The Iron Empires, A DnD and Ark Experience
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Rose Has Thorns Part 4 - The Darker World

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  Rose Has Thorns Part 4 - The Darker World - Page 2 03782e10


Coyote420Last Friday at 9:12 PM
-The hound Yelped and shuddered, and like all the others, vanished with a poof of smoke. The little gnome gasped heavily, lifting a finger and pointing towards the distant shimmer through the trees. "That's..." It was clear these were his final words, the life leaving him in amazing rivulets as he fought for consciousness, his words were asking whispers. "The..." His eyes rolled and his head listed as ye blinked slowly, moving his tongue as if he was thirty. "B.." he stammered, "barrier...." The tiny gnome relaxed, eyes losing focus as its mouth hung open, pallid skin deprived of blood looking papers. Blood was everywhere... In the distance, the sounds of more hounds, far back the way he had come. The elf would know his trail had been found. Should he approach the shining light through the trees, or should he risk another encounter with the minions of darkness?

Onvyr Roric/Onyx DeadlockLast Friday at 9:20 PM
Onvyr already ran over and grabs onto the Gnome and already is running with his shirt being used to hold the bleeding. He hears the last words of him as he decides not a good idea to stick around to find out. He runs directly straight to the shining light that he can see through the tree, and of course he gets a sense as he turned to look, seeing his two eagles have found him and moves to fly forward ahead of him which only makes him push himself harder to sprint faster, throwing the gnome over his shoulder as he keeps running till he can see the light, he burst through the light of the woods as he can see the temples now, he continue to run through as he needed to make sure this gnome lives or at least be buried properly when if he has died completely.

Griggs and Party Journey to the North

"I won't do it simply because I love life." Griggs was scolding his axe, and the axe's argument came in some flashing glows from the handle. Griggs wrenched the axe of his back, sinking into a tree. "There, you gotta hit something. Look, it's a tree, tell me all the bad things the tree has done wrong according to your precious laws." He was scolding the axe, hitting the tree repeatedly as the axe's handle glowed. "Oh threats now is it?" Griggs slammed the axe into the tree again and the tree shifted. "Your glorious vendetta, punishing this tree for refusing to keep green leaves, which is the law of trees, axe. See you just enforce law, you don't ask why the law was broken." He hit the tree again with the axe and the tree teetered, tipped, and fell into the undergrowth with a roar. "Now look what you've done." Griggs laughed and the handles glow finally stopped. "Now keep your mouth shut or I'll keep finding law breakers... Those rocks over there probably haven't rolled properly." He threatened the axe. Still there was no response, and Griggs grunted in approval, put the axe one his back, and built a fire under a cleft in a creek bed. Once it was burning brightly he pulled out some of his tack, sat with his back to the rocks, and opened a canteen of mead to enjoy some rest and a meal. His mind drifted towards the peculiar problem of justice and the law, and where honor rested in all of that. Genuine headache material, the lot of it. Resigned to this form of medatative, trancelike fire watching, Griggs allowed himself to zone out a little after whistling. The whistle summoned a raven, and Griggs gave it a wee bit of tack before sending it out in a winged scouting mission, before resuming his thoughts.-

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/29/2019
"Ey!" She yelled, jumping out of the way of the tumbling tree, at the hand of the angry nord. "DA FECK YOU ON ABOUT?" Eira scolded, over the roar of the tree but she was sure it was drowned out by the sound, flinching and ducking when it finally hit the ground with the rumble of its weight against the planet. She didn't know what the heck his problem was, but in her experience fighting with an axe never ended without blood. She didn't exactly want to die in a forest, squashed by a tree either. She shouldered her way through the underbrush around it, but by the time she had even gone around the large berth, and picked a new path, the viking had disappeared again. Exasperated, she followed him, falling back into brooding silence. The entire time, her thoughts wandered to a face long since gone from the pages of her history, but whose presence was still sought. The face was so similar to that of this man, it was almost insulting to be entirely honest. What if it wasn't him? She found him once more down by a creek bed, only exposed by the glow of his fire, with the flapping of a crow that was taking off, and moved till she was standing over the Clift that he had sequestered himself into "You'd off and leave a north born kin like that?" She spoke into the darkness, standing at the top of the cleft he sat under. She waited a moment for movement before hopping down into the area of the firelight,,with the clank of her armor and weapons.

Ingavor then ran toward them, noticing the flickering light in the distance. "Hey!" He yelled out after the two figures just as Griggs sat down. "Griggs." Ingy said slowly as he used Shadow step (1 of 3) to vanish, then appear next to Griggs, in the shadows of the near by trees. Ingavor bowed his head while he looked to Eira, whom seemed to be scolding Griggs. "I'm sorry to be rude and interupt the two of you and your-..." He then looked toward Griggs. "Conversation-...but-...I can help." he then grabbed the sides of Griggs's head without warning, causing both of their eyes to turn milk white for a few moments.
"YOU REMEMBER EVERYTHING!" He shouted, as the winds around them picked up, causing the waves in the creek bed to form. He then felt a surge of energy course through his body once he had full contact with the viking, as if his strength was embuing the mystic with more strength than he had ever hoped to have. His mana grew, as did his vitality, yet at the same time, Griggs was going through a boost of his own. He saw all the memories that he had lost flash through his head at breakneck speed, yet he was able to take in every detail, as if he was there. He was there. Ingavor's nose began to bleed slightly as he gave a shout, causing all the pine needles on the trees to drop to the ground all at once, as pure, raw power coursed through the two of them. They were giving each other new found strengths that they never thought possible. Griggs then would see his wife, in all her glory. The wedding. The battles. The shipwreck. Everything came flooding back. The leviathian came bursting from the ocean and capsized the ship with ease, injuring the poor man. Ingavor, then without warning, pulled away from Griggs, causing their eyes to turn normal. The steward breathed hard, wiping the blood from his nose. (Fate Weaver used. Ingavor is Level 20. Griggs is now level 20 due to donation. He now loses Amnesia). He looked toward Eira and smirked as he let out a large breath. "That's...(Breath).....your....(Breath)...wife." He then fell over with a thud into the dirt.

-Griggs remained motionless, his eyes starting straight ahead. During the fateweaver cast on him his visage had gone from the foolish, forgetful Griggs, to something colder, harder, harsher. It was with just such a brooding glarethat he stared straight forward, looking at neither Eira or Ingavor. A second of thought, shattered by the sound of Ingavor falling to the ground. His eyes flashed and his hand reached up, pulling free the sword of burning, which was tossed to Eira. (Griggs loses Sword of Burning, Mastercraft Critical 19–20/×2  Damage is 2d6+5 burning) Eira gains it) They could make up later, there was work to be done. "Comere woman, let's get his armor off and set him up to the fire." Lifting Ingavor Griggs simply unfastened the man's armor, then propped him up against a rock and pulled off the bearskin he wore as a bedroll and rolled the man into it. Making sure Ingavor was comfortable, Grigge took off his own armor, and laid it beside the man "I doubt you healed me just to see me perish." He spoke to Ingavor. Donning the Heavy Ebony Armor himself he glanced at Eira, flashing a smile that spoke of raiding, pillaging, and a joy in the life. (Griggs gains Inavor's +10 AC Heavy Ebony Armor-cheshires-) They didn't leave Ingavor alone though. While the man rested Griggs walked up to Eira and walked around her, looking her over carefully before he laughed lightly. "Y' knae me woman." He continued laughing, standing in front of her. "Yer far too gentle. M' Eira'd be cuffin' by now." Of course he knew it was her, but it had been a long time. Her scolding him from the top of the bank was ignored, and he leaned close, sniffing at her belligerantly. "Who are ye then?"

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/29/2019
The brush rustled and the heavy clodding of a man running alerted Eira to something amiss, and she stepped back with her axe in hand. The scolding stopped abruptly, and Eira waited leerily. A man burst out of the thicket, one she didn't know but who apparently knew the north born male. He said his name, and Eira's mind reeled. 'Griggs. Farion Griggs. It is him.' She murmured caught off guard and in a mental tailspin. She hadn't actually thought about what her reaction would be if she ever did find the man who had wed her, bed her, and then left her so many years ago. In the meantime the man who had chased them down had his hands on Griggs and some weird thing happened with their eyes. Eira wasn't sure. She was just in shock, and when the man at last released Griggs and stated that Eira was Grigg' s wife before falling over, Eira narrowed her gaze on him, and then glanced up to see a much more... normal... looking Griggs. The expression she remembered much more, of the brazen berserker that riddled her memories. The Recognition painted her visage, even as he tossed her a sword. Which fell by her feet, but she bent to pick it up, inspecting it before she sheet he'd it on her belt. She didn't say a word while Griggs traded armor and wrapped the man in his bearskin, but anger rolled off of her like a storm and her glacial blue eyes were dripping in scorn. To add insult to injury, Griggs taunted her once he was done, and Eira watched him, jaw set and teeth gritting against themselves. Her hands clenched into fists, and she growled before at last lashing out at him.
"Ye fobbing pillock!" She reached and grabbed onto Griggs beard and yanked him closer, boring those torrential depths into his in dangerously close proximity. "Ye leave fer thirteen years and 'Ave tae gall tae say I ain't ya woman!?" Her hand flew back and she brought it around, smacking his face hard. "Ye off an' leave an' dun come back, an t'ink ye kin talk at me like Dat? Aft'a I been all o'er da feckin world lookin' fer ye." She growled, shoving him backwards with all of the weight in her person. "Yer nuthin but a bellowin' grubby pignut" She spat at the ground at his feet and stepped over the passed out Ingavor to haul a clenched fist at him. "Would'na be surprised if'n yer seed won't spread ov'r tae whole o' Valeria while yer WIFE bellyaches fer ya return!"

Griggs grinned into the estrogen tyrade. His blues narrowed in a silent challenge, then flew wide when she grabbed his beard. 'Wop!' her slap reeled his head back and he backed up when shoved, but she was in pursuit. Her fist connected and his back hit the rocks, and slowly his shoulders started shaking in laughter. "I've missed yer gentle touch, woman." He was smiling broadly and when she pushed forward he wrapped her in a crushing embrace. "There was an accident." That was all the answer he gave her. And when he released her he rested his forhead against hers. "Leviathon.... War.... Strange gods." He didn't say much else, but jutted his head towards Ingavor. "The wee southman helped me remember, somehow." He looked around at all the fallen trees before returning his gaze to her eyes. "How long has it been, anyways?" The memories hadn't come with a time line, but the way Eira was talking it had been quite a while. He didn't respond to the accusations of his seed spreading. Even with inabors help he couldn't rememeber any of that. "Let me look at you.x grabbing her shoulders he held her at arm's length and searched her face, intently studying her features before he palmed her face, grinning, and shoved her back, only to move forward with her momentum and grab her chest plate with two fingers to stop her from staggering back too far. "I expect your search is over then, my Eira." Flashing her a wide smile he itched his chin where she had pulled her beard, then gestured towards Ingavor. "We're going back home." He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth where she had punched him, using the back of his hand. "But I cannot leave the little bastard like that."

Ingavor was floating endlessly in the black void, just travelling through the nothingness. He stared into the abyss of blackness, and it stared back, with it's cold, unmoving gaze. Why was he constently trying to help those whom he didn't know deserved it. Everytime he exerted himself, he was here, floating. Everytime. He thought of Griggs and his adventure. How could someone just lose 13 years of his life like that, and be totally fine with it, as if he didn't lose a thing? Yet, somthing, while he was in mid thought, started to form from the darkness. It was a shadow, in the shape of a man. "You are nothing." It spoke, with 100 different voices and tones behind it. "You try so hard to help people, and yet you can't even help yourself. Even now, as you lay in the dirt, the ones you try so hard to protect are leaving you behind. The ones you exhaust yourself for steal from you. The ones you love will get you killed." Ingavor stared the being down, and was about to say something until he was pulled from the void, where he shot awake back into reality. Rising from the bear skin, he felt confined. Ingavor grunted to himself, trying to break free. His aura rose high, which caused blue like mist to surround his body.
Winds ensued as Ingavor's aura started to unwrap the bear skin from around his body, while Ingavor floated onto his feet, using his telekensis. Once his feet touched the ground, he looked over just in time to see Eira get pulled into an embrace by Griggs. He crossed his arms, and smiled, before looking down and noticing that his armor was now not on his body, but instead, bits and pieces of it were on Griggs. Instantly, Ingavor's anger rose. "Give. It. Back." He said in righteous anger, as the blue mist danced and flickered around his form, like he was in the middle of a giant fire pit. Griggs would see this 5'11 tall man burst with power as he spotted the armor on his body. "I don't want to hurt anyone. But that armor is the only thing I have left of my father." He narrowed his eyes. "We can trade." He said, not liking violence. After stomping that man's head in, he wanted to avoid as much blood as he could. Not because he didn't trust his ability to destroy the both of these vikings, but because it was wrong. They were doing what was in their nature. Steal, pillage, survive. Ingavor tried his best to understand, but Griggs, now being smarter, especially with the Axe, would see the sentemental value of the armor to Ingavor. "Just-..." He took out his mythril sword from his side. "Take this powerful sword, and give me my father's armor. It's literally-...the only thing I have of his." He furrowed his brow as balls of fire exploded in his hands with the sword in his right hand. "Or-...we can do this the hard way Griggs. I am just trying to help you, and I'd appreciate getting to walk away with damn near everything I came over here with."(edited)

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/29/2019
The laughter peeled from him, and it diffused her tirade almost entirely when she realized that he was messing with her. "Ye deserve more o' Dat so call' gentleness!" She protested stomping angrily, not at all feeling bad for letting him have it and when he wrapped her in his crushing embrace she resisted at first, but then fell into it with all the decade of longing one of her nature could have. Her forehead met his briefly, and she searched his eyes as though looking for the anchor of time. "An ye jus took his armor." She laughed, and gave a shrug, hand falling to the hilt of the sword he had handed her upon remembrance. "It been thirteen year, Farion." She muttered. "I dinae know if ye were dead, er if ye jus gave up on yer wife." She had been abandoned, she thought. His hand touched her face and she turned into the caress only to be face-palmed backwards. Her head went first and then her feet, stumbling back 'Oof' she muttered, pausing mid stumble at the tug on her armor by Griggs. Home was something she would have to re-learn. She had been gone for so long from it herself, that she didn't know how to stay in one place for longer than it was useful for her to do so. And yet she longed for the simplicity of something like that. Maybe with Griggs is would be different.
Only time would tell. She glanced back at Ingavor, the puny southman, and back to Griggs with a shrug. "He yer friend, or foe?" She asked, already knowing the answer. But before he could answer, a blue mist rose from around him and she startled backwards. "Da feck is Dat??" She asked, eyes painted in surprise. He had somehow levitated from the coverings, and now stood arms crossed, and he was angry. Eira choked on a condescending laugh. He reminded her much of her nephew Siggurd, with his arms crossed over like that, making demands to a Viking. Siggurd had been left behind in Stovania, and Eira wasn't even sure Griggs knew who he was. She stepped to the side, eyeing the little southie warily, despite the offer of trade, and the burst of fire in his palm. Her eyes widened momentarily and then narrowed. Whatever Griggs decided to do, she'd follow suit.

"Easy guard puncher." Griggs stepped forward until he was right in front of Ingavor glaring at the little man in Ernest efforts to descipher his intentions before he looked at the sword. He loosed a small huff, then took the sword, waved it around a couple times, and gave a nod of approval. "Acceptable." He said, sheathing the weapon. He took the armor off, piece by piece, and handed the pieces over as they were removed, only to pick his own armor back up and fasten it to his form, talking as he did. "I am returning to my Homeland." The click of a buckle sounded, and he glance at Ingavor. "You will always have a friend with Fairon and Eira Griggs, but I mean what I said when I told you to leave your war behind you if ever you come to Galandor. We've no wish to tangle with any gods." Stooping he grabbed up the bearskin and spun it over his shoulder, fastening it again to the chest peice he was wearing. Finished with the trade, he rested his hand on the man's shoulder, and Ingavor would receive visions of the laws of Grigg's Homeland, of the people there. "You have in that group people clinging to each other, who endanger each other. My axe however prejudice, is not entirely wrong. You all endanger yourselves. Be careful." He then turned and headed north. Eira would follow he was sure. "Wind and steel, southman." We're Griggs last words, a Marauder's blessing, but a blessing all the same.

Ingavor instantly dropped his guard, as Griggs took the sword from him. In all honesty, Ingavor wasn't of much use with it. He was more of a scythe weilder and magic user anyhow. As the pieces were handed back to him, he started to fasten them back into place, but noticed that because of Griggs's huge nature, he snapped some of the joints ands clips of his armor plates. Ingavor, looking as the man started speaking, ignored this as he used the smallest amount of aura to keep the armor in place. (AC lowered from 40 to 30 due to Griggs's breaking certain pieces) "Oh thank the gods. I too treasure your friendship, Griggs." He bowed his head. Ingavor may have been small compared to the vikings, but he was indeed a lot more powerful than they were magic wise, and knew that the fight would have taken one of their lives. Griggs was a power house, and with his sheild maiden trying to help him fight, Ingavor would have had to resort to using ranged magic, which wouldn't have boaded well for the vikings. Either way, Ingavor would have died, and left his friends behind, or he would have killed a friend, and never would have been able to get a good night's sleep for the rest of his life. He was glad it didn't come down to that. "You both stay safe-..." He said, as his mist fell, while he eyed the viking woman. "Keep him from forgetting who he is." Griggs then spoke of Ingavor always being able to go to Galandor to seek them out. He noted that. "Thank you Griggs-.."
Then he placed a hand on Ingavor's shoulder, giving him all the laws and views. Jeff, may have broken a law reguarding Galandor kings, but it seemed the Axe, and Griggs didn't take into account that Jefferic was not acting king at all, and was written out of the line for the crown by the acting ruler of the Iron at the time. Anaya. He didn't say this however, as he knew Griggs and Eira both meant well, and only wanted to uphold truth. Griggs, by following the law, was only doing what was right by his heart. Jeff, by saving all he could, and fighting to keep them alive, was doing the same. Two men. Two different perspectives. Both good in soul. Both good in nature. Ingavor, as Griggs took his hand away, and said his final goodbye, gave a nod, fully understanding Griggs's points of view and his wants. He was going to survive in HIS homeland with HIS wife, and try to live the life he had lost. Ingavor respected that, and knew that in a way, Griggs was fighting his own war with Caliga. He thought that if he stood far from her path, she would leave him and his people alone. He was wrong. She wanted everyone to conform to her desires. Even if Griggs wanted nothing to do with the war of the gods, he was already fighting it. The entire planet was. Ingavor wanted to make him understand that, but he knew that he could never. So, he simply watched the two leave toward their home, while he turned the opposite direction, and walked back toward the camp, with only one stray sword missing from his belt.
(Ingavor has returned to Sam's back, and enters the Temple first, to do recon)(edited)

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/29/2019
The men exchanged words and weapons, and Eira stomped out the small fire that Griggs had built when he first stopped in this particular creek bed. She turned ash and dirt over the embers with her boot so that the glow was quelched, and all that remained was the tendril of smoke that rose from the obvious charred burn spot in the ground and peices of blackened wood. After Ingavor left, seemingly happy with the exchange, she glanced after Griggs who stalked off through the forest once more, no warning, no words, no gestures. She grumbled. "Aft'a so many years ye still 'avn learnt!" She rolled her eyes and picked up a stick that was nearby the small creek bed fire. She lobbed it at Griggs to get his attention, if it hit him it was only aimed at his shoulder, otherwise it would fall short and hit the ground. "Gon' raise tae daughters tae never foller a man." She jutted out her chin indignantly, "D'ey leave ye, even after ye find em." She of course did make her way after him, and if he looked back at her he'd see that she was struggling to keep a straight face.

-The stick struck him and he turned, raising a brow at Eira and waiting for her to catch up. Once she did he continued walking, muttering good-naturedly. "What, you wanna stay?" He laughed and shook his head. "Dinnuh ye just scold me for staying so long? Forgive a man for tryin' to make things right as quickly as possible." The was no warning, but he shouldered her towards a brush thicket and started running. The creek bed ran north and south and was dry for whatever reason, so it made traveling through the wood much easier than walking through the brush may have been. This creek was either seasonal or simply dried out due to the disastrous condition of the land. Fairon's strides carried him over boulders and he kept across any shape gaps, but because of the heat, and his less than toned belly, he soon tired after only a mile, and slowed back down to a walk.- "yeah, I've decided I'm not in a feggin hurry." He confessed, heaving for air as he turned his beet red face towards his wife. "I can't wait to feel the breath of Mora again."

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/29/2019
"No I didn't wanna stay." She muttered, "Ye forgo——" his shoulder collided with the side of her body and the momentum threw her into the bush alongside the creek bed they were walking through. She heaved, the air knocked out of her as she landed and rolled through dead and dying leaves and the moist mud. "Ye antiquited blob!" She spat, rolling to her knees and then righted herself. A string of curses could be heard as he ran from the scene, and she just walked, plucking out leaves and twigs from her golden knots, and from her clothing. She wiped her face, smearing the dirt that had attached itself to her cheek. After several minutes she caught up to him sucking air at a walk and she laughed, shaking her head. "Save yer energy for romping. Mora will be a welcome change, these lands 'Ave done nothing but take. Lost me, nephew, lost me pillagin' opportunity. Lost me pride due to a prince wit'a hero complex." She shook her head. "Should'a been in Valhalla. Guess it's good I ain't."

"Look at you, whole list of your own adventures." He grinned and then told her about meeting the giant sea serpent, the amnesia, and the insane axe he carried. He showed he the axe, and it's and let flared repeatedly. "You're guilty, axe says so. "Broke fielty, for fielty." He chuckled and put the axe back.- "I don't listen to the axe anymore though." He explained. What little sun their had been was quickly fading, and while they had made just over a mile of distance between themselves and the insane collage of rebels he had the great misfortune to meet, it was as good a place as any to stop. Taking off one of the mead-filled canteens he gave it to her, the took the other and popped the top, ingesting a generous portion himself. "Shall we travel all night? It's cooler but probably more dangerous. There's a well-lit town a ways ahead of us." He laughed, but ruefully as he recorked the canteen and looked towards Eira. "Daylight is a bit safer but much hotter."

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/29/2019
Griggs showed her the axe, and she listened to his stories, cataloging the details like her own historical recounting of the years she had missed out on. When the axe flickered, Eira narrowed her eyes on it and glanced up at Griggs with a smirk. "Guess you'll have to kill me then. Law dun bothers with details." they had not been walking long, but both of them had been bombarded with more than their fair share of crazy in one day, that rest was an inevitable and necessary piece to their success if they were going to make it to Galandor. She knew enough of the southern portions by now that the dangers that lurked in the night weren't something they wanted to encounter without the strength to defeat them. Taking the offered canteen from Griggs, she guzzled a few gulps before handing it back to him. "I haven't eaten all day." She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and glanced down at the bandage on her leg. She hadn't felt the pain of the injury enough to hobble so she assumed it was healing fine. "Dangers I'm not worried about, but I'm going to make a fire here and eat, then sleep. If you'd like to stay you can. We can reach the town tomorrow, and maybe stock up on supplies while the shops are open." Her shoulders rolled in a shrug.

