The Iron Empires, A DnD and Ark Experience
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Rose Has Thorns Part 3 - Spring Rains Fire

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----Meanwhile outside the castle----

Sitting against that tree, his beloved had left and his eyes seemed to close he had fallen to sleep, and now alone at the tree the mind did wonder. What was he now? Once a grand man possible to own lands and be a king to his people, once holding a place here with a bride he  did what more then anything, kidnapped away from her family and home land, be you what you will but even if it was her choice to go with him what person would be so willing to just trot away with a stranger into the darkness never to see home again for what, diplomatic reasons, yes a grand lie to tell the mothers and father of the girls life so she could be plucked like a fruit not ripe yet from a sweet smelling tree. And now what was he, a monster? A thief in the night? Nothing more then a low life scum bucket fit to spend the rest of his days hauling troll shit piles from the stable in a waggon with one broken wheel, yes that was the life he had given himself. Talking to Anaya about the job she needed to do what place did he think he held, well whatever it was was long gone now. One fowl word before the queen and her daughter and it was like the world he believed in was ripped away and turned mud at his feet. Pathetic it is to stay here clinging to a memory better left forgotten. It was time to go home to the land he once knew, maybe there would be a place there with a woman he did not feel he tricked into fucking him, sly words from a silver tongued elf was all it ever was. 

Getting up from the trees his boots dug into the ground to the sound of a trolls bowls revealing themselves, no he would be better in a ditch then here doing things the pond scum should do for him. There was no glory in this no grand prize no crown of gold on his head, this was a crown of thorns in a world that seemed to always want his head on a platter. But it was safer here the world beyond was far worse, they had seen it him and his beloved Relia, seen it all upon the trip to get here. Witch they hardly got out of alive and unscathed. He nodded his head “best to sta…” the horrendously gruesome sound of that troll stuck upon the dirty heap they called the shit pit trying his hardest to pass a scull or two…or four. The trolls grunted cry’s rang in the yard as the reeking stench made it to his sensitive nose. “nope I m out of here” Damon muttered as he did not even c are to inform anyone or grab his things to leave. All he needed was his wits and his voice and he could make it anywhere. 

Turning around he was on his way into the woods the grunted sounds of the in pain troll followed by guttural laughing of his comrades chocked the air as if he was still in range of the toxic gas that was troll shit and god knows what else. Oh how he wished upon dragons wings to grant him safe passage but how could they he was turning his back on the highest of holy, even if at times she acted nothing like it. But he needed his mind sharp here in the darkness, night had ran up quicker then planed on him and he had yet to make camp. 

The low grumble of wolves rung off the tree trunks and made it sound as if there were hundreds of them. wolves did not run in packs like that he knew this from tines well learned around them around here they stuck to three or four. Stabbing yellow eyes priced out from the darkness, two, four….five what? There was only one body and five eyes it was deformed, demented, rearranged, like it was a filed toy put together upside down and backwards. Its long dripping green grey as if fur covered tongue lapped against a Deranged jaw, segments broken down the centre like a cursed hound.  He did not even know exactly how to make due of what was standing before him, it was a abomination how was it even standing, he thought to himself as he moved his hand to his hip were his blade would have been...if he had grabbed it. Foolish thoughts of needing your wits to save you, wits were not going to work him out of this one, wolves did not understand things and this one, oh this one did not look like it even could hear, it did not even look like it had ears at all. The loud snapping of its jaws clunked together as he waddled foreword almost falling over, maybe a nice flame blast would cure it of its illnesses, when all else failed fire would purify the world and this stage to rid him of what was here to end his time. Damon’s fingers ran together as sparks started to fly, a fire ball large enough to do the trick in one blast formed in his hands. Then was tossed at the wolf before him.

The wolf started to yowl and catch flame but then the flames died and it stood there shaking its head as it to taunt, flame did nothing, it had fur why did it not go up in flame, why was it still standing there. It took some more steps foreword as it started to cough grey flam spiting from its jaws as some of the goober hit his foot, he never grabbed his boots so the glob of green unknown something made him gag as he kicked it off. As he backed up he almost fell, this was not like him, to be such a cluts to be so...dizzy. His world was spinning, what was this, what was hitting him so fast was it that thing that now just stood there waiting, knew it was not rushing him like i wolf was, how could he have been so blind to its clear pause, its waiting its time. Air born toxins had festered into his lungs drilling into the soft tissue inside and starting to expands into tumours under the skin,  the lumps were not clear as of yet but it would not take much time till they were. The glob that landed on his bear foot had been partly absorbed into the skin and that is all it took to fast track his now immanent down fall. Damon was screwed and he knew it with his hand flying into the air he turned around to run but due to the now swelling of his legs and outer extremity’s he was burdened by himself and tumbled into the grass. His face hitting the grass his thoughts a blur he could not even see anymore his eyes were swelling and starting to bleed, tears of blood running down his face and cheeks staining the grass around him. This world was not fair his life was ending how could this even be he had a plan he had a goal he had things to do, but it was all over now, cut short by a foolish animal that did not even have a brain half the size of his own.

Looking up he could feel it, teeth slamming into his bubbling legs the pain raking up his body and drilling into his dieing mind. “i did love you” he was able to cough out blood covering his teeth before he could whisper out her name, last words were not in this death sentence and out in the woods no one would hear a call for help anyway. His face swollen as his pours were bleeding his very skin bubbled with tumorous lumps  now spreading over his body and cutting off his air flow. He would suffocate before he bled to death what a way to die. He should have stayed at the castle, the castle was safe, even if the ruler was a tyrant her aura alone kept this kind of thing outside the gates. As his eyes started to go black and the pain died down he felt cold. How ironic, the elf of flame at his death was, cold.

  Rose Has Thorns Part 3 - Spring Rains Fire - Page 3 5312639de2235eb0b30246218d5ced05
Credit for the creation and thought of the newly made beast in the DeLaRose role play -link to bio will be posted here when bio is up- the Asbestos Wolf is given to Patrick.S.
Typist behind the post is - Anaya


Away from Everything With Rage
Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

  Rose Has Thorns Part 3 - Spring Rains Fire - Page 3 Rage_m10

Rage followed the the singular direction given to him. It took him just over a day’s journey to reach a massive arena like dome. A single entrance before him with massive golden runes above the archway. The path hazy as if looking through a curtain of water. He took a deep breath and pushed his way in to see someone sitting on the other end in a large stone throne. Once inside the archway collapsed leaving no escape. Despite having no clear sign of lighting, there wasn’t a single shadow in which to hide in.

The other figure rose, standing just over 7 feet in height. His hair a deep blue that ceased its cascading flow at the male’s waist. Eyes glowing red pools like polished rubies. His muscular skin having long been kissed by the sun’s rays. Across the broad torso burned runes that glowed with the same crimson aura as Rage’s. They furthered their decent along his left arm.

“Zidourious, my grandson. I was worried you wouldn’t show. I am impressed, you are not as pathetic as I had figured you to be. Though this action alone is not enough to prove to me your worth. Not anymore...” The male’s voice was deep, ominous, and sang with and underlying tone of blood lust.

Rage scoffed, “Grandfather, I knew that was you. What do you want of me?!” Rage tensed his body.

“You are weak. You hide your family name, restrain from embracing your power, and more longer do you fight with purpose. You are worthless and unworthy to hold the name Remembrance. I am done letting you ruin our name. Today you will have your final challenge.” Zidourn took a deep breath and then exhaled. His own muscles bulged as his stance took one of battle, “Let me see you want to live.” He lifted his hand and beckoned for his grandson to come.

Rage bellowed and took off without hesitation. He launched his body and began slamming his fist viscously at his grandfather. The heavy thuds filled the dome as he swung hard into his torso. Each strike resonating with the mocking laughter of his grandfather who only glared down and watched him. Rage would leap back to see him still standing and laughing.

“That’s it? I give you the chance to open and you don’t even strike with an intent to kill? Pathetic. Can’t stop anyone if you want to hold back so much. How do you plan to protect that castle with such worthless attempts?” He shifted and launched himself forward. His right arm came with an obvious hook from the side. Rage scoffed and lifted his arms only to drop and began to vomit on the floor. His eyes falling to the left hand that he had struck with into his abdomen. “And to fall prey to such obvious tricks? You are not just a disgrace to me, but all warriors. That human blood...” he spun and smashed his foot into the back of Rage’s skull, forcing his face to bury into the earth, “Makes you a waste so meaningless that a sack of worm shit would be a better opponent for me.”

Rage rose up shaking and gagging. Mouthful of blood, bile, and rock fell from his mouth. The pain stinging through his entire body, “ did you...”

“Training, drive, and I fight with intent to kill. I have something to defend.” Zidourn spit at Rage’s body, “You clearly can not. Get up and die with some form of pride you disgusting human waste pot.”

“I..I fight..” his words were cut short as his mouth was filled with Zidourn’s kneecap. He was then thrown to the right with a sudden kick.

“Follow through...that was the first lesson I taught you, boy.” He shifted his body, “The second lesson...” the runes would begin to glow on his body as he focused his energy.

Rage looked up and began to try and mimic this, the runes of his arm glowing, “Runic art...Defensive wall.”

Zidourn smirked, “Runic Art: Siege Breaker” His body was a blur as he launched himself forward and sent four violent blows all aimed at the chest.

Rage felt them strike, his guard shattered after the first two as the final strikes slammed him back down into the earth. He coughed another mouthful of blood onto the ground. “I won’t..” he was flung across the ground with another strike.

Zidourn shook his hand as he finished backhanding the boy. “Live...the word you seek is live. I won’t let you sully the Remembrance line, nor endanger those people with your pathetic attempts to play warrior. I watched from a distance at your growth. You have no real purpose, no goal. You can fight what? Drunks and other powerless humans? I suppose among the weak, you are some what superior.” He walked up and lifted his grandson by his hair, “But when it always fall short. I am certain they are all sick of you now. I know I am...” he sneered, “One more shot...if you insult me die here.”

Rage balled his fist until his fingers tore into his flesh. He let out a yell and slammed it into Zidourn’s face with all he had. The runes flickering then fading on his arms as he tried to laugh at his hit. He felt the grip of his hair release, “I am not...” the words cut short as the hand was now crushing his throat. Zidourn’s eyes burned with anger.

“You are not my are not a warrior,” His own runes began to hum, “You are not alive...” he sent his fist into the boys chest. The thum filled the air with the sounds of cracking bones, “Waste of my time even killing you.” He dropped the broken body on the ground as he placed his foot on Rage’s skull, “I’ll make sure someone can find your broken corpse if they get an urge to even find you.”

Rage felt a tear on his check. He was too weak to make a single sound as he laid there. The cold heel of his grandfather’s boot the only thing he could feel, as well as the last as the foot shoved down. The popping sound filling the air as his blood sprayed out over the floor. “Perhaps the next time I have an offspring...the bloodline won’t be so disgusting.” Zidourn drug the excess blood from his boot onto the back of Rage’s corpse. “Farewell human, thanks for wasting my afternoon.” The arena collapsed around them as Zidourn left, leaving the corpse to rot where it lay...



VincentKaos  The robed figure waddled along the trail and looked up to the castle. He held tight to the massive scythe in his right hand. His body all concealed, save the golden hues of his eyes and the silver flesh around them. His white brows shifting into an arch as he began talking a loud. “Mr. Slice, lookey lookey. It’s a people keeper. A big one too, that it is. DO you think we can make new friends?” he moved and shook the scythe as he spoke in a slight deeper tone, “Oh yes. Lots of new friends for Mr. Slice and Jace.” the figure began to cackle wildly as he spun the scythe around until it was replaced along his back. His fingers trailed along the small vials and scroll on his hip. “Let’s go say hello then, eh Mr. Slice.” he would twist his torso as he kicked off and began running as quick as he could. Rapidly he closed the distance between him and the castle. Once close enough he snatched off the scythe and slung it into the wall and snatched himself up. Twisting his body to keep the process going until he was flipping over the top. He hit with a heavy thud and began to roll his way forward, kicking up to his feet as he began to laugh and giggle while darting around the guards. “Oh this is so much fun, isn’t it Mr. Slice.” He cackled again, “They can’t catch Jace. I’m too fast.” his voice got high pitched as he would leap and barrel through the door, rolling along the hallway with more fits of laughter. He stopped on his back kicking and laughing, “So much fun. Jace is best at Tag. I win now, I made it to safe zone.” he jumped to his feet and looked around, “I’m thirsty, are you thirsty too Mr. Slice,” he jerked the scythe in front of him and spoke again in the deeper voice, “No, Jace. I’m all good.” “OKIE DOKE Mr. Slice.” He replaced the weapon and sat down as he began to hum a large spectrum of random notes that were more of an annoyance than an actual song.  

JesterKimonHravart  Krograg waking up in a bush from a busy night unsure what he is doing in said bush but he has a bag of turnips and carrots, his stomach would growl but he has nothing to cook with. He looks into the distance seeing nothing but trees and hills. Mr Tweety the imaginary bird that talks to him would wing palm thinking what an idiot as it points the other wing behind him pointing towards the Castle, the bird gets rather annoyed and flies infront of his face and slaps him causing Krograg to spin around and see the castle. "Ahhhh big cave look good, they maybe fire" He would smile picking up his back and hammer walking towards the castle, he makes it to one side of the building seeing an open window he throws his bag through it then swings his hammer up hooking onto the lip of the window then climbs up. After spending about ten minutes wiggling trying to pull himself up he would make it through the window lucky for him it was the kitchen unluckily for him it was also with a loud crash. "NO ONE HEAR KROGRAG!!!"  

TheLadySif: She had been spending most of her days outside of the castle, training her body in practice to protect the castle, and training her mind for enduring the changes of season. Sifrella stood, muscles taut and eyes trained on her sparring partner. Her spear was gripped in one hand fisted at her hip, the other hand out in front of her, palm down. The spear laid on top of the back of her hand as she formed ice at the tip. Her concentration and thought was broken as one of her lead guards came running towards her calling out about an intruder that had taken the wall with great ease. Without hesitation nor a word, Sif had turned and begun sprinting to the front of the castle, sidestepping servants and leaping furniture as she cut straight through the kitchen, study, and halls between, not even catching the sound of the crashing entrance as she was already focused on one goal. The elf came to a sliding stop as she spotted the visitor happily humming on the floor. She straightened, her cool unreadable gaze falling down upon him as she slowly stepped closer. Setting the tip of her spear to the floor directly in front of him, she leaned down. Her ankle length white hair trailed down to the floor as she lifted her spear to tap the intruder under his chin. Ideally, he would look up into her eyes as she spoke in a calm yet chilling voice. “Who are you.” Her expression was blank, posing no threat but clearly not asking this question with any other expectation but an amazing explanation of what he was doing there.

