The Iron Empires, A DnD and Ark Experience
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for Role play Segment owners, all MUST sign

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Rules and regulations of role play segment owners
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Disregarding and or breaking the rules listed here will result in your segment being removed from your ownership and placed back into the open market.  

  • all segment owners MUST post active storyline in the forms of roleplay logs once a month minimum, logs showing other players other than themselves must be shown and posted to prove they have a growing player base.  As long as logs are shown it is not cared in how or what way they are shown formatting is up to owners on how they want things to look. (please don't post all text in ungodly colors ownership will change and edit this on you to make things easier on the eyes)

  • all segment owners agree to be respectful to ownership and admins, just cus you are a segment owner does not make you an instant admin, it makes you a mod at best and a segment owner, you are the admin of your own roleplay segment not the owner of the whole group.

  • All segment owners must be active with the group, this means to keep in tight contact with the admin team and with ownership, we are a company we work together we want to know what you are doing just like you want to know what we are doing.
    Segment owners agree and understand that something may happen in another segment and it may alter your own drastically without warning. Example a wish is made in one area to change the weather in another area, that wish is granted and the weather up north gets warmer, this forces water levels to rise drastically and the north to melt, if your segment is a coastal fishing community or on an island you will experience flooding and possible disaster in the world. Ownership will contact you to inform you of this change, it will be up to you to figure out how to deal with it in storyline

  • Segment owners understand role players from other segments may play in yours, this will help grow things but it also can lead to hard choices and complex situations, we encourage role play segments not to mash together much or on a larger scale, this helps with keeping things apart. If you the king of one play don't go to another segment and become hitched with the queen aiming to meld your places together, they will not meld you will be forced to make a secondary rpc to run the kingdom you are leaving behind, and will now have double the work to get done each month.

  • As a segment owner it is up to you to not get pissy at ownership if they take longer then you thought to get things done for you, we are helping you in this please understand that we are working as hard and fast as we can, be understanding to this and don't be rude

  • segment owners agree to NOT post smut, porn, or dating apps or content in there segments, if there is sex in an rp log that is ok, exotic images are also alright to be posted you can post them within a spoiler with a disclaimer on top. What is not ok is just posting porn with no reason behind it that is fully unrelated to the roleplay, this is a roleplay group treat it as such and only post things that are related to roleplay.  

  • Don't be rude, or harmful to other players, don't gloat, or place your segment on a pedestal over another segment, no one is better then others and if they are better you don't need to gloat about it as that is rude.

  • Don't block your admin team or ownership and expect to be kept in the group, if we get blocked and learn of this expect to be fully removed, this is common curtsy, don't block your leadership and ownership.

In the base of it all don't be rude, post active storyline and keep in friendly contact with your ownership, we don't bite and we are not mean anyone can be a segment owner if they do the proper steps to become one.


Sign as follows

I _________ here agree to the terms overhead, I have gained ownership of the segment_____________ and have been talked to by the ownership team __((place the name of the one that talked to you here))______ and have properly been informed of the way of becoming a segment owner. I understand my responsibility to DeLaRose roleplay group and agree to them completely. And agree that if I hold any complaints or concerns I will go directly to ownership to work them out in a respectable and civil manner.  

Signed ________________


I Xaei DeLaRose, here agree to the terms overhead, I have gained ownership of the segment "Ashen Wolf Pack" and "Galandor Peak" and have been talked to by the ownership team Anaya, and have properly been informed of the way of becoming a segment owner. I understand my responsibility to DeLaRose roleplay group, and agree to them completely. And agree that if I hold any complaints or concerns I will go directly to ownership to work them out in a respectable and civil manner.  

Signed Xaei


I Anarial here agree to the terms overhead, I have gained ownership of the segment Stovania and have been talked to by the ownership team Anaya and have properly been informed of the way of becoming a segment owner. I understand my responsibility to DeLaRose roleplay group and agree to them completely. And agree that if I hold any complaints or concerns I will go directly to ownership to work them out in a respectable and civil manner. 

Signed Anarial


Sign as follows

I Grandpa Chaos here agree to the terms overhead, I have gained ownership of the segment Braidwood Kingdom and have been talked to by the ownership team Anaya and have properly been informed of the way of becoming a segment owner. I understand my responsibility to DeLaRose roleplay group and agree to them completely. And agree that if I hold any complaints or concerns I will go directly to ownership to work them out in a respectable and civil manner.  

Signed ____By me :3_______


I, Desdemona Kankoku, hereby agree to the terms overhead, I have gained ownership of the segment Avalon and have been talked to by the ownership team Anaya and have properly been informed of the way of becoming a segment owner. I understand my responsibility to DeLaRose roleplay group and agree to them completely. And agree that if I hold any complaints or concerns I will go directly to ownership to work them out in a respectable and civil manner.  


Desdemona Kankoku


I AezvyraIsadorValke aka IsisRainDeLaRose,  here agree to the terms overhead, I have gained ownership of the segment The Valley of Ignoros and have been talked to by the ownership team Anaya and have properly been informed of the way of becoming a segment owner. I understand my responsibility to DeLaRose roleplay group and agree to them completely. And agree that if I hold any complaints or concerns I will go directly to ownership to work them out in a respectable and civil manner.  

Signed AezvyraIsadorValke aka IsisRainDeLaRose



I, IngavorDeLaRose here agree to the terms overhead, I have gained ownership of the segment "Vanenburg" and have been talked to by the ownership team __((Anaya))______ and have properly been informed of the way of becoming a segment owner. I understand my responsibility to DeLaRose roleplay group and agree to them completely. And agree that if I hold any complaints or concerns I will go directly to ownership to work them out in a respectable and civil manner.

Signed IngavorDeLaRose

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