-He refused the canteen, it was hers to keep. Swinging his pack off his shoulder he handed her one of the wraps of tack. Dried fruits and meats, shredded and packed together, made for great traveling food that was both palatable and nonperishing. Taking off his shield and the two hand axes he set these down before beginning to kick a pile of dried leaves together while his hands began snapping the very ends off a fallen tree's branches. The fire wasn't long in starting, and after eating and some catching up with Eir, Fairon was snoring, wrapped in his bearskin and leaning against a rotten stump.

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/29/2019
The canteen wasn't received by Griggs and Eira's brow furrowed slightly before she shrugged and took it for herself. The Mead was a welcome and warmly received change from the water that she had been drinking for the last several weeks of traveling, and she took another swig before recorking the canteen. Dropping it to the ground, she took the offered wrap of tack from Griggs as well and dropped her ax, swords, and shield in a pile besides Griggs own pile. Eira gathered their bearskins and laid them out while Farion started the fire and she sat up a long while after he had fallen asleep. They had eaten together and talked long into the night. It had been so long since she had seen him, she wasn't really even sure it wasn't a dream. She didn't want to sleep, for fear that she would wake and he would be gone again. She didn't touch him either just in case he was just a figment of her imagination and would disappear if she made herself aware of it. She didn't know how to be a married woman. Thirteen years alone had changed the way she carried herself. But she couldn't resist the call of exhaustion forever and was soon sleeping on the ground wrapped in her own bearskin, by his leg, her feet close to the embers of the flames. The night brought many noises, the wildlife only staying at bay because of the flames that Eira fed every time she felt the chill of the night in her feet. ———the next morning——— A mouse scurried over her arm, chattering in her ear and Eira jerked away from the tickling. Rolling over with a groggy moan, she didn't even open her eyes, and pulled the bearskin tighter around herself, dipping her head into the hide so all that was seen as a long log of brown fur. The fire had died out, the tendril of smoldered smoke spiraling into the sky. The moon had slipped out of the heavens, the stars with it, and all that remained was the faint glow of daylight against the darkened existence of this sunless world.

-Griggs was sitting on a nearby Boulder facing the rising sun, the black ax leaned up against a nearby rock. He was contemplating the glorious power of the gods, baffled by their wars. Whichever of them won made no difference to Griggs, and even though he was entirely out of context, he didn't imagine himself important enough to be any of their concern. Whichever god wanted to rule should kill the others, and do so. What cryptic understanding there were of a life outside of this one were beyond his intention and concern. He had such thoughts for about a half hour, before deciding that here and now he would just do what he saw as right and just. This, a most dangerous platform on which any man could stand, would be the best that he could do. After all, who was there to trust? His mind wandered back to the Galandor Wolves, how and if they would or could accept such news. He was contemplating how he would pitch it to them when the caliga hound lept out at him. Griggs caught it by the throat and let it wryth in his grasp a moment before he tossed it into the brush where it immediately started making a horrible racket that was sure to wake Eira. He turned and glanced at the woman. Perhaps Galandor could escape this war by simply minding their own business. The racket died down the further the creature got away and Fairon shouldered his gear, burdening hi self again with all the weapons. "Morn." He greeted Eira whenever she looked his way. Taking a smooth chunk of river rock he honed the edge of the mithril sword, gently and carefully abying it's cutting edge into a clean angle before he stood and stretched.- "Let's skip the town, see if we can't get to snow before the week is out."



{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/29/2019
Eira crouched low in the brush while a hand clutched her axe close at the ready. Her hands were black and crusted, caked in the blood of her nephew, and just on the other side of the bush was a caliga hound with soul peircing eyes that stared her down. It's snarling maw opened, and it spoke to her in a language she had never heard before but understood clearly. "He's with us" it hissed, the black tar like flesh rippled over the muscles that tensed in its shoulder. "Come join him, you know you should have stayed. You know you should have fought for him. You abandoned your kin a long time ago. Prove to us you don't actually break your own laws." It spoke, it's tone low and conniving. Eira watched, her heart racing at the sheer size and proximity of the beast, but she didn't move. "Come and take me." She beckoned, holding out her axe hand from her body, she opened herself to attack and the Calgia hound lounged.....
------- Eira woke with a start, shooting straight up from her bearskin furs as the pained, soul hungry howl of a Caliga hound pierced her ears and slowly retreated from earshot. She spun around in her furs, lounging to her feet drenched in the sweat of her dream, but there was nothing to fight. Only Fairon, and the fire, and the steady slide of his new sword against the wetted edge of a river rock. Her breath steadied when she realized she wasn't actually in eminent danger, and she held up her hands. Clean. They raked down her sleep swollen face, and she cleared her throat while adjusting her clothing. "Morn...." She returned. Her voice came out husky and not yet attuned to talk for the day, it still held onto the sleepy edges of rest. "Yeah. We'd make good time I think. It's just the two of us." Eira agreed, rummaging through her pile of stuff. She opened her pack and pulled out two wrapped chunks of meat, and the canteen of Mead that Fairon had given to her the night before. Making her way over to him, she sat beside him and offered one of the chunks, and the canteen.

He took the food, biting into it after wetting his throat with the contents of the canteen. Breakfast was short, a heavy meal before travel was in poor form, a d they had opted for daytime travel. The cool of the night had been envigoraring and Griggs was soon on his feet. "Let's get." Was all he said, and turning he marched northward as his raven swooped down and landed on his shoulder. It got a crunv of meat for it's loyalty, and ha nothing alarming to report. "Don't kill the dogs, we're not part of this war." He glanced at Eira, flashing a smile. It wasn't ling before the plume of smoke that was the iron flying away came into view, and wasn't much longer before it was behind them. "We need to report in to the Wolves." He said musingly. "I'm not sure exactly what I will tell them, or that I can convince them. But I'll do my duty by them, then maybe we can return home, or buy a boat and leave the land, depending on how they answer." He had gotten some tack from his pack, Eira had her leftovers from the night prior, and Fairon ate as he walked, brooding.

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/29/2019
Whatever food was left over was stuffed back into her pack, after she had eaten her fill along with the canteen, and she shouldered it before packing on her axe, shield, and swords on her person. The weight of it was distributed across her form in a way that after years of carrying it, she felt light and naked without it all. A raven swooped down to his shoulder and she eyed it curiously. "Easier said than done." She snarked back at Fairon's comment on not killing the caliga hounds. "If they try to kill me, they're going to get killed." She shrugged. "Self defense." She flashed him a sideways glance and smirked. Things were fairly silent most of the journey besides the occasional comment about tracks, and smells, and sounds. They passed Iron, and Eira nodded in agreement about informing the Galandor wolves about what they had witnessed. Though Griggs knew more than she did about the true state of the country and their war with a god. "When did the affairs of men concern the gods?" she asked at last. They came from a place where there was no contact with their respective deities, and the fact that the southern half of the world seemed in cahoots with one was more than she really wanted to comprehend."Whatever we do... I need to know who me husband is again" She murmured quietly to herself more than anything. Journeying with him would provide much of that, no doubt. Eira wasn't hungry as Fairon pulled out tack and chewed as he walked. The heat was more than enough to keep her feeling full for quite some time.

More hounds had come, but they left when shouted at. It was getting towards sunset again when Fairon proposed they travel through the night as well. His reason? The cool of night was easier to travel in than daytime was. They had stopped at a place where water was sitting through moss, seeming to come from an underground spring. Fairon had tested it by smell first, then taste, then he let a mouthful sit in his mouth. When there were no adverse effects he drank a little of it, and he was dousing his head in the pool it creates the water was cooler than the air, an improvement. Mead was drank, until the canteen was empty and Fairon filled his canteen with the water. "When's the last time you were home?" Blue eyes watched Eira as he asked this. He found it strange that she had hunted him down. He, like Eira, faulted himself for his absence, but his mission had been one of duty to the Galandor wolves, thirteen years ago. By now the entire hierarchy may have changed, by now there may be nobody left who recognized him. All of these things would create pivot points in his mind. He wasn't fatigued, but he was stiff from walking for far, and leaning against a boulder he waited on her travel verdicts.

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/29/2019
The wildlife was alert and moving, steering clear of their path and it served them well in their traveling. Caliga hounds were growing scarce the further north they went, and by sunfall the temperature had dropped considerably. It was actually comfortable. Not as sweltering, even without the sun to warm the planet. Eira considered his proposal to continue but had given him no answer yet when they happened upon a swamp land of moss and spring water. Moss was a natural water purifier, and she bent toward it, ru Ning her fingers along the cool edge of the grassy strands. She waited curiously for Griggs to test it out. Had it been just her, she'd have done the same but both of them didn't need to die doing thd same thing. After Griggs nodded approvingly, she sighed in relief and grabbed her canteen. It was nearly empty, the last few drops guzzled down before she filled it with the contents of the small pool. Griggs asked her a question and she glanced up at him briefly, pulling her eyes away from him just as fast as she had sought them out. Clearing her throat, she pulled out her other two canteens, emptying the stale water from it onto the ground before she filled these as well and corked them. "Few months ago..." She murmured after some time. "I go back every few months with the wealth I've pillaged, to help Ma, and Siggu— just Ma now." She finished, her voice dropping off morosely. Returning the canteens full and sloshing back into the pack, she cupped her hands in the pool and splashed her face with the cold refreshment before she continued."Kept to meself fer da most part." She was hunched on her heels at the edge of the pool and rose as she shouldered her pack once more, now heavy with the additional pounds of fresh water. "Not a lots changed in the villages. I dunnae about any o' tae governing powers. All I hear is rumors but they mean nothing to me." She glanced at him curiously and then jutted her chin in the northern direction "Let's keep going."

His brows pricked curiously as she almost said someone's name and then checked herself. He pushed it out of his mind with a shrug and walked beside her. She'd say something if she ever wanted to, it wasn't that he didn't care, it was just that he wasn't curious enough to contemplate an excuse for prying the information from her. "How's yer Ma?" He asked, cringing slightly as he remembered an incident involving a skillet. He didn't reach for the scar under his hair though. Thanks memory faded, fought of by other, better memories and he grinned at the thoughts of home. It was getting darker and darker, Fairon focussed a little more on foot placements, which took his attention off surroundings.-

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/29/2019
Eira's sister had been on the cusp of birthing Siggurd. He was born to a night with no moon, just days after Fairon and several other men in the village had left to do the Wolves bidding all those years ago and she wasn't sure if Griggs remembered or not. She wouldn't blame him if he didn't. It was ironic to her that they had fought wolves just before the dragon had landed at the temple. Had even taken from them for their own survival, and now they were returning to Galandor where the metaphorical Wolves were prevelant and ruling. Eira didn't know if they'd be fighting those Wolves too, at the news they would receive. "Eh, last I left her she was strugglin truth be told. I should have stayed then. Age comes fast, and for a woman on her own..." Eira glanced at Griggs, before rutning her gaze to her shuffling feet. "I dunno if she'll be alive when we return." Eira wasn't worried about the woman being cared for. The village was tightly knit and her mother had earned her place among the respected elders. She was worried that her mother would feel abandoned in her last days, like Siggurd did. The dream she had only confirmed what she knew to be true and she fought against those thoughts, turning them instead to the Galandor wolves and to the war that was going on in the south even as they traversed the landscape. She thought of home, and the creature comforts of tribe, and what that even meant. Glancing at Griggs, she flashed a smile. "Tell me more about your excursions. I want to know what Fairon Griggs was like in the absence of his wife." She winked playfully, and fell into stride.

This is where Fairon wasn't sure how to answer. "Oh, I imagine I was busy." He scratched his beard and continued walking. "I like to think I had a good reason." Had it really been thirteen years since that wreck? His eyes narrowed and he couldn't even believe it. He said nothing about traveling only in the mountains for so long. He didn't mention the years of research he had done on these gods and their history. (Guess I'll use it for giving Griggs something?) "What I can say is we want no part of what is happening down here. I'm not the brightest torch on the wall, but to me fighting the gods, a god, any god by definition is a mind blowing hopelessness." Here he paused and glanced at Eira. Rolling his shoulder in a shrug he looked back down and continued moving through the dark. "Unlike back home, according to the historian, these gods show up." The rueful chuckle that escaped him did nothing to make it seem like he thought this was a good thing. He didn't know what else to say and just kept walking. Sure, there was more to share, but the more he thought about it the less justified disappearing seemed.

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/29/2019
Iron was so far behind them, Eira wasn't sure where they were now, but hearing Fairon retell parts of his story, she wondered how it was that she had never crossed paths with him sooner. In any case, the temperature continued to drop and that told Eira that they were at least headed in the right direction. "I'd want no part of the southern half of this world even if they didn't have a war. They're only good for wealth, but even that is getting harder to find." Eira walked her head upturned in thoughtful reflection as she watched the stars and the moon against the night sky. The thought of the gods coming down from their high places and mingling with the likes of mortals was beyond her. She didn't understand it at all and her face twisted confusingly on the matter. "What could humans have that they want?" The thought that humans could even be a thought on the pendulum of the gods was mind blowing, but before she could make any further comments, her foot caught a tree root and she flipped forward, falling on her face.

He responded with a nod to wealth being harder to find. They hadn't passed a single farm, or even a village. Raiding would be useless here for a total lack of people. He was watching his own feet when Eira fell right after asking a question, and when she did fall, he moved and sat next to her. "Good idea" his hand thumped into her armor on her back. "Good place to rest." Fishing into his back pack he pulled out the dress found at the castle, and whenever she looked up from her fall he would be dangling it in front of her. "I think someone wears this like clothing." He laughed. "To me it looked like it was worth something." He twisted the golden chain so the moonlight caught the facets of gems, glinting. He offered it to her, figuring she'd want to touch it anyways.

April 30, 2019
{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/30/2019
She groaned, laying there for several long moments, so when Griggs slapped her armor and commented about it being a good place to stop she peeled her face from the ground and turned to look at him. "Good a place as any" she cleared her throat, completely brushing it off and rolled to her back. Or, as much as the gear on her back allowed her to. He pulled out some long bit of conveluted gold chains, and her eyes widened. "That would fit on me big toe!" she exclaimed toward the dress, taking it from Fairon as he offered it, to get a good look at it herself. "it has gold, it hastae be worth somethin" shrugging she handed it back to him and stared up at the sky a moment. "Maybe we can melt it down into something useful."

He sat the morning away while Eira slept, possibly two hours of contemplation, but still no new answers came to him. With a sigh, he too retired. He didn't wake again until nightfall, and Rose, moving to some trees to releive himself before returning to camp and kicking at Eira's feet. Ahead of them were the border ranges dividing Valeria. This would be their fourth day of travel, and so far they had no real trouble. They might even make it. They had started no fire, and Fairon opened one pack of tack, handing the other to Eira. He was out of food after this. In the morning they would have to hunt. "Should we go home, or speak to the wolves, first?" He asked his wife, talking with his mouth full and shoving more of the dried meats and fruits into his maw right after speaking.-

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/30/2019
Sleep had been sweet, her body tired and sore from travel and sleeping on the ground, but it wasn't any worse than she was already accustomed to. They had been going hard, covering ground quickly and she had caught glimpses Of the mountains in the distance. They were getting close to home. She woke groggily, Fairon's feet smacking hers and she growled at him moodily before rising. She didn't hurry, and sat in the midst of her bear fur, with the pack of tack he handed her. She ate from the contents slowly, chewing and swallowing thoughtfully to his question. Eira really didn't understand the war, or what was going on. "Fairon, I don't know. What is higher priority? If we go to the village, we may be there a while, just getting things settled." She watched him eat, searching for any clue as to what he was leaning toward. Aside from her mother, she had no ties anywhere. "Home isn't a place anyhow, Fairon. It's a person" She said in passing. "You know that as much as anyone. Once past the mouth o' Mora, anywhere we go would be home..." She paused and awkwardly shifted before flahsing him an amused grin " it's home As long as we're together."

-Griggs grinned at her words and said nothing, simply have his racen a piece of tack and sent it out scouting. The bird would tell him if anything was close. He ate more himself, washing it down with the spring water before he turned and looked at Eira. "I have not been to Galandor in years." He said flattly. "What if I get there and the war is already there? If it is, home has to b priority, we'll get your mother and head to my arenrs stead in the woods near the root. If the war isn't there yet, I need to speak to the Galandor Wolves." It was a useless feeling, having been gone so long after being sent on a simple scouting mission. Why had Leviathon stopped them? Could it be that the god of the see wanted to keep the north to himself? Fairon couldn't know what gods wanted, he had yet to speak to any of them. Wait, that wasn't entirely true. The beast that had sunk their ship had been speaking, but it's voice was hard to understand, and of course the northmen hadn't backed down. His brow furrowed and he grabbed his gear. "Let's just keep moving." He said, taking a couple steps. He stopped and looked back at the beauty on the bearskin. "It's hard to know what to do when I don't know what I'm getting into."

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/30/2019
The stars and moon once more made their presence known in the night, and nodded in acknowledged acceptance of Fairon's words. Sensing the apprehension and uncertainty in his voice and demeanor, she didn't protest when he urged her to continue on, and met his glance with a smile despite the helpless expression of her eyes. She had her bearskins slung over her shoulders again, and re packed her weaponry and backpack once more. The entire process took only a few moments now, with practiced skill and efficiency, and before long she had joined him. The raven was a new addition, and Eira wondered what it took to call her own. "How do I do that?" She asked once, after the raven took some tack and chortled on Grigg's shoulder before taking off with a squawk again.

The sounds of Gnashing and stomping came out of the blue, while trees began to fall in the direction of the two. What was it? Who was it? Those questions had to be put on halt, as a large boulder came flying straight for Griggs. (Please roll for dodge.)

"Just give a whistle, see if one likes you. Maybe hold out some food." He suggested, trudging along beside her. The refreshing cold that the air bore was a constant reminder, however faint, of the driving windstorms of Home. It was windy tonight as well. Oddly, moonlight was nearly as bright as the sunlight these days, who knew, maybe even brighter. Still, under the boughs of what remained of the canopy the creek bed was dark. At least this far north there was water running in it. Mosquitos buzzed lightly, but couldn't penetrate the beard and hair tat protected his neck and face. His shoulders were mostly covered by the bearskin as well, so hum as they like, they went hungry. His Raven called, and Griggs reached for, and retrieved his axe. It's handle glowed, and he asked it to search out dangers before he glanced at his beloved. "Something might be coming." He stopped traveling and moved against the face of the washout, setting his pack to the ground with the two hand axes. A glance urged Eira to prepare herself. Just then, terrible sounds erupted and Griggs looked in the direction it came from just to get pinned under a large, flying Boulder. It knocked the wind out of him, but didn't really hurt, and he found himself stuck. Using the handle o the ace he began leveraging the boulder off himself. "Eira, quick, get this off me, something is coming."

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/30/2019
Eira, following Fairon's advice and glancing at him unbelievably as though to ask if that's really all it took-had a chunk of meat in the palm of an outstretched hand in a matter of a few moments. A shrill whistle sounded from her pursed lips, and she waited. Although walking, she was slowly picking her way behind Fairon, and was delighted when a raven descended from the evening sky to her hand. It perched, taking the meat, and she whooped while flashing a grin at Griggs. "Looket!" She exclaimed, slapping at the buzzing of a mosquito by her cheek. The bird took off scared, but the Grigg's raven hollered, and Eira followed suit to Fairon, grabbing her sword of burning and her shield as he grabbed his axe. She couldn't know what his axe told him, but she knew what he told her and her eyes narrowed on the tree line surrounding them, attuned to the abhorrent sounds that followed. A Boulder slung past her, colliding into Griggs. "Feck!" Eira bounced out of the way only to fly to Fairon's side and help heave the weight of it off of him. "Da feck is out there?!" She muttered, rolling the Boulder off of her husband before she helped him to his feet, and spun around to face whatever was out there in the darkness.

Trees smashed down in front of the two, missing them by inches, while large fur covered feet stomped down toward them with earth shattering "THUMPS" every step. The first thing they would see is a large cleaver, made from what looked to be a sharpened mammoth tusk poking through the darkness. Next, they would see armor, made again from bone, with a demon skull covering it's groin. Wood strapped to it's thighs and pelvis acted as crude covering, as well as large iron sheilds on both of it's knee caps. On it's sides it had two large daggers, which were the side of large longswords to both Griggs and Eira. It was about 13 feet tall, and easily a challenge for the both of them. It growled in anger as it smashed it's fist onto the ground. It smashed "You take sun! Give back!" It screamed, about 45 feet the two, while pointing it's cleaver toward them. "I take back!"

Griggs, free of the boulder, hostered the axe onto his back and Drew the muthril sword, and his shield. "Looks like your mother." He teased, glancing Eira and giving a laugh before walking closer. He had spoken quietly, but now he raised his voice to the behemoth that faced them. "We don't have your sun, Caliga does." He said. "About four days walk south there's a party of people going to go fight her." He pointed south with the sword and looked at the ugly monstrocity. "Caliga is stronger than you alone, where are your people?" He walked closer to the creature, closing the gap to about ten feet and looked up, and getting a glimpse of his eyes, realized the creature didn't give two shots about who was actually at fault. "You remind me of a shit I took the other day. It smelled, looked terrible, and had the audacity of making me look intelligent, which I take offence to." He moved the sheild in front of himself and raised it so it shielded his shoulders and only his helmetted head was viewable. "Them earings you got worth anything?"

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/30/2019
The woods fell around them and Eira prepared herself for the worst atrocity that that she could ever imagine. Anything that could drop trees like toothpicks... Well, they had to be massive. What emerged from the darkness was nothing less than ferocious, yelling something about giving back the sun but she had no idea how to even do that. She jumped behind Griggs, as he approached the troll, and as Griggs insulted the it, backing up with his shield in line with his shoulders, Eira let out a battle cry (Battle cry 1 of 2 used), and hoisted up her Sword of Burning. This thing wasn't going to just run away, but neither were they.