Anaya: Anaya looked to the man as he droped to the floor and that other one known as Volly had left to handle other things or just move away from her for the time being, he surely would be back but she had no idea when she looked to the man on the floor. The thought crossed her mind to kill him there but at the same time he was rather amusing and she made him court jester and she liked to be amused but a man a sleep was not overly amusing. Picking him up she walked with him in arm over to a sofa were she placed him down in hopes out of harms way, in truth she cared very little if he were to fall to a anothers blade but she was not going to be the cause of it herself this time. She moved to see the door fly open and there stood a orc yelling that no one could hear him. Oh boy what had this day opened up to and she was far from the mood to deal with it but the look on Nokis face made the day brighter. Noki stood there in aww of the green skined male with tusks and dirt covering his body, like he was a sort of beast out of dreams made reality “mother what in sky keeper is that thing!” she called out as she moved to run over to it but was stoped by the swift hand of her watchful parent “that is a orc, they are simple stupid beasts that like to smash things they dont know, dont be so fast around them it may hit you” “but mother i am fully ok with being hit by that thing, it is BEAUTIFUL” she said as she was almost drooling at it. Anaya was unsure if her drool was out of hunger or out of aew but reguardless her daughter was not going near that beast. Noki wanted to be around it she had never seen a thing like that before and knowledge was a drug to a younge one and new beasts were amazing to the small blue eyes of the bright hearted child. But as mother had told her she stayed close to her seeing the other person there to but turning with anaya to walk back to the throne. “come in everyone!” Noki called out in her nicest voice as she walked back with mother to the throne and hoped on her mothers lap to watch the guests keeping a smile on her face to do her best to be strong and keep mother happy to.

TheLadySif: Sif blinked rapidly a few times, the slight glare gone from her eyes but the same cold stare ever present in the blue irises. She raised up as he hopped to his feet, tilting her head a bit and turning away from him slightly as she eyed him. She tensed up as he touched her hair then narrowed her eyes, “I am Sifrella Goan, knight of this castle…” She waved off his hand pausing as he showed her his own hair. It was easy to recognize that he wanted water, but she could tell he was harmless and for sure needed a bath. With a glance to the guard that had failed at keeping up with her, she sighed. “Send someone to get our guest some water, and food, whatever he wishes to eat.” Sif set her gaze back upon him briefly before turning and walking towards the throne room. “If you want the water and a place to stay for the night at least, you would do well to follow me. And do not fall behind, you shall meet the Queen.” Her shoulders had relaxed but her long elven ears twitched at each step he took. He was quick, she knew that with how he must’ve gotten past the castle guard, but so far she would trust his character. As she so often did, she simply headed to find Lady Anaya, making sure he was right on her trail. Sifrella padded barefoot, having been out in the grass training, she would often wear as little clothing as possible to move faster and feel the wind. Since she had decided on her feelings about the man, she set her spear to the clasp on her back and sauntered off.

VincentKaos  His eyes would light up at the mention of food as well. “Oh we likes the tasty bits of the four legs. They all so tasty. A little better too when the fire changes the color. We don’t like it all the fire color. The red juice it holds is also super tasty. The fire color takes it all though.” he rubbed his belly then quickly began bouncing around behind Sifrella. “So I following you means you are Jace’s friend now right? And you’ll play games with Jace? I haven’t got to play since Brother Majere said the bye.” He sighed heavily and although he seemed eager to want to run off and get into other things, he kept close to the elf guard instead. He would occasionally laugh and mumble to the scythe on his back that would either be followed by more laughter or brief silence. “Who is ‘The Queen’. Silly name that one is. Is ‘Queen’ a common name for people? “ he grew silent again as he pulled off Mr. Slice as he ‘spoke’ in his slightly deeper voice, “Silly Jace. Queen is not a name.” He shook his head, “She said so Mr. Slice.” “Silly Jace, Queen title.” he laughed, “You don’t say, Mr. Slice.” He darted his way up to Sif’s side, “Hey hey, new friend. Will Queen person be Jace’s friend too? We all play the fun games?” 

Xirelia: The warm air around Relia woke her up, and when she looked around she'd see that Damon had gone. "Damon?" She called out, standing up from the tree she had been laying against, clutching his coat tightly in her hands. "Damon?" The young princess called again, but after a while of no reply she sighed heavily. Was searching for him a good idea? Perhaps the Queen had him on an errand, Relia would assume. "Maybe if I wait in his room I will get to see him again..." Patting her hands down against her dress, Relia tidied it. "How long have I been asleep?" She asked outloud, expecting Damon to be there to answer her but was met with silence again. The courtyard appeared to be quiet, with a few wandering around. Two people who she did not know where walking up to the castle entrance, the one ahead, going by the womans selected attire was a guard of sorts Relia would assume. "Maybe he is inside..." Relia hoped and drapped Damon's coat over her shoulders. The day ahead would be a task in itself without him, what was there even to do while she waited for the crow to return. Her father could ride over the hill any day now, with his demands and questions. A dreadful day that would end up being. Sighing once more, the elf made her way up to the castle, hopefully things had since calmed down and she could talk to the Queen peacefully once again. But, Relia decided to change her clothes instead and would take a bath, after discreetly walking up to her designated room. It was a short while again before Relia reappeared in the hallway of the castle, still no sign of Damon she would notice. Walking down the steps, the young woman found herself in the main hall of the castle, and she made her way to the throne room, waiting quietly to be acknowledged, unsure where she might stand with the ruler considering what happened last time she met with her. Damon's coat had since been placed on the end of her bed in the meantime.

Anaya looked around seeing the people moving about the orc had run away more then likyl shocked by her daughters advances, darn simple beasts you never knew how they would react to even small things and changes in there lives. She looked out as her knight Sif came forth with what seemed to be a crazy man talking all kinds of things “miss Sif have not seen you in sometime, what...have you brought there” she looked at the man a sense of puzzlement on her face as she furrowed a brow. “oh and Sif Samuel asked about you the other day saying he needed to see you over something i am unsure what, he is outside doing, i am not sure but be careful around him if you go to see him” her voice seemed saddened as it was true that Sif would have gotten word of the prices death that morning the whole castle was talking about it and Anaya could not seem to make them stop even if she had threatened there lives with it. She took in a breath as Noki nuzzled her face into her mothers chest knowing the pain her mother felt was the same as her own. “i like new friends” Noki said keeping a smile on her face as she looked out to the one that was calling himself jace queen something mister slice “but that friend seems broken mother” Anaya could not help but smile, her daughter calling a guest nothing more then a broken toy to toss away, poor thing that girl was so sweet Innocent and cute in her childish ways but at the same time she was growing up and it was a beautiful sight to behold. “they are not broken Noki, just Damaged a little” she wondered if it was even the right words by all reality’s that person was yes as Noki put it, broken.

TheLadySif: With a raised brow, Sif slowly looked over at him. He was a strange one, almost like a child warrior stuck in a full man’s body. They had already made it into the throne room as he asked his questions, causing Sif to avert her attention to the Queen. Sif had been ignoring most people for the majority of the day and had mostly been keeping herself out of sight from everyone, Sam mostly, since her sister’s visit. Sifrella bowed deeply before the Queen, one hand over her chest. “The man’s name is Jace my Lady, i have arranged for him to eat, drink, and rest after your viewing…” She paused and rose again at the mention of Samuel. Her eyes darting from the Queen’s for a brief moment. “Yes, my Lady. I will see to his Majesty immediately.” Her head turned instantly at the break of the scream through the castle, her ears lifting in alarm. She continued to stare into the distance towards Pinky’s room, having recognized the voice and a dread creeping into her heart. After Noki disappeared down the hall, Sif looked back to the Queen. So many things were on her mind, but she simply bowed again and turned, walking off outside again.

VincentKaos  Looked up and then heard a small voice mention he was broken. His head tilted and looked to his scythe, “Mr. Slice isn’t broken. He still good as first day.” he shook the scythe talking in the deeper tone again, “That’s right Jace. I’m Aaaa okay.” Jace began to laugh wildly as he put Mr. Slice back in his place on his back. His golden hues shifted onto Anaya, “So which one is supposed to be the person called Queen. Queen is still a silly name, isn’t it?” he looked at the Scythe, “I know that, Mr. Slice but we don’t have a name for our new friends yet.” He watched as Sif left, “OH oh bye bye Siffy. We play later okay?!” he turned back again to Anaya and just blinked out of order, “So...we are friends right? We can play games later? Not all the games, not allowed to be it for tag. Mr. Slice bites. But hide and seek is fun. Can we play games then?” he began to laugh again as he sat in the floor and began humming in random notes as he made his hand into a little rabbit and let it bounce around happily in the air. His attention had been completely stolen by his own hand being a bunny. After a few seconds he began having a strange conversation that seemed to involve a tea party with a glow worm and a flower…”Not that tea. That tea is eww..bad bunny.” he shook his hand, “Bunny dead, he has horrible taste.”  

SeraphinaDeLaRose: It was the young voice that brought pinky back as she clean the tears from her face and placed the chain that held her crystal back over her head and around her neck and with a voice that seem to hold back a sadness and cracked as if trying to be stronger then it was “ I..I’m. ok princess, just.. just was spoked ...yes spoked “it was not quit a lie at lest that is what she told herself. Dimming the candles as she pulled back her hair and refolded the tattered map then placing it in a dresser as she walks to the door. “I am sorry if I disturb you ill try not to get that loud again” pinky said as she opens the door she would make a fake smile as if to try to say it was all ok though her smile was weak and not as reassuring as it was meant to be. In truth she was lost inside having no idea what more she can do or where she belonged so much ran threw her head she wanted to run to her brothers tore and dismembered body but she knew not only was that dangerous but there is nothing she could do for him now her only family now gone. “gone” the words escaped her lips as she sighed while looking away a minute then turning back to smiles her fake smile to Noki “you look lovely this evening” though this is not in pinkys character normal loud she was timed and soft to Noki at this minute. Not that pinky was not a kind person, but she lacked the lady like skills most of her statues were born with. But tonight, she seems settle and soft nature perhaps it was the shock of what she had just saw. Then again slowly as she had settled in to the castle she taken in more lady like manors she had even been wearing dresses around the castle much like the one she had on now its pink lady like style fit like a glove on her frame and made her feel sexy witch was some thing she never really thought about.

Anaya: Samuels hand was inside of a tree as blood ran down his fingers, he had smashed two trees now in the forest and he was getting a little bloody in his rage. Ripping his hand back shards of splintered wood jabbed into his hand and wrist blood dripping down more as he pressed his back up against the tree. “everything was good for a bit, he was growing he was alive, he would be the king here, now we are left with the daughter that is just like her mother. I have no heir anymore, Anaya is a tyrant and now will not even deal with me touch me or hardly talk to me. What is the point of even being here now.” he looked to a dead bird that was spread open winged on the ground, the raven that was sent to the north he had captured it and killed it there on the ground “no one is up there now. I can go there and live who who ever rules it, just me, in our cave, alone” there were tears down his face as he sat there thinking of what was gone the memory’s pooling in his mind of everything, his live , his children, all he had lost and in the end it was cus of her, cus of this place. “it is holy ground but it is cursed, this whole place is cursed. ” back at the Castle Noki looked at pinky as she opened the door, Sadness was in her eyes, the not overly old tear stains down her face the emptiness lost sound in her words “no one is really gone, Ryu my brother he is dead but he is not gone, he lives within me and within mother and within everyone that touched him. No one is really gone they just change, change shape change form like us dragons do. When i learn to change more i will be able to become a fog of white around on the ground to take form someplace else at will. Think of it the same the person just took the shape of a star and now is to good for us to touch them anymore, the sky keeper wanted them so now they live with her, dancing upon blue feathers” Noki moved and in a bold action wrapped her arms around Pinkys waist line “it is ok, i know what pain looks like, you don’t have to hide it” at times it was hard to believe Noki was even Anayas daughter but at the same time you could see anaya within the girl, the golden side of Anaya within her daughter but Anayas mind had been broken more then once so she no longer acted like a golden dragon but with Noki a golden dragon was hre in pure form. And out of every dragon golden dragons cared for there people, and at times were even sensitive and sentimental with raw emotion.

Anayas eyes moved over to Jace “the title is queen, the name is Anaya, Anaya DeLaRose and i am the queen here. Are you a child within the shell of a man” she did not enjoy children but knew that this one was a man like every other so he was not to be harmed here but that did not mean he was not going to be kicked out for the world to kill beyond the gates if she found him anyoing and a waist of time. “Jace you said your name was, what are you doing here at the castle. Is there something you seek here?” she said softly as she leaned foreword looking at him and at his body.

TheLadySif: Sif stood at a distance, having been silently watching him. She flinched slightly at the sight of his bloody hands and looked away as he crumpled. He seemed a broken man, and she hadn’t the courage to approach him. After avoiding him for weeks, then hearing of her own failure to protect the family she had sworn to serve, there was nothing she could possibly say. After a moment of pacing, turning around then turning back, she made her decision. Taking a deep breath and clenching her fists, Sif thought about her promise to the crown. Her own feelings meant nothing, only her duty. She didn’t even know when she had let herself get so far involved. Steeling her shoulders and closing down her emotions, she turned and stepped up to Samuel, bowing down to one knee and laying her hand over her chest a few feet in front of him. “My Lord. You hailed for me. How may I serve you.” Sifrella’s eyes cast downwards to the ground where she knelt in her training clothes, still barefoot for comfort and her hair still loose and not pinned up as usual so it became a protective curtain beside her face. Only her jeweled ears seen as she bowed.

VincentKaos  tilted his head at the question, “Jace is Jace. A silverling. I don’t have children in me. That’s impossible. Unless I eat them, but I haven’t. I was told that it’s bad eatting people and I wasn’t allowed to do it anymore.” he would leap up and hang upside down on the door frame and begin to swing himself. “Jace and Mr. Slice was thrown to the woods. Big brother Majere said we were playing a fun game. But I can’t find him. I felt all alone and sad, then I saw your people keeper. And we wanted friends. Lots and lots of friends.” He moved his arm to let Mr. Slice ‘speak’ “But we not allowed to be it. I have a biting problem.” Jace let out a maniacal laugh, “That’s right Mr. Slice. A bad biting problem.” he dropped down, “But Jace can be useful. Brother Majere said Jace was best at fetch and tag.” He nodded his head, “And I climb. I’m good at climbing things. Mr. Slice helps though. And...” he looked around and leaned close, “Jace nose can smell all the things. I have a great sniffer.” He lifted his head stared at the ceiling before falling backwards and humming some more only to break into a poorly tuned song of “Jace bored, bored bored...So bored, Jace bored...” The description of him being broken seemed quite accurate as the poor man seemed completely insane. He lifted his feet into the air and began talking to his shoes. 

ScarletEveDeLaRose: From the village not too far from the castle walked a young girl with dark brown hair and dark eyes, she was wearing a royal purple dress that was a bit big for her and her skin was a pale tan color that blended with the season that turned her into the spirit that had to take over this small form, the spirit was that of Scarlet, who had used one of her spells to push her soul out of her original body before it gave it’s last breath earlier in the crystal caves that she had tried to get to before this happened, she knew she should have put herself into that deep sleep before the winter even started, but there was trouble within the castle that time and she kept herself awake until it ended, this ultimately cost her the strong huntress body that she will dearly miss as it lays frozen in the crystal caves, now she is cursed by the heavens because what she did was against the rules of the spellcasters, and she is temporarily stuck in this body of a ten year old until she is able to grown to her original size in the next winter, Scarlet sighed to herself as she made her way inside of the castle through a backway that she only knew about, “this will be awkward,” She thought to herself as she lifted the bottom part of her dress and quickly made her way up the stairs to her room so she could think of an explanation if anyone were to catch her in this form.

