The Iron Empires, A DnD and Ark Experience
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Fun Times, The Sins Records

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1Fun Times, The Sins Records  Empty Fun Times, The Sins Records Tue Sep 25 2018, 02:17


The Day MilenkoRisada became a prime, was a grand day in the records, much doin was shared dancingp danceing and this happened

MilenkoRisada  clicks heels like a donkey..
MilenkoRisada: Im a sexy donkey
AezvyraIsadorValke: XD
Anaya: i did not know an ass could click its heels XD
MilenkoRisada: Sorry thats what came out
MilenkoRisada: I was trying to make a wizard of oz
MilenkoRisada: like
MilenkoRisada: pun
MilenkoRisada: But
MilenkoRisada: That happened.
MilenkoRisada: And damn stright...
MilenkoRisada: Im that Prime Asss
AezvyraIsadorValke: ekk i need togo shopping again
MilenkoRisada: The fuckin Prime Rib
MilenkoRisada: Savory
MilenkoRisadaMilenkoRisada Whisper: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnice
Anaya: mill became a prime kinn today he is gitty, a litle bit
MilenkoRisada: i no whave beeeehatches..
MilenkoRisada: now*
AezvyraIsadorValke: ooooo
MilenkoRisada: -nods- Beeehatches for days.
Anaya: but now the only thing i can imagin is a prime in ruby heels that is in the form of a dnky cliping its heels
Anaya: donky*

Anaya: XD the discord call right now is so messed up XD i cant breath
MilenkoRisada: Whats yo numba.
MilenkoRisada: Let meh get yah digits..
MilenkoRisada: Hey gurl you hungry?
MilenkoRisada: Want some Prime rib?
Anaya: and frys with dat XD
MilenkoRisada  Dumps A-1 sauce down meh chest.
MilenkoRisada: That A-grade beef.
MilenkoRisada: The Prime Sirloin..
MilenkoRisada: Though optimus was big...
MilenkoRisada: Well this prime is bigger
Anaya: with all the fucking transformathions
MilenkoRisada: Hey gurl this prime dont want you roll out
MilenkoRisada: Bitch get over here and roll on
MilenkoRisada: I'll sting yah call me bumble beh
Anaya: i am crying right now XD
MilenkoRisada: I'll transform into your dream ride.
MilenkoRisada: robots not in desguise....
MilenkoRisada: But were still exotic
MilenkoRisada: That Prime member ship at the club.
Anaya: he is like laughing so hard he cant talk or type right XD
MilenkoRisada: Premium Prime members ship play girl status.
MilenkoRisada: Free shipping
MilenkoRisada  winks
MilenkoRisada: and handling..
MilenkoRisada: oooof
MilenkoRisada: Comes with packing penuts
MilenkoRisada: Watch out
MilenkoRisada: Its fragile
MilenkoRisada: Well gurl need a ride?
MilenkoRisada: Im the Prime Uber
Anaya: no postal fee we will be sure it gets right in your box XD
MilenkoRisada: Bitch Stamp dis
MilenkoRisada: Lick first ask later.

Fun Times, The Sins Records  Snap_e10
Fun Times, The Sins Records  S640x610
Fun Times, The Sins Records  Snap_z10
Fun Times, The Sins Records  Fds10

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