The beast looked at the puny human inching toward him. He brought his free hand up to scratch his head, with a grunt. "Caliga? Am not hungry. Ate Deer. Not hungry for Caliga! You say to many words! Hurt head! Shut up!" He didn't understand anywords coming from the vikings mouth, except "shit" and "Smell bad". He was offended. "Bathed last year! You smell bad! Like rotted mammoth cheese! Your mother smell bad!" He then charged forward, and jumped into the air, coming downward with a heavy strike of his bone cleaver, which easily smashed the sheild into pieces. (Shield broken, first attack.) He then, as quick as he hit the first time, smashed his blade vertically across the chest of Griggs, causing velvet flesh to split, and his ruby essense to spill across his chest plate. (Second attack, bleed damage +10 every round) Then, his cleaver finished his actions with a final clash, slicing again, through his chest plate, causing more blood to spill, and more damage to be shown on him.(Final attack.) The poor humans had no idea the fight they had picked, nor the troll they were messing with. "I am UGNUK THE WARRIOR! You will give sun back! I want to stare at it!" He then placed his back foot, and pumped his chest, while taking in a large ammount of air, then with his jaws opening, revieling teeth and drool, he let out a large, ear piercing roar, that could be heard for miles. "Get. Off. My. Land!" He then roared again, even louder than the first time, directing it at the female. "I roar louder than you!" (Total damage to Griggs, 114, 566 HP remaining.)(edited)

Griggs shifted back with each blow, his eyes falling to the wounds on his chest. His brow wrinkled and he reveled in the pain while the beast continued yelling. His beard had gotten cut, his amazing beard, his hair had gotten cut and thick was a greater offense than being made to feel intelligent. Rage boiled over him, rippled through him, and filled him with it's bitter brine. (Rage used) angry eyes turned to the creature while it yelled at Eira and Griggs feignted to the side, delivering a blow low and towards the achillies tendon of the brutal bastard. The blade bit into the creature, (rolled ten) and Griggs took the splintered sheild and jammed it into wound, leaving it imbedded in to the rent flesh as he turned the sword in his hand, under-handing it and attempting to maneuver behind the creature. Blood stained the ground, his blade, the creature's weapon and Grigg's face. (144 damage dealt)

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/30/2019
Eira was sprayed with splinters when the troll hit the first time, shattering Grigg's shield, and then splattered with Griggs blood when the troll attacked the final time. The yelling of the troll only served to heighten her resolve, the fact that it had attacked her beloved sent her in a tailspin, and she boiled with rage (Rage used). She ran around to flank the troll, and vehemently her sword was raised, the heat of its burn singing on the edge as it came down the first time. The thickness of the troll flesh surprisingly didn't split when the sword came down on the back of his leg as he aggressed Griggs, and instead of hacking at the hamstring of the leg it shaved off the hair. Eira grimaced, and then growled "Maybe if your mother had taught you how to bathe, you wouldn't look like my day old shit!" She hacked again at the other leg, giving the troll two nicely defined calves now that the hair had been razored off. She spun and bounced back, about fifteen feet from the attacker, her maw twisted in a hateful vengeance. "Bet your momma so fat, she has more rolls than a bakery!" She taunted, laughing mechanically as she ran out of reach.

The trolls face crunched in as he made a face at the damage that had been done to him “uggg pesky fly make puper cut” he grunted and grumbled as he gave a strong grunt and lunged foreword at the one target that clearly got in the way the most. With no shield anymore to protect the weak little human male the trolls cleaver slammed hard into his shoulder cutting deep, the little human did move a tad to not take a large amount of the damage that the cleaver had in it but little mouse human could not be quick forever. The large hairy troll then moved a clawed hand to give two large slashes one to the left then one to the right, both smashing the human male around like he was a rag doll. The troll laughed loudly as he did everything a dumb mind finding such pleasure in the crushing and smashing of things petty human. “no tell mes whats to do wittle human man, me bigger then you, me smash little you again, and again and again, over n over, fun game” it muttered as long strands of drool and old meal dripped form its mouth always partly a gape, something green pussed on its teeth as it snorted and smoke, getting closer to the male, so close you could almost tell what the troll last ate. (101 damage given in total to griggs)

Uly had been following the group, about an hour behind ever since they had left. His boots clomped through the woods and his eyes narrowed to the sounds of screaming, and weapons clashing. It had been about 4-5 days of nonstop walking, tracking, hunting, and camping. He was exhausted, but hearing his possible friends in trouble made his heart race. His pace began to pick up while he pulled his mythril sword and raised his sheild, after pulling it off his back. Once breaking into a dead sprint, he noticed trees that had been knocked off of their stumps and slammed to the ground, and the large foot prints that lead to a large battle between two giants, and a big furry giant.He flaked around the right, and then doubled back, sprinting right passed Griggs and Eira. "Hey!" He shouted as he charged forward, then conjured steps of literal holy light out of thin air, which glowed bright in the darkness. Uly, then stepping off of them, jumped, and leaped through the air. With a skyward strike, at the last stair, he plunged the mythril blade straight through the left eye of the beast, sending juices and blood spraying out of it's face. The troll would easily be blinded by the paladin preist, while Uly easily pulled his sword from the beasts eye, and dropped to the ground. "THE OLD GODS OF YORE HAVE SENT ME TO TEACH YOU SOME BLOODY MANNERS!" Uly then, as his boots landed on the ground, white aura surrounded his body, making him a beacon in the darkness, and lighting up the battlefeild around them in the process. "YOU HAVE PICKED THE WRONG FIGHT, TROLL! LEAVE MY FRIENDS! OR SUFFER MY WRATH!" (Rolled 20. 260 HP +13 damage dealt to troll from mythirl sword given, plus partial blindness in eye.)
Ulysees Hestermore then slashed his sword across the air, once, causing the blood from his sword to fling off of the shimmering blade. Speaking in norse to the both of them, Uly took a few steps back, standing next to the both of them. "My friends! It is good to see the both of you! I kept thinking about what you said. Galandor needs me. My friends will understand. The world must understand. But first. I must not let you fall. We will defeat this beast together, and use it's bones as kindling for our next camp!" His northern twang ran delicately off of his tongue as his blonde, slicked back hair flowed slightly in the wind. Then,looking to Griggs, he noticed the blood. "My friend, you are hurt! Let me help you!" He then patted the man on the back, watching as the flesh that was split on Griggs's chest started to reform, as if nothing had happened. The only sign that he had been injured were two cuts on his armor. "Uh-...we should keep our distance!" He then backed about 15 feet up from the troll. (Healed Griggs for 77 HP, Buffs +2 to hit. Lasts 3 rounds)
(Bleed damage is no longer active)

-He saw the first blow coming, leaning back but not far enough as the blade still bit his shoulder. The following two blows reeled him back, and the troll moved forward with him, once again talking. Griggs, now in full fury, was too busy catching his footing. And on the last strike from the creature he felt the soft sand and sikt under his boot as he braced himself. "Throw me your sword!" He roared at Eira. Giving a false lunge towards the wounded leg Fairon feigned an attack, but the creature had bent low, and instead Griggs slung a rage fueled slash at the creatures eyes, attempting to blind it. (18 roll, lowblow used after feint. 136 damage dealt) just then out of nowhere Uly fell into play, from where or how wasn't entirely important but Griggs was nearly as surprised as the troll seemed to be. He took the moment to add his own second strike to the eyes,(13 rolled, hits for 123) and then purposed a final slash against the inner thigh, aiming for the femeral artery. (17 rolled, 127 damage) Stepping back he awaited Eira to throw the other weapon, hoping she called out before she threw it because he was keeping his eye on the troll.

(250 damage given to Troll, bleed damage-10 HP per round, 260 Health taken total)

(123+127+136 is more than 250)

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/30/2019
"Griggs!" Eira shouted, throwing her his sword, and shouldering her shield. She had seen the monstrosity slash his cleaver and claws through her husband. Wouldn't that be a cruel turn of fate, to be reunited with the man she thought surely had to be dead after all these years, only to watch him die in front of her. Her belly burned with the rage of it all. She wasn't strong enough to hit the damn thing, so she did the thing she thought most productive in a fight with a troll. She dropped her pack to pull out the sack of salt she had taken from the temple, and yanked out a handful from the linen sack, the white crystals sliding from her clenched fist as she stood. She had the sack tucked into her arm and crossed the short distance between her and the maw of the beast that had bent close to Griggs. Simultaneously to Griggs dealing a powerful slash to his eyes, Eira spewed salt into the wound. Burning, blistering salt right into a fresh wound, "HA! YE YELLER BELLIED PIECE OF SHIT" She yelled at it and grabbed another handful which she shot in the same direction only this time the blistering north wind whipped it away. Or was it the wind at all? Ulysses suddenly dropped in out of nowhere and Eira was just as shocked to see him as Grigg's face expressed. Before her eyes, Griggs was healed much in the same way she had been with Vet only days prior, and she again wondered what sort of healing magic they had. She obviously needed to get her some of that. The herbal remedies she used would be exponentially enhanced with a little magic, it seemed. And despite her distaste for the stuff, maybe in this case she could make an exception. The Troll moved and She pranced back, sticking behind Griggs and Uly, but keeping her hand shoved in the sack of salt with a ready handful to keep tossing it into the Troll's Wounds. If nothing else, she'd at least increase his pain as he went down, and aid in confusing the beast further.
(Griggs is thrown the sword of burning)

The troll let out a screech as it recoiled back in pain, its one eye stabbed not once but three times in the same spot plucking the eye out and smashing it out into a paste inside the socket, he could regrow it but it would take so much time now, and then, then salt was flung into the trolls eyes blinding both of the eyes as he still slashed wildly into the air hitting nothing but letting out a deafening screech. He took his free hand as he covered his eyes and tried to see past the blinking eyelids that now was what he was able to see, but vision would not be gone forever not forever not at all, he would gain his sight back as time went on and till then he would give heavy breaths to be able to collect himself to be able to swing after they surely put another good pounding into his face.

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/30/2019

Uly then, noticing that the fight had moved into his friends favor, decided to take a small rest against a tree. He had been walking for days straight trying to catch up to the two, and using a healing spell on Griggs had taken a bit of energy from him. As he sat against the tree, he lifted his dagger from his side belt, and hoisted it back. "Hey! Fur ball! Catch!" He then whizzed it through the air, only for it to go about 5 feet and slam into the dirt, not any where close to the beast, Eira, or Griggs. "Oh-..alright. That's embaressing...."
(Rolled one. Miss attack. Lost dagger)

-Griggs turned and caught the sword at Eiracs warning. He had enough warning and time to catch it by the handle. No sooner was it caught then he feinted yet again, this time to the side of the staggering beast, and struck aain at that achilles tendon from his first strike, hoping this time to sever it and cripple the beast.(another 135 to that tendon) He steered the fire sword's points between the ribs and the hip bone at the side of the beast, angling it upwards and drove it home, leaving it in the creature and hoping the encantment upon the blade would work in his favor. Twice he tried to hit the fire sword's pommel with his open hand, but he missed both times and reset himself, preparing himself for the creatures next attack. (Troll takes fire sword damage to gut, sword left in wound. Jeff can figure out what that does)
(fire sword, 87 damage)

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira04/30/2019
Uly went and sat down somewhere but Eira was so focused on the troll that she didn't hardly notice. Griggs hit the monster again, crippling the beast and as it fell, she tossed another handful of salt into its eyes, like the dusting of a fairy. The burn and blisters would no doubt be enough to blind and stagger him about for at least a little bit longer (Damage roll 1d6: 3). Griggs left the sword in the stomach of the wretched thing, and Eira's free hand reached, grabbing her axe from her belt to swing it around with all the might that arm contained and sent the axe slashing into the troll's jugular (rolled 20. Crit x3 according to the battle axe page). She left it lodged there, with the crimson oozing down its neck in a steady flow. The blood was everywhere. The metallic tang hung in the air like a beckoning for predators. Crimson Splattered and drenched all over Griggs, Eira had encountered no injury or damage, but her proximity lended the linear ropes of blood across her visage and body as well. Her hand delved into the red laced salt once more, prepared to spat more of it into the Troll's eyes again to keep him staggered and confused with blindness.

The troll would be defeated in battle by the three of them, falling in a large pool of blood. He was breathing with shallowed breaths, while Ulysees moved from his spot in the tree, and walked onto it's back. "With the old gods's blessing, I send you back to the arms of the creator." Then, with a small thrust of his sword, clean through the back of it's neck, and out it's mouth, the creature had died. Uly then pulled his sword back out, as he pulled a cloth from his satchel and wiped the dulled blade off, cleaning the blood and brain from it with ease. "FInally..." He said, flopping his back onto the ground while looking at the sky. "That was one hell of a fight!" He shouted in norse at them, with a smile on his face. "Loot this bastard and let's set up camp. I need a damn rest. Been walking for 4 days tracking you, and I'm exhausted." He breathed hard, looking up at the stars. "Here is good. I like here." There was a large coin purse at it's side, two banded iron sheilds on it's knee caps, two long iron swords that it used for Daggers, and a large helm fell from it's cloths. (Helmet of Torm Armor (plate helmet), legendary You may use each ability once per long rest Torm’s Courage When a creature you can see targets an ally within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to swap places, & you become the target of the attack taking damage on yourself instead of your ally Torm’s Sacrifice you can use Lay on Hands on self or to heal your allies, you get that ability back after a short rest 1 time per day heal 50+2d12 Torm's Smite A divine brightness emanates from the helmet. Creatures within ten feet must make Dex save of 17 or take 6d12 + 20 radiant damage. On a failed save, creature takes half the damage)
((Eira is boosted to level 12 and a half. Griigs and Uly gain no EXP)
(Loot away_

May 1, 2019
-Fairon just stepped back slowly, the rage within him slowly fading. When his feet hit the water he turned from the corpse and looked at his reflection. The creature that looked back, that demon thing, was all too familiar. The enemy. He stopped and slapped the reflection from sight, then hunkered down and began washing, stripping armor off as he did. The chainmail was rent across the chest in three places and Griggs wasn't keen on keeping it. In the mess, the mithril blade rested on the bottom of the creek, the water's current peeling the blood in collaguated chunks off the shiney surface slowly. Washing didn't take long, and the sword was pulled from the stream bed, a smooth Creek Rock along with it, and Griggs took the time to eye the edges of the sword and hone them down with the stone when needed. He hadn't said a word. Wasn't that he was sad, or degrading himself for the action or feeling in any way guilty. No, it was a solemn pondering of what happens next, and a nearly jealous envy of those already upon that journey. Bah, probably just the Aftershock of that much rage being channeled through his body. He sheathed the sword without flourish, and grabbed up a handful of dry grass from the creek bank. He also found Uly's dagger, or what he assumed was Uly's dagger. He stopped where the man was and tapped his armor with the hilt of the dagger. "It's huge." He glanced at the troll and laughed. "You missed." He thumped the man on the shoulder and moved past him. The fire was built rather easily and quickly with all the dried grass. It was posisioned between the massive troll and the shale wall of the wash out, and the troll was still warm, creating a strangly cozy little nook. He was sitting there feeding the fire, starig at the flames as he stuck sticks into it on at a time, when he started laughing, slowly at first, softly... But soon he was just outright laughing. "Guess he has bigger concerns than the sun now."

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira05/01/2019
The ground shuddered violently when the troll finally fell, the triumphant victory at last theirs, and Eira watched as Ulysses hoisted himself onto the back of the troll, and with a sword, slice through the back of the it's head with a few words of a holy blessing. She settled, the raging turmoil within her having begun fizzling not long before the troll fell. Ulysses flopped over onto the ground and Eira, paid him no further mind. He had healed her beloved after he had been dolled heavy hits from the troll, and she was grateful for that. This would be camp anyway, seeing as they had their work cut out for them, and Eira just as soon began to get to work gathering the weapons and piling them up beside Griggs. She yanked out her battle axe from the trolls neck, and the fire sword from the belly. She pulled off the shields from the knees, and the two steel longs words from either side of his belt. She grabbed the large pouch of money too, and tucked a helmet under her arm. All of which she waddled over to Griggs, arms full, and stopping there beside him, she let go and it all fell to the ground around her feet while he stared into the fire. She watched him a moment and went back to the troll. She started cutting away his flesh, rending it from his massive body in large hairy sheets that they would tan and craft into armor (AC of +14, Jeff approved.). This would take time, but both Griggs and Eira's armor had been damaged. Hers with arrows from an ignorant boy with a bow, and Grigg's from the troll himself. They needed new protection.
Eira worked at skinning the troll. His massive size a factor in how slowly she was doing this. She took opportunities to glance up over the troll toward Griggs and watch him, as he watched the flames. She wasn't entirely sure how to feel, but guilt wasn't an emotion that she encountered with this one. She just knew she was glad that Griggs was still alive at the end of it. His laughter peeled quietly at first and then in growing baritone, and Eira glanced up at him from her work on one of the Troll legs, her eyes painted in amusement as she flashed a smile. "Like one Fairon Griggs." She added, with a chortle.

-Griggs laughed and fished the magnifying glass from his pack as he flashed Eira a wide grin. With it he inspected the hide pieces Eira had gotten. He grunted in discuss and threw them back at the troll carcass. "Forget the hide, it's worthless. Grab the heart, well cook it, and the bladder could be filled with this creatures blood. We'll use the stomach for a water skin." Using his magnifying glass he began appraising the swords. (Need starts on the longsword 'daggers') he stuck those into the ground, and began appraising the two iron banded shields from the creatures knee caps. (Need statts on the shields.) One of these he slung onto his back, cinching it into place over the black axe. Next he inspected the ear rings.(c)
(Need stats and materials of ear rings.) He wasn't sure what, if any, uses these things may have, or their value, and wanted to be sure before they were bagged or discarded. Finally he began going over the cleaver with the magnifying glass, it was a huge, axe-like two hander in his grip, and it's weight didn't seem very balanced. (Cleaver statts too.) All in all there was a lot of loot, and Fair on was interested in what of it was worth carrying. "Take the sinew off the back of it's legs. I hit the one twice, really hard, and didn't answer to cut it. It will be very useful for leather working and bow making, or even trading to an armorer." He called out to Eira. He finally picked up the helmet and was fairly suprized at what he found there. "Nice helmet." He held it up and looked at both Eira, then Uly. "Pretty sure this helmet gives it's wearer a couple gifts." He held it a while, then tried it on, wondering if it talked. It didn't seem to, and he took it back off, looked it over, then stood and walked up to Ulyses, thumping the helmet into the man's chest. "You've earned it, and eery man is worth his steel." Griggs confirmed to Ulyses. "If you come with us, leave this southern war behind. We're going to a place where the old gods still have power, where their names are still revered." He patted the man's shoulder and returned to appraising things as Eira brought them, working by the light of the fire.-(e)

Ulysees blinked a few times as Griggs smacked his back, triumphanty. Taking the dagger as Uly was poked in the armor with it, he smiled to Griggs. "Big-..yes. Killable? No." He bellowed out as Griggs walked away, and he turned his head after sitting up to watch the two start to skin the creature, and loot it, subsequently. He smiled to himself, before looking at the creature with a side frown. He thought of it's entire life until this moment. How it was simply doing what it was born to do. Yet, he put his thoughts to rest a moment later, thinking of the old gods and what they would tell him. "Though some may not deserve to live, everyone deserves to be born." He nodded to himself before noticing Griggs walk over to him. Rising to his feet fully, he stood firm, and looked to his friend. Griggs then presented a helm of glowing, absolute holy energy. Something Ulysees had not seen for some time. Weapons were common with holy attunment, but not armor like this.
Taking the helmat from his chest, Ulysees slowly placed it atop his head, only to feel the holy power course through his very veins, making each little step he took, leave a small white glowing boot print, that vanished a few steps later, after about 6 seconds. Uly, looking through the eye holes of his helm, smiled to Griggs, yet then, as he spoke of abandoning his war, he raised a brow. "My friend. It isn't my war. It is this planet's war." He sighed. "It isn't even a war. It is a fight for survival. Those friends of mine are just trying to make it out of this with their lives. If they give into the goddess of death and sin, then they have nothing left. No life. No soul. They would rather run and be as free as they could be, then fight, die, and be taken to live out eternity in suffering." He sighed once more, as he sat down by the fire with them. "Yet, I am here. 4 days away from them. They probably are gone, or about to be. I'd never make it back to them even if I wanted to. Master Samuel, the Wyvern, will protect them. I am sure of it. Foolish or not, they are doing what they believe is right. Just as you and I do every day."
He placed his hand on Griggs's shoulder, stopping him from appraising items for a moment. "You gave me the ultimate gift. Friendship over power. I will walk with you to the ends of this earth, and the next. I will venture with you to Galandor. I will venture with you to hell itself if you wish it of me! I am skeptical about the old gods rule, but I trust you friend, and I can't wait to see the city." He looked to Eira. "Same goes for you." He pounded his chest once, and then gave the ultimate gesture to a friend that a viking could give. He took his helm off, placed his other hand on Griggs's shoudler as well, and reeled his head back, then forward. Their foreheads connected with a large Thunk. Ulysees, mostly unfazed by the inital blow, smiled, and placed his helm back on, while pulling out a horn of mead from his satchel, which he inturn, handed to Griggs, before opening his mouth, knowing Griggs, wouldn't take offense to his headbutt, and began to tell a story.
"Before I came here, I was in Stovania. (Eira will remember the holy sword, and the letter that Vet read her. The room marked U, was Ulysees's room.) Well, I decided to go for a drink at the tavern. There was this red headed girl. Beautiful woman. We started flirting, and before I knew it, I was ordering a drink and a stew, before I had to go on my trip to Avalon, to put flowers on my wife's gra-...before I had to go on vacation. Anyway. These men came in, about 4 tough bastards. I'm not a violent man-.." He said, peeking over his shoulder to look at the dead, eyeless troll. "Obviously, but these men were talking about horrid things, especially in the presence of this beautiful young woman. So I asked them to stop. One thing led to another-...and one of them ran away, one got knocked out with my shield, and the other 2 were humilated without me even once drawing a sword! They had to carry their friend out of the tavern, and pick up his teeth!" Uly then slapped his knee, while he pulled out another small flagon of wine, taking a sip under his helm. "Men love to fight, until they get hit in the face hard enough."