Anaya: Samuel's eyes looked up from the dead bird at his feet she was so guard so knight like and a part of him hates it, she had to be so closed up when all he needed was her arms around him just to make the pain go away for a little bit. “i just wanted you to have to see me, you have been avoiding me since i offered you my heart, you accepted but then backed off and i have waited for weeks and now you don’t even look at me” there was anger in his eyes, swelling up within him as he stood up from the ground “if i tossed my crown in the sea, if i was no longer a king would you look at me then Sifrella, would you take my offer then and look at me with anything else then a cold your lordship glare!” he snarled as he turned his back to her giving a sigh as he put his head on the tree trunk “if you don’t want to be with me just say so, i will except my life as the queens slave and go on living it without hope of having you back in my arms or making a life, a family, with you again. Tell me so i can go and do what i was to do here and not think of brighter days and dreams” he pushed his head into the tree to try to hide the tears down his face, acidic tears that burned into his skin and down his cheeks. It was as if she was dieing all over again in his heart, like watching the one you have always loved walk around a ghost cold to you, cut off from you. “just tell me so i can figure things out” he was angry, broken, sad, hurting, and he did not even know what to do, smash the tree, cry into the tree, hug the tree, feelings were painful maybe he needed time in that dungon to revert to being a wyvern again and be less of a man. Anaya did not even know what to say to the man now talking to his shoes so if he was a broken child like being she would treat him like such. “would you and your.... mister slice like some food?” food everyone understood food maybe if he ate he would fall a sleep and stop talking and leave her alone and she could shoe him out in the morning to get the first cart out of here.

IIdarkfireII: The jester slowly begins to wake up as him and his demonic partner begin to get off the couch and slowly stand up. As the demonic duo look for one of the servants in the castle. - Ughhhhhhhh our head. -A human and demonic voice speak in unison- He is seen wearing ragged jester clothes and a hat and he wears an eyeglass over his right eye and adjusts it to focus on a target from far away. He also wears some sort of gasmask covering his mouth. Without his ragged outfit the signs of demonic possession are more prominent on his body. He has black shadows crawling up his skin and a demonic symbol on his chest. – The jester also appears to be carrying several different weapons on his person including, 6 poison throwing daggers strapped to his left arm able to induce vomiting, blurred vision, paranoia, and insanity, he also has two demonic blades that are capable of rapidly siphoning the energy of an opponent at close range but this requires contact with an opponent’s blood as the blades are powered by blood magic and require blood contact in order to work ( this method does not work on creatures that do not have blood and they are not really meant to kill but rather weaken an opponent and render them helpless) These demonic blades cannot be broken by normal means and requires divine or some other kind of holy magic to break them.- Now we just need to get to the forge right shade? -the jester unretracts his blade showing a shadow demoness instead of his own reflection. She has purple eyes, skin black as midnight, red hair, and horns and a demonic tail. Yuppers now let’s just find out where it is so we can craft something to counteract this divine magic surrounding the castle. – the demoness replies, and the jester looks around asking one of the servants for directions as they tell him the location- Thanks for the tip. -The jester then begins to try to draw the shadows to him managing to gain just enough power to get to the forge as they step into the shadow but in their weakened state it does not quite work properly and while they end up in front of the forge they fall from the ceiling and land flat on their face. - Dammit! -They quickly dust themselves off and begin working on a rune to counteract the divine magic surrounding the castle as hammering will now be heard throughout the castle- Ok let us see first we need a paladin’s seal………… as it is pure and cannot be corrupted naturally this might be difficult now steady. -The jester holds a hammer and works to add a pinch of shadow essence to the paladin’s seal. – Steady and……….-it creates an explosion knocking the jester back and badly burning him- Dammit! -the jester then reaches into a shadow cast by the light from the forges flames and his burned skin quickly begins to heal itself, so he goes back to normal as he finishes his work and the corrupted rune has been created- Now where to put that rune. -the demonic pair look at their burned outfit and reach into their hat pulling out a sewing kit and make a new outfit hemming the rune into the seams of it as they put it on and a good portion of their power returns- And done………. hopefully the queen is not too upset about the explosion.

VincentKaos  flipped back up, “Told the one person that friend Siffy spoke to. Told them I like the animal flesh I did. But only kissed by fire. I like the taste of the red juice inside. The fire takes too much for itself, doesn’t leave any for Jace.” he sniffed the air, “But I don’t smell any. I’m going to play now. Bye bye queenie.” he turned, “Oh, and Mr. Slice doesn’t eat as often as I do. We only likes fresh meats. That he does.” He began laughing and went to run off, quite literally bouncing off the walls again. He would snatch a guard’s helmet and dart off with it laughing, “Keep away. Can’t catch it.” he laughed as he jumped from a window, “Weee...Jace fly.” he slammed to his feet, rolled and took off through the courtyard waving the helmet in the air clearly amused at this game. “If no one can take it, Jace keeps the head bucket.” He stopped as he caught sound of an explosion, “Boom? Brother Majere? That’s not his boom..” he seemed confused, his iris and pupils shifting into a brilliant orange as he stared in the direction of the sound. His focus on the ‘head bucket’ seemed gone now. The pupil now turning a deep blue as his arms fell limp to his side and he let out a big sigh. “Jace miss brother.” he mumbled. He slammed Mr. Slice into the ground then sat down throwing the helmet into a random direction, “Mr. Slice...You won’t leave Jace, right? You Jace best friend ever.” “That’s right Jace. Best friend.” The odd man then hug the bottom of the handle and sighed contently.  

SeraphinaDeLaRose: Her head leaned against the girl as she smiled “you are very kind,its not all a lost my journey lead me here. The queen and you have been very welcoming to me “ pinky let out a small breath as if to let out the fears and sadness “ you knew what I saw don’t you Noki I mean you just talked of the lost of your brother..soo you know don’t you that … my brother ..” pinky hald her hand to her chest as she lowered her head and in a ramble of how she looked though her crystal too see her brother body tore by beast she has never seen before. “ I ..i wish I never looked” she said after and then she stepped out of her room smoothing out her new pink dress that was more lady like then she was use too but she like none the less, and with her hands and tighting her belt she wore around her waist. “I think I need some air care to walk with me princess?” pinky hoped she would as pinky did not wish to be alone she had been alone all too long in her life and what she needed most was a friend and a sort home she had never had. Her head would lift a bit as she took her ahand and pulled back her soft pink hair then she smiled back at Noki and this smile was real still with a bit of sadness but it was real “ I am greatfull to be here?” I know now what I am and who I am .” she turned and sighed “ at lest I gain that.” Her head would them lower back to her side as she turn to walk away hopping Noki would fallow and they could talk of other things , happier and more joyful things.

Anaya: Noki looked up at Pinky and smiled “ya, i know what brother sadness looks like, mine is gone to, Father said that we don’t know what did it, i want to find out what did it, but maybe you are right, it is better we don’t look. Mother keeps the darkness away from here, away from our halls so we just cant leave the gates unless we want to find that darkness. Everyone holds loss, we all dace death some more then others, some never see death in there life times, they hide but we grow and learn from the fall of others. Knowledge guides us all and even in death of our family we gain strangth in others” her big blue eyes looked up at Pinky. She was her mothers daughter and a smile came over her face “we will take care of you here, you are my friend, and even if Damon, and Ryu are gone, you and I are still here and they are with us inside” she nodded her head like just to reasure herself it was truth. She let out a breath “there is good in the kitchen want to get some the cook gives me the best food i will share it with you” she smiled cutely as she moved her clawed hand little golden claws moving up to grab a hold of Pinkys arm and lock arms with her so they would walk beside one another. Anaya could feel the happyness in her daughter as she let out a breath and slumped back into her throne. She watched the one known as Jace bolt away talking crazy and she looked at the floor. It was so hard today to hold her head up just to be strong about it all and now that the hall was a empty she did not even have to look at anyone. Picking up the leather book from the side of the throne she looked into it. At least the stupid water pipes were fixed now she could have a bath later and relax.

TheLadySif: Sif slowly rose her head, staring at the back of her King. Simply swinging her hair over her shoulder and sitting on the ground with her legs folded underneath her, she watched as his back rose and fell with his breathing. After blinking rapidly, she rose her fingers to her cheek and realized she had been crying. With a sniff, she spoke up, “What can I do… what could I possibly say to you. It is one thing to admit to my feelings and want you. But it is another to abandon all i have achieved thus far. And now the heir has fallen. My own blood and kingdom still after my head. The castle is barely protected as it is. If I am to allow myself this distraction…” Sif rubs her arms, hugging herself and falling silent before slowly standing. Her expression had softened only because he could not see it. Quietly, she closed the distance between them, tentatively reaching a hand out to touch his shoulder then the other laid upon his other shoulder. Sif pressed close to him, her forehead at the juncture of his shoulder blades touching ever so briefly before she stepped back again, her voice and expression steel and cold again. “If you are to need anything else… anything at all I will be there my… Samuel."

VincentKaos VincentKaos  Narrate Jace would yawn and grab Mr. Slice, “Let’s go and see the dream place. Always fun there Mr. Slice.” he would climb his way up the side of the walls with the aid of his scythe until he had pulled himself into a random room. He didn’t seem to care where he was, just that he was in a shelter. He would curl under the window and pull the scythe close to his body as his eyes began to close, “Just...short sleepy time.” and with that his light snores would begin to permeate the room signaling his deep slumber. One could drag him by a leg at this point and the male would not move. His slumber deeper than most coma victims. He would occasionally mumble about games, his brother, the magic gnomes in the trees, angry squirrels, and having his own head bucket. The grip on the scythe was ridiculous, and near impossible to remove. Pulling it would most likely involve dragging his entire body with it.  

ScarletEveDeLaRose: Scarlet began to pace from left to right in her room as she thought of what she was going to do about her new situation and the next one that will soon be near, “Now if I say that I was reborn...maybe spellbound by...maybe that’s not a good idea…” She really wanted no one to know that she had lost her life a while ago, especially since the Queen was not around to see her leave and it was not as natrual as everyone would believe, “ did I not know about my condition...that infection must have been worse than I thought,” She remembered what had happened to her before she arrived at the cave and went to her knees, she looked at her child hands then closed her eyes to go back to thinking about what to do about herself, “I will be of no use in this form...I must stay hidden until I can grow into a teenager,” She noticed that her door was slightly opened then she ran over to shut it and kept her hands to the door, she put her ears to it to listen out for anything as she sat herself on the floor. “I better watch what I do from now on aswell,” She looked up at her window with her symbol painted on the glass knowing that they could be watching her from now on.

Anaya: He felt her touching him, felt her forehead upon his back his body stiffened as he did not move “the only thing I need in this whole world is you” he knew her world had been turned upside down, so had his, the fact his wife was within her made his mind a true mess, everything here in this land meant nothing to him, he would toss it all aside for her just to have her in his arms, in his toxic embrace just have her with him, she was his everything. “All i will ever need is you” he knew she was hurting, knew they all were this castle was falling apart and really he wanted to see it burn and for Anaya to sit a top of the pile of ash it left behind. Sif held so much in her hands in this moment, in the next while she held more in her hands then she even would realize. His face turned around there were green tears burned into his skin, he had been in tears for hours and the light in his eyes was burning there was rage and pain within him and it was never a good match up “i need to know if you love me, or if i am just a lord to you, a job. My son is dead, my only son is dead, my mate would laugh at my dead body and feed it to the dogs, this castle is built on the bones of people she has tossed into the dungeon pit and everyone ignores it, my daughter is the spiting image of her demented mother with a heart of gold, it sickens me. You are the only thing i know is worth my staying here. The raven came back from the north this evening with no word in reply it means up there is empty, give me a reason to stay here Sif or i will leave tonight and never look back and you will never have to deal with your feelings again, she will hunt my hide down and have me chained in the dungeon for it but i no longer care, my life time in the dark is better then a life time of watching you serve like there is a silver collar around your neck.” his words were extremely snappy, filled with malice and pain. He did not know what to do anymore it was stay or go, stay live his life as a slave to a tyrent empress, kill there female child and put his mate back in heat again to get another son and start over ignoring the fact Sif was his dream, run away with her, kidnap her to the now empty north and be hunted down like an animal and place her life in danger. Run away alone and enjoy the cold on his skin once more and lay with the body of his daughter and wife knowing that his end would be coming soon. So many options he had no idea what to pick. “will i be a man, or a monster”

TheLadySif: “I do love you.” Sif breathed out the words without a single thought, and meant it. With a sharp intake of breath she stepped back, biting her lip. “You have always been more than man in my eyes, and the most beautiful monster I could have ever foolishly fallen for.” She ran a hand halfway through her hair, letting her hand sit upon her head as her eyes watered again. Sorrow and a heavy guilt had set upon her stomach since hearing of the news that morning. “I could do nothing to save your only son, the Prince is gone. What have i done do deserve…no…” She dropped her hand and looked to him, eyes almost hot with her glare, her eyes taking on an entirely different light, the warm hazel that they had taken on with the change of the seasons almost burned with a stronger spirit that had not been present since her sister resurfaced in her life. “I will not let this castle fall, whether you care to keep it alive or not. This is my home, our home. Even if the Queen would collar me with her own hands I will always belong to you.” Her voice fell to a whisper at the last few words. “I cannot imagine the broken man you must feel at this moment…but…” Sif rolled her shoulders and swiped the tears from her eyes with both hands, her gaze calming. “Are you a King or not?"

SeraphinaDeLaRose: She laughed and her smile now taking over her face “that sounds very good Noki “she walked with Noki to the kitchen and sure enough there was many good things to snack on and the cooks to must have known of her brothers passing as they seem extra kind to the both. pink was even given a little cake that was layer with many flavors and iced with a cream that was a sweet as honey it looked like a piece of art and tasted like it was made for the gods “this is delicious “she says as she took another bite the cook grin and with out a stop in breath blurted out all the work that went in to the little treat. Then before pinky could finish chewing the bit in her mouth the cook set another treat before her she smiled and took a bit oo it was a truffle and it melted in her mouth who one could live on such treats made her wonder as they were all too good. Pinky never know such things to touch her pallet but now she wish to enjoy every bite “this is a wonder of sweet ummmm… chocolate right it’s a chocolate ?” pink had never tasted chocolate before but she had hear of it and with the nod of the cook she was trilled she had got to taste it. “its wonderful” she say as she smiled at noki and then take another bite “ I can see why you come here Noki you have the best of cooks “ hearing this the cook smiled and patted her on the head “ I like this one you bring her back any time Noki “ the cook would say as pinky eat the treats laid out for them.

IIdarkfireII: -A servant rushes in at the sound of the explosion and runs into the jester. - Oh good you’re here. -the jester hands them a broom and dustpan and walks off leaving them to clean up the mess and disappears into a shadow emerging out of another shadow cast by the light as they make their way to town. They decide to get some fresh air taking a shortcut through the forest when they start to hear voices and blend in with the shadow of one of the trees looking like any shadow on the ground cast by a tree obstructing the light- The jester and his demonic partner begin to listen in gathering what information they can as he stays silent with his demonic partners voice talking to him in his mind. - //Well that is an interesting morsel of information to reach our ears. // -The pair decide to wait until the conversation is done and do not risk making any movements until the two people leave the woods as a moving shadow would not be the subtlest and they would notice if a shadow suddenly disappeared. This way the play it safe and look like any normal shadow just listening in and gathering what they hear. They would have no way of knowing that the jester is there with them or that something is watching them in the shadows. After all who would suspect a shadow in the forest since there are so many trees here. There would be absolutely no way of knowing but at the same time the jester is nervous knowing that they would kill him and his partner if he was caught. He decides to stick to stealth and will not move or make a sound until the pair have left as they simply wait. -

The tears in his eyes fell to the ground as he looked at her. She was everything he wanted, everything and more and her words gave him a reason “i was never meant to be a king, to rule to govern a castle that sat on a hill, I was never meant to be that person, dragons don’t rule lands we concur them, we mindlessly destroy and lay waist to city’s not make them better. The day you were taken from my arms was the day my life ended, i have been broken for years, simple plotting for the way to make this whole place burn and make it pay for what it did to our family. Revenge has been the only thing on my mind for over a hundred years. And now, now the only thing on my mind is how to make this place shine because you are inside of it, because it is your home, because you being here makes it mine and i never understood that till now. In three days time i will call you here to this spot under this tree were i will carve out half of the beating heart from my chest and offer it to you to be placed within you. It wont hurt i promise, then we shall spend the night under this tree in embrace and i shall make you mine for all time as i am already yours” he knew he could not touch her with his bleeding one hand so he moved forth with the other one clean and without blood on it to clean the tears from her eyes. “i will make this castle right, i wont do what i was going to to watch it burn down around everyone, i wont ruin what you love and make you hurt anymore. I will make this place better, i will fight to make it better, and fight to protect it along side you. I promise” he wrapped his arm around her and held her to his chest every bit of love in him on his sleeves “just don’t avoid me, I love you Sif, My white dragon of ice and snow” he put his forehead on top of her white hair she was so perfect in every way.

