The Iron Empires, A DnD and Ark Experience
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Rank List/Systum

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1Rank List/Systum Empty Rank List/Systum Mon Jan 22 2018, 13:41


Rank List for Sinn's of The Past
Please note - this is a ranking list for this rp and this rp alone, other players in some  of the other rps for example -name here- may not be king or family they may be just playing a maid or stranger here, this is more for you oocly to know who is a part of the role play and what their rank or title may be for you oocly, so you know who is more important and who are lesser but still very important.
In Game we are mean and may/will treat ya like shit, out of the game we love all ya losers remember this <3[/i]

Rank List/Systum C4da87ce712337f7afa1e241c5be49f1

~Anaya Approved Rank list
Rank List/Systum Invert12
"We are the one, the all the start and the finish the beginning and the end, we birthed this world in darkness and light came from our womb, we shall take back the day and turn all to see as we do. my children within Sinn we find a reason in the chaos." Caliga The All Mother

Rank List/Systum Kinn_p10

Owner leader - Anaya
Caliga - Anaya

Rank List/Systum Kinn_p10
Greater Kinn
Players must have played with in Kinn for a min of one year real time to be given this rank, it is a reward not a starting rank.
First Born
- MilenkoRisada, Rpc Feast

Rank List/Systum Kinn_p10
Players must have played with in Kinn for a min of six months real time to be given this rank, it is a reward not a starting rank.

High Visser

First Born


Rank List/Systum Kinn_p10
Players must have played within Kinn for a min of six months real time to be given this rank, it is a reward, not a starting rank.
The Glass Eye

First Born

- AezvyraIsadorValke

Rank List/Systum Kinn_p10
Greater Ursa


Rank List/Systum Kinn_p10
High Sinner -First Born


Rank List/Systum Kinn_p10
Messorem "Harbinger of souls"
Caligas Messorem

- Iota -Bound to the Prime MilenkoRisada, Rpc Feast *First Ever Messorem*

Rank List/Systum Kinn_p10
Shade of Sinn
Marshal Shade - First Born


Rank List/Systum Kinn_p10
Lesser Kinn

Rank List/Systum Kinn_p10
MIA Players - An MIA player is a player Missing In Action and not stated overhead, this player is still welcome in the rp just has been gone or has left with no reason given.  all listed here still have their badges as they have earned their place, and they are welcome in the rp still as long as badges are kept they are welcome
Rank List/Systum Kinn_p10
Dead Kinn, Removed Players
Players here have been absorbed back into the Greater Darkness unless stated otherwise
- KafzielLaVayne - Turpe -Eaten by Feast the Prime
- MalusVioloNefas
- mag7spy

More will be added as time goes on, if I am missing anything please let me know.
Rank List/Systum Page_b13

2Rank List/Systum Empty Re: Rank List/Systum Thu Oct 04 2018, 00:36


Updated 04.10.2018
- added better cosmetic charm
- added new players into there ranks
- edited spelling errors noticed


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