{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira05/01/2019
When Griggs had inspected the large swaths of hide Eira had taken the time to peel off the troll, informing her that they were basically useless for her intended purposes, she scowled and abandoned the work. "Well, that wasn't what I expected." She murmured disappointedly, but was soon climbing atop the giant so that she could slice through the heavy hide of its back. He was face down, and turning him over would be too much of an effort that Eira didn't want to exert, so she went unconventional. Griggs busied himself with armor and she glanced up to see the exchange of the helm between the men that the troll had dropped. Nodding toward Uly when he pounded his chest, she flashed him a victorious grin before setting to work, and only heard his talking over the gushing of the troll guts as she delved her hands into the depths of its belly. She was careful not to slice through any of the intestines until necessary, and managed to pull out the stomach and Bladder, which she tossed at Grigg's. Whether it landed on him, or on the ground at his feet was entirely dependent how much he was paying attention. She would leave the curing and prepping of those to him. She went for the heart next, cutting through the diaphragm of the beast and then plunged both arms into the cavernous opening to grapple the heart and yank it out of its home.
The size of it was bigger than her head, and took two hands to carry. She was covered in blood though, her face smeared from the battle, and arms stained with fresh red liquid. She was a sight to behold, blonde tendrils dipped in darkening crimson, and clothing hanging with clots and stained brassy. The scent of blood was the only thing she could smell, but she laughed as she worked, enjoying the recompense of their victory. With the heart in hand, she jumped down off the troll. The heart sloshed with blood, and she motioned to Griggs. "Got blood in the heart, best kind. Can you hold the Bladder open and I'll pour it in?" She waited for him, emptying the contents into the Bladder skin by tipping the heart upside down and letting the clotting mess drool out of the arteries until she was certain no more could possibly come out. It filled the Bladder, and she left Griggs to work with it while she slapped together a spit over the fire, and poked the heart through with a stick before laying it over the flames to cook. Blood still oozed from it, falling off the muscle mass into the flames below with sizzling protest, but she left it there and set to work on the legs, each one in turn. She mirrored the actions of each. Slicing vertically through flesh and muscle, she got to Sinew and yanked out the ropes that made up the hamstrings and Achilles tendons, and laid these out straight beside the fire to dry. They would provide ample uses, once dried out. Like rope, grapple, even sewing purposes and bow string. The possibilities were endless.
She listened to Ulysses stories while she worked, injecting laughter where due, and recognizing Stovania but she hadn't even gotten the man's name so her only expression was cast over her shoulder at him with recognition to the name of the country. The smell of the heart cooking was beginning to overtake the scent of blood, and her stomach grumbled for fresh meat. Heart was a delicacy. Tender and lean, and carrying its own unique flavor that was sought after. Eira however, was drenched in blood, and filthy. "You eat. I'm gonna bathe" She muttered, dropping her armor and chainmail by the fire, and laid her remaining weapons beside her bearskin. She slipped away into the darkness and the only thing one could hear was the ripple of water as she waded into the creek and dunked under. Fingers raked through her hair, washing away the clumps of blood, and she scrubbed at her skin and the clothing still on her back. Blood would bring predators, and she didn't want to invite more danger than they were already in, just being alive.

"Doing what you believe is all any man may ask of another." Griggs answered Uly with a nod. The head butt was unexpected, but not offensive, and Griggs chuckled. At Eira's request griggs rinsed out the bladder in the creek before holding it for her, and what portion of blood they got was a healthy sum, the chambers of the troll heart being large. It was tied shut with a flemmish twisting of fresh rawhide, which would cinch tighter as it dried, and the bladder was dug a shallow grave in the creek bottom, then burried with water running over it, to keep it cool. It would have to travel wrapped in skin and drug in the water to keep it from going rancid and even then it would only stay good few days. They needed to find a town soon to get any use out of it. (C)
"These swords are garbage." He declared, interjecting in a pause in Uly's story. The two swords were tossed back to the troll corpse, and while Uly talked, Griggs found the cleaver to be of mammoth tusk Ivory, making it valuable for making weapon grips, trinkets and jewelry from. Someone would pay handsomely for this, even if it made an unweildy weapon. He paused in his work, giving Uly a nod when he mentioned how most will stop fighting on e hit hard enough. Laughter left him as he threw salt on the heart, it's pungeant smell fill-in the warm camp with promise of a feast. The mead had already been gotten into. Why all these southerns had Mead on their person he woul never know but it was one of their redeeming qualities. I'll had sworn a blood oath to them, and while Fairon had not yet addressed it, he had not missed it either. When Eira announced she was going to bathe, Fairon merely flashed her a smile and nodded. He too hated the blood, and had already rinsed off.(c)
When he finally left the fire it was with his two handaxes in hand, and he grunted as he havked away at the neck of the troll until finally the head rolled free. Turning it so it rested on it's crown he asked at the bone, cavug it in, then takin one of the worthless bone longsword he stirred the brains into a chunky soup, an poured them out onto the ground. He took his seax then and peeled all the flesh and meat off the skull, then took his axe and havked away until only the smooth rounded, bloodsoaked pale o the crown of the head was left. "Gonna have a blacksmith make me a shield out of this." He explained to Uly, hefting the bone plate that still had the eye sockets and upper teeth into the water. Sand and water cleaned the bone well, and Griggs placed it on to the pile of good as the miserable portion of sun that existed began to rise. He needed to meditate. "Excuse me, but if I don't get the right head my axe stops cooperating." He explained to Uly. The black axe was removed from his back and Griggs sat down, his mind wandering towards the gods and their will, justice, and the scourge of darkness this axe was designed to destroy.(e)


May 2, 2019
Eira had left to go bathe, and Griggs had taken to literally peeling the flesh from the skull. Ulysees however, didn't say much. He looked down at the fire, thinking of his own wife. Eira and Griggs were lucky. To spend so many years away from each other just to find their way back. It was quite spectacular. Ulysees had only wished that it were that simple for him. Yet he watched his wife die. He buried his wife. He mourned his wife. She was gone and he knew that, but he just hoped that one day, he could round a corner and run into her, and they could act like the years didn't pass them by. He could laugh with her and talk of memories past, but he knew it was a sick fantasy. One that tortured his brain. His face didn't show the torture, for he hid it behind a smile of holy light. Uly was a happy man, but he was happy because he knew that was what his wife would want from him. He was taken out of his own thoughts as Griggs began to speak of making a shield and how his axe spoke to him. It was not the strangest thing he had ever heard, so he was not at all surprised. Jeff had mentioned it was the axe of Olum, which basically told Uly all he needed to know. "The axe is outdated. 1000 years ago, spitting on the sidewalk could get you beheaded in front of a court. It is a powerful weapon. But a terrible judge of character." Then he simply nodded and closed his eyes, to do the same. "Meditation sounds nice, my friend." With that, he crossed his legs, relaxed his body, and shut the world out, only knowing peace within himself for those few simple moments he had.

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira05/02/2019
She watched from the water, taking her time scrubbing and washing away the blood in the shallow depths of the creek as Fairon hacked away at the troll's head. She watched as he peeled flesh from the bone and at last had it down to only the pinkened ivory, and while she watched him her mind wandered to that of the circumstances, and everything that connected them. They wandered to her dream, days before, and to her nephew. What did that even mean? And to the war that was happening between the gods. She didn't understand why the humans were so connected to their gods, or why the gods were concerned at all with the humans. For her, Odin and the rest of the Norse pantheon were distanced from the affairs of man, and they worshiped them for it. Wasn't that how it should be? And still, the idea that a god would ever answer when you called out to them... Eira brought water to her face, splashing her skin in the coolness abruptly, and started making her way back to the bank just as Fairon was walking away a short distance and sat with his axe. She didn't know what he was doing, but she left him alone and passed Ulysses who also seemed to be in some sort of meditative state. She considered the ramifications of disrupting meditation and the perceived consequences didn't phase her. "Thank you for healing Fairon." Eira at last spoke up, as she stood nearby her pile of armor and weapons wringing out her garments even as they hung heavy and wet, and clung to her form. "I saw what you did, and appreciate your presence." Her common tongue was getting better, and she didn't struggle as much with her accent to get the words out.

-The breif interlude from work was welcomed, and Fairon ended his meditations shortly after Eira arrived. He took his bearskin off his back and flipped it to the ground, still wearing none of his armor. The weapons he carried were tossed to the ground as well, and he went out into the sticks, returning shortly with ten six foot poles and several chunks of flint. After tossing this stuff on the ground he embraced Eira, reati his forgead on hers. No words were shared, but by now the roasting heart was smelling pretty good, and Griggs took a seat, sliced himself off a filette, and stuck the knife into the heart for others to use. Taking the price he bit into it, and sat down, beginning to knap javeline heads. These were fastened into place on the poles with the sinew and pine sap tat had been stirred together with a small sum of char, and trimming a price of his bearskin, Griggs fashioned a quivver which held all ten javelines easily. These he pointed towards the fire, the heat shrinking the sinew and curing the pine tar. This done he got up and got another piece of the heart. It was delicious. He cut a chunk for each of the others and walked them to eat of them. "Let's rest, then we will move tonight." He suggested, looking between the two. He took another bite and chewed, waiting for a response.

Ulysees was lost in meditation, as the seconds became years to him. He could feel the individual dust particals flying around his head. He could hear the grass growing. He was fully in tune with the earth, and himself. That was, until Eira and Griggs started speaking again, which snapped him back to reality. He opened his eyes with a smile toward Eira. "Of course! Farion is my friend! As are you! Wife of Griggs!" He spoke in common, then continued in Norse, so it was easier on her. "He is a good man, with a good soul. He may have been a shell of himself when we became friends, but if that is him at his worst, then I am happy to be his friend at his best. You both deserve each other. You are both honorable friends to me. Thank you for letting me rest and travel with you both." Uly then noticed Griggs start to eat the heart, and his face turned sour. The troll had been alive less than an hour ago. Now it was skinned, beheaded, flayed, and his heart was being devoured. Ulysees was not too sad however, as He knew the troll would have eaten him too. "You both go ahead and rest-...I'll keep watch. " The tired man said, only caring for the well being and safety of his friends. "To many hounds out tonight. My Light will keep them at bay, so long as I stay awake." His aura was giving off a holy light, and, since he had shown up, not a single caliga hound had been around, or even shown itself for a moment. He crossed his arms and smiled. tapping his helm. "You both seem tired."

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira05/02/2019
Ulysses talked, and Eira's face went from thankfulness to confusion and then irritation in about as long as it took Griggs to return. The man, although kindhearted and helpful, talked too much, and Eira wanted to stuff a chunk of the troll heart into his mouth to shut him up. He would be an asset to their little posse no doubt, and Griggs knew him apparently, but he didnt know Eira, nor did she know him so his claims to friendship were lost on her entirely. She would show loyalty but only because she was loyal to Griggs, until otherwise established by friendship. Despite Grigg's prolonged absence from her life, she was still bound to him by the laws of their country and their gods, and she took it seriously. What's more is that she truly did love him, and it was evident in the simple fact that when he didn't come back home, and was presumed dead by the majority, she didn't take the proposals so many offered her. She went looking for him instead, and whether or not she found him or found confirmation of his death, she didn't stop until she had an answer one way or another. It helped her keep sane, and not driven to depression by the circumstances that soon after Griggs had left, stole her sister, father, and brother away from her. It also kept her from a proper family relationship with her nephew, an unfortunate cost to the way she had chosen to live. Some may call it insanity anyway. It was how she dealt in any case.
She didn't even know this do gooder's name for that matter. So when he finished speaking, Eira cleared her throat. "Guess I should know my ally's name..." Her hand went to her chest in a gesture. "Eira". And she gestured for Ulysses to do the same. Griggs returned again, sticks in hand and after he had tossed them to the ground he scooped her into an embrace. Eira was taken aback by it initially, awkward and off guard, but she remained there, her glacial blues searching his as her forehead lingered there and her fingers gripped briefly into the fabric of his shirt. He released her and began tearing into the heart, and she took up space beside him by the fire. Only staying close to help dry her clothing, the heat was something she only tolerated for the necessary evil. She shot a look at Ulysses from across the flames. "Nonsense. You're exhausted." She waved a hand dismissively. "We've slept four nights with no issue. You rest too." She mumbled, taking the chunk of meat that Fairon offered her, and bit into it hungrily after she flashed him a thankful smile. "Besides, I ain't carrying you if you collapse from exhaustion. So, you best sleep. It's for your own safety." She smirked, chewing as she spoke and wiped the stream of juice that slipped down her chin with the back of her hand.

-Griggs stopped eating and listened to the exchange. He may have been a part enough man, but manners were not an important feature of his life, nor did his culture attribute manners to respect. Still, Griggs knew Eira's tone coul be seen by Ulyses as disrespect, due to the southern way of addressing another. He interrupted the conversation by pulling his axe from the ground and moving over, holding it out towards Uly. "My friend, load this axe's capaciter with some of your spells, then rest. I'd rather be bitten by on of those little dogs than to have you collapse when he fought something bigger. It's daylight we will travel at night when the pure white light of the moon can illuminate this world better than the blackened sun, and by next morn we will be on the borders of Galandor. I need you rested, let our Ravens keep watch." -He whistled and his Raven flew down, and Griggs gave the creature a sliver of roasted heart. He glanced at his companions and declares. "My word is we rest, nothing short of holmganga will dissuade me." He left it at that and the raven left to begin a scouting perimeter search. Saying nothing further on the matter and expecting to be obeyed he moved to his bearskin and flopped onto it, avin left the axe by Uly, having no concern the man might steal it. He knew Uly's type and as such knew he could really on the man to see reason. "Now everyone get some sleep, we travel hard tonight." It wasn't long before his snoring was softly rolling from him, the rise and fall of his beard a true sign of even breathing.

He looked between the two and sighed. "If that is what you wish of me." He gave a soft smile, and a nod. "I guess I can't argue. I am beat. And we just killed a troll. If you both are concerned for my well being, then I accept, and appreciate it." He then laid his back on the ground, closing his eyes. His breathing slowed, as he gusted air out of his nose. After a few minutes of relaxing, Ulysees was asleep, snoring softly under his own breath, not making any audible noise other than a light exhale of air. In his dream, his wife and himself were in the garden, planting deathbell. "Vanessa? Why the dark herb?" Vanessa walked over toward him, placing a hand on his bare shoulder, as the sweat from working had made Ulysees strip his top cloth from his upper body. "Because, my light, we can't have a beautiful garden without the possability of death. What is life without death? We can't have one without the other." Uly nodded. "I understand-..but why this plant?" "Deathbell?"
Nessa said, with a cocked head to the left. "Because it is beautiful and unsuspecting. Death comes in many forms. Beautiful. Quick. Deadly. Ugly. It really depends, my sweet." She went on while Uly patted the dirt with a trowel. "I guess I understand my dear." He said confused still, trying to humor her. "Death is inevitable, so there is no point ignoring it and acting like it isn't here." She looked to the deathbell, and then motioned to all of the beautiful, colorful fully bloomed flowers around them. "This flower reminds me that everything is temporary, and to enjoy what I have now." Vanessa finished, and Ulysees nodded in understanding. "That-..makes sense. That is oddly beautiful, Nes." She smiled to his words and kissed his cheek from behind before he rose up from his knee. "Why the talk about death?" He asked, with a quirked brow. Nessa then, shaking her head. "Because you know I'm not going to last, Ulysees. You know I am not really Vanessa. You know that she is not alive, so your mind has created some sort of scenario, to where you can see her. Just like every night. It's always the garden, Ulysees. It's always the same thing." Ulysees frowned a bit, and nodded.
"Just-...pretend?" He asked, while Nessa gave a sympathetic smile. "Ulysees, please. You can't just harbor these feelings. You need to move on. You need to find someone." Ulysees shook his head. "I-...can't." He said to himself, and looked to the ground, only to have his chin lifted by the beautiful, brown eyed, brunette haired angel in front of him. It may have been Ulysees's personification of his wife, but, it was her to a tee. Every detail. "You can. You must. Don't ruin yourself for her." Ulysees sighed to himself, and felt Nessa's hand rest on his cheek. " her. For a little bit longer?" Nessa gave a soft smile and nodded. "I love you, Ulysees Hestermore. You are a good man." With that, Ulysees shot awake, not sure if the others were either. It had been a few hours at least, yet he wouldn't know because the sun wasn't up. Obviously. His eyes darted from left to right. "Goodness..." He said to himself, snapping himself awake, and standing, only to walk over to the creek bed to splash water on his face. "Oh Vanessa..." He whispered, while resting his back against a tree trunk.

May 3, 2019
{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira05/03/2019
"Who is Vanessa?" Eira spoke up, from the edge of the creek, in the darkness. She had risen already, packing up her stuff for the evening haul and was sitting there watching the stars emerge in the black sky, and the moon rise in its pivitol arch over the earth. The sun... Or what was left of it, behind that glowing black disc, had set some time ago, and the cool evening air was beginning to bring a nice chill. Reminders of home, in Galandor, no matter how small. She had heard Ulysses murmur as he propped himself against the bark of a dead tree, and hadn't yet put two and two together as for the room she had been in while she was in Stovania with Vet.
Her pack sat beside her, the bearskin hanging from her shoulders, and her weapons donned her person in addition to the gold they had taken off of the troll, along with the second shield. She had made sure that the Bladder full of trolls blood was still buried under the current of water and kept cool. "It's time to move." She whispered, waiting however for Ulysses to tell her who this Vanessa person was before she'd make her way over to Griggs. She wasn't about to wake the berserker normally. Oh no. She stood next to his side and used the dangling end of a leather cord. She hung it above him, tickling at his nose with it, and then brushed it against the scraggly hairs of his beard and ear, hoping he'd smack himself in the maw and give himself his own wake up call.

-The wibds roared that day, tide and current straining the form of the Viking vessel. The nine men aboard laughed in the face of the storm, holding lead lines and rails as the boat shuddered against the punishment of waves. Griggs was holding on as well, looking sidelong at the boulderous rocks they were skirting, a fool's dare in such a storm. His band, commissioned to find the reason for the sun's disappearance, had already managed themselves successfully through the Freehold lands to the small shipping town of Aster. Here they were, the gods were with them this far. "Is that all you got, Leviathon?" He hooted as the keel nearly kissed rock, only to swing wide away. A spray of brine and mist answered him, the men laughed, and for a moment Griggs thought he saw the massive visage of a serpent in the water. He had grabbed a harpoon. "Show yourself and I'll show you the power of our gods!" The serpent had, and what followed from the terror striken rage of the crew were the throws of death, of the sea claiming the vessel. Blackness. He woke slowly on the beach, flies buzzing around his eyes and mouth and swatting at them, Fairon slapped himself awake only to find himself in the creek bed with a very amused Eira standin there an looking very guilty. (c)

He grunted and Rose, shoving her away from himself and after a very short while had packed up his gear, taking his axe back from where he had left it with Uly, unsure if the man ad filled it's capacitor or not. He pulled the bladder of troll blood out of it's shallow grave and wrapped it in a skin to further insulate it, and having all his gear, cut a healthy portion of the rasted heart, and taking a bite he marched past Ulyses and Eira, heading north. There'd be plenty of time to talk on the way, or when they got there. The moon had to good grace to be full, and was resting on he great ridges of the mountains that divided Galandor from the south. Rounding a bend in the creek Griggs decided to climb the embankment and look around, and there, nestled against the sheltering legs of the mountain twinkled the distant lights of a town. He let out a shrill but fleeting whistle and pointed towards the spectical. "There's a town about an hour out." He warned his two traveling companions. "The creek looks to wind a bit, it will be less travel if we take to the open." There were very few trees here and in these foothills even the brush was gone. It looked to have been pastures or fields before the lack of sunlight had ruined the vegetations chance at life. He waited for the others to join them, waited to see what they wanted to approach this as.-(e)

Uly rubbed the water against his skin, trying to wake himself up as his breathing calmed, before he looked over toward Eira, whom was asking him who Vanessa was. "Someone who died." He said, adjusting the wedding ring on his finger, before looking at his own reflection in the water. "Someone who I wish didn't." With that, he moved over to touch the Axe, once Griggs had been woken up. Before the man had grabbed it, He had loaded 2 spells into it, that he knew the man could get a big use out of. (Godly Passion: Heals 50 HP from either yourself, or a party member. Can be used once per 3 rounds. White whip: Forms a white holy whip from mid air, does 2d8 Holy damage on top of regular damage.) He then moved over toward the trail, watching Griggs pick up his Axe and move toward the both of them, before just moving on. Ulysees, said mostly nothing other than a few "Sures" or "Uh huhs." He didn't care how the group went about things. He was just there for support and friendship. Besides, he had a lot on his mind at the moment and didn't quite know how to talk about it. "We do what ever seems best, Griggs." He said quietly, not really caring. "I'm just along for the ride."

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira05/03/2019
Eira noted the actions of the holy man, glancing down at his ring as he moved it and then back to his face. She got the gyst, and then a light bulb went off in her head, and she felt awful for a brief moment. She was connecting the dots to Stovania and the letter that Vet had read aloud to her. The locket, that Siggurd had taken. The key.... They key! She fished it out of her leathers, and pressed it into the man's hand. "I can't really explain this, and I know it might not be important but I found this in your room. You're from Stovania. You said so yourself. Your room had a big 'U' on the door." After this, she followed After Griggs. ----- They had been traveling for some time toward the lights of a city nestled at the base of the Galandor mountains. They had all thought this to be a good idea, and the likelihood of finding a blacksmith while there was rather high. But, the men were moody. Or what she perceived as such. The irony wasn't lost on her, and try as she might to keep the laughter in, she at last burst. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were menstruating! And they say women are onery, by the gods" She laughed, speaking aloud and shaking her head. "You need some Mead." She glanced between the two of them as they walked. "And maybe some women." She mused, still walking and rambling. "And perhaps a blood rag." Her mouth tipped Sardonically and she pulled her waterskin out to uncork it and drink. They'd be closing in on the town now, and she was looking forward to a proper bath. "Laugh! There's much to be glad for!" She beemed, toothily.(edited)

Their time apart had done nothing good to Eira's nature, or her sense of humor. Griggs glanced at her with a lifted brow at her jokes. He understood she was carefree, her mission was over, her goal met, she had won; but he had not. Thirteen years were gone, thirteen years that would never be back and while Griggs did not lament this, he knew it meant he had less time now. "Do you know this town we are coming to, woman? Are they friends or enemies? I the town inhabited by trademen or a den of theiving outlaws? Are we nearest the Free Hold, or the Galandor Wolves?" He eyes her carefully. "Act too happy and the locals will know you have something to be happy about in these dark times." His gaze shifted to Ulyses, and then he realized she was trying to cheer him up. The man did indeed seem less than cheerful, less than happy to be here. Griggs slapped the man on the shoulder roughly enough to cause the mancs armor to clank in protest. "But she's got a point. We are here, alive, tanks to our light hearted friend here." He stopped just several places from the entry into the town and asked the others. "Do we have a plan?" His eyes reste on Uly. "You are most suited for being our speaker, you take the lead in town but remember the smithy and the potion maker are our priorities." He paused and backed up a little.- "remember, we're not here to save anyone, or to be heroes, we're just passing through."