Amnaya: Noki grined ear to ear as pinky enjoyed the food and Noki was given a simple glass of chilled water, dragons in reality did not eat all that much Ryu was just a glutton and Anaya was addicted to eating and pearls, and father was a pig, but she was a Noki and was learning to be a true dragon and not just a child anymore. “yes i love the cooks here the castle has the best foods, eggs, milk, chocolet in white brown and even pink, ya we get pink chocolate from the southern trade ships when they pass but it dont happen often once a year at most in the summer but summer is comeing so we can get some and you can try it, it is really good to” Noki smiled and ran over to a chair and pulled one out for pinky and another one out for her so they could sit down and eat. Anaya got up from the throne holding her book and made her way to the dinning hall were she walked in moved over to the small table grabbed a small green clay dish of pearls and nothing more and then turned around to go back out to her thrones. Nokis eyes watched every move her mother made “you know pinky i have a feeling things are going to get worse around here”


IIdarkfireIIIIdarkfireII Whisper: -The jester having now heard enough disappears into the shadows and steps out of another shadow in the castle hall and make their way to the throne room. - Hello, your majesty we have something to share with you but not here. I think you might be interested in what we have to say. -The jester looks troubled and clearly has something urgent to tell the queen- We are afraid this matter cannot wait and that you must hear this. -They go to try to whisper in her ear telling the queen everything they heard in the forest and urging her to come downstairs with them to decide how to approach the matter. They mention that they went to go get some fresh air and they heard the conversation between the king and Sif as they move away from the throne room and walk downstairs.- The jester has a good idea that the queen is going to be furious by this news and they really do not want to stick around for that as they make way downstairs and wait for the queen to meet with them and right now the jester is relieved he was never caught for he would surely have been killed.- The queen will be pleased which is good for us. – they mutter to themselves as they wait for her with their bronze eyes beaming with delight knowing where a dragons gratitude could possibly get them and the jester is glad they outsmarted the king and Sif who are some high ranking members of the castle. As they giggle to themselves and wait for everything to go down as it is just a matter of time until they get back and face the queen’s wrath. -

TheLadySif: Her heart was a wreck, but she nodded in promise, knowing that nothing would stop her again. The love and care she had for her new home had blinded her to her purpose for fleeing her homeland and fighting so long. She had searched for happiness and had almost run from it entirely out of fear. The cowardice and weakness that she had shown lately made her furious, and half wanted to go kill something, but the embrace of her King warmed her ice just enough to still her rage… for the moment. Ice spread from her standing spot and froze the ground at her feet solid as she didn’t dare move from him but a storm raged inside her. Eventually and reluctantly she pulled away. “ I must return to the castle, I cannot go cavorting about in this ensemble all day, and I still have responsibilities to attend to. I would suggest you remain out here where it is safe for you to mourn. I would hate to see the castle burn before its time."

SeraphinaDeLaRose: pinky tasted the chocolate “this is really good” pinky was about to laugh but then she watched as the queen came and took a plate it was more Noki expression pinky watched her lips drop into a calm and soft look and as Noki spoke pinky set her hand on Noki’s arm “you say you’ll take care of me here .. do not worry I promises you the same. With a vow of a sister to a sister I not let anything happen to you or your mother.” Pinky’s eyes meant it and she looked straight into Noki’s with those eyes before speaking again “I don’t have family and I guess you are all I got I will train myself to be the damn best fire elf warrior, so I won’t lose another love one or family. tired of losing noo, more Noki bring what may you and your mother have shone me nothing, but kindness and I won’t lose ether of you I swear it … “she lowered her head and mumbled out “I swear it “to herself then she lifted her head and smiled and till them there will never be a dull candle here “it was a bad attempt at a joke and her corky smile probably did not help. But she would pull back her pink hair and ruff her hands threw it giving it a bit of a messed-up look and then tilt her head as if to work a laugh from Noki or at lest a little giggle. Mean while the cat was not gone on no out of the way but not gone mystic though old and not a kitten any more for some reason did not feel or look her age perhaps it was the magic that made her the panther size she is, or hell could not handle her level of kitty cute evil ether way she was on her way up the throne room to cause some trouble

As the jester came into the castle he got close to anaya and she was silent for everything he had said, dead silent as she rolled a pearl along her tongue in her mouth, her teeth cliping ageinst the pearl as he ran off to the basement to go over things, he was only able to get so far down there and the guards would only allow him into the meeting slave room and nothing more so that is were she went. Her feet hit every step as her mind was a blur due to the pearls influence on her. Walking into the room she turned around still dead silent as she shut the door with a clip “so you are telling me that the king here that you have never seen before is having an affair with my knight. You have been here for only hours and you have brought me this information as you what wondered around and so spotted it” her aura started to rise, the room was getting brighter as her red eyes looked around at the male before her her face starting to crack as skin parted showing white scales under it. “if you vanish away out of this room i will uproot mountains to find you you bring me such a lie, you bring me a lie so profound, you bring me a lie on this day, on this day that i held my dead son in my arms, my flesh in blood and you tell me that on the day our child lay dead my mate is consorting with a ice elf!” her head cracked to the side as her fingers started to turn to claws and in a blink she was at the jesters neck, a large red eye looking at him as her face cracked up her nice human teeth no more and there only being sharpened to a point rows and rows of pointed fang like teeth. “this is the only warning I will give you, I will not shed blood on this day, death has saved your life this day but if i find a reason, i will make a reason to slaughter you tomorrow, to string your insides of shadow and disgust across my halls as fucking seasonal decrements. I exist on this earth to kill your kind i have been kind and given you resort here in my halls and you mock me so. If i catch you here at dawn tomorrow morning i will slaughter you and everything you care for and keep your nice little eyes as trophy’s” dragons were not kind and he was a stranger to her, a little shadow lier, a sneek in her halls, her fist came smashing into the wall beside his head as she looked at him her claws crushing the stone rocks within them as she smiled the whole time not breaking eye contact. Samuels eyes looked up “fuck me” and within moments he was back in the castle, wyvern speed was wonderful at moments like this. Anaya was pissed you could feel that for miles, and he knew what her anger felt like, it made all the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, it made him feel so on edge like the ground under him would just fall out. When in all reality it just could if Anaya so wanted it to, pull up the ground under ones feet to make a landslide upon them or have that same ground rain from the sky rocks as rain were far from fun and Anaya could do it all and who in there right mind would piss her off right now, why today, of all days they pick the day the ruler is the most unstable. “Anaya!” he called out as he walked into the halls looking for her, he knew she was in the basement he could follow her aura like a blood hound “Anaya” Sam said softly as he bolted for the bassment door to the stairs and to the bassment door to that small room she was in with the jester. She was not alone he could smell someone else in there, surely the one she was going to off. This catle could not explode now, not after he made his promise. Play the part sam you hate her but play the part “Anaya, open the door, who is in there with you” he called out softly hopeing she would open the door for him.
Nokis eyes looked at Pinky as she was shaking “i am not worried about mother pinky, no she is fine, mother is a god among dragons, nothing in its right mind would be able to harm a scale on her hide, it is that one in the wrong mind i worry about, as mother has a hard time doing small attacks, when you get so large size is what dooms you and everything around you. If she uses one attack this whole castle can be destroyed. And pinky, my mother, is not stable, she is broken to” her blue eyes looked to Pinky softly “please dont leave this kitchen, stay here with me”

IIdarkfireII: “Fine don’t believe us but what point would there be to killing us? It will not change the truth and we will stand by our conviction. You really think we would be stupid enough to lie to a dragon? -The jester stays calm even when being threatened and truth flickers in his eyes there is no quick beating of his heart or any signs of nervousness. - We will be gone soon enough but instead of chasing us perhaps you should consider chasing the truth instead? -The jester muses clearly not phased in the slightest by the queen’s threats- In all likelihood you might kill us anyway, so we really have nothing to hide here. Why not send someone to keep an eye on your knight and prove our claims? – The jester suggests- If we are lying you would know and slit our throat but if we are telling the truth then we are free to go. -The jester rhymes- Save your rage for another time fair queen until the truth you have seen. – the jester pulls out his flute along with his demonic partner and plays a melody- We have showed our hand and played our song, but you have yet to prove us wrong. -the jester plays his final tune- We sing our song so listen well will you find the truth? Only time will tell. We will heed your request and move through the night watch us as we vanish from your sight. – with that the jester vanishes after hearing her warning and giving his reply without another word hoping him and his demonic partners words have been considered and the jester steps out of a shadow far away from the castle past the woods and past the river he sees a cave and decides to walk toward it. -

he stood there and played a song, it was seen as nothing less them mocking in her eyes. But he was gone none the less and she did hope he would not show up again. The man was a liar, he was of darkness and all darkness ever did was lie, all it always did was lie and she hardly could handle this castle as it was right now let alone his words be truth, have her son die and her mate be loving to another to the point he would give all he had, his heart. Sams voice made the door to the room shake slightly as the door opened and Anaya stood there breathing heavenly. Anaya looked to Sam tears welling in her eyes as they fell like rain. Holy tears from her eyes as Samuel's arms wrapped around her not a word from his lips he needed not say anything, Anaya hardly could hold on she had been strong all day and now all she wanted to do was break down, become a puddle on the floor and see only darkness “Anaya..” sam said softly as he let her head rest on his shoulder “what ever you need i will get for you” Sam said softly running his fingers into her hair “he said you loved another, that you were going to give your heart to another, half of your heart. But shadows lie...” Anayas wet eyes looked to Samuel “right?” Samuel did not skip a beat as he moved a finger to move her tears away his voice almost as if he had practised “no one will ever replace you in my heart Anaya, you are the mother of our amazing daughter and you are the mother of our son be him not with us now he will forever be in the sky keepers wings now. Who told you such foolish things my sweet?” Anaya put her for head to his chest as he reassured her he was hers and hers alone. “just a stranger court jester that came to the doors today needing a place here. Some fool that had been here for under a day. A nobody, we sould not see him again. If we do, kill him” Samuel nodded his head as his words whispered in her ear “Anything for you my queen” he held her softly as he moved looking around the gross dark chamber they were in “You are needed upstairs my love, you need to be strong for this castle, we both do, wise words were told to me this day, i am a king and you are the queen, so we are to act it, to make this castle what it is meant to be no matter what loss we feel” Anaya nodded as she cleaned the tears from her face “the workers fixed the pipes down here, and the Pire will be in a couple hours i got told it is made, things are looking alright” Sam nodded “And Anaya the raven from the north came back no word, it seems no one got it up there and it just turned around and came back” he said softly as she walked past him and moved up the steps “i will be sure to inform that princess that Damon brought back here that no word from the north that her home seems to be empty or something may be a stray” Sam walked up the steps behind her as they both made it to the top and left the basement of the castle to handle matters upstairs.

TheLadySif: Sif spared a glance back as she rounded the path from the forest but saw that Samuel had disappeared. She assumed he went off to let out his pain more. As badly as she wished to console him, she had already risked too much having stayed with him and spoken freely in the middle of the day. Sif sauntered on, instantly being informed of the Queen’s relocation as she stepped inside. Sifrella had missed the banging on the door, the jester’s words, and Lady Anaya’s tears. What she did catch had her stopped by the door before turning the corner. Furrowing her brow, her sensitive ears caught only the middle of the situation. “No one will ever replace you in my heart…” That alone gave her pause, not knowing what had happened or even that the Queen was upset had her heart and mind confused. She should know better, or at least assume there is a reasonable excuse… but in true, cold, elven fashion… she was furious. Before another word was said, Sif was backing back down the hall slowly until her distracted mind realized that Samuel and Anaya were exiting the room. She turned on her heel and walked off, heading straight to her chambers to change as she had said she would.

Anaya: He could feel that slight hint of cold in the air Sif was not far from him, but then it was gone, she must have gone to her chamber room to change her clothing as she said she would. He made a note to go up there after getting Anaya to the throne area without the castle going up in flames. It took a moment or two to get there but Anaya was placed in her throne the claw dish of pearls at the side of the throne as she picked one up and put it in her mouth to help in her relaxing a little and dealing with the days stresses. Sam kissed her cheek softly to reassure her all was well “i am going to go check on the upper levels, do my rounds, i will be back shortly” he gave a smile as he turned and moved up to the stairs the blood on his hand dryed and as he walked upthe steps he grabed a scrap of some sort of fabric hanging around and cleaned it all off. Walking over to sifs bed chambers he did not knock on the door and opened it a little to peek in.

