish was granted, Jeff DeLaRose a prince forgotten and forsaken by his own mother, abandoned and left to die was dragged back taking the power of a primes dominant soul with it to the world. the balance was broken and nothing good ever lasts, the wheels were set ablaze and Jeff was a key to a box that never should have been opened. Jeff went back home angering the mother that left him for dead wanting her eldest son gone for so long seeing him again sparked a furry that made her say no more, and the golden dragon of the iron capital left the planet to burn in the mess it had made for its self.
Anaya took up her place in the ranks of the gods at long last but in doing so made herself no longer a mortal, and when on even playing ground the darkness Caliga could damage the dragon to the point it no longer held any power at all to keep the balance for the world under them, Cagila’s chess game was over and it played its last move, and it was game over, checkmate.
Anaya down and unable to do anything Caliga was able to consume the planets sun and turned the planet black, freezing cold nights and black days a moon at night but nothing wall the sun was meant to be out, it was like the sun was always eclipsed and would never shine again.
Many did small things to try to get it back but nothing worked and everything failed, and it still was not over and there was one more thing the darkness had planed, little Ana, oh she had no idea what she had agreed to.

Ana had made a choice to bed her stepfather Samuel, a red wyvern took her sweet virgin flower, elves and wyverns could not have children so they had nothing to worry about or so they thought. the next week Ana could feel it, something growing fast inside her and within a month she realized she was with child, but how could it be, wyverns could not have children with an elf and she had no affections outside of him.
Caliga had claimed on what was owed she claimed something so very treasured to the elf, the elves ability to be a woman, to have children, she would have one child, a live birthed dragon horns and all and after that, she would be far too broken and shredded to have others, the elf would bear no young, and the only one she would have would be that of the darkness, callings blood-born child placed in a mortal vessel so it could be brought forth on the world as a mortal with the power of a god.
That child would change everything for darkness and make it so the god could harm the mortals and play on their grounds and once that dragon got big, nothing would be able to harm it.

It has now been 18 years since the baby was born, the child is a teenager and has started to make its way with its mother and protector to the capital where it is to meet its real blood and gain its throne, and all its true power.

The Dawn of Darkness 5a82e710
Name: Elowyn Tenebris Rose Denure
Nickname: Elo, Elly
Race: Grand Dark Wyvern
Scale Color: Black and Deep Purple

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