May 4, 2019
Eira handed him a key, his key, and explained that they were in his room in Stovainia, but he cared not. "Hope you found some stuff to help you." He said, before they offically set out on the trail. Some travel time later, Ulysees simply shot up from his gaze at the ground and shook his head. "I'm fine. Just have-..a lot on my mind." He then looked to Eira and Griggs. They really wanted him to be happy, for no other reason than they were happy. He couldn't deny them the satisfaction of happiness, so he simply smiled. "I'll do that for you both, if you'd like." Then As Eira joked that both himself and Griggs were acting like women, he smirked. "We are beautiful women at that!" He laughed, nudging Griggs in the shoulder. "You may call me Ulysseca!" He said, smacking his knee before Griggs asked what their plan was. Uly, stopping once, looked over the town with a narrowed eyes. "We don't need a plan. Just don't steal. We walk in, with nothing to hide. People ask us who we are, I tell them I am a priest, and I am here to bless the town ,and you two are my-...body guards." He then nodded. "People ask to many questions, and I start talking way to much, and start praying for them. They will leave us alone. I am sure of it." Uly then smirked, pulling out a flagon of chilled, royal wine. "One for the road?" He said, uncorking it, and taking a drink, before handing it to Eira.(edited)

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira05/04/2019
Darkness clouded Eira's scarred visage, shrouding the initial lightheartedness in confusion when Griggs laid into her. She was about to hand it right back, because it didn't matter what they didn't know, they could only act on what they did... It only took a moment however for Griggs to catch on, and Eira laughed again at Ulysses' joke. "Indeed you are! You make great women." She gave a sage nod, standing back a bit from Uly and Fairon in a feigned purvey of their statures. In this present time Odin had smiled a lot on them. Despite circumstances, and the loss, despite the impending cloud of doom that had blanketed the entire world in a cover of darkness, as much went right as it did wrong. And with such abundance of good, also came with its fair share of bad. One might think that after all those years of searching for Fairon, she had won some sort of great prize in finding him. And true as it may be, it was also riddled with its own set of troubles. Thirteen years had rendered the pair strangers, in every sense of the word. He was not the same man she had married, and neither was she the same woman as all those years ago. Taking that as a clue however, she resigned herself to square one--just get to know the man again. She flashed a grin toward Ulysses, taking the wine to pass it off to Fairon first. "No stealing, no pillaging, no rough housing. It's like we're stepping into a monsitary." Motioning toward the town,. "Well, after you, Oh Holy Man."(edited)

-Fairon was grinning as he looked at the town. The nudge sent him side stepping and he laughed. "Nobody ever called me purdy before." He said as if pretending to be rueful. I'll had a great plan. "Yeah Ulysseca, that holy stuff will make everyone leave us alone." He tipped the wine and it ran down his beardas he drank, and shifting his stance he anded it back to Ulyses as he wiped his mouth with the back of his free hand. "Nobody bleeds." His confirmation and summary of their plan. Business would take time to handle. He adjusted his gear so it looked less chaotic, and handing him the wine, gave Uly a shove forward. "Make your footpronts glow again, that'll sell it. Maybe them gods are resurectable." Dawn would arrive in about four hours and Griggs wondered how many of the shops would even be opened. Before she could fall into step behind the paladin Griggs grabbed his woman and hailed her close. For a moment he pondered in her eyes, before he roke the aze and thrust her troll blood into her arms. His eyes smiled even if his face didn't crack. He then tilted his head towards the town. "We will talk when we get home." And this time he did smile, giving her a nod. "I'll answer what I can, all the whys and wheres." Truth was he felt awkward around her. Maybe he just didn't want to feel guilty for leaving so long ago, and even guiltier knowing she was searching all this time. In any case he wasn't dealing with it now, and turning he joined Ulyses in the March towards the town.

Uly then gripped the flagon as it was passed back to him. "Of course. My foot prints glow no matter where I go. I don't even need to pretend I just need to do my job." He sighed, and placed his helmet back on his head, before putting the flagon back into his satchel while Griggs and Eira had their moment. He loved that they could just be with each other. He wished he could hold his wife. He wished he could look into her eyes like Griggs did Eira right now. He shook the thought from his head and began to walk, ahead of them. Once they made their way into the townsquare, Uly's voice began to boom. "Praise be, my people! Praise be!" He raised his hands in the air, as townspeople looked on, while some gathered, while they walked. "Praise be to us! Praise be to you! We have walked all this way to tell you to have a blessed day! Shall you? Praise be! It is a blessed day to praise the gods!" Ulysees began to spin his yarns while most looked annoyed and walked away, yet a lot stayed and listened to his sermon while the three walked.

May 5, 2019
{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira05/05/2019
"That holy stuff makes me want to leave you alone." Eira grinned, though the corner of her mouth tipped in a grimace. She wasn't lying. The man's path did glow, and Eira wondered for a moment why she hadn't paid any attention to it till now. Was it always that way? Could you always tell a holy man by the way they walked? Griggs grabbed onto her then. "Oof" She murmured, spinning as he pulled her close as her Oceanic depths met his and lingered. Not a word was spoken, but they weren't necessary. She bore into his gaze, willing that she'd find an anchor there. A place to land, a harbor and home. Flashing him a smile, she took the Bladder of trolls blood as it was shoved into her arms and extended her hand to touch fingers to his arm- a soft movement that was only afforded to some. And no one in the last thirteen years. "The Where's and whys of the last thirteen years don't matter anymore. Just the today's. The nows." It was forgiveness, and it was freedom. The guilt was unnecessary, and forgotten. She reached and palmed his cheek gently before turning in unison to join the holy man, adjusting the Bladder skin so that it sat over her shoulder, with a hand keeping it balanced there. Only... It was still four hours before morning. The town was likely sleeping, and in waltzed the Paladin belching out his blessings, in an early morning wake up call. Those who looked on annoyed were not ones Eira would call trustworthy, and those who stayed around looked as though their rags hadn't seen wash water in about a month. Well, however it played out, the Paladin was just doing his job... Right?

At first Uly's preaching made him laugh. He couldn't help it. He did his best to look pious but it was very hard to took holy with skins and leathers hanging of your person and wepons bristeling everywhere. He lifted his nose hautily and when the crowd started getting too close he placed his and on someone's chest. "Bless thee so much. Verily amen." He said, giving them a push back which made them stagger into some others. Ulyses had all the right words and these people looked to really believe he was an emissary of the old gods. Fairon turned his eyes around the town to see wat there was to see as he fended off another avid worshipper. He was just paying the role of bodyguard. Remaining quiet and keeping the crowd from mobbing Ulyses he glanced at Eira, then rolled his shoulders in a shrug. This was working, maybe this would work everywhere in th south. Grabbing a particularly dedicated worshipper as they passed a building Griggs laid an arm across the man's shoulders. "His holy paladinship requires horses. Go and see that he gets three of the town's strongest, if not the fastest." He smiled and said. "Surely verily holy blessing upon the obedient followers of the light."

Ulysees looked between the faces of the crown, with a bit of a twinkle in his eye. "The gods care not about time! It be sunny always where the gods are concerned!" Uly turned to look at Griggs, as he was speaking to the people as well, where as Eira looked like it was far to early. "There is no time like the present my people!" Ulysees said, as his foot prints glowed, then vanished after he took about 5-6 steps. "Feel the light of the ashes of the golds! Feel the good graces of the light! You can bring back the light! Look at me! Look at the light coming from me! All you must do is pray! Pray to the goddess, Anaya! Pray to her to bring back all the glow!" Uly's body was casting off a white light, which was lighting the entire town. "Feel the happiness of Anaya! Feel the warmth of Anaya! Please, give her the strength!" Many started to drop to their knees and pray while others simply turned away, scoffing. "You have no worries other than help the gods of good!" Ulysees then, watched as people began to go about their day, after praying. His work was done. He had inspired. "Yes! Good work my friends!" He noticed the hunger in everyone's eyes, and blinked. "You shall not go hungry today! The gods gift you!" He reached into his coin purse that hung on his side, and began to fling gold and silver into the crowds, and watched them scramble. He tossed from left to right, making sure most got at least one septim.

May 6, 2019
{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira05/06/2019
This was all a big joke to Eira, and she internalized her desire to laugh it off for the sake of their little posse and their goal. The blood filled Bladder needed to see an alchemist soon, and she shifted it on her shoulder, but remained as a proverbial bodyguard despite the way Ulysses' preaching grated on her nerves. Glancing over to Fairon, she was none surprised to find that he was doing the same thing! —or at least his imitation of it. She rolled her eyes. The boisterous introduction had people coming out of their homes, curious as to the interactions and commotion, and the crowd was beginning to grow. Bolstered by the fact that Ulysses had just made them a target now, with the coin he was just tossing about. Eira grit her teeth, and tried to smile despite the stone hard expression that settled in her eyes.
"Okay, Holy man, we must find you a place to rest!" She started, turning toward the man and created a barrier against him from the clamoring crowds as she walked toward the center of town. She only hoped that Fairon would get the gyst and help her. Her eyes were peeled for any sign of a blacksmith, and any sign of an alchemist. Neither of them should be all that hard to find, and in a thriving little town such as this one there was bound to be at least one if not several still in business.

Horses were brought and there were four, three for riding and a pack animal. Griggs led the animals to hitching post outside of the smithy before rejoining Uly and Eira, and soon he was helping body block the crowd from Ulysses. People were bringing their sick, and injuries were seen, everything from a paper cut to a missing limb. On any other day Griggs would be raiding a town like this, is was perfect for it, and he noted this in his mind as he pushed a woman away from Ulysses that was holding a sickly infant in her arms. He pulled his sword out after struggling and the crowd backed up. The people were allowed close one at a time. There was a line developing, and while some soldiers were watching them they were not stopped just yet. Griggs kept his back to Ulysses, the brilliant aura the man was emitting was blinding. The doe eyed hope in the crowd's faces made him pity them, which in turn caused his stomach to rebel. His hope was that once they got to Galandor things would be different, because if things were this bad at home Griggs wouldn't be so keen on staying. He cast a glance at Eira and it was clear he was worried that this would be the norm. Ulysses was in his element, and already behind them a group of chanting worshippers followed, worshipping this Anaya, Freja.(c)

Nausia shook his form and he pushed a an back just to vomit ok the ground with a terrible heave. Troll heart and mead spilled to the street, and Dauron wiped his mouth and pushed another person back. Someone else ran against him and he whirled, knocking the woman to the ground in his half distraction from vomiting. He fended three more adoring worshippers off and then someone punched him. He wasn't sure who it was, the sea of faces had all eyes on Ulysses and between the mad scrambling for septims and the wild need for healing Griggs entertained the idea of unzipping a few stomaches, but that would be directly against the plan. Enough was enough, and for Griggs the situation could have only been worse if the mod was attacking. He lunged at the crowd, bellowing a war-cry, and just like that it dissipated. The few that remained stepped back, and Griggs backed up as well, until he stepped on Ulysses booted foot. He sheilded his eyes when he turned to look at the man, then to Eira. "I've never seen anything like that." He snarled, irritation heavy on his voice, which trembled softly as if he ad been on the cusp of a very bad descition. The sword was put away and Griggs put a pace or two between himself and the paladin. "People seem to like you, a lot." He glanced at Uly, then towards the faces tat were once again looking their way in hope, instead of running from fear of Griggs. "I bet we can get anything we want from this lot, without lifting a blade." His eyes rested on Eira an he smiled. The paladin would come in handy, and what's more, seemed to be able to rally people effortlessly.(e)


-He didn't wait for responses, simply turned and left the two in the street as he headed for the blacksmith's tent. He could burden himself with coming to terms with Ulysses' magnetism of the feeble later. People were again flocking near and the worshippers wereagaon crying out to Anaya. Terrible ruckous, terrible helplessness. On nearing the tent he checked the horses, and after making sure they were tied securely, he ducked into the place. ((Griggs has entered Blacksmith's tent in Outpost town))

{Grace} - Zephyr||Eira05/06/2019
Eira's face said a thousand words that her tongue did not, contorting disgustingly at the sight of Fairon vomiting in the presence of all the helpless people vyying for attention and help. She wasn't sure exactly what was going on, but the look on Grigg's face told her a lot. He was murderous, and their plan was about to backfire if something didn't change. His warcry sounded, and at last people fled but only for a moment before their courage returned and their needs outweighed their fears. Eira took the opportunity to slip away to an apothecary, if she could find one. They came for business, not.. Whatever it had turned into, and she, like Griggs was sickened at the ripe opportunity for pillaging missed—but also the outright abundance of the people's weakness and begging. The holy man would have to fend for himself, or use his coin to bide himself more time and the affections of more people. After all, they were turning to Anaya, and that was more people leaving the droves of Caliga. Maybe it would weaken her. ((Eira has entered the General goods store in Outpost Town))

Back with the group in Ordarons Temple
The Next Morning

Xulimelon (Melon)Last Saturday at 2:09 PM
-Nanalyn sprints off after Jeff giving a warm and bashful smile at his aknowledgement of her. This group of people wasnt like the moraly underdeveloped socialites of her class back home and so more questions on people in general would arise. Jeff worked wonders for her ego and while she would rather sleep she couldnt deny the opportunity to help take care of the hound problem.- "Most certainly Jeff. " -Following in close persuit shed see the show of jeff essentially banishing the hounds one after another and the kobold doing its thing even. Such bravery from such a small creature. It truly was inspiring and she takes the axeplade and wire to begin swinging it. This was not what she was used to and bites her tongue alittle to see if she could use the wire and built up energy to launch her weapon and huide the rest of the way with magic. Before casting the line all of that metal would make her highly attractive to a bright lightningbolt which hits the weapon she held lighting the whole area. Her eyes have gone shock-silly and her pointy ears have a twitch to them. Steam lifts from her body and slightly burned clothes as the blade guided wire zips off in the direction of the caligahounds and ib mid flight changes direction to hit 3 on a circular route (24 damage to cliga hounds) . Nanalyn shakes off the chars and and calls her weapon back. (26 damage to nanalyn who now blushes with embarassment) Static still buzzes arund her here and there- "Maybe... Learning magic isnt such a bad idea in times like these...."

May 19, 2019
Jeff/Iggy/Bellarose/Ulysees/AkuLast Sunday at 11:41 AM
Jeff looked toward Nanalyn as she fell over with electric shock from both her attack, and the lightning in the sky. He felt awful almost immedietly, but Nanalyn seemed to shake it off instantly. He like that. She was a true warrior. He then turned to a branch snapping. Out of all the dust in the air, one set of purple eyes looked through it. Stepping from the ash of his brother's was a single Caliga hound, leaning down like it was about to strike, by leaping through the air. Jeff simply leaned down, and picked up Ghonk. "Stick your sword straight out!" He then, planting his back foot firmly, embued the kobold with a telekenetic armor like aura around it, before stepping off, and launching the creature through the air with tremendous speed and strength, on course, right for it's eye.

SoufiriaLast Sunday at 12:07 PM
Ghonk took note of the two hounds that came bounding towards him and had his little buckler out at the ready to block them. However, the two hounds suddenly seem to be vaporized by one of Jeff's spells, causing Ghonk to shout out in glee with little yips and hollars. Meanwhile, the bard continued to play her song on the flute, and so long as all allies could hear her they would be emboldened with their attacks, not only being able to hit easier but also harder as the mystic energy of the song imbued them with strength and courage. Ghonk caught sight of the strange woman who appeared to be using some strange wire blade of sorts, watching as it flew threw three of the hounds with ease, before a lightning bolt crackled through the air to strike her as well as a few more remaining hounds. Inspired by the carnage and chaos the kobold took note of a singular hound remaining, and just for the sake of it used his hexblade's curse on the thing even though he knew he would kill it one blow. After all, he was ghonk, and ghonk is very mighty....or so he believes anyways. Before he can get up to it though, he feels Jeff coming up from behind him to pick him up and instruct him to hold his sword out front. With a small cackling yip the Kobold didn't just strike out with his sword, he swung with it wildly like a blender as he was then shot forth like a canon. (105 Damage to the Hound with the combined power of Jeff's telekinetic push, Ghonk's attack, and Marvella's bardic music bonus.) Ghonk sliced through the hound at blazing speeds, carving it up on the way like a mini drill as he tore through the thing before it even had a chance to give a last quivering yip.
Ghonk for his part would splatter onto the ground tumbling head over heels, before landing with a thud with his feet out splayed about fifteen feet from where the hound's bloody, mangled corpse lay. He then stood up, turned around to walk towards the hound and rose his blade in the air. Standing on top of the mangled carcass, he shouted. "I AM GHONK! I am the greatest warrior there ever was or shall be as I stand next to the dragon killer! For today was the greatest battle of Ghonk's life! GLORY DAY!" He shouted into the air. "You dead! I win!" He shouted down to the mangled carcass.

AnayaToday at 3:43 PM
the hound let out a wheeze and vanished as it hit the ground, its body changeing to black mist as it died and any others with it turned tail to run and bolt off into the trees. then there was a tussle in the tree line as a small woman fell from the trees tripping over her own shoes. she had a large gash in her right side and what seemed to be a old lantern in her hand. "oh my you both, i am sorry i have been wondering around for forever, i need help does anyone know medical ai..." her breath was cut short as she tumbled down to the ground the wound in her side being to much for her she laid there curled into a small ball as the man looked at her.
jeff was a little out of it as he turned to Ghonk who was cheering and happy about there victory "you did very well, a strong heart is in your chest come lets go back to the group and see what...." as what he was saying got abruptly cut off by the woman that was walking out of the tree line and then fell in a heap on the ground, he jaunted forward to catch her in his arms as he turned to the little kobold "change of plans, go back to camp, get help this woman is hurt and needs medical treatment right away!" he yelled out to get the little kobold to really get moving and hurry on up, things needed to go fast or this woman would die.


As Ghonk was celebrating his victory over the defeated wolves, Marvella would have come on to the scene continuing to play her flute and took note of the way Ghonk was celebrating. She never let up, allowing her bardic music to influence and enhance both Ghonk's and Jeff's attacks and damage. As she was playing her flute, Ghonk would immediately run towards the woman that he saw Jeff beginning to help. Unfortunately, while Ghonk understood what Jeff was saying, he thought he saw the man actually attack the poor woman as the light that was emanating from the lantern would begin to illuminate Jeff's hands. For a split second, Ghonk thought that the light sprouting from his hands was a dangerous magical ability, and he thought the man was going to turn on them. Marvella also caught this, but before she could even react Ghonk was on Jeff faster then anyone could see. He would run towards Jeff, leap up to the man and go to stab him straight in the head. Empowered by Marvella's magic, the Kobold and her(albeit inadvertantly on Marvella's part), would strike what should be a fatal blow to the man's scalp as the small sword made a shunking noise into his head. Ghonk shouted. "Magic man no hurt, magic man no take prize!"
Ghonk shouted, causing Marvella to immediately stop playing her flute and shout. "What the fuck Ghonk?!" She asked, turning her attention to the young kobold who pointed at Jeff and stated. "He casting magic. He would do harm." The kobold stated, and Marvella while not fully believing in the young kobold outright, did consider that it was a possibility. From all of the tales she knew of about the man named Jeff, there were times when he acted either irrationally. Given the fact that his kingdom was now gone it didn't seem implausible that he might strike down anyone who he considered useless to whatever cause he was fighting for. Marvella gave a soft sigh as she then went over to the unconscious woman and went to pick her up. "Alright then, let go ahead and head back to the camp." She said, before noticing a rather large dragon flying off in that same direction and letting off what appeared to be noxious fumes. "Oh fuck, seriously? Can't catch a fucking break." She immediately took out a small cloth to place over her mouth and nose, tossing one to Ghonk who went ahead and copied her motion.

Anaya "The Night"05/25/2019
Completely taken back by the kobolds actions and speed Jeff did not see the attack coming, by the time he had realized the small dagger was already in the side of his scalp slicing his ear clean off, he was able to just move his head to the side so the blow was not fatal but the attack did cause the man to fall to the side dropping the woman and be placed compleatly unconscious and away from the camp so no one other then them could see it. Jeff's mind raced as he dropped there on the ground slumped over like a burlap sack of grain. He was bleeding badly from the wound and in time if just left there he just may die from it all, but he was not a threat in this state so maybe nothing would come at him further and he could heal a little over time.
The woman laying in the others arms was still her body limp as she hung there near death "the sun, I came, I came to get the sun back" she was able to mutter out past withered lips, her voice raspy like she has not drank in days and her breaths shallow and laboured. She would fade soon if nothing was done, a simple woman, possibly with lover and family so far from home and shelter out here to get back the sun at this temple.
(Note the dragon is not flying it is walking and it is the size of a three story building, it cant fly and clearly has one broken wing, and it is leaking green gas)
(If you are going to the camp.please post over there)

There was a smell that crept up from the ground, thick pungent vanila as Jeff was laying there out cold, the sounds of a lullaby whispering in the trees
"Hush, my little baby, don't say a word.
Mamma's going to buy you a mocking bird.

And if that mocking bird don't sing,
Mamma is going to buy you a diamond ring.

And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Mammas's going to buy you a looking glass."
The sound of the motherly voice was very odd in the darkness and from the looks of it that was all it was, a voice in the darkness whispering off the trees, but it was creepy, and something was causing it.

Anaya "The Night"Today at 2:44 PM
From the ground came arms, long slender black arms that once high enough started to become draped in a silver garment dangling down as the rest of the body came from the dirt, not a single grain of dirt was moved it just formed leaving no trace it was even for, its feet were bird-like talons and legs covered in scales, its lower half looked much like a black raven harpy before the silver dress moved to cover the exposed flesh like black substance.
“oh our little missing part, we have missed you so, stupidity took you from our eye and now we shall take you back so order and balance can be back in our life. Come now our little one let's go home to the place you belong”
it moved to reach down as the empty hole that was in its face shimmered its other purple eye glimmering as three others opened down its cheek, five eyes in total upon its face opened and one empty space right there at the top on its left side, three eyes on the right, two on the left it clearly was missing one. Picking up jeffs body in its arms jeff would feel cold but would be unable to move.
Years of believing he had this grand power, this grand reason to exist was leaving him with nothing wall he was held in a frozen state in the arms of a prime that had come to take back what was taken from it. “oh little jeff don't fight it, we know you are so many a time you have taken time to fight to be back in this world, so many times you have walked this world but no more, the only way to get you now is to kill our body, to kill Azazel as we now hold you inside of us” he was vanishing, its body was consuming him into its chest, black fog covering Jeff's little body till nothing
but a twitching finger was even left of him and then, even that was gone and consumed. “it will be alright Jeff, you will still see the world, you will just see it threw our eye” the Kin moved a clawed finger to tap on the side of its face as that six eye moved and rolled back a crystal blue just as Jeff's used to be, it was Jeff's eye, that one part that would have to be stolen out again if he ever wanted to come back to the world. “no more loss ends” and then it was gone, leaving nothing upturned, not a trace, not a thing but its smell and that erry nature in the air and there, on the ground, was a simple red crystal, all that was left of Jeff was a crystal with very little in it left and classes as trash by the kinn that now had its power returned to it.

  Rose Has Thorns Part 4 - The Darker World - Page 2 Giphy


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  Rose Has Thorns Part 4 - The Darker World - Page 2 Magdalena-mudlaff-matte-painting-environment-fantasy-forest-concept

IsisRainDeLaRose (Aezvyra)05/22/2019
Suraya had been roaming the main castle or what she thought was the main castle that she could remember. She didn’t know what had happened to her. Did something hit her in the head; didn’t she pass out she didn’t know. The woman had lost track of time and space it seemed. She slowly stumbled through the brush as she made her way towards sounds, sounds of people. She could hear people talking and that what lead her from the very place she had awoken from. With a claymore and a rusted blade strapped to her back. Her gaze moved up to the ever-darken sky as rain droplets seem to hit her face. What happens to the sun? Had it been raining this whole time; the woman never realized it as she stopped just shy of the tree line closer to the voices that had now fall silent. Suraya was confused more than ever, she had made the trip from Ignoros to the Iron city all in search of her father. She remembered searching the castle’s upper floors, bedroom by bedroom. She remembered her parents’ bedrooms, the room that belonged to Jeff, the blood-soaked rag. Suy didn’t know how she got out of the castle nor how she managed to get so far away from it, but she wanted answers hints on why she was making her way to the voices. “Please be there” she muttered to her self as she grew closer to the camp, she could nearly make out the flicking of the flames of the fire as she grew closer to it.