Guest_SpiralLotus: ~Volly would awake in a Tavern as a day would pass, his vision was blurry as he would look down at his palms as his back was pressed against a bed only to speak under his breath yet his words were full of sorrow for the first time of since the Fae’s curse would have been lifted.~ You and I are both seeking the very same thing, you an I are the same.. We are both motivated by our desire for peace and justice. Everyone feels the same pain when losing something dear, for you and I have both experienced that pain. ~His words were filled emotion, something that wasn’t shown the day he arrived.~ You strive for your justice… And I strive for mine. ~His body would shift forward as he would slide his legs off the bed as he Mithril coated Hardened leather boots would click together touching the wooden floor. His vision would come to as he would lift himself the bed. Reaching down his fingertips would wrap around the hilt of his sheathed Katana named “Astroth” A mere 1.5 meters long. Strapping it to his left side against his belt. His aura was no longer evil and filled with Chaos, it was full of harmony as if he was released from such a heavy burden. Walking forward his footsteps were gentle against the wooden floor as he has a smile on his face, his fingertips running through his long silky red hair. Volly would reach for the door still slightly weak the curse being lifted overnight by an Elder Lich of the name “Gashmear” Appearing to him in his dreams, the Lich wanted to take the curse in return Volly was to give up his Vengeance and hate for his own kind and let go of the Fae that he failed to slay. A deal that conflicted with his pride greatly, however he wanted his power back to the point he craved it. Volly struck the deal, there was no harm in it. Not for Volly or anyone around.~ I wonder how long it will take for my power to come back to me? ~He would chuckle under his breath as he opened the door that would lead in to the bar. He would head straight for the door that lead outside. Reaching outside his body shifted left as his vision went blurry for a second. A result of the dark energy the coursed through his veins, it would take time for him to regain his strength. He continued forward as sweat would drip from his hair, his ears were ringing, to him the ground was shaking with each step even though it wasn’t. The Curse took a toll on his body for plaguing this long. Stumbling with each step he would slip into a shadow step and ported a total of 45 feet hitting the against the side of a tree. Regaining his balance once more he made his way towards the Kingdom doors, pushing the left one open it was clear he was in weakened state as he would grip the side of door he would look vision going in and out. He exhale slowly as his Katana bounced against his waist making a loud humming noise for a few seconds until he clicked it back in the sheath.~ Greetings everyone. ~A smile appeared against Volly’s lips as sweat would drip down his face, he was slightly shaking as his Celestial Energy began to pound underneath his chest as he continued to use the door to hold himself up as closed his left eye as it became a habit to hide the one thing he despised more than anything it was that Curse. However, it’s been only lifted for a day he hasn’t gotten use to not relying on Dark Energy to help his body move. He was now 9’7ft tall it appeared he grew since the Curse had faded, his horns had cracks as they would shine pearl white. Wearing all Mithril coated Hardened Black Leather armor. Light, and fit for an assassin. Daggers were covered up his sides. A total of 60, 30 on each side. They were made of Titanium Alloy and sharp making it easy to slice through bone they were also light like his Katana. His boots would click together as his right hand slipped in his pocket playing with a Ebony Crest made from an Elvish smith as gift for Volly he acquired on his journey. His Long silky red hair would flow over her face as watched everyone to see what would happen next.~

TheLadySif: The door to her room would creak a bit as ice frozen over it would crack and fall to the floor. In the middle of the room facing the mirror was Sif. The temperature in the room was edging towards freezing, so her temper was managed. She had finally pinned her hair up, having twisted it into a much shorter braid-style. She had donned a newer set of clothing, the lightest blue like a sheet of ice, sheer and sparkling. Her eyes in the mirror were already set on Samuel’s, glowing an ethereal yellow instead of the usual blue or hazel. They glistened with unshed tears yet a soft smile set upon her lips. “Greetings, my King.” She turned her head slightly, peeking over her shoulder slowly then looking down for a moment before looking back to the mirror. A light snowfall speckled the chamber, spiderwebs of ice creeping across the glass of her mirror. “Please. Come in."

Anaya: Samuel walked in as he moved into the ice box that was her room. He let out a breath god this room felt good, it felt right, he shut the door with his foot as it clinked shut and surely was re-coated in a layer of ice. His clawed fingers moved behind her as they ran up her shoulders and along her dress “you look flawless, like the clearest of glaciers in the evening moon. ” his fingers moved around her as he could feel her temper within her “that heart of fire you have, it makes it so i can hardly keep my hands off you. I can not wait till we are at last one and i can quit lieing about it” he wanted to be with her so badly it hurt inside and he knew that once his heart was hers Anaya could not harm a hair on her head, Anaya could toss a fit surely but she could not cause lasting damage to Sif and that is what mattered, if Anaya hurt Sif it would hurt Sam and in doing so, it would hurt there daughter, and it had dawned on him that that kid could be used more so alive then it could be dead.
Glazed over red eyes looked up as she rolled a pearl on her tongue and swallowed it hole her teeth grinding slightly. She let out a breath as she looked at the doors, that dragon male was back the one with fake decor on his body to look more dragon. But now he smelled not of Fae, he had had his curse lifted since behind here. “you have changed, Volly was it your name?” she asked as he walked into her halls. Noki bolted from the dinning room doors to run and jump on her mothers lap with a bright wide smile on her face “mother!” she called out as she wraped her arms around her “are you ok, i was worried, i could feel you all over the castle, like you were the castle and the castle was mad and upset, no one is dead right?” Anaya could not help but laugh at her daughter as she pressed her forehead to her little girls “no my sweet all is well, you keep me grounded” Noki smiled brightly “ya if you made this castle explode i would have no place to get food and eat” Anaya let out another soft laugh as she lifted her face back up to look back to Volly.

TheLadySif: If she wasn’t so cold, she may have blushed, her body tensing as he came closer and touched her. The moment was brief, but her eyes faded from the yellow causing her to blink rapidly before they glowed again in yellow. A slight sneer wrinkled her nose as she took her eyes off of his face in the mirror and looked upon her own. She rose a hand to her cheek, tilting her head. “It is a shame this form is too weak to kill her.” The instant the words left her lips Sif gasped sharply and stiffened, her eyes cooling to the usual hazel and the snowfall ceasing in the room. In an almost drowsy manner, she reached a hand up to Samuel’s, looking at him again in the mirror in a daze. Her eyes widened briefly as she stepped tot he side, stumbling back until the back of her legs met the bed causing her to inadvertently sit down. Her doe eyes stared up at him, then she shook her head lightly and looked away. “D-did you need me for something my Lord?"

ScarletEveDeLaRose: Scarlet got up from her spot and walked to her window to notice something was off about the outside, She looked to the northeastern part of the forest and quickly walked over to slightly open her door so she could peek out to see if the coast was clear enough for her to leave out, “Oh skirt,” she quickly stepped back into her room so she wouldn’t be caught by anyone and looked towards her window, “looks like I’m going to be using that way to get out of here,” Scarlet took two sheets from her bed, then she opened her window, tied the sheets into knots, and threw them out in a straight line before she quickly but carefully climbed herself out to get the the ground, when she finally touched the ground with her feet, she immediately darted towards the forest where the crystal caves would be located, “I’ve got to get there,” Scarlet’s hair flowed with her speed as she took a shortcut through the woods to get to the caves, the shortcut was less thick but smaller than the original path that she would take, when she arrived at the entrance, she looked around and yelled “Hey, who is here at my cave?” She decided to enter the glassy looking cave that mirrored her every move when she walked deeper into it, the mirrors revealed a dark bronze haired woman with earth brown eyes stuck inside of a pre teen girl with dark brown hair and dark green eyes, she looked up and shivered before taking a breath as she looked at her original body that was now frozen within the cave as if she was sleeping,Scarlet got on one knee and bowed to herself as she promised, “until you are awaken, no one will know and I shall make sure of that,” she got up and leaned her back against the walls of the cave, still feeling the presense of someone or something near her.

Guest_SpiralLotusGuest_SpiralLotus Whisper: ~Volly would push the door further open a Celestial Energy would pulse beneath his chest, it was clear to those who would sense magic, he was in a weakened state. His energy to surge through out his body it seemed to slowly be regenerating back to normal. His left elbow would bounce against his hilt as the blade once more let out a humming as if it were a cry from a Phoenix in pain. His eye's would click pure white as his pupils would begin to fade, he would continue forward as his hands now in his pockets, his eye's would close as he began to twirl the pendant in his right hand. His left leg lapped out the right as his thighs pressed against one another. He would lean his body forward bowing as the pain increased in his body. Keeping his balance and composure he spoke.~ Yes, I am Volly Esrial. For what you had witnessed the other day way simply a misunderstanding. ~His left hand would slip from his pocket as fingertips would intertwine with his hair. Raising his head, his eyes would open as they were pure white. The Elder Dragon slowly start to grin as the pain slowly began to fade as his strength slowly came to.~ I am an Assassin. I also have a partner she is not of our kind, but also very talented in her art of murder. ~He would tilt his head a bit to the right as his long red hair flow against his pale skin. His energy was , second to Holy. His eyes would shift to Noki as he would speak lightly.~ And how are you young one? ~He would smile lightly as he lowered his head.~ My partner and I wish to Join you as personal Assassins. She should be arriving any day now. I am a Mithril Elder Dragon, under Tiamat. Us meeting here today is truly my pleasure.”

Anaya: Samuel's eyes looked at her as a smile came over his face her voice, her eyes, that look that everything she was there, he could feel her as she sat down he hit his knees before her his torso and face still being at her eye level seeing he was so much taller then she was. Sams for head pressed ageist her own “Three days and we can be together again, three days and my power will be a part of yours, i will find a way even if it kills me for you to have your body back my love, for you to live again for you to be stronger” there was more then one way he could achieve his goal but no way was going to be easy, get a wish granted and pay the price for it, find a necromancer, but that would come later right now step one was to give his heart to her, he may have to rush it if Anaya was to become more aware but that would not be hard “my heart belongs to you, we will figure everything out” his arms wrapped around sif and held her to his chest in the end she would be his or he would die trying. “and you know now that you mention it, i just need your company for a moment, just to make sure you are ok. Everyone in this castle is hurting you as well, our home will get better Sif, it will, and so will you” he moved his finger to her cheek “you are the only person in this whole castle i am not playing the part with, you are the only one here i don’t lie to every day to make them feel happy, i truly love you, don’t forget that for a second”

Anaya: Noki hoped off Anayas lap and walked over to Volly as she looked at him “Noki....” Anaya said as her daughter took charge and walked forth still “it is ok mother, he is a friend” she looked at him “you are a friend right?” she asked as she moved her little clawed fingers to touch the bottom of his coat. She still stood a good 6 feet tall but he was still much taller then she was. “you are weak i want to help, can i heal you?” she asked but at the same time she did it, it was weak and not overly powerful but what did you expect from a yearling. Her little sparks of healing energy made small white butterfly’s form in the air as they touched Volly healing a little of him, enough to make a dent but not enough to truly put him back to himself. “oh i.....sorry i asked and then did i hope it did not hurt” her red hair fell in her face as her blue eyes looked to the ground. Anaya ever vigilant letting her daughter handle there guest who had outright stated he was a trained killer. She was knowing that other dragons would be foolish to attack or harm a golden baby, they were so rare now that to see one was a dream come true let alone have one within touching distance. “you will need to work on that if you are to become queen one day Noki” anaya said with a smile on her face. “i thought Ryu would be ki.....oh, ya..... i am going to be a queen?” Noki turned around turning her back on there guest, yes Noki was a child there was so much for her to learn still “yes you will be but get to handleing our guest we do need assassins and new fighters” she leaned forth and whispered to her daughter knowing very well that Volly had ears he could hear it. “maybe if you are nice you can get that personal guard you asked for” Nokis eyes got all bright as she turned around with leaping vigor. “i will pay you myself be my personal guard and we can be friends? I mean” she let out a cough and made her voice more queen like even if she still sounded like a 15 year old girl. “will you Volly be a personal guard to the castles princess and assassin of the crown, you and your partner shall be able to use the castles treasury funds for anything you need wall you stay here.”

IIdarkfireII: -After hearing the voice yell into the cave, the jester decides to have a little fun and melts into the shadows slowly creating four Shadow clones of himself controlled by him and his demonic partner as the real jester turns melts into a shadow cast by the light and slips out of the cave, so he can sneak up on her from behind. The clones have gone in different directions calling her from all sorts of different locations. - Who is in your cave? Perhaps we are left or right, or further in? -the clone’s voices come from all those different directions as one of the clones moves in front of her then another appears to her right and one to her left before all disappearing- Or maybe we are right behind you -The jester moves to tap her on the shoulder and his reflection in the crystals are not his own but that of a female shadow demon with purple eyes, skin black as midnight, and demonic horns and a tail- Like you we wanted to get far away from the castle after what happened. It appears there are some truths the queen does not wish to hear. She said she would kill us if she saw us again. -the jester muses- Perhaps an introduction is in order though. -the jester reaches into his hat and pulls out a flute and begins to play- We are the one that goes by two names, the young Fortunato and his fair demon Shade. We are the one that brings all the cheer and we may be demonic but there is nothing to fear. We are the one that stalks the night. We are the one that gives shadows life. We are the one that has so much to say so what can we do for you today? – the song number is filled with all kinds of flips, shadow puppets and acrobatics and is very impressive as the jester does a backflip and lands right in front of her before taking a bow- Now to answer your question as why we are here in your cave……. We can answer that. -they tell her what happened back at the castle and what they saw in the forest- We tried to tell the queen, but she would not believe us and thought we were lying but you we can still work with since you are here. Perhaps you can be our eyes and ears and succeed where we failed.

TheLadySif: The room remained cold but obviously the constant drop had ceased. Her anger was gone and so was the violence that she had been shoving down for so long. Sif held her breath as he embraced her, so many thoughts running through her mind. She felt that if she breathed too quickly that she would blow away this moment. The one thing she was sure of: she wouldn’t be crying again. “Sam, I have failed you today my love, but never again. If need be, I would lie straight to my Queen if only to keep you.” Pulling him closer, she relaxed a bit, closing her eyes. “The pain of the castle this day has worn us all to the bone. Simple rest will do me well and I will be fine. You should remain in the Queen’s sight as mourning continues for your family. Should anyone find us this way all of our plans and dreams will be destroyed. Please.” She would open her eyes and push him back gently. “Go.” Sifrella would close her eyes again and cover her face with one arm over her eyes and a sigh, sinking into her bed i exhaustion she hadn’t felt in decades.

IIdarkfireII: -The jester vanishes into a shadow beside her and steps out of another shadow by the entrance before she even moves. - Ok at the entrance like you said. – The jester smirks and raises a finger creating marionette strings above her from the shadows that try to latch onto her shadow to pull her toward him- Come on then! - Childish laughter echoes throughout the cave as the jester tries to pull her closer making the trip shorter- Glad you came to play Scarlet. -The jester laughs more- Though we wonder what brings you to a cave in the middle of nowhere? I mean you don’t seem lost and you know where this place is. – The jester seems to be interested to know more about this strange little girl as the beings bronze eyes flash for a moment and Scarlet would see glowing eyes in the dark with green smoke coming from them as a purple aura surrounds the jester- Gotta say we are so much happier out of that kingdom right now. That divine energy stopped us from being at full power until we made a rune that is now hemmed into the seams of our little jester outfit protecting us from such divine magic. Granted it caused an explosion and burned us but we healed ourselves just fine. – The jester looks to her and smirks again- So we look forward to our meeting with you just further down little one……. Into the depths of shadows and darkness. Will you follow or resist it’s call we wonder? Only time will tell but you could be our ally. The shadows hold such secrets and secrets that we would be happy to share with you if you come along. -The jester’s voice sounds like two voices at once now as their true nature seems far more dangerous than they are letting on- Guess we can drop the façade of the fool now huh? No need to worry about our performance since the queen got angry with us. We will not be there at least not physically. But we still work in the shadows and there is no where the truth can hide from us. -The jester laughs sounds more demonic now- The queen will see what a fool she has been for failing to heed the truth. – The jester laughs more- We will show them all that we did not lie.

ScarletEveDeLaRose: Scarlet felt him pull on her shadow that was also part of her own powers as she felt her feet leave the ground, the crystals of the cave began to move forward as she flew threw the air with her arm atretched out until she was at the entrance looking at the dark jester infront of her, “How did...wait a second.” Scarlet knew that she had sensed that familiar power for a reason and let her green eyes glow, “Yep you can stop now. Looks like I sensed your powers before you even appeared,” She flashed some light into the room then watched as it slowly dimmed away leaving only a cool breeze, “I know what you know aswell about them too...exactly how do you expect the whole scheme to work completely with my help?” Scarlet was starting to feel questionable about the intensions of the stranger that had just met her, “If I am to be your ally in this plan, we will both have to be careful and I must keep my distance from them,” She knows what will happen if any of them gets caught.

Anaya: Samuel gave her a soft kiss on the head as he pulled the blanket around her “you could never fail me Sif, all our dreams will come true, i will make it happen” he smiled softly happy with her laying there, happy with her as his and his alone, he would make her dreams come true he would make there world a reality, he would bring her back from the head and turn this elf into a dragon even if it killed him. She would be his wife again.


----Later that evening----

IIdarkfireII: -The jester was once to be lurking in Scarlet’s cave far away from the castle, but he is ready to put on his final performance as he and his demonic partner prepare for the closing act. The demonic duo moves like a shadow closer to the castle and peek through the window of the main hall gathering what they can before ducking down. - Hmmmmmmmm no sign of the queens wayward knight…………….. – the jester silently whispers to himself before Shade his demonic partner chimes in- Perfect opportunity to strike. -The demons laughter echoes through the jesters mind as the jester quickly retreats back to the cave before creating an exact duplicate of Sif complete with her voice and uses shadows to make a duplicate of her armor and weapons as well. Not a detail is missed as he makes the clone walk through the front doors of the main hall hoping to attract the king’s attention and draw him out into the open. As the jester waits to watch through the shadow clone’s eyes. The jester mimics everything from Sif’s walk to her mannerisms. As he lies in wait for the king to address the clone as the last chess piece begins to fall into play and soon it will be curtains for the king and his wayward knight. The jester knows Sif will not make a sound unless addressed like a true lady of the court. He just needs to have his clone wait for the king to come and the jaws of the jester’s trap will slam shut with no way out. The truth will be exposed, and the jester will be victorious in this dangerous game. The hand is dealt, and the cards are played and now all he has to do is wait for the king to spring the trap. -

Samuel moved to the stable as he brushed some fresh hay for the horses and trolls as beding or whatever they wanted to chew on, they were getting thin and they needed to eat and he felt pity for the beasts. Softly he turned his head spotting Sif walking to the castle, he moved forward his nose in the air and could smell that sweet ice like chill that drifted off her back “Sif? ” he called out softly as he looked at her, her hair was flowing in the breeze and she looked ravishing as normal. His poison tipped claws wiggled as he wanted to touch but knew better he remembered Anayas words as they could not talk in the open as sutch he remembered everything Anaya had told him in the evening that that fool tried to expose him. He still needed to find that stupid being of shadow to sniff him out, but Samuel was a elite tracker so it would not be overly hard, hundreds of years in the wilds you picked up many a thing. “Sif, your horse is fed” he said softly as he looked at the stable to a black steed eating its hay hoping that his dear knight would come over to greet him in his normal fashion.

IIdarkfireII: -The jester has the Shadow clone of Sif say thank you and nod smiling and batting her eyes knowing the King has already fallen into his trap. Now all he has to do is wait for Anaya to catch them all googly eyed and sneak in a kiss when she walks into the room, so it looks like what it is. After that he can make shadow Sif say some cocky remark like gotcha and the clone will vanish. Now to wait for Anaya and have her say those cheesy romantic words he heard Sif say in the woods. Either way the King is now within his grasp and the jester’s plan will soon rock the kingdom to it’s core. It is time for a final curtain call and the finishing act. He just has to wait till he hears Anaya and have the lady knight kiss him knowing the king will not be able to resist returning the favor and he will have outsmarted them both. It is curtains, and the final act will be the jester’s greatest performance yet. The jester himself though is far from the castle in Scarlet’s cave though he will get to see how his whole performance plays out through shadow Sif’s eyes. The jester is laughing to himself in that cave while the shadow clone acts normally. It is time for this game to end and the jester will win at all costs. The final act is about to begin as soon as the queen enters the room and the jester outsmarts everyone. It is too late for the king to realize the deception. There is no way out of this and soon this tale will be told for generations of the fool that outsmarted everyone. The jester can barely wait as he watches in anticipation. -

Guest_SpiralLotus: ~As Volly's back pressed tight against the left side of the Kingdom wall, his Celestial white eyes would glow a Gold for a second as they shut.~ I see, so this is what your energy feels like my Queen. ~His words were soft, speaking to himself as a Chaotic grin would kiss and tear at the edges of his cold lips. His skin was usually cold but for some reason it slowly became warm. Fingertips would glide across all his Titanium Alloy daggers as he they would hum with his touch, it was as if they became blessed with by an unseen force.~ Now, give me a reason. ~His eyes would open as they would spiral on gold, as a white mist would flow across the Red designs across his face, as if it was tracing his skin in an unusual pattern. He would not make any eye contact, only listening and examining his surroundings. His energy shifted to something he wasn't use to, it was Draconic but it wasn't his own for a second he thought of Tiamat. Shaking his head with a grin, he soon understood what was really going on. Feeling the effects of this Energy he would embrace it for the time being. His left leg would lap over his right, as his hands slipped in to his pockets as they became warm, as he shifted his body forward. Volly would tilt his head as he could smell Noki ] not sensing any danger he was as ease, though he did not deal to be her Assassin only due to him waiting for his partner to agree with him. He seemed to be fixed on the child, in a sense he had a duty to protect her. He would wait silently as this Energy slowly grew inside of him, it wouldn't last forever but he knew he would have a chance to use it.~ Well then, I see you're doing fine child. ~Speaking to himself, his left hand would rest on his hilt of Astroth as this energy slowly wrapped around it. Shifting his eyes towards that 1.5 meter long Katana.~ Feed, consume, and devour all that I give you. ~Astroth would shake inside the hilt hearing it's masters words, Astroth was not use to just a single Energy.. Atleast not this pure, so he was devouring it like a Catalyst. And this blade lusted such an energy. Still though, the Cold hearted Assassin didn't pose a threat to anyone, or so it seemed. Waiting for a sign, a reason to act. Volly was growing bored of waiting, but he continued to do.~

Anaya: Sam lifted a brow, when did his Sif bat her eyes at him, when did his sif stand there almost loving, were was that chill in her heart that ice in her veins. He looked to Sif as he moved his arms around her to touch her back as he took in a large breath of air. She smelled of stone, limestone, sandstone, water and grit, solid feet had picked up things from there and brought them over here. She must have been hunting...or it was something else, Sif never left the castle to go anyplace her post was here, why was she coming from the forest to here to the castle doors and not her chamber door. He moved softly and looked at her “you smell wonderful Sif i cant help but notice you did hunting today? Oh yes and i have something for you i really though you would like, picked it up from a trad caravan that came in yesterday, you saw it right, you were at your post at the wall?” he moved and took a step from her “stay here i will be right back alright, i am just going to go get the gift i promised you, you will really like it and i will put it on you myself” he gave a smile as he moved and darted away really hoping she would stay right there.

Walking along the wall he spoted that assassin they had made a contract with, being a tad bold but with reason he grabbed the mans arm and pulled him into a room fully out of ear shot. “go to the mountains in the north there is a large cave there with green stagnum moss, it is all over the entrance. In there you will find an assassin mark that the queen left on the notice board this afternoon. The little shit has placed the lives of this castle at risk and i don’t wish my last daughter to be harmed by it, it is a shadow jester, i am aware you gained blessings from the queen this morning it should be no problem for you to handle, be covert and don’t get seen, last thing i want is the shit vanishing away, Anaya was clear it uses shadow walk a commoner pour mans ability, it is scum i do hope you can handle it Volly” he hoped he got the name right as it was there first meeting, he had no idea if the fighter would even do as told but hey it was ordered by the queen the other day so it was a ok target to kill around here were you would get a don’t go to jail free card at the end and maybe even something shiny for helping the castle and the crown out and protecting the lives of the people and children within the walls here. Sam knew that the thing outside fakeing to be sif was not sif , it did not act like her it did not feel like her and one thing it did not have that only she had was a soul within it of Kadance his dead wife. And he could feel kadance within her since the other night when Kadance even talked over sifs voice, that beautiful dragon soul within sifs body that would in due time be in his hands once more, he would have the love of his life agein but Anaya would not know till it was to the point sif would not be harmed due to it. But the jester and his whatever it was did not know this, they did not know the inner workings of this castle the people the good people within its walls and that was this mans downfall and what gave him away, he no matter how he wanted did not act like them he just acted how he saw and he never saw enough in his short time to put the wool over anyone’s eyes. Sam smiled softly turned around and picked up a blue rose form the garden rose bush, holding it in his fingers he walked back over to Sif and looked at her with what was love in his eyes. “i got a rose for you my sweet sif, it is the color of your ice, and you remember our trip up to the sea to see my adopted daughter you remember her name right? The color of your hair in the wind” he moved his fingers to place the rose in her hair tenderly.

Zakura: The weather was too nice, something she disliked. She had just finished doing her usual snipping at the shops in the town before opening up a dimensional portal aimed for the castle, the portal tagged to her master Volly. Of course, with this being the case, a black hole began to form in spirals next to Volly before opening up as a vacant hole of darkness in the size of a human body. "Ahh! Shopping's done! Don't worry, I left the stuff we needed in a proper spot- and yes! I remember which one it was!" Her voice, high and jittery came out from the hole before that white haired demon came out, the horns attached to her heels clacking on the ground in the portal like heeled shoes, hugged tight by a leather strapping that hugged up her calves. Her white hair was evenly parted and long - Tied loosely into braids over her shoulders and met with her hip-line, black small horns chained peeking up from her midsection of the sides of her head, bent backwards. Her skin was a pale peach, eyes golden and apparently bright against the black eyeshadowing around her eyes, ears poking out from her hair seemingly to twitch every now and then. She wore a black collar that wrapped in leaether around her neck, covering it mostly and with a set of stairs attached to it like a necklace, a black crop top with tight long sleeves meshed and a leather bra underneath as well as a waist-high black skirt of leather, belted chains attached. Each shoulder had a skull on top, three spikes underneath the skulls as well as a set of black roses to match, giving her more of an air of evil of sorts - her rumors matched her all to well. Many know her as the Witch, being she was an inter-dimensional demon, but she seemed somewhat aloof at this time. "Oh!" Her face brightened up, grasping the cloak that hung only on one shoulder and placing it behind her. "Have we a contract now? Where do we go and who do we kill? I'm so excited for this!"

Guest_SpiralLotus: ~Volly wouldn't even speak to the man, snapping his arm forward breaking to hold. Even though it wasn't a tight grip. Stopping in his tracks as he could smell and sense an energy that made his heart throb. Biting the bottom left half of his lips, breaking skin, licking the blood off his lip he would grin deviously.~ Fine, contract accepted. ~Watching this portal open, he would reach forward as fingertip curled and intertwined with her collar. He would look down at her as his eyes would examine her slowly.~ Well, as long as you didn't forget where you put what you bought this time! ~He would laugh lightly, pulling her forward as he rubbed her head gently. That grip around her collar would loosen as he flicked her forehead.~ We have a target, do as you please. All that matters is that we gut this Festuring Cur my dear. ~His words had no emotions behind his tone, his eyes were that of a dead mans. Yet not Celestial white, they were gold being blessed by the Queen he would have he would have blessing of divine hands (hands and grip are +15 strength, no demonic shadow or evil energy can pull from his grip), bless (added +4 to attack hit, he would hit harder) and Blessing of the Devine (He was now clad as a holy being for one day, his whole body now is holy as well as what you touch is made to have holy energy flowing from it. he is now encased in a bubble of holy around him, tight to the skin) He would continue walking to forest as his footsteps were gentle against the gravel as his fingertip slipped against a 3 daggers in between his knuckles, pulling then out in a slow manor. He was a trained Assassin, however his partner was that of far on scale he had not reached. That soon would be shown in the events to come.~ Come, we have some... Fun.. To deal with my dear. ~These two were close, and could not be separated regardless of the price, or reason. Bound to each other by the threads of fate, he had no doubts in her. Still though, Volly would tilt his head back only to look back at his partner and smile as his Golden eyes locked with hers.~ Just.. Don't hold back, okay? ~He snickered under his breath as he would wink at her. Moving his head forward as his long Red hair would flow against his skin and over those cold eyes. They had a contract, and Volly wasn't stopping, not for anything till this target was dead.. And possibly worse.~

IIdarkfireII: -The jester mutters dammit within his cave and decides to have shadow Sif say I would be happy to answer that once I get back from the bathroom. Shadow Sif leaves and he has the shadow Sif go to Sif’s room to find out this information. Surely, she would keep her daughter’s name somewhere as the jester has the clone look through everything in Sif’s room. Come on it has to be somewhere just wait a little while, but he has me in the ropes here the jester thinks to himself. The clone rifles through Sif’s belongings hoping to find a note or better yet some actual evidence. Wait that is it just find some evidence of the affair in the room somewhere. The jester has clone Sif look everywhere where these things could be hidden while the king would think Sif was using the bathroom or something. The jester does not know since Jester could not figure out a better excuse. So hopefully he finds the evidence before he finds out Sif is not in the bathroom. Hopefully he can finally find some dirt on the king and Sif before this all comes crashing down on him. The jester is determined to expose the truth and get out of this alive, but it is only a matter of time before it is either curtains for him or for the King and his lady knight. The jester just needs a little bit more time before anyone gets too suspicious and he can finally win the game. It will be over soon and the evidence will turn up eventually if he takes enough time he can find something…… anything to prove his point about the affair. There has to be some evidence to get the jester out of this jam. -

Anaya: Samuel watched the clearly not sif turn down his gift, another thing sif would never do, aswell as this sif never called him my lord or stuttered around him it did not act right and it was clear as day but he needed to keep it occupied for as long as posible so the assassin could do its work. “Sif!” he called out as he walked inside the castle with a smile on his face “your lord requests you!” he now could smell it he had hung around it enough it smelled of shadow, that foolish jester it was the shadow being that had been spying on them, as time was going on he was able to track more of this shadow and now he was learning the individual shadow signature of the clone that was faking being Sif and learning the ability’s that it had. (within Sifs room you find a small book about cooking, her coin bad with six silver in it, a picture of the sea, and a lot of ice everywhere and standered bedroom junk like bed and dresser and junk)

Guest_SpiralLotus: ~He would tilt his head back at her, slipping his hand in his pocket. Pulling out a Gem that was imbued with Demensional Capability as he would fall back, his body sinking in to a portal slowly being made by this gem. Tossing it to her as it closed behind him.~ Forgot, I took this from your bag last time we were out on a journey. Enjoy. ~Kissing her cheek, the portal would close as Volly vanished in to thin air. Leaving behind her Gem, it appeared the Dragon was un interested in the subject now. Knowing his Partner would not fail him in any means, her power alone could possibly kill Volly. So, with that fact alone he didn't have a single doubt. Giving her the contract, he hoped she would Impress the Queen beyond pleasure.~

Zakura: She chuckled as she felt his fingers tug at her collar and pulled her close, a grin on her face as she looked up at him. "Of course not!" She laughed as well before rubbing her forehead where he flicked her. Her eyes lit up at the word 'Target' being spoken before her demon tail popped out from it's hiding place under her skirt, flicking back and forth much like a cat in excitement. "Yes, of course, my dear master." She purred softly as she grinned, showing her fanged teeth. She would glance back to the other two, watching as a girl had left to the castle suddenly before quickly following after Volly, her footsteps quickly catching in-tune with his, although hers being more of an excited skip to her. To some, she would seem like a child with this behavior, but she was just so giddy with excitement at this point that she couldn't hide it. Pulling from her backside belt, she revealed a whip, curled up in her hand, an empty slot on the hilt showing something that was meant to be there was missing- Then he tossed her a dark violet gem. This gem was the source of her dimensional power - Something not of this world, either, a gift to her. "Aw, jeez! I was gonna have this put in my whip!" She huffed before smiling as he kissed her cheek, watching as he left, slipping the gem into it's proper slot on her hilt, before taking the contract he handed to her. She took a quick read over before smiling up at. Her excitement grew too big, quickly dashing forward as she extended her senses outwards, letting her own presence being known to any close. "I'm going on ahead! I'll find him real quick, no worries! You can sit back and let your little take care of things from here!" With that statement made, she focused her energy into her legs before leaping forth with massive strength, causing her to fly up high into the air straight towards the mountain, the destination ahead. She made use of the horns on the balls of her feet to catch onto branches of trees with quick precision, using them to swing around back into the air, spotting a cave in the mountain side as she flew up higher into the air again towards her destination. With the location set in mind, she put away the contract into her top before precisely catching herself during her fall into the trees to bring herself quickly and carefully down onto the ground, then proceeding to dash forth, muting her powers enough to not be detected on her way to the cave as she made her way up to the cave. With careful jumps and steppings as a demon, she made her way up to the cave entrance before putting her back against the wall on the outside. She peered inside for a moment to check for a clear, glancing at the moss that had gathered around. With this confirmation of her destination, she quickly slipped inside without hesitation, her golden orbs glowing in the dark, a sinister grin on her face.