Anaya "The Night"05/22/2019
The night was smooth, owls hooted, mice chattered and the sound of the summer peepers made the evening feel almost like there was no darkness, not a black hound in view and the temple was still, it for one night just felt as if nothing took away the sun at all, as if things were right in the world, hours passed and not a thing changed morning was just around the corner, the moon was setting and the black orb that was there sun was on the horizon. Then there was a bang the tumble of a tree, a withering frog's peep as a thick green gas covered the ground, sticking to all that was breathing, the gas clung to the life that needed the air and everything started to choke and wheeze. Out of the tree line thumped a monster, moss, and debris hung from its scale hide as clumps of dirt and swamp tar thumped down in piles on the ground. It let out a breath as more toxic fog billowed from its mouth agape and the green plant life around them withered and turned black suffocated of the simple resource it needed.
The dragon green as a faded emerald hardly could breathe its self as it let out a cough and squinted its eyes to see the fire that was only hot coals at this point. The fire drawing the gargantuan beast in. It stood as tall as a three-story home and its neck made it even taller, it was blocky with one wing that fell to the side, clearly broken and the other wing that was folded to it's back unable to move due to years of stiffness and no use. Its feel had missing scales from walking and muk covered it from the foot pads to the belly. It came from a swamp and whatever it was breathing out was killing everything that was in its path.

  Rose Has Thorns Part 4 - The Darker World - Page 2 D1ylfwf-9067ae46-56bb-4ed9-b296-d1217f5722ff.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzMxMGNmZmZmLWU2MzQtNGRlNi1iOTdiLWMwMDdhMmMyYTViOFwvZDF5bGZ3Zi05MDY3YWU0Ni01NmJiLTRlZDktYjI5Ni1kMTIxN2Y1NzIyZmYuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

--- Ingavors eyes sprung open as he sensed the beasts mind a mile off, an open channel of hate, grudge, and disturbance. He would wrap his arms around Desdemona as he ripped part of his shirt and covered her mouth with it. His hand being sure to grab her own so she could hold the cloth over her mouth and nose so he could do the same with the second chunk of cloth "the gas will kill us, dont breath it in" he muttered as he looked around at the campground. To his horror no one was waking up, roxie, the small child sleeping soundly in her lap, the large cat that clung to them, Nanalyn even with her faults his face was pure sadness looking over the group "everyone wake up, who has clothes cover your faces, dont breath in the dragons gas!" He yelled hopeing it would wake them and anyone else that could hear him. "Daddy I think they are all dead, it is for the best we can have more time together now" the little girl's voice whispered in his mind, stupid fucking teddy bear he muttered under his breath. My friends are dieing and now you pick the time to chime in, you are not my sister you are a stupid dragon I for some reason cant seem to get rid of. He thought as all the voice did was giggle just as a small child would to a plesent game. But then it went silent knowing full well the man's anger and temper and knowing that he had other things to deal with than her.
--- Samuel and noki woke up as the banging of the tree and the whimpers of life being sucked from the world reached them. "Ana wake up, dont breath" he said softly as he turned his massive head to face the dragon that was comeing near us "green dragon, there is clothing in the bag of holding reach in grab some RIP it and breath threw it" he was scolding her to do it as time was of the essence. Why was a old one here, why was a old one up walking and not dead, he stood no chance ageinst this and he knew it, it was to old, to powerful he was not going to test his luck but he was going to defend his family if needed. Sam snarled as he watched noki shift down to human form along side ana and grab a cloth shirt from the bag of holding that was laying on the ground "sister didant you have a mace thing on your back? Where did it go" the child asked as she ripped another chunk of cloth handing it to Ana and then useing her other hand to cover her nose and mouth with the cloth and lash it around her head so she could still use both hands if needed. Sam was not affected by the toxin he was not affected by any toxin so he was able to breath normally as he watched the group eyeing who was waking up and who was not.

Onvyr Roric05/22/2019
Onvyr hears sounds of trees being move around and such which causes him to wake up. He looks around, blinking in confuse but then hears someone saying something about grabbing some sort of cloth so he looks around and search, finding a cloth nearby, he grabs at it and put it against his mouth to begin to breathe through it. He is still rather surprise what is going on, because he has no idea. He moves to stands up which was already hard to do with one hand and manage to do so with ease. He sees someone looking at the group as he walks over speaking "What is going on?" he saidk, mumbbling but understandable through the cloth, tilting his head in confuse before looking over having a sense of what is going on but needed confirmation if it is what he believes it to be.

Ana was groggy as Samuel spoke to her, grumbling slightly but as soon as he said don’t breath she stops and sits up, holding her breath. She quickly reaches into the bag of holding and ripped it before holding it over her mouth to breath. She gets to her feet beside Noki but as soon as Noki mentioned her mace she reaches back and becomes very confused about where it went. Ana remains quiet as the whimpers of those dying reached them. Ana felt sick to her stomach, there was nothing she could do. If Samuel was standing down to this thing she had no chance in hell in fight it. Ana was very fuzzy-headed as she woke up, almost like she’d slept too long and her reflexes where on reset. She glances towards Samuel and watches his movements as she stays near Samuel, waiting for a single from him.

Des' eyes opened wide as Ingavor pressed cloth against her face, and immediate panic springing up. She was not use to people touching her while she slept, let alone anything else. Hearing of the gas, she blinked with a slight nod, sitting up and pressing the cloth to own face, looking around at everyone else. Tying the cloth around her head tightly, she shifted into her feline form, prancing off to Noki, hopping up onto her shoulder. That's when she saw the cause of the issue. Her eyes widened, fur standing on end. What the hell IS that thing?!, she asked herself.

IsisRainDeLaRose (Aezvyra)05/25/2019
Her gaze moved over the land as she watched the dragon appear and approuch, her head tilted as she quickly lowered her head as she started to dig through the message style of bag she held most of her belongings. It was sad that her life now could be found in such a bag but that wasn't the point. Suy pulled a cloth out of it as she ripped a good size chunk of it just so she could cover her nose and month. She figured seeing the beast had been admiting fumes it was best not to breath it. She covered her face breathing into the tag as she attempted to grow closer to the camp yet tried her best to stay away from the beast unsure what it would do if she got closer. Suy would find her self close enough to hear the coughing.. the people who wasn't smart enough being chocked to death on the fumes.

Anaya "The Night"05/26/2019
The bodys that had not taken the time to get something to breath threw, something to aid in filtering out the toxic gas lay there on thenground, some had tryed tonwakenthe small child pulling at the sleeping fox woman as tears fell down her face "mommy momm" shencaoughted as blood spattered the foxes fur and her small eyes looked up at the group, a empty gaze as blood pooled in the cornors of her hues, streaking thin red lines down her face before she fell a top the dead body of her adoptive parent kicking in spasms before it all stopped and she went still. The other bodys kicked and spasm blood falling out of there eyes , ears and mouths as each one had eyes white as milk and a dead mans gaze. It was a slaughter all due to a dragon showing up at the wrong time. Grim opened his eyes as he looked at the beast he was not affected by the toxins but the fear made him stuck in place like a statue "d d d ddd du dragon " he stuttered out as he just stood there not knowing what to do. That dragon was supposed to be stuck in the swamp, not out walking around it was older then the swamp, that swamp was made due to it being stuck there. "G g g green belly swamp, w why why are you not stuck, w w what do you want" he said as he tryed to be stronger but his tail was tightly between his legs showing the coward he was.

Anaya "The Night"05/26/2019
The dragon lowered its head to the only one that spoke to it as grim could not take the fear anymore and dropped to his knees curling in a little donut with his head hidden under his body like a chicken with its head in the sand. The dragon looked back up as the large green fin on its nose blocked part.of its view, a blind spot so it had to turn its whole head to look at people. "I, come, to, find, my, lover, and reward, my champion" he boomed out, his voice deep as more toxic gas spewed from his maw. Ingavor looked at the group, some of them stuck in shock some just stuck and not knowing what to do, Sam was just protecting in case the dragon made some hard choices, and he guessed in case this party did not want to get some dragons lover for him, Sam was clearly ready even noki had some magic flickering in the air around her, even the weak were going to do there best and that was commending. He moved his hand pulling the teddy bear out of his spell book slowly to not cause the dragon to flip out "I dont want to use you but if I have to I will" he whispered under his breath so the dragon would not hear. "Yau daddy we can fight together, you sould make it angry so we can play" it talked in his mind so was rather loud to him anyway, ingavor gave a light eye twitch as held the bear tighter with his one hand not the one that held the cloth to his face"Who is your lover and how do we get her? And what isnthebreward?" He called out rather demanding to get the dragons attention off the cat that clearly wanted nothing to do with it.
"Ilisia, she, is, the, one ,I, seek... hidden, in, the, forest, a ,cabin, I cant, touch, bring her , to ,me, and, great, magic, will, be l, yours.." the dragon bellowed out once more as its large eyes scanned everyone still liveing at the camp. He leaned its head down takeing its nose to push the body of the dead fox woman and child , there friends l, were nothing more then a meal to the beast. It picked up the carcasses and loped them threw its jagged and cracked teeth crushing bone and flesh like one would eat popcorn chicken. They were gone and it was cleaning up the mess it made with no regard for the others and the fact it was not just bodys it was eating, but people's friends.

Anaya "The Night"05/26/2019
Samuel snarled as he watched the dragon consume the ones he made promises to protect, he made the promises for Ana and now some dragon was eating there dead bodys like it was stree market food. The wyverns green eyes looked down to his mate and her swollen belly and her.....back......the mace was gone....fuck, he had fucked up and lost it, dirty little fucking halfling stole it, that tiny person, he would have to find it later as more pressing matters were before them. He took his neck and lowered his maw down beside Ana waiting for her say so, he did what she wanted, she was his queen with there child. He said not a word and just waited. Noki on the other hand was freaking out a little, her hands were shakeing, her eye twitched and she had bad thoughts of attacking the dragon knowing they stood no chance ageinst it. As the cat jumped on her shoulder she almost flung into acthion as it startled her "oh, hi Des" was all she could say past shakeing lips. She was tense and magic.sparked at her fingers, but she was a healer, a golden dragon but a healer, and she was far from old enough to be able by dragon law to command the lesser green to leave, if only mother was here, she thought to herself, she could make him go away. Noki stayed close to her father he was the best chance they had she could heal him if he needed it, she had her healing spells down pat, and could even cast the strong ones and bring back one dead person...if there was a body that was not inside a dragon by the end of this, witch how it was looking was not gona happen. "What do we do, they, they were our friends" she said softly hopeing someone, anyone, would take the mantle of leader as clearly they were not going to lead.

Onvyr Roric05/28/2019
Onvyr was already up and having a cloth up against his face, though he moves to adjust it in such a way where it's like a mask. He can only figure that his eagles are far far away from this, since they were quite smart. He watches the bodies getting kill by the poison in the air, he could not help but watch the sight behold infront of him as he sees the bodies becomes nothing but decaying of death. Onvyr only met these people for a day and night, have no idea who they are, so it never really affected him much at all, because they weren't his friends, they were merely strangers to him. He looks all around seeing the dragon have eaten the bodies but he did hear about some woman in the forest hidden in a cabin, but he's not entirely sure if he should go there alone, unarm and unarmored. However, he did look around seeing bags left behind that belongs to the bodies nearby, but he wouldn't search through them yet as he waits, but he also hear about someone asking in confusion what they do now since there is no leader to lead the group now. Onvyr looks down to the ground for a moment, he never really consider himself as a leader, he was more so a free wanderer however, he looks over as he watches the scene and listen closely wondering what else will be said from the others.

Ana remains silent still, listening to both the dragon and Samuel. She had no idea what to do so she remained as still as she could at Samuels side, breathing through her cloth. Her eyes scanned around the area every so often, on high alert and looking for other threats. Ana was taking deep breaths and holding them for several moments before releasing again to attempt to keep herself calm. Her other hand reaches down to her belly, gently rubbing it as she feels movement. The child seemed upset but there was nothing she could do now without possibly drawing attention to them. Ana keep waiting on Samuel’s signal as to what to do next.

Des' jaw dropped as she watched the Dragon devour those that were not fast enough to escape the gas the creature let loose from its body. The sight was horrifying to say the least, considering she had come to know most of them quite well. Hissing, she swiped her paw at the air towards the Dragon in her own irritation, completely lost at what to do. Noki acknowledging her presence on her shoulder calmed her slightly, but the magic she sensed coming off the woman sent a chill through her body that made her fur stand on end. If Samuel or any of the others Dragons in the group could not stand against this creature, she asked herself why they continued to remain and entertain the creatures demand to find someone when they all should be running. --- Elaira had remained where she was for the majority of everything that had been happening, watching from a distance. She knew Zaruth was still waiting for his soul before he started feeding on her own and that was not a pleasant thought. Narrowing her eyes as the Dragon began eating those who seemed to be choking on the fumes expelled from the Dragon itself, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a cloth, tying it around her face to prevent the same fate as the others. Looking up at a tree, she used her natural agility to race up the trunk, grabbing onto a few branches and pulling herself into it. Quickly hoping from one larger branch to the next, she came to a crouch on one rather high up. Drawing her bow, she took aim at the Dragons head. Narrowing her eyes, she took a breath a loosed an arrow at the back of its head, just above the neck.

IsisRainDeLaRose (Aezvyra)06/02/2019
It was eating the bodies of the dead or were they alive, the woman didn’t know. She grew closer to the group not saying a word as she blinked a few times watching those who witnessed their friends and companions be eating by the dragon. Her head tilted once more she could hear the soft whispers of her blade as she muttered under her breath even, she didn’t know what she had said at that very moment. It was bad enough had a rusted blade strapped to her back alongside a claymore and then her own blade hilted to her side as she stopped just a few feet to join the main group. Hearing the words from one of the females ‘what they were going to do’ Suy seem to chuckle. It seemed this group she had caught up with had no idea what they were doing or at least that that very moment which made her wonder if it was smart for her to be with them; let alone there the dragon eating the dead. Who said once it was finished with the corps it wouldn’t turn to the living? Suraya took a breath through the cloth. “Why are you all out here?” she paused wondering if any one heard her muttered voice as she wasn’t too far from them, but the cloth made it harder to hear her. “Why is that” she pointed with her free hand. “out and about?” she was confused all she remembers was her mother stating that the only dragon she knew was Anaya so a bit of a shock seeing this massive green one along side of what seemed to be one with the group or well she figured it was one.

Anaya "The Night"06/06/2019
Samuel moved down his massive head as he would press the warm side of his maw against Ana’s side, he cared for her so very much he would risk his own life for her well being a d this amount of toxicity was no good for there growing child. He then lifted his head back up showing his teeth to the large green dragon before him “with all due respect old one but we are in need of you to leave this place as the mortals below you are unable to handle your toxins be them great and a true ly.graand show of power, we are in need of time old one so that the mortals can make the choice to aid you or face your truest judgment . Once they have chosen I shall send a servant to seek you out to inform you of the choice made. “ he lowered his head a little, still holding it up but being g sure it was under the giants gaze so he would not offend the one they should be wary of.
The dragon looked at the wyvern as he picked up the body of the fox woman and with a couple large gulp like bites chomped it down leaving one of her arms to fall from his gape and land with a thud on the ground. “You speak for the mortals wyvern" the dragon let out a snort as it showed its gruesome raged chipped yellowed teeth, bits of flesh and gnarled bone sticking between them. “If the Morales do not bring me what I wish the sun will stay black, the choice is up to you wyvern, you and your rats" the dragon then nodded its head leaving a mess on the ground for all to see, its foot slamming into the ground crushing that fallen arm from the fox woman into the dirt . Then the arrow hit then side of the scale next to his ear, it hit and clinked off the dragons strong hide like nothing, the dragon turned its massive head as a large dark eye looked to the woman who had shot that arrow from the tree. It did not say a thing to the past as it gave a snort and simply turned its head back around and went on it’s way. “As you wish old one, safe travels to you and your kin" Samuel lowered his head respectfully as he watched the massive monster leave back to the swamp of where he had come.
Samuel looked and watched as the dragon left lowering his head once more as the gas fog vanished and faded away. He looked to his daughter who was angry at the same time as terrified. “it is the mortals choice on what you lot want to do, you can stay here and help the dragon or you all can get on my back and we leave for the next town but make a enemy in the process, an enemy I cant even beat alone. So the choice is yours, what do you all wish to do, new faces and old you are a team now as he saw everyone of you, You are in it together.” Sam looked to Noki as she said nothing, it was true it was the mortals thoughts there choices, some of the others had died and some of the others had lived. It was time to figure out the strong from the dead. Noki looked to the one female the only one not glued to her place and asking questions, and now that the dragon was gone they had a bit of time to discuss things. She moved her hands up to grab the cat that was on her shoulder, taking her down into her arms. “it is Des right, what do you think we should do, you had smart ideas back with the demon thing father told me about, what should we do" Nokis eyes then looked around at the others wondering if they had input to add to there ordeal. “our choice is to help the great one and get the sun back, or leave and have no sun or fire out another way to get it back and make an enemy" --
In favor stood there, not having anything to say till the dragon had left, the dragons mind was filled with hate and rage and confusion, it was so old he did not want to move or speak as he was not foolish due to dealing with Anaya and her family for so log, dragons saw humans and the like as less then the shit that came out there back side. So Ingavor kept his head low and kept an eye on Des who had lept to Nokis shoulder, a good place to be safety with the baby dragon ruler. Even if he knew a cromatic green scale would not respect a wyvern and a gold scale at least the old one did not seem overly aggressive just lazy and needing workers to get what it wanted. After the dragon lumbered off Ingavor lifted his eyes from the ground and looked at the group “Jeff wanted us to get the sun back and if we don’t try we live in a world were that big green gas blowing ugly junk of shit rules us and wants to eat us and the sky stays black. We need to get the sun back and all we have to do is wake up some guy and get a dragon love, it cant be that hard to do can it?”

Onvyr Roric06/06/2019
Onvyr was watching and listening to the entire conversation, though he wasn't really surprise by the fact that dragon was eating those that are dead, but he can't really feel any sorry for them whatsoever due to the fact that he doesn't know them at all. He continue to listen while he thinking a moment, not sure if he really was spoted by the dragon due to noticing how old he was after seeing the dragon leaving. Onvyr walks over, with no shirt at all, no bow or arrows, he looks over at the man (Ingavor) and speaks to him "Well, whoever it is that we need to wake up." he said outloud to him while he speaks "We best do it soon. We don't know who has the patient to wait, but I certainly don't want to see that dragon come back to attempt to kill us with its old claws rather then it's gas." he said to him while keeping the cloth to his face till he know it is safe. He however speaks again "But.... incase you wish to know who I am. I am Onvyr Roric, I am a wood elf as can be obvious by my skin and ears, and I am a Ranger. Currently... I am useless, so to speak, without a bow and arrows, I can't be much help, but I can scout ahead." he said being firm with his words, and surely he'll scout ahead, to help see if the area is safe or not for them or to do his best to do so. Onvyr might not know about these people, but he does want the sun to come back, and he is of course willing to do whatever it takes for such a sun to come shining over the world again.

Anaya "The Night"06/12/2019
Ana looked to the large dragon as she took a step back into Sam's body, her back hit his warm scales and for a second she felt fear but that was washed away with security after hearing Sam's respectful words, even he could man up and speak properly to an elder she thought to herself as she watched the larger dragon leave. Then a arrow flew out of nowhere and flicked the dragons scales seeming not to even get past its hide, what a fucking moron, she thought as she waited to speak till the dragon was gone. She waited another moment to be able to remove the cloth from her face as was safe to breath. "What do you think you are doing shooting a dragon from a tree, you know you could have gotten everyone here killed right" she called out as she grumbled anger bubbled in her as she moved her hand to her belly, "just breath, we are alright now, ok " she looked at the rest of the group "I rather make a friend or nutural party then make a enemy out of an dragon, even more so a old grumpy one, I vote on helping it and finding this person it wants to be with. Playing match maker is not really my thing but why not" she ran her fingers along her belly as she looked at the group and at the dead bodys body parts that were left over. "And maybe we sould give them a proper grave or something insted of leaving them here"

Elaira grumbled to herself as her arrow simply bounced off the Dragons scales, not harming it in the least. She was not entirely sure what she had expected attacking something so massive, but as the creature lumbered away, she slowly lowered the bow. If she had heard the creature correctly, it was find some loved one or be destroyed. Lovely options. Eyes returning to the group, narrowing her eyes at Ana as the woman barked out at her. Replacing the bow on her back, she leapt from the tree and landed gracefully, ripping off the cloth she had placed around her face, "Keep your spiteful words behind your oversized teeth, woman. That creature would not have attacked the lot of you and you know it. Something that old would not have asked, or rather demanded, everyone's help if it truly didn't need it. If it wanted everyone dead, it would have killed us all before any of us even had the slightest clue." Glancing around at all the littered body parts and hearing Ana's suggestion of a proper burial, she crossed her arms. She wanted to say to simply leave them to rot, but in the same light she honestly didn't care one way or the next how the dead were treated. Personally she believed it to be a waste of time, but she herself was wasting her own time by not killing any of those still remaining to save herself.

June 13, 2019

Anaya "The Night"06/13/2019
Suy looked at the group before her a wyvern a woman angery at another one for attacking the dragon, witch was foolish and stupid but it cause no harm and they all were not dead and that elf did have a point if the dragon wanted them all dead they would be at this point, dragons were known for that anyway if they wanted something it just happened they were not really the kind to snake around about things like killing people. But the dragon was leaving so all was going to be alright and she did think there anger was justified. “the elf does have a point if that dragon wanted us dead we would be, and it is also true that it is better to have not a enemy of that thing” she turned to look off on the east side of the temple “and i saw a small cabin on my way here” she paused a moment as she let out a breath “but...there was wolves to” she then looked at the wyvern wolves would do nothing against that, but that was if the wyvern was going to join them at all, he did look rather comfortable in his spot.