Anaya: his patience was growing thin as it took the copy more then the needed amount of time to get down to see him. Really it had to be instant at this point the fact this shadow being was mocking him in such a way was getting on his last nerve. anything that faked being his sif was to much, this was all right mockery and it had gone on long enough. He wanted to get this going faster as it was taking to long for him. As he saw the shadow clone of Sif walking down the stairs he stood there at the bottom there was a bathroom on the main level why would it need to go upstairs, (sifs room like all bedrooms are on the upper level.) he did not care it was going to end now anyway. As its foot hit the first step down to him Sams speed kicked in (Wyvern speed not raging 70 feet a turn) as he pushed from the ground his arm going into the shadow clones mid segment ((NPC hit shadow clone destroyed, auto hits valid on NPCs)) the clone turned to shadow as he rung it through “you make a shit copy of Sif” he moved his bright green eyes to look at a window “next” within seconds he bolted to the window smashing into it at such a speed it left a hole and nothing shattered just the hole like if a clean metal spike went into it shot from a cannon. Anger was kicking in (Rage activated, movement speed increased, 230 feet a turn) Within minuets Samuel was outside the cave he had been to more then once, Scarlets hidden get away. The assassin was already there he guessed and on his way inside with his partner. Sams hand shoved into his pocket he pulled out a golden gem, one of witch he took from Anayas study days ago and had not changed his pants since. Taking the stone he gave a breath over it the stone starting to shimmer brightly as he slammed the stone into the ground the big words hovered over head “holy ward” Sam smiled at the stone that was now planted and took root into the ground that stupid little snake would not be able to vanish his way out of this open and Sam stood now at the entrance of the cave so if anything came out other then the assassin it would be destroyed as soon as his eyes hit it. He snorted as green tar started to fall down his nose standing, waiting, it was taking so long, so very long. (rage lasts 4 turns) (holy ward will last 6 rounds, once done holy ward will shrink and pull all demonic in nature beings into the gem space)

IIdarkfireII: -The jester is now really annoyed and nervous and decides to retreat further into the cave rather than come out into the open. “This cave does not do well with strangers” the jester remembers hearing from Scarlet and him and Shade know it gets colder as you go further in. He will wait as he knows someone will be after him by now as he retreats into the much deeper parts of the cave. Hopefully he will be followed there and there in the darkness the first person to come in will be blind slowly freezing to death inside the cave. It is only a matter of time but the jester just needs to buy more time before the curtain closes. Now that he and shade are cornered they get their weapons ready as they have, retracting dwarven blades able to withstand 1'200 pounds of pressure, 6 poisoned throwing daggers strapped to his left arm able to induce vomiting, blurred vision, paranoia, and insanity, he also has two demonic blades that are capable of rapidly syphoning the energy of an opponent at close range but this requires contact with an opponent’s blood as the blades are powered by blood magic and require blood contact in order to work ( this method does not work on creatures that do not have blood and they are not really meant to kill but rather weaken an opponent and render them helpless) These demonic blades cannot be broken by normal means and requires divine or some other kind of holy magic to break them. Feeling the holy magic in the area they know they will have to rely on their wits and their weapons rather than their shadow abilities. The first person to come better be prepared to have a cut artery. All there is to do now is to retreat further into the cave and wait. When the time comes all the next person coming in this cave will see is a blade in the dark and their head will serve as a warning. This time the jester has the urge to fight. No more running away and no more being afraid. This time it must end. The chaotic pair laughs and the laugh becomes more sadistic and the jester sounds like psychopath as demonic corruption spreads further up his body. Somethings happening with the jester usually the jester does a ritual to keep this part of his demon contained. This time the more sadistic side will be driving as the jester gains the mentality of a psychopath and becomes more dangerous. -

1. Zakura: She saw him duck, quickly reacting by flipping up her whip , her hand raised up as her whip came back, dodging the cut to it in the process, saving her whip without intentions to do so. She merely chuckled as he came at her with a dagger tipped with poison, the scent obvious to her. Instead of doing a normal dodge, she let her back fall backwards in a bending motion, tilting her head once she was out of range of his blade. Once this was done, she quickly kicked her leg up and aimed to catch a hold of his arm by folding her leg over it. At the same time, she made a sideways whipping motion so as to tie him up in her whip including his other arm into his body. Once these actions were successful, she slowly pulled herself up, a grin on her face as she looked him into the eyes. "Unfortunately for you.. I don't really care. I'm much too strong myself for anyone else to take me on so easily- I'm a force to be reckoned with. As a demon, I care not for humans and their actions, be it cheating... The only thing I care about is my contracts and my master, for he is my beloved and he brings me my contracts and lets me do as I please to my contracts... What say I had some fun with your body while I am at it? On another note... I don't know the King, I don't care to know the King, I am merely an assassin doing his bidding until the contract is up." She would twist her leg further until her foot was under his arm before snapping her leg sideways, snapping his arm backwards and breaking his elbow in the process, a sinister grin on her face. "Scream for me.. won't you?" She cackled as she brought her free hand up to his chin, her fingers lining his jawline. "I want to hear you scream for mercy..."

2. IIdarkfireII: -As soon as the jester sees her kick her leg up and try to catch his arm he uses his other arm and unretracts his blade aiming it upwards to spear her right in the artery in her thigh and uses her grip on his other arm to pull himself upwards out of the direction of the whip so the whip slides underneath him and he would kick her straight in the face and break her jaw. At this point she would not have a free hand because she is focusing on using her whip so as his arm would snap she would be hit in her artery and quickly bleed out if this works. At the same time her jaw would be broken, and her neck possibly snapped due to the force from the kick. This is an all around bad situation for his opponent if this works as it would leave her artery sliced open and her neck possibly snapped in two quick motions. It will be a brutal way to die if this land and her only free hand is focused on her whip. She may have just made a fatal mistake here as the jester will be taking out two of her vital points. Even if she were to survive the knockback from the kick her artery would be sliced wide open and she would be dead within seconds. If this works, the jester will have killed his would-be assassin instantly. There is very little room for her to dodge in this scenario as it might be either the end for her or for him. Still the jester would be injured a broken arm perhaps and it is only a matter of time. It might kill her or she might accomplish her move and kill him. They might end up killing each other but the jester has to try.-

3. Zakura: She brought her free hand to catch his oncoming hand, locking both his arms at this point in some shape or form before he could successfully cut her. With the use of her energy, she kept a rather tight lock on his wrist and on his arm, chuckling as she twisted her hilt around in her hand before jabbing it upwards into a specific pressure point in the elbow that she held the wrist of, aiming to make his arm useless and to even drop the dagger in his hand. Whilst doing so, she proceeded to snap his arm in half further in her leg before pulling it out roughly of it's shoulder socket with a rough pull of his arm, then letting go of his arm with her leg, swiping down her leg at his leg as he attempted to kick her, to knock him off balance. She would then proceed to move back a step before flipping her hilt in her hand once more and then proceeding to lash the whip at him, aimed to slash at his legs with the stated whipping motion with her whip. A cackle launched from her as she continued her onslaught at him, swinging her whip at him even if he tried to move away, stepping forward after him only so far into it. Her aim was to lock him in a corner and leave him immobile, aimed to cut up one leg so bad he wouldn't be able to stand anymore; not much he could do anymore anyway with both arms having lost use due to precise motions. "It's over, you little jeester! This body is about to be dead, I'll have your head..."

IIdarkfireII: -The jester swipes one of his legs to the side as she swipes downward which will likely hit her square in the stomach knocking the wind out of her and causing her to drop his other arm. Also, while she cracks her whip forward that leg would come from the side as he moves his other leg sideways but further up so it would hit her in the side of the jaw. One of these would knock the wind out of her while the other would break her jaw. As the wind is knocked out of her he could wrap both legs around her neck and make a quick snap potentially ending the fight. This is the jesters last chance to kill her before the end. Either way he wants to have the last laugh as he looks her in the eyes in that moment and says one last thing as he does this. “So the king could not kill me himself huh? That is more cowardly than hiding in a cave. “-The jester’s words and laughter would echo through the cave so whoever is on the other side can hear it as this motion hopefully connects before she can render the jester immobile. At this point the jester could not care less if he lives or dies. He only cares that the king can hear those words. He assumes that is who is casting the divine magic. The jester is just laughing at his final insult as he delays the inevitable and him and shade know it. - “I know there is no point to this but we want it to be said that we went down fighting.” – With those final words he moves his hand slightly to cut her with the poisoned dagger as she holds his other arm, so it would only be a matter of time and even if she kills him she dies slowly and painfully because the jester developed the poison himself. And with his arm locked she was hoping he would drop his dagger as his other arm was broken but he fights through the pain and moves downward to make just a single cut before the end letting the poison work through her at the end. At this point the jester knows that he is struggling against fate. Hopefully this last attack works, and the jester can have the last laugh. All it would take is a single cut for the poison to make its way into her body. With one quick stabbing motion she would have no time to let go or snap his arm before he makes at least one cut and the jester smiles a wicked smile looking at her and laughing instead of crying in pain like she wanted. He will not let her have the satisfaction of having him or his demonic partner beg for mercy and he hopes to make that cut on her arm. There is nothing left for the jester as he laughs knowing his show is about to end one way or another.-

Zakura: Due to his not dodging her leg sweep, she had successfully knocked him off balance, his kicks becoming nolan void. Her whipping at him after taking steps back were successful as they were not successfully dodged, cuts seared deep into his thighs, making it impossible to walk at this point. With him laid immobile on the ground now, she felt her job complete, a grin on her face with having painted him red with his own blood. With this done, she turned and headed back to the barrier, peeking off to the side to see if she would be let out. "The job's done. He can't move now~ I think I'd like to watch him suffer with this barrier." She grinned with a piping tone.

Anaya: Samuel was half a sleep at the frount of the ward, his rage had drifted and there was that assassins partner looking at him, the ward was shrinking as she pondered a moment to even let it out, he thought well if it is here that jester is gone so it was a job well done and even the wyvern had honnor. He moved his hand to put it into the berrier and with some unknown words in a anchent laugage he made a small door for her to exit. Once she surely did he moved his hand as it closed back up the ward shrinking smaller and smaller the body of the shadow jester calling out for aid as his body burned into the walls of the holy dome that had been caste around the cave. Anything else of darkness within was sucked up as well some demon bats and what looked like a dog thing were draged from there sleeping hole and sucked up with no mercy given into that gem still rooted into the ground. Once the screaming and kicking and the smell of burned skin came to a end and the ward and all within it were back in its safe holding gem sam moved his hand to pick it back up and dig it from the dirt. It was no longer a live its job was done “shit how it is only one use, i do hope Anaya has more of this, i think she makes them” he turned and looked to the little girl, she was rather cute for a demon “so who are you anyway and so sorry for the ward, that assassin never said a demon was his partner or i would have come up with something better to target only shadow. I will let the queen know of your and your partners actions and you will be handsomely rewarded i know she will be very happy to know her child’s life and people are no longer in danger from whatever that thing was” he put the gem back into his pocket, safe and sound and everything trapped within it, it would surely go on a shelf or something inside the castle were the other hearts in jars, and litch or waythe jars were held.

Zakura: She merely chuckled as she slipped out the exit of the barrier and turned around to watch as the Jester began to squirm about in pain as the barrier closed in on him. She let out a sigh with her hands on her cheeks, a look of content on her face as she listened to the screams and growls of him as he was burned by the holy barrier. "Ahh.. The sweet sounds of pain.." She then tilted her head before looking up at the King, her cheeks pink with amusement at his words. "Every demon is cute! You should know this! Ah- Thank you for your time. I should be catching up with my master now. You have a great day!" She would smile as the gem on her whip began to glow softly, a portal opening up behind her. She then started to step back before slipping into the portal, disappearing into the darkness before the portal closed.

Anaya: Sam gave a smile as he watched her go "it is true every demon is cute and every dragon worth being one knows better then to mettle with them." he gave a slight chuckle as he humed his way back to the castle to go fix the broken window and explain everything to Anaya and he would have to do the same to Sif the next time he saw her as he was sure that stupid shadow clone of her did some work in her bedroom or well in someones room.


  Rose Has Thorns Part 3 - Spring Rains Fire - Page 3 Got-raven
GraveDigging: -The day in Titanreach was a calm day, people getting over their tragic loss. Everyone did their own part in making preparations to the event for the fallen king. Ivar, sitting in the throne room though doing very little at the given time. He focused more so on wondering who'd attend. However of course he didn't know any of these allies other than one, and with that he was weary of them all. He had sent ravens out to all of them, only to see one return and read the message that it had on it, nodding to the black-winged creature with the Titanreach crest painted on the back of it. He spoke to himself in a whisper 'good.' and only wondered where the last one may be on it's journey. It's been 3 days already, and wondered if the raven was shot down or killed in the process, however it made no difference to Ivar as he's done his research on these allies to what he could from the histories. Ivar may not have been the wisest, but he never turned down gaining a bit of intelligence from his books. Meanwhile, far in the mountains the very raven that Ivar wondered about flew overhead. It soared high in the sky before finally setting it's black eyes on a massive hill. It dove down, gaining speed and cupped it's feathers to it's sides much like a falling dagger. It expanded it's wings only to level itself out and passing over the hill which revealed a small town at the bottom of the thin path laying in the hills. It seemed however nobody was around, which the bird of course had no worry of it. Beyond that, was the castle, which the raven's eyes kept it's eyes on. Swooping up to the sky once more, it soared beyond the town only to find a pipe that looked similar to a chimney, before heading straight up and stopping before starting to descend towards the pipe. It's wings folded once again as it spun and dove head first towards the pipe ultimately fitting into it almost perfectly. Once in the pipe it followed the intricate curves and turns as it it went down a slide, and expanded it's wings once it finally reached the inside of the castle. It cawed loudly, swirling around the room it was in to reveal it's insignia on it's back to show it was no threat. The message it carried was on it's leg, which was held by a small metal canister. The raven found a low perch which happened to be the back of a throne, gripping it with it's claws just enough to hold itself up and not damaging it. Once one would take the message, the small paper would expand out to the size of a regular piece of parchment. The parchment would be folded with Kai's insignia on it, and once opened, the raven would caw once again before turning into ash which would slowly dissipate into the air. Once one would see the message it'd read: "Greetings Anaya of The Iron Dynasty, we've not met yet though you know my father, Kai. I am Ivar, and I regret to inform you that our king of Titanreach has passed away. We here on the mainland hope for our countries to keep the alliance strong, and I personally would like to invite you to the funeral, which will be held a week from now. Thank you. ~Signed~ Ivar Vendassin, King of Titanreach" -The letters on the paper were neat, perfectly spaced, and the curves and almost beauty of the letters were that of a more legible calligraphy, and as the raven itself was gone, the message wouldn't disappear.-

Anaya: as the caws of the raven broke the beautiful silence the castle was stuck in, one opf anayas maids came over to the poor bird siting upon the throne wishing for what looked to be needing assistance. “a letter a letter she will be happy with it i am sure” the maid sputtered as she picked up the bird and pulled the roll from its leg. Most bird came with rolls on there legs or scrolls leather strapped to there backs. Pulling out the roll it expanded like a sponge in water to what was the full size of the paper she did not dare read it it was addressed to lady Anaya and reading it would get her head on the floor in no time. But with fast feet she rushed to the dinning hall the last place she had spotted the queen. And there she was as she puled open the door picking up a plate and putting some dried boar meat on it. “Lady Anaya there is a message here for you, came by raven with the insignia of the owl.” she held out the roll to Anaya as Anaya snaped it right up holding much interest in anything that came with a owl on the cover. Unrolling it she gave a sign as she looked over and took in the words. “there is a funeral at the now dead Kais new palace Tital reach. He neglected to inform me were it even was located due to our, history. ” the maid looked at the queen puzzled “why not send ravens out to all the sides of the world one will come back with someng your grace i am sure of it” Anya comended the girl on her bright ideas but let out a sign none the less and rolled up the paper “the funural is in a weeks time from now it will take months to scower Valaria to find out were the man is hiding. And that is saying he is evewn here, magics can take him to other planes or to just shelter him from the eyes of others, it would be pointless and seeing we do not know were they even are we can not send back word that we will not make it. I will file this notice that the king of the owls people is dead and that our alliance has died along with him, maybe this son, Ivar will come see us to rebuild it and then we can get the location of were he is ” she said softly as she rolled back up the paper and griped it in her hand “what will happen once we find it your grace?” “i am unsure my child, it is unknowing how the new king is, this son and it is said to not hold the pasts of the father on the youth of a child. If that son shows up we shall treat him with kindness no matter his fathers past actions against us. He shall be given food and drink if he needs it and even a room in our halls. But if he turns to be the same as his father with his actions and ways it would be better to snuff him out wall he is still young then have a repeat of the debacle that was his fathers actions here on our lands. I will not risk another out break here due to some moron wanting to measure his girth with that of my own. ” the maid nodded her head as she hurried off to get food ready as Anaya turned back around putting some more slabs of meat on her plate to get on with the day and deal with what she had ignored from the morning, a broken window and a absent king.


----In the Hogs bottom Tavern in Iron Town----
  Rose Has Thorns Part 3 - Spring Rains Fire - Page 3 Forge_concept_by_reneaigner-d6f5on6

JesterKimonHravart - 11/23/2017
Sat at the end of the bar watching over everyone a bottle of rum in his hand and a pain in his ears from a person playing an untuned violin to Nidar this was disrespectful to the poor instrument but instead of going to confront the man he would calmly walk over and give him a silver coin to stop playing at once, which was greedily accepted by the man as Nidar takes his place on the stool picking up the violin he begins to tune it. Once it was back in tune Nidar smirks his music could move people to tears or cause people to get angry and start a fight choices choices but for a laugh he would begin with a soft melody which soon reaches across the tavern, bring a tear to the biggest of brutes in the tavern till he starts to pick the pace up which at first people didn't think anything of the change in tempo till a stool goes flying through the air and a fight breaks out to Nidar 's amusement as he stops playing and watches the chaos he has caused while swigging on his bottle of rum.

Xirelia - 11/23/2017
When did it get so busy? Was there a celebration going on somewhere in town? Something special had to of been happening, for so many people to be here, in the tavern all at once. There was practically a line of customers outside. Just like every other day, Valindrae had to dodge and weave her way through eager hands and drunken trips, balancing a tray of jugs filled with liquor on one hand (mead), and empty cups on another. Dancing her own dance through the crowd, answering loud shouts of "more mead, wench!" Surely this wasn't all life could offer for the young human girl? The fact that she had lasted this long was a miracle for certain. When the tavern owner wasn't groping her inappropriately, he was taking care of her, she supposed. Valindrae jumped and cried out when a hand slipped under her dress. "Get off!" She cried, slipping out from the ugly, stinking man's grip. Hurrying into the back room, the girl dropped the trays in the counter, catching her breath. "Chin up, be brave, be kind." She said to herself, inhaling deeply before letting out a loud sigh. "Oh, girl get back out here! There is a fight!" Her boss shouted out to her, soon she heard the loud bangs and smashed of glass breaking. 'What is it this time...?' Valindrae peeked out from behind the corner of the wall, to find a creature she had never seen before, dancing and playing music. Never had she seen a sight like that before, the strums of the violin, near matching the sounds of the customers getting smacked about, like he was controlling their movements with his music. She watched in awe, unable to move. Not that she could do anything anyway.

JesterKimonHravart - 11/23/2017
As his music would stop echoing through the halls of the tavern Nidar would pick his violin once again then begins to play a soft melody which would seem to bring calm to the room, the men fighting confused as to why they were but all began to relax once more like nothing had happened. Nidar would continue to play, in his mind he was playing the song that his father had taught him, a song of nature the song of the river. The music would flow as if it was water, the tones exciting yet relaxing taking people back to happy times in their minds the same as Nidar himself losing himself in the music it wasn't till a cough from one of the men made him open his eyes, a tear would start to fall from him after the long thought of his father but would quickly soak it in hopefully before anyone would spot it. He stops playing standing up quickly the need for a drink was getting to him, as he walks by the other "musician"  handing him his violin back to play as Nidar sits at the bar with a blank face as he signals to the bar maid to bring him another bottle of rum as he places the empty one on the bar.

Xirelia - 11/23/2017
The chaos didn't seem to stop, but suddenly it did when the male changed his tone of music. It sounded... Sad... While everyone else was gaining their sense of thought, Valindrae was crying quietly, listening to the soft tune. In the blink of an eye, people went from killing each other, to fixing the mess of the bar and tending to wounds. "How..?" He had to be a creature of the supernatural sort, to cause such mayhem and such peace, with only music at his finger tips, and that was her conclusion without a good look at him. The young human noted a pair of pointed ears as he made her way to the bar. An elf maybe? Perhaps not a fair conclusion. She watched, her blue eyes following the male in wonder. Why would a creature like that, come to a place like this? Though he seemed to take pleasure in the fight he had caused, yet it changed so sudden. Valindrae's curiosity was peeked and when he summoned her to get him a drink, she did so quickly, ignoring the call of the other patrons. A bottle of rum, though there were many, she picked out the best sort and sat it downon the counter in front of him. Maybe with her generosity, he might be tempted to talk to her a little. Standing behind the bar, the human casually cleaned the countertop while watching him. "You play really well. Where did you learn to do that?" She asked, calmly as if to act absent minded to the view she had just seen.(edited

JesterKimonHravart - 11/23/2017
He would look at the bottle placed on the bar infront of him by the writing on it he could tell that this was an exensive bottle, a small smirk appears on his face as he picks it up and reads the lable and gives the woman a little nod. "Thank you it's quite the bottle of rum." He thinks about her question for a moment as he reaches to a pouch on his side dropping it on the bar then reaches into it pulling out a few more than it's worth of coins then places them on the bar. "I was taught how to play before i could walk but then again most of us are it is in our nature i guess, music is the key to people's souls." He chuckles lightly as he thinks of his choice of words and smirks. "Why do you ask?" His ears twitching at the what he class as bad playing from the other man who is pretty good by normal standards.

Xirelia - 11/23/2017
Valindrae's eyes stared down at the coins. Where did this creature come across so much? Collecting the paid amount, she placed it away where the money was kept. She listened whilst doing her duties, fasinated by his words, though her blank expression hid her curiosity well. The fact that she was so tired, probably helped as well. The human had to hide a yawn, his voice making her more sleepy, it was as enchanting as his music. "Mmm, soul. I doubt that many people in here have much of a soul left." She eventually replied, quietly as to not piss off her boss, which was easily done. Any excuse for him to get his sticky hands on her. The girl cried out softly when another person behind the bar bumped her forward into the counter, trying to get past her to rush out with drinks. "Out of the way, whore." The woman said under her breath, while her large breasts were barely being held in by the tight corset around her fat waist. "N-No reason. Just... There is not much talent around here like that." She said, under her breath as her dark blue eyes glanced to the one currently playing the violin. With a soft sigh, she finished cleaning the counter.

JesterKimonHravart - 11/23/2017
He takes in her words as he uncorks the bottle and takes a long swig from it only to frown as the other rude bar maid just pushes past the young woman, a cheeky little grin would curl on his face as he focuses his mind and begins to pull on the water inside of the rude womans bladder causing her to wet herself as she is placing the drinks on a table causing the woman to quickly run into the back embarresed of what she has done. Nidar would let out a silent chuckle as he looks at the young woman "You're welcome, so do you always let people walk all over you?" he perks a brow unsure why she allowed such things to happen, he looks around at the room and thinks for a moment. "Do you like your life here?"
Xirelia - 11/23/2017
She watched, eyes wide as the barmaid danced on the spot, unable to control her bladder apparently. Trying to hold back a laugh, she watched as the other woman ran off crying, while men pointed and laughed. Valin felt a spark of pity. "You have enjoyed the show, go back to your drinks." And they did, returning to their random chatter. She would pay the woman a visit later, to check on her. When the male spoke to her again, she was startled by hus sudden bluntness. "Excuse me? I... I do not let people walk over me... I just... If I do not listen, things... Happen..." The human stated, sorrow in her words and she stared down at the counter, trying to busy her thoughts with cleaning the counter again. Another, more recent customer came to the counter, putting down a coin as he ordered an ale, which she prepared and handed over, to then store the paid amount away just like the rest. Valindrae raised her head to the male, she had a sadness in her eyes but would give a soft smile. "It is better than most, I know that. One I do not complain of." She would not ask of why he'd say such a thing, perhaps her awful life was obvious to someone who, with so much coin, must have it better than her. No one could learn to play the violin without paid help either. And lots of it, by his level. Throwing the cloth over her shoulder, Valin was called to change a barrel under the counter.

JesterKimonHravart - 11/23/2017
He thinks over what she is saying as he takes a drink from his rum and perks a brow then smiles as he slides his pouch towards the woman. "Well that might help you along the way in your journey of life, up to you either you can take that and maybe better yourself or leave it alone." He would smirk at the woman as he continues to watch the room full of violent warriors and town folk wondering what the night will bring. He looks back down at the bottle of rum he has running his finger across the writing tracing it with his finger tips trying to figure out what his next move would be, he has come to a stone wall in his search for his mother so what else is there to do now....

Xirelia - 11/23/2017
Valin stared down at the pouch for a while, which looked unbelievably full. How does he have so much money, he could simply throw this much away? Reluctantly accepting it, the young woman clutched it tightly to her chest. Her boss was eyeing the both of them, watching her carefully in the distance. "Th-Thank you... I... I do not know how I can possibly repay you." She began to say. Within seconds he was standing beside her, and no sooner did she have the money that it was gone again, the pouched clutched tightly in his greasy hand. His stench was sickening, his breath worse and he made her feel faint when he spoke close to her ear. "Stealing money, are we? This goes into my pocket, not yours my little dove." Valin tried to reach for it, but he pushed her back hard against the wooden wall, making her cry out. "Give it back!" The human had a fight in her, her hands trying to reach for the pouch which he held far out of her arms length. "Shut up, you don't get to have this." He sized up the coins in the palm of his hand and laughed. "Nah, you are staying here, with me! Taven is closed!" He shouted, much to everyone's suprise and they hurried out, trying to finish off their drinks before leaving, while Valin was pushed bythe large brute into the back room. She screamed to the man for help.

JesterKimonHravart - 11/23/2017
Nidar watches everything feeling his waters bubbling with anger as the tavern empties he would sit there silently waiting for everyone to leave as he stands up his lower half of his body turning to a liquid state as he would seem to walk through the bar as they reform on the other side. Just as quick as the man had taken the coin from her Nidar would let out a loud shout. "Oi you fat piece of shit, you lay one more hand on her and.... you know what i'm just in one of them moods" The fat old man would turn looking at Nidar with a smug look like what is a small elf looking man gonna do to him, the bar keep pulls out a small dagger and rams it into Nidar's stomach. A small grin appears over Nidar's face as he looks into the old man's eyes "Do you know what happens when you put a hole in a boat water leaks" The man looking confused as he looks down at water running along the handle of the dagger running up his arm from the wound, he tries to free his hand but the water would have a grip on him like a vice. "Wha...what are you? make it stop" he stammers as the water continues to run up the man's arm now along his chest and up his neck into his mouth. "You should really be nicer to your staff" He tilts his head watching the man begin to drown on the liquid collecting in the fat old mans lungs. "So little lady shall he live or die?" He looks over at the bar maid in the back as he slowly draws his decorative kriss dagger from it's resting place on his left thigh.

Xirelia - 11/23/2017
The tavern owner paniced. Was his life really in the hands of the simple creature? As he tried to jerk the dagger back, he felt no give, tugging harder and harder but nothing would budge, not the dagger nor the man. As the creature spoke to his slave, he turned his head back to her with one, and only one plea. "Please, please do not let him kill me. I am sorry. I will never mistreat you again, I swear it!" He cried feeling his life slip further away every second. Valin paniced, being held in his strong grasp that she tried to pull free of, but it tore her clothes. The more she struggled, the more he seemed to try to clean to her. His pathetic look of horror in her eyes, as she watched the male torment him, only to put his life into her hands. "Wh-What? I... I can't..." But then her boss started to beg for his life, would probably be down on his hands and knees if he could. Some truth might have been in his words, but could she live with the guilt. She would be as much apart of his murder as this man would be. But she had taken to look to answer. The old man's sweaty hand had reached up to her throat, squeezing. His fingertips pressed deep into her skin and she took a deep breath. Choking. "Let me go or I break her neck!" She felt her neck struggle against his grip, while she choked on dusty, warm air.

JesterKimonHravart - 11/23/2017
Nidar would not take kindly to the mans reaction of grabbing the poor woman by the neck that was just disrespectful he had a feeling she was going to let the man live but Nidar has another idea now, he would stab his Kriss into the man ulnar nerve that is in the forearm than gives  a person a strong grip with surgical precision making him let go of her. "Now that was not very nice at all was it old man" He twists the blade in the mans forearm watching him wince in pain as Nidar places his foot on the mans chest pushing him to the ground and pulling the dagger from Nidars stomach. It has almost been twenty five years since Nidar had drawn blood with his kriss seeing the blood drip from the blade would make him remember his time working as a hired blade but he shakes his head now is not the time to remember such things. The water would return to Nidar as he squats over the man looking down into his eyes with a twisted grin on his face, this was it the old man was thinking with no grip in one of his hands and scared to move the other as Nidar would flip him onto his stomach running his kriss down his spine. "enie minie miny MO!" Nidar rams the kriss into one of the vertebrae of the mans spine twists it and pulls it out and stands up. "Now you will have to treat those who work for you nicely you're now paralyzed from the waist down" The old man in shock as Nidar spins him around pulling the pouch from his pocket. "And this doesn't belong to you" Nidar hands it back to the barmaid and smiles at her "Your choice stay here and help him or leave the cripple here to fend for himself either way he will need a healer to help him soon" The old man groaning in pain too much to talk as he trys to move away from Nidar.