Anaya "The Night"06/14/2019
Samuel looked at Ana as she backed up into his flank, going on some danger filled random quest for a lover for a dragon was not In his agenda for the day and he was not going to risk the life of his child for something so feeble as a dragons love when he knew dragons could not feel love and this one just wanted to hoard a nice looking elf woman. "You lot go on without Ana and I , the elf, cat, noki, and the woman can go on this quest, and anyone else who wishes it but ingavor myself and Ana will stay here" Ingavor looked up as samuel said his name "wait what?" He barked out as he was told to stay behind with the smaller group, why was he staying behind, why was the wyvern telling him what to do. But at the end of the day Sam was still his king and with a shallow breath he nodded his head and accepted "yes sir as you wish" walking over to des he picked her up in his arms and kissed her softly "be careful alright, I dont want you hurt, you can take care of yourself I know but still, be careful, i , i , i love you" he then handed her back to noki who took her in open arms to hold her wall she said nothing and would just do as her father had ordered. (Noki is saying nothing, and is after onyyr, next person after me)(edited)

Onvyr Roric06/14/2019
Onvyr was paying attention to the groups conversation, but he really doesn't have any input to say on this right now because he waiting to get a move on. But when he is listening to everyone elses conversation, he only notices two person out of place, which is of course the two that is loving on each other while he tilt his head. What a strange thing to have such love during this time but of course, he looks away from the group now and begin to look around a moment. It is as if he is searching for something to be able to use in combat hopefully. He however made sure to be respectful of the dead, but he still have to search, regardless in this cold cruel world. But for now, he is wondering if the groups have a plan in motion to go towards since he will follow them and assist however he can, but will he get close to them? He is unsure of, he's not really one to trust a group on the spot due to his time of helping the poor, stealing from the riches, so really stealing and searching isn't anything new while he is able to listen to the group

Anaya "The Night"06/16/2019
Ana looked at the elf girl, mood flair ups in her gaze as the pregnant wood elf would.not be talked to in such a manor. Her hand moved to Sam's scale that pressed up against her back as Sam lowered his head down to her "Sam please show that elf to use respect when talking to royalty" it was all she needed to say to have her guard dog react in a fitting format. His foot lashed out as he slammed a foot into the tree she was perched on sending that whole thing falling to the ground, hopefully the elf was nimble enough to not get crushed by the tumbling timber but if not it was not like Sam cared. Once the tree fell smashing into the ground and sending all the wild life fleeing from ther skins Sam's massive maw moved over to glare down at Elaira. "The only reason you are alive is due to us not having many people left. Watch your tounge when speaking to a queen you pathetic mortal swine. " his jaws driped acidic drool as he glared down with glowing green eyes at the feeble little elf that was about the size of one of his smaller teeth. He let out a snarl as he pushed his maw closer to the elf girl his nose intches from her, one touch of his body, one drop of drool to her skin would be the end of her, just took one and she would be over and melting from the inside out "I dare you to stab me elf, or learn your place" he snarled more showing his drool covered teeth as he hung his head over her, his whole being stinking of sulfer and death. Ana stood back watching her mate defend her and do as requested, it was rather nice to have such a being as a sort of pet even if he was her mate as well she knew his temper, even many times that temper had turned on her her lift in the balance of his rage, but it was enjoyable for her not to be at the end of his teeth for once. --- (Onvyr you find with searching the Bush, 3 blunt ended arrows with no bow, one severed troll leg with bone, and a small not book with the words fire spells on the cover.)

Tilting her head slightly at Ana's request for assistance, Elaira redirected her eyes to Samuel. As he knocked the tree over, she merely took a simple step to the side, avoiding the crashing object. She narrowed her eyes at the Wyvern, "I will speak to that child like a queen once she has earned that title. Being born into the role does not gain her my respect, nor my loyalty. Kill me if you want, I could care less at this point, but if you think I will stand by and be insulted by her or anyone else for that matter, you are sorely mistaken." Crossing her arms, she remained firm in her stance, "And do grab a strawberry to mask that revolting breath of yours." Towards the end of her rebellious speech, Des had leapt off Noki's shoulder and slid in front of the Elven woman, having shifted back into her Humanoid form. Spreading her arms, she looked into Samuel's eye, barking out in a mixture of fear and irritation, "Enough of this! Its amazing to me that despite all of our fortunes of escaping the city, shooing off a Demon and somehow surviving an encounter with an Old One, you are STILL bickering amongst one another and are at each others throats!" Lowering her eyes to Ana, she gave a look of desperation, "Please.. cant we all just either do as the Old One asks or leave? Peacefully?" Elaira rolled her eyes, continuing to glare at Samuel.

Anaya "The Night"06/26/2019
Suy could feel the tenthion growing within this group, and she took a step back into a shadow. It was warm in the shadow as she looked back out to the group, that....were vanishing away from her eyes, was there a hole in the ground she was falling, falling down a rabbit hole that she never knew was there. (Note she is not falling g she just believes she is, to the onlookers looking at her she holds a blank buged out glazed over look in her eyes staring into space wall standing in a shadow just looking out into nofhing) "Scriptures tells us that demons came from the darkness no truth in man's words, lost the little demon is trying to find daddy, truth be daddy does not know you exist little one, daddy does not love you, pity pity, for love is liquid to darkness, eternal love and acceptance to what dwells within. Hunt for a father that does not care, a fake love, a fake idol, or.embrace a mother that has loved you all along, the choice is yours child, the choice is yours" the darkness whispered as the tumbled down the pit, farther and farther down the pit that seemed to have no end, thoughts raceing in her mind, were was she going, was there a end, did this even exist, was it just in her mind, who in the fuck was talking to her. Why did it talk about her father. "Who are you!" She screamed out into the nothingness "we are what was, what is, and what forever will be, the darkness within you that loves you and always will, for we are the truth the darkness the everlasting mother, for we are the many the absolute. You will know us in due time but think, choice, follow the truth not a lie placed in your mind by the ones that do not care for you" then it was just falling, the voice stopped and silence took over (c)

Anaya "The Night"06/26/2019
Samuel snarled and spat as the elf back talked him in such a way, he would rip apart the girl for far less. His nose almost touching Des as he did not care that she moved in risking herself he would not pull a intch back even with one touch from his skin would be the death if her "Ana was not born a ruler she was born a slave in chains and made one due to her actions, you judge when you know nothing, little girl with a master that has defiled your blood with ignorance and stupidity, that elf has done more to earn her title then anyone has, you just had your head to far up a demons ass to see it" the wyvern has so much malice in his voice it was fuming, froth on the insides of his scale covered lips. He turned his head as he felt Ana's cold hand on his back flank scale "it is fine, I lost my temper with her, it was wrong of me, this child inside is doing things to me I would not normally do. It is alright Sam let the girls be" Sam gave a snort as he recoiled his head as she talked snarling under his breath, the large scissor like scales on the end of his tail, protecting the projectile barb on the end snapped open and shut as his temper flared. "You are kinder then I am" he said softly as he moved his nose to push it into her chest as her arms hugged it enjoying the warmth if his face "yes I am, if it was for you we would have no friends and a pile of burnt kingdom" she was right in the larger picture of things, if it was up to him the whole world would burn. He glared back at the elf and cat girl "now get on your way to do that love task for the old dragon. The faster it is done the faster we can leave this muk covered swamp" he nuzzled Ana softly as he kept one eye on that elf and cat.

Anaya "The Night"06/26/2019
Noki watched it all as the cruel elf insulted her sister, it was so.mean.. she was born I to the family she was.. well ryu to but he was..dead now, so she was the only one left born into the family name, but she did not ask for it, and in reality she did not really want it, she had to have it or no one would be a ruler for the family "just cus someone is born into something does not mean they sould not have respect, or loyalty, the ones born into things did not ask for it, but even being born to something does not make a person any less worthy for it. " her voice held sadness in it, was she worthy for the place her mother tossed her into, was she good enough for it. Was everything alright with her in this role, she pondered at the questions in her mind as she looked onward to the elf and Des, Des standing up against father for it and Ana telling father to back down, he did care for Ana and he never acted that way publicly towards mother, there care was not the same as mother and Sam's care towards each other. But Noki was fine with it all the same. "Ana is a great queen, and even if she is not a dragon she is my sister, she was not born like I was she was picked by mothers hand, and even if you do not respect her you sould respect the choice of mother all the same, Ana would not have been picked for nothing" nokinwas proud of her words as she held her head up high hiding the pain in her heart towards the elfs words, words could sting more then daggers at times and to a dragon that had more humanity then some humans it did hurt in her soul when the words left the elfs lips. ( skipped as he is waiting for people to get going on task)

Onvyr Roric06/26/2019
Onvyr was listening to everyone while he was searching, though while he isn’t really paying much attention to what they were saying, he investigated the bush properly and found some blunt arrows as he picks them up. He stares at them, speaking to himself “Hmm… without a bow these can be useless… but if I can throw them correctly….” He thinks to himself, as he holds them, then see one troll leg with the bone in it as he pulls it out. He blinks at it as he might as will use it as a weapon, but then lastly, he pulls out a small note book as his eyes widen seeing the word Fire. He is terrified of Fire, although, he breathes just to relax as it just the words before speaking to himself “Hmm… maybe I should overcome it….” He said to himself. He doesn’t like Fire too much, but if he can use some fire trick for good, and overcome it, he’ll do it. So he put the book into the pouch, looking at the two things that he is holding, thus 3 blunt arrows with a troll leg, he speak to himself “Okay…” he said to himself, sighing a bit as he slides the blunt arrow into his pant loops and tighten it up to make sure they don’t come out but with the troll leg, he’ll hold onto it and throw it over his shoulder, walking back over while he is listening to them officially now, although he missed over what half of the conversation was. He heard something about some woman name Ana being a great Queen as he thinks a moment, bringing his left hand up while his right hand is holding onto the bone. He stroke at his jawline chin a bit at the thoughts of this woman suppose to be a great Queen, but as it stands, he keeps any comments to himself while he thinks in his head “a woman name Ana… suppose to be a great Queen…. Yet somehow something has led to this.” He said to himself in his thoughts, but he looks over at the groups while he waits for them to decide where they and him would be going.

Elaira continued to eye Samuel, unafraid of the creatures size and threatening manner. She was a dead woman anyway and she knew it, and even if she were not, she would not sit idly by and allow this abomination of creation to speak to her in such a way without the very least challenging it at ever turn she could get. As Ana instructed Samuel to back down, Elaira could not help but force a grin, taking the small victory even though it was not truly hers to claim. The same woman she had insulted just moments before came to her rescue and she knew it, but it was interesting to see Samuel back down at a simple request. Glancing over at Noki as she began speaking, her grin faded, her blank stare returning to her face, "I honestly could care less who was chosen as Queen. As far as I am concerned, I own loyalty to no one but myself. Even if I were a member of this Kingdom of yours, it lay in ruin. The royal line lay broken along with it." Des, having lowered her arms with a sigh as Samuel backed away, her eyes snapped open at the Elven woman's response to Noki. Growling, she turned on her heel quickly, full on striking Elaira in the face with her fist. Elaira, being caught off guard, dropped like a sack of potatoes at the random act of violence. Pushing herself back up onto an elbow, she looked at the fuming feline woman. Des pointed down at Elaira, her tail poofed out in anger, ears twitching here and there, "I stand up for you, only for you to insult them further? I have had it with you and your lack of understanding or caring for the situation we all find ourselves in. As far as I am concerned, you can join the rest of the dead that surround us.." Des moved away from Elaira, returning to stand next to Noki, resting her head on the woman's shoulder in irritation. Spitting a half mouth of blood, Elaira remained on the ground for the time being.

IsisRainDeLaRose (Aezvyra)07/03/2019
It felt like hours as the woman deeper and deeper into the darkness of her own mind. Was she even truly there, Suraya didn’t know the real answer any longer ‘Your losing it’ a male voice creeped into her mind as she heard the female one which overpowered it? “Who there.” The girl called out over and over as she tried to figure which way was up and down from the pit she was falling. Why did this being speak of demons? Did she know her mother? Her father? Suy struggled to calm her mind as she tried to piece together what was happening to her. She paused trying to figure out what the voice meant by truth. Truth was she was only in that land sent by her mother to retrieve her father, a father she never met and oddly enough was one of the rusted swords strapped to her back and did not even know it; thus her search was indeed over. The voice made her miss her mother, she never knew any other family but her mother due to history. It spoke of truth. “what truth?” she called out to the silence. ‘The father or the mother’ the male voice appeared back in the girl’s head. “Shhh you” Suraya hushed the blade strapped to her side. “Nothing out of you.” She repeated to herself over and over. It had been a few years since the male voice had started, the day she found her so called blade NightKiss. The woman with dark eyes lingered more on the question at hand. ‘truth’ Truth was why was she there, and who was speaking to her now.

Anaya "The Night"07/04/2019
Noki looked at the elf that just got fully decked out by Des, As Des came over to her she softly pressed the side of her cheek into Des a thank you soft nuzzle and a sort of dragon hug. Then Noki moved and walked past Des walking over to the elf spiting blood and still siting on the floor. Even after the insults after everything this elf had done Noki would not change who she was. Noki reached a hand down and offered to help the elf up from the ground "be it queen, pesent, dragon or human the only thing that matters is the choices we make and the words we speak. You are your owner, you make your own choices you need not follow anyone but yourself, that is commendable, but others kindness will not last forever and the journey a head we will need to be able to trust you" her blue eyes looked at the elf as her red hair fell in her face and she looked to the elf wondering if she would take the hand protoss her gesture back at her. (C)

"You move too quickly for an old man..." A smirk played on the elf's face as he quickened his pace behind the elder elf. Catching up to walk beside him, he heard the man respond. "You move too slowly for a young one. You wished to migrate to another land after creating such an infamous name for yourself. I still hear the women and men of the last village singing drunken songs of your escapades, Eliza." The younger elf cleared his throat and looked off into the distance, pausing before smiling again and nudging the elder. "Come now father, my reputation must precede me. Alas we shall have a new start!" He clasped a hand on his father's shoulder before pulling him in closer to wrap the arm around his shoulders. Soon, their traveling troupe would come upon Ordaron's Temple, some taking time to pray to him, while others, including Eliza and his father, settled a few meters away to rest and chart their courses. Eliza and his father intended to separate from the group in the morning and resume their wandering alone. Such was how Eliza begged his father to relocate, and in rare nature, his father agreed. Yet, fortune frowned upon them as the events unfolded from peaceful into horror. They had only joined with this group of homeless souls the day before, following far behind them all to only have them in eye-shot. Many were lost to the sudden gas infusing the air. A sleeping Eliza had been the one to survive it as his father chose to cover his nose and mouth and not had a chance to protect himself before inhaling a good bit. (c)(edited)
He was deathly ill for hours, Eliza had dragged him off to another part of the forest until the dragon had gone, but it was too late. The last of his father was a kind smile, "My son, it seems I have failed you as a father, I couldn't have left you at a worse time. Here boy... you may finally find your mother one day... if she still lives." He shoved his clenched fist into Eliza's chest, pushing him away as he leaned back onto a tree. As his eyes lost life, his hand slowly opened, a long silver chain with a large, heavy token on the end slipped from his fingers and onto the ground. Eliza stared silently into his fathers dead eyes for a long while, finally closing the poor souls eyes and taking the chain. He stood and pulled on his cloak, tugging the hood over his ears again, as he and his father had been careful to conceal their identities as dark elves. He would perform the death rites and bury his father before standing and marching towards where other bodies laid, the further he got towards the camp area he saw half eaten bodies, covering his mouth from the horrific sight until he stopped dead in his tracks. His light brown eyes widened at the sight a few meters ahead of him, the large dragon, the woman getting struck to the ground, the visibly pregnant elf, the entire scene was more than he expected. Though, he knew not what to expect. He stood there, staring particularly at the elves feeling slightly uncomfortable and also not knowing what to do or say anymore. His shocked and confused expression hidden by the shadow created by his hood. His fist shook slightly with the tight grip he held on the chain in his hand, the token with strange markers and crest hanging from his fingers. If one looked at him he would also appear to suddenly be breathing heavily as his shoulders shook with a surplus of emotions that he had yet to fully address. (f)

Anaya "The Night"07/10/2019
As Noki moved forword Sam's eyes followed his daughter like a hawk, he snorted as he pushed his nose into Ana's hands and she held him softly, Noki was to good for this world and it was going to get her hurt and he knew it, dragons needed to be hard, untrusting and brutish or they wound surely find themselves at the end of pike's and mounted on walls. He softly nuzzled Ana as his eye caught a new face moveing into the camp. The wyverns head lifted as he turned it to face the dark end that hid in the shadow cover, a normal set of eyes would have missed the being but Sam did not miss it. He grumbled as he in all reality did not care much and it was up to the party what they would do with the new commerce. Sam moved his maw back to Ana to scoop her up onto his nose to hold his pregent mate away from danger. He let out a snort as Ana shifted to get comfortable and then moved his head back to the fire so that his mate could rest and the group could get moveing to do what they needed to do. --- Ingavor stood a little bit away from the lot of them as he watched the whole thing "come on let's go, we have a God to wake up or something right" he called out as he pointed to a path that lead off into the woods. "Let's bring back the sun and get this world normal agein!" ---- Suy would feel the dark ess around her start to deface as the real world came back into view and she left what place she was in "you will have to make a choice little one, the ones that lie to you, or the one that never can, you were born into darkness, you are a child of darkness, your family comes over all others, your true family, you will have to make a choice, a tunnel, or a house, do into the darkness and you will be rewarded" and the voice was gone, leaving her with nothing bit silence.

Onvyr Roric07/12/2019
Onvyr became part of the group though without them saying anything as he listening to them. He heard something about bringing back the sun of waking up some god. He thought about it as he speaks out loud just to rather question it “What kind of god are we waking up? Would it even help us?” he asks rather weary of it while he is looking over at the male (ingavor) that said such a thing. Afterward, he looks over at the path that he has pointed out, bringing his right hand up to his chin to stroke it a bit while he thinks still. Part of him want to believe that there is a way to bring back the sun by waking up some god, but another part of him doesn’t think so, in the mean times, while he looks down seeing the book in his hands, and although he is afraid of Fire whenever he’s looking at this book, feeling the slight of panic, he’d open it up to see what spells would be introduced to him to look on and study them as he will do this while feeling the group at the same time.

Elaira simply remained on the ground, glancing down at the woman's offer to help her up before looking back up at her. What she said had made sense, but at the same time, it sounded like nothing more than self righteousness. Scoffing, she laid back and stared at the sky, turning her head only to continue to spit blood. Des watched as Noki walked away and attempted to help Elaira up, shifting back into her feline form and narrowing her eyes at the Elven woman's lack of interest. She wasn't entirely sure why the Elf went from warming up to everyone to acting the way she was, but there was obviously a reason and she had half a mind to find out what it was. There was more than one way to skin a cat, or at least that's what the humans always said. Lifting a paw, she began grooming herself, wondering what their next move as a group was going to be. It had been tossed around for quite some time now what everyone was going to do, but in all honesty she was antsy to simply get on with it. Either bring back the sun and rid the planet of the infection that had spread thanks to otherworldly intervention, or simply move on and leave the world to fend for itself. Either way, her tail flicked back and forth with anticipation as she continued to groom herself.

IsisRainDeLaRose (Aezvyra)07/26/2019
Suy seem to scream out over and over to the voice as if trying to make it tell her who it was. Yet it seemed the darkness had other plans for the woman. "What do you mean a tunnel or a house." the two confused the girl as she stood there her mind clawing at its self as she searched for answers in it though at least she wasn't falling anymore, she seemed to find a tunnel of darkness that was now fading as what ever had happen in her mind was weakening its hold. The woman's dead stare seem to change as she grew closer and closer out of her day- dream state. Her eyes slowly returned to a normal color not a dull shade of them. She blinked trying to grasp the reality of what had just happened to her, which sent her nearly stumbling over as she moved and leaned against a tree. 'what does it mean' she questioned herself as she stood there not even looking around for the rest of the party. The female blinked as she finally looked about to see she wasn't far of from the others, she was surprised they had not left yet. Let alone they were speaking about something, of cousre she didn't know because she legit felt as if she had been falling for house which made her off balanced even now.

With a shuddering intake of breath, Eliza stepped closer, "What is this... is this who we've been following all this time? To think my careless endeavor would not only lead to such a demise but also..." He laughed humorlessly and pushed back his hood from his face. "What a sight, a damned dragon, doom personified leads these people." He shook his head and donned the chain, tucking it under his clothing before looking to the others, "God..." His eyes trailed to the statue then back to the group, "There is none...only Devils dwell in this place." He glanced back to the dragon, not foolish enough to glare at him, simply a look of disdain and pain, only to furrow his brow at the Elven woman and pull a confused expression. Eliza felt a hot pain in his chest, dull but bothersome as he looked at her. Rubbing the chain under his clothing, he tilted his head. "What exactly do you think your Gods can do now..."

August 4, 2019

Anaya "The Night"08/04/2019
Sam and Ana were at the fire place and did not seem to care much for the group they were on there own now and Sam needed to care for his mate not bother with some sun crap they he could do without, him and Ana would be fine without the sun. (Sam and Ana are now out of the order unless someone specifically talks to them) ------ Noki looked at the group and then spotted the new Male face that had come out talking on what gods can do now. The little girl paused as her red hair fell over her face and she thought it would be polite to go see the new person, it was a good thing to do seeing she was a queen now...with no kingdom anymore...but still a queen at heart. She held out her small clawed hand to the new person as she gave a warm smile her bright blue eyes shimmering happly. "Hi there I am Noki Naviria Rose DeNure ruler of the iron dy......I am just Noki we dont have a new castle yet, and my mother is a God, she can do alot to help out, all you have to do is pray and sometimes she hears us. But we are in a quest to get the sun back and wake up Odaron, wana help?" ------ Ingavor was so proud of the little one as she acted all kind and queenly. And then the other man asked him about the God and stuff "oh I got a book on that I think" he said as he pulled forth his bag and spell book opening up a page and liveing his hand inside.(edited)

Anaya "The Night"08/04/2019
He pushed and rummaged around in the spell book yanking out a book with the title. LESSER GODS AND YOU, in large print on the socer. He opened it and started to read "Odaron was the lesser God of the sun, he was far from as strong as the other ones but he watched over the sun and kept it shining, but he had a fatal sin that caused his demise, his vanity caused his eyes to gaze on a woman but she was a trick and a lie and the greater gods turned him and the woman into stone and trapped them both in his chamber in this very ruined castle. " he shut the book and looked up "that is the God we want to wake up, he is a lesser God but he is all we have right now to try to get the sun back" and he started to walk away from the party hoping that the group would follow.

August 7, 2019

Onvyr Roric08/07/2019
Onvyr continue to stand there, without much stuff at all, other then having the Book of Fire, Troll leg, and some blunt arrow. He looks over at Ingavor, seeing that he pulled out a book after hearing himself asking some questions. He listens to what he has to offer by what the book is saying, as he listens to him closely. He thinks a moment to himself and nods “Alright.” He said, thinking as he strokes at his own chin after lifting with his right hand, but then see him starting to walk away from the party as he decides to run to catch up. “I’m coming along with!” He said. He wants to save the sun as much as the next person do as he nods to himself.

IsisRainDeLaRose (Aezvyra)08/20/2019
Suy took a breath as the world around her returned to normal for herself. She figured despite the minor freak out; the feeling of falling which now had went away as she leaned against the nearest tree. Her hands moved behind her on the tree itself as if she was holding her self up. The female would then take a few breaths and regain herself as she walked up on the rest of the party though she would listen to the rest as she grew closer to them. She wasn't sure what she had missed, what had been decided but she did know the darkness spoke to her; granted she wasn't sure what to do about it, if she should tell the others. Granted it was better that they didn't know her background, that she was prone to the darkness due to her mother. Suy was blaming her mother whom sent her on this task which seemed never ending at this point. Hearing the child like voice Suraya stopped and looked at the woman whom addressed herself as Noki. 'Suy ' the male's voice rang into the girl's mind as she moved about bringing herself into the sight of the rest of the party now. "What did we decided?" she seem to speak out loud this time trying to bring her mind around the choices 'house or tunnel' what did that even mean? Her gaze glanced over to the woman whom seem to go back to speaking. The woman then realized the male speaking and then seem to head off in some direction which she figured was th esame way they had to go. '....Darkness...' Nightkiss muttereed to his wielder. It was no secret he was upset, even for a blade that the woman now held not only him but two other blades.


Due to unforeseen circumstances, most of the players in de la rose have left playing with us and we had to make a detour from this current storyline so from this point on please keep in mind that some characters are dead and removed and a new area is starting to happen with a new group of players, DeLaRose is a multiplayer role play so at times things due happen. thank you
- Ownership, Anaya

  Rose Has Thorns Part 4 - The Darker World - Page 2 Du3jdFrVYAICkpH


Ana sighs softly as her head tilts up to look at the sky. Her silver hues almost glowing. The fire had long since burned out, the scent of the fire still lingering in the air. It took her back to different times. She knew she was better equip to handle this situation. Her years alone, traveling, fighting saw to that. Her belly had grown so large so fast. The other were asleep, Ana, however, could not sleep her mind was lost in trance. Her fingers gently brushing over her belly. She couldn’t help but question how she managed to get pregnant… She had only ever been with Samuel… and he shouldn’t be able to do that… And then, when they came across the dark beings they never went after her. They even listened the time they went to attack Samuel, when she shrieked stop and then ran off, leaving the party alone. Then it hits her. Ana goes to wide-eyed. Caliga had never said what she wanted as repayment. She glances at her belly as things suddenly start to click in her head. The reason she was never attacked, why they listen, how Samuel managed to get her pregnant. Her eyes flicking towards the sky, “You did it… didn’t you… This is your doing… My repayment for the gift…” Ana then flicks her gaze back towards the group. Towards Samuel, Noki, everyone. She was a danger to them. Yes, the beasts would listen to her it seemed but… they wouldn’t stop coming. Ana swallows hard. She knew what she had to do to try and protect them. And if she even remotely tried to talk this out with Samuel he would refuse to let her leave. She wasn’t sure if he had realized what had happened yet but she knew that she had to go. She had to leave them.
She swallows hard, moving silent she heads back to her sleeping area and quickly but nearly silently packs her stuff up in a sack. She takes just enough food to get her threw two days, leaving the bulk of it for the others. Ana sighs, she couldn’t leave without leaving a note for Samuel, he would chase her down if she did that, granted her leaving now gave her a few hours head start, though, he could always just shift and chase her down. Ana sighs softly and finds a bit of paper, a quill, and some ink, sitting down on a stump to write in the rather dim moonlight.
My Dearest Samuel,
I am sorry to do this but I am leaving the group to you and your care. It has come to me that the child I carry, the child we created may not be what it seems. There are too many things I cannot explain, too many things that could lead to danger for you and the others. I have taken the bare minimum of what I will need. Please, Samuel, do not follow after me. Protect others. The child and I being here will most likely bring more harm than good. You know I can protect myself and the child. Mayhap in the future, we will run into each other again, but for now, this is best.
Forever your lovely elf,

Tears stung her eyes as she finishes the letter. She had a feeling Samuel would not listen to her letter as she pinned it to the opening of her tent so she had to make the most of the few hours she had. She gently kisses Noki on the forehead before fetching her bag and heads off. Heading back towards where her mother's Castle once stood. She would start there in her search for answers. She knew she wouldn’t be alone. The bow on her back, the energy bow in her arm, she was protected by her own, and if she was right, there was a greater power aimed at keeping her alive. Ana sets off at a rather quick pace, aiming to put as much space between her and the group as she could, leaving as little of a trace as she could to make it hard for Samuel to follow her.

Krak'ard "Aegis" Omreht04/14/2020
Backing out of the main temples entranceway, and seeing how the so called heroes were handling the situation, the insectile gnoll growled lightly to himself. Useless, and falling apart from within their own ranks from spies and those tricked by Caliga. Gazing at the pendant, he would use the power within to remove himself from the scene, and back towards that one family in the woods, the ones that showed him kindness and mercy. The one set of dryads woods, that due to his teardown on Anaya's castle, would be the only true safe place from her both intentionally and un-intentionally. Focusing his thoughts on the family, he would teleport himself out of the temples grounds, and to safety from the oncoming darkness.

Anaya "The Night"04/16/2020
Sam would turn in his sleep, the side of his head thumping off to the side as he wrapped his arms around Noki, then as he reached his other arm to grab Ana he felt nothing there “ana…” he muttered as he grabbed around with his hand at the air, it had been a long trip and with everyone tussled in there tents things were quiet in the woods now that the crap about the demon dog thing was over and it was gone, he opened his eyes  as he saw nothing but darkness, and it was cold, really cold as it was still evening or maybe just before dawn, it was hard to tell anymore really. “Ana come back to sleep you will freeze" he muttered as he looked for her his large green eyes expanding to see better and push the sleepy from them. Nomi grumbled as she rolled over, that girl could sleep threw a tornado if she had to. Sam stood up after nuzzling his little girl with his cheek. But his eyes became frantic when he realized, Ana was gone. He walked out a bit to were her items were to find nothing there, his pregnant daughter who had his child inside of her had bolted and fled into the woods. He soon after realizing she had taken off found the good buy note she had left him, he only got about half way down before tossing it to the ground and .
bolting the same into the woods tracking her trail and using his Jose to trace were her feet had touched.
“Tisk tisk little wyvern now what are you doing going after the girl” a southern voice whispered from the tree line as a woman walked out of the trees she had black hair, a draw to her voice and bright…..purple……eyes……. The wyvern paused as he took a breath “I hold no matters with caligas people, I wish no quarrel with you kinn” he said softly as he paused to look at it up and down, it smelled of her, looked the part and even made the air taste bitter.
“No ya don’t, bit we do with you, and that group of misfits back there and your perdy true born of the golden whore up top” it did not talk like a kinn, it had more freedom less unity to its voice this was not a normal kinn, this was a free kinn, this was a kinn that had a voice had a spirit had a mind if it’s own and allowed such things from the one that made it, a kinn with enough power to hit him on his ass faster then he could respond, he was not fighting this, he would not win against this…Noki sam turned and bolted backwards, Ana would  forgive him, he would find her, he would fight for her but Noki had to be safe she was all that was left of a blood line on this world that
Caliga needed smushed out and even if he knew Caligas laws he did not know if this prime was going to follow them. Grabbing Noki sam jolted her awake
“whaaaa" she questioned as within seconds the girl was in her father’s arms then talons and lifted off the ground. I am sorry Ana we will find you one day, we will find you, forgive me for breaking my word there were tears in the wyverns eyes as he let out aloud longing roar knowing Ana would hear the pain he had.
The kinn on the ground watched them go, it knew that in due time they would surface, when thechild was of age, then and only then would it be time to rid the world of that one a holy god that would never made it to maturity. The kinn walked across the ground silent as normal as its vanilla stink filled the air. Bit nothing move the wind was still, time had stopped as it walked to a still, frozen in place fire. There were the ones that stayed, the little ones sleeping in tents, resting by the fire talking stories with there friends. Frozen in place not having a clue she was even there, then with one flick to each one they popped like bottle rockets, humans turned into little cherry bombs exploding there blood and innards flying but being g frozen in space after the initial pop. The air held chunks of body parts all over it pity they had to go, but they were running a muck and something’s did not need to happen, and this prime was here for an reason more then Ana or Sam or the brat kid. The prime walked to the tent that held one sleeping trinket Jeff, the price that stole the part it needed all due to a moronic goat that ended up dead. “Jeff oh Jeffery a pain you are to our family bit a part you are to us all the same, a wish made balance break, but if it was not for that we would have never been given the power to take over this world, your presence back on this world gave us this land for good, now with you coming back to us and this god of this temple
still sleeping there is nothing left here to bring it back.  All you had to do was stay dead in the pool hearing tales of tv and Jean shorts and it would have saved them all" she reached in to pull out the limp frozen body of the boy. Her fingers turning back as long black tendrils started to wrap like snakes around him, they got tighter and tighter till you could not see his skin anymore. Her skin glowed in the night as she absorbed him into herself. He was then soul she lost when he was pulled from the soul pool inside of her body “add him back to the counter Calypso our soul pool is whole again  and he is gone back to were he belonged" she spoke to the darkness as a drifting presence would not be far from the kinn, a being linked to her clearly able to be talked to.
Now with Jeff gone back inside and the camp a time stopped bloody exploded mess she walked back threw the carnage picking up a teddy bear, and some other trinkets and tossing them into the darkness to be taken back to caliga and ulon were they belonged, mortals did not need zodiac  dragon toys anyway, dragons were growing rather annoying anyway. As she left the time stop ended and all the bodies simultaneously exploded together sending a fray of body parts and insides all over the place. The kinn vanished into a shadow only to form once more right in Ana’s path looking at her.  She was a tall woman with black hair and purple eyes dressed in Jean’s and a black almost cowgirl leather shirt, she seemed very out of place and like she was dressed from a time that was not now. “hold it, you are not to run off alone, you hold something very dear to us and we don’t want you getting hurt, so were are we going anyway miss Ana DeLaRose, little slave that made it to being a royal elf" she knew all about ana even if ana had never seen this female before in her life, the female knew her clearly

Ana was a little ways away from the camp when she suddenly heard Samuel’s cry out. She winces, she knew it was too late to turn back now. Samuel wasn’t one to stupidly give away his location, something was happening. She turns around, now debating with herself whether she should go back or not.     She shakes her head and sighs. She couldn’t, she couldn’t endanger them with what she was fairly certain she carried. She lets out a soft sigh as she moves to turn around, she had to leave them. Samuel could handle himself and Noki was his child, he would protect her. The one growing in her she couldn’t even say if it was Samuels at this point. Ana lets out a shaky sigh and closes her eyes a moment. She was making the right choice. She had to be. As she opens her eyes to move forward the being appears in front of her, leading to a growling sound from her.
The energy bow in her wrist was instantly alive and Ana draws back the string in a heartbeat. The bow and the arrow in it buzzing slightly due to the energy channeling threw it. A faint glow from it. Ana’s silver hues glare towards the being, she says nothing at it spoke. It only told her what she already knew. She was carrying something they wanted, they needed. They couldn’t attack her. At least not to the point of killing her or risking her losing what she carried. The being knew of her but she figured it would seeing as she was fairly certain it came from Caliga. She waits a moment after it spoke before she speaks herself. “You got that a bit wrong. I was born royal. I die royal. The slave part in the middle was just an… annoyance. As for where I am going… Wherever I please. Alone. I don’t need a babysitter. I’ve made it this far in life on my own.”Her eyes scan over the being, taking in the different attire it wore but it doesn’t seem to faze Ana. Her bow remains drawn, almost as if daring the being to come near her. The arrow in her bow was an explosive type. It just had to come in contact with the ground near the being to cause the explosion that would send them both flying, away from each other meaning Ana could get a head start running off if needed. She figured that was a better option than trying to summon a one of her thralls at the moment. Granted, she doubted the being would fully attack her, seeing as it even said the child was something that they wanted.

Anaya "The Night"04/17/2020
The woman looked to Ana, her bright eyes moved up and down Anas body as the four on both sides sunk into her skin leaving her with only the two main ones and a look of more of the normal, kinda nature. Girl had guts that much was true or she just did not know what she was up against or maybe she popped that puzzle together, really the woman cared little for her, the only thing that mattered was what was inside and the fact this woman needed to raise it. But as the woman watched Ana her garments changed to that of a shimmering gem coated silver and black dress to better suit the time line she was now shoved in “you are a girl with stones, i will give you that little mortal, but you lack the ability to realize you don't have a choice in this matter, your little bow wont kill and hardly will harm us and if you run and bolt for freedom we will find you without any thought, you see that thing inside you is part of us, made from us we can track it like it is the fox and we are the hound in your classic fairy tail. So you pick, work with us or run from us you know that we wont be far even if you do get away and as soon as that child comes out of you we will be there to aid in its growth, and if we are not you are more likely to get eaten by it then, be its loving motherly figure, never has a Kinn been born truly before, we are made from the body's of others corrupted in the beauty of the All Mother but you, Ana so you are called, oh you are something all of us are yammering about, the child that will birth the first True Kinn, our Little Brother, even you, you are family to us now” a smile came over the woman face as she cocked her head to the side, Kinn could not tell lies, everything it said was the truth in some way or another and really it did not need to hide a thing, and the Voice of the one that talked to it had given the ok to spill every bean. “our name is Dia or at least that is what our name was before now, but you can use it, sister of ours”

As if on cue of the being mentioning tracking her child it did a rather harsh kick into her ribs. Something she still hadn’t adjusted to yet. Wincing a bit Ana lowers her arms. The bow disappearing. She knew she had a choice, try to flee and possibly getaway, living out her days in hiding trying to stay ahead of them well trying to figure out her child, or, use this being. There was no way she could get back to Samuel. And she had way too many questions at the moment, not to mention the child suddenly stirring was weakening her a bit. Almost as if making a point that running and staying ahead was going to be a problem. The child already seemed to be too big for her frame, she could possibly have it any day now. Her silver eyes glare at the being before she speaks. “Fine… Dia. I won’t run. But we do this on my terms. As far as I can tell, you need me alive. Even after the child is born. What I say goes. More so when it comes to the child. Now. Answer me this… is it of me and Samuel… or is it his at all.” That was one of the pressing questions she had. She already had a feeling that the birth was going to be trying and would nearly kill her. Thankfully due to her own breeding she had a feeling she could make it. She planned on being a pain in the ass of this being, of Dia’s. This thing would wish she had never met Ana by the end of this. And if she had her way, her spawn would turn on its creator, on Caliga. It was the only thing she could count on. If Nokki didn’t make it… her child had to undo what its mother had caused.

Anaya "The Night"04/17/2020
Dia looked to the girl as she watched her and could feel the little one moving inside of her, as she tilted her head to what Ana was asking, poor little thing the girl did not even know what she truly had the gift she had inside of her “what is within you is made of the most beautiful being in existence, it holds all aspects of you, Samuel, and Caliga all mixed into one, it will have her eyes, Samuel's body, and Caliga's essence, you play a very small part in the whole making of the little one inside of you, you are the host and care giver and a small amount of the child's genetic make up but really the whole of the child is that of Sam and the greatest of unholys. But you will play a large part in everything no matter what you do” she looked at Ana softly as she took a step foreword, moving to about five or so feet from her. Dia was a tall woman  as she looked down at Ana and moved her fingers to just almost touch the females belly “we both, it and and us come from the same cloth, your, following your terms ONLY come to keeping you alive, we do not work for you, you hold no power over us, if we were able your whole ill gotten beseatful family would be cleansed from this earth and placed in a black pit so no one can see its light, we are to guard you and watch and guide that child to see its life as it should be, so
make it the true vessel of the unholy and grow it. You are to care for it, and be alive, nothing else you do matters” she paused as her nose got closer to Anas so close that Ana could feel the cold draft coming out of the woman “and don't push your luck girl, just due to the fact we cant kill you, does not mean we cant make you wish you were dead” there was a slight cringe in Dias core as she ignored it and smiled as she did rows on rows that vanished into darkness could be seen in her mouth, Ana had to remember what she was dealing with, this was a being that could shape time and space around the girl, it could not kill her no, not truly but it could rip her to shreds and keep her alive and just wash rinse and repeat.

Ana watches as the being, as Dia moved closer to her. Her glowing silver hues watching the being. As it explained the break down of the child she could almost feel her mother's glare on her. She had let another goddess into her life, and now she was more or less going to give another goddess a child. However, this did confirm that her for going her promise of saving herself for marriage to have a night with Samuel lead to her becoming pregnant with the thing she now carried. However, it was part of her, it was growing in her. And despite knowing its make up now, she still was it’s mother. It was still her child, no matter who had a hand in making it. As the being made it very clear that she was needed alive to raise the child she smirks, knowing full well she had the upper hand here. The needed her alive. They needed her even after the child was born. As Dia seemed to get upset by just Ana’s words she starts to recall the things her mother had once told her of these things, of their laws and she couldn’t help but smirk. She knew how to toy with it now. The cring on the things face as it threatened her made it all the more clear to her. She could toy with this thing. Over and over again, make its life hell. The smirk on Ana’s face grows. Her eyes seeming to get a shimmer to them. Dia had stepped closer to her, her silver hues staring at Dia as Ana steps closer, her voice no more than a whisper, “Don’t threaten me, Dia, you are a mutt on a chain. Your words are nothing but worthless threats. We both know what would happen if you were to harm me. Do not forget who my mother is.” Ana could tell this wasn’t like the normal kin her mother had told her about, but the wince and the fact she hadn’t been attacked yet made her believe it followed the same laws, and frankly, she was going to test just how true that was. It couldn’t kill her without facing some kind of rather from Caliga. And she prayed to her mother that she was right.

Anaya "The Night"Yesterday at 8:51 PM
Dias eyes looked at Ana as the words that came out of the girls mouth made her fume inside not only did the foolish girl insult her but she insulted the supreme being and be it her or Caliga would not have that but she could not physically harm the girl, but Dia could do much more then just use physical harm her and now Ana got closer, oh a smile came over the woman's lips as Dia moved closer to Ana her lips right beside the girls ears. “your mother, is the one on the chain” she whispered as she took her hands and in a hug motion wrapped her arms around Anas waist. “you want to be big, then lets have you see truth”  as her words left her mouth Ana could see it, she could the gates of heaven.
The gates had a massive lock on the doors and a massive crooked toothed red eyed dog was standing in front of the doors. The doors were still locked, locked from the outside even if Anaya went up she was to unlock the doors of Heaven and let the flow of souls back to right the world and make it open again but things were still not right. The whole thing was dim, but Ana could see that the lands behind the gates door were green and bright it was were her mother was trapped at. then the whole vision changed to show that same golden dragon Ana knew so well sleeping in a cave, alone, there was nothing there, not a foot step on the ground, not a mark on the stone, she was alone, in the world she belonged to be in, but unable to get out of it. “you see Ana we cant lie, you know this, so what we show you is truth, every single view of it, we cant kill you no, we cant harm any mortal unless a mortal so harms, hurts, or insults us back, and we do need you alive, but your dear mother is no mortal, and she only stayed safe from us due to being in this world with you, and her people, but now she is alone, trapped and
we have locked her away with little to no power even due to trys from one other to gain that power back. We cant hurt you, but we can hurt her, at our leisure, or harm her and force you to feel the pain without being harmed, there are many ways around our laws that mortals dont know fully about. so shall we keep playing this game of yours?” the Kinn held so much malice in its voice, it was clear it was angered but it was telling the truth, it could not lie after all. Dia left Ana in that vision so it was all she was going to see for the time being, and as long as the Kinn had contact on her it was going to stay that way, and Ana would be no match against it physically but then words Slipped from the Kinns lips once more into Anas ear “or we can do the same thing we did that day she came to heaven to you that we did to your mother, want to know the truth Ana, want to know what really happened when she became a god”

AnarialYesterday at 10:25 PM
As Dia moved in towards Ana, closing the gap between them fully a primal growl escapes Ana’s throat. Her sliver hues glaring at Dia as she spoke of her mother. She knew something went wrong when her mother left but she wasn’t sure what it was that went wrong. As Dia suddenly touched Ana she growls again, doing her best to hold back and not strike the being, their laws still in the front of her mine. As the scene around her suddenly changes Ana gets a bit dizzy, doing her best to not lose her balance. The gates of heaven throw her off, something she hadn’t expected to ever see. As she takes in the scene of the gates, something that should be opened Ana takes in a rather shaky deep breath. This was not how things where suppose to be. This is not how the balance was maintained. She knew this very well.
As the scene shifts once more and she could see her mother in the cave she wanted to scream out to her, however, Ana knew better. There was no way they would let her actually speak to her mother. Taking in the fact that her mother was alone killed Ana, she knew this was all her fault. This was her doing. As Dia spoke once more about the laws, about her mother being trapped Ana knew she had to find a way to undo it. To fix it. Even if it meant she herself was gone to the world. Ana had a new mission, and that was to see Caliage fall and her mother freed. Dia’s threats no longer meant anything to her. If she poked at the being enough perhaps it would slip up and give her the information she needed, however, given the threat of hurting her mother to harm her made he realize it was about to be a rather careful dance that she was going to have to do. As Dia keeps her in the vision, of seeing her mother at a weak moment Ana was angry, she wanted to lash out but she knew better. Mentally she was debating on how to play this out. Ana was rather silent for a while, a smirk playing on her lips. She figured Dia was telling the truth about transferring the pain her mother felt to her however, she also knew that she could suddenly become a pain.
She could cause herself to repeatedly die, or nearly die. Perhaps causing Dia to get into a world of trouble with Calige in the end. If she was being a pain in the ass it would leave little room for other things to be happening. So, for now, she had to play her cards right and buy herself time. She had a feeling she did not truly want to know what they did to her mother the day she left the mortal worlds. Ana’s smirk turns into a rather sickening sweet smile as she finally speaks, “Fine. We do this your way, for now,” was all she said. Ana wouldn’t let it be known but she had a plot up her sleeve. She already had what she needed on her and no one else would see her plan coming.

Anaya "The Night"Yesterday at 11:40 PM
"good it is good you see reason, now lets go find a place fort you to be so the promised child can be birthed, it wont be fun for you and we are unable to provide help so we need what the mortals would call a nurse or something" Dia moved back words as she let Ana go for the time being, at least her showing Ana what she did made the girl see that even if Ana was a pain and did rash things they could find ways around them or cause harm to the one Ana cared about or maybe if the girl did insult and push enough buttons the all mother would just say fuck it and let the girl die to find a better suited mother for the child once it was out of the mortals body. Dia let out the sound of a breath and then pointed off into the forest. "we will go south,  we can get closer to the Incrad capital the all mother wishes you not in the capital but she wants you on the future Kinn black lands. "  Dia moved to point the way for Ana to lead, she would watch the girl like a hawk the whole trip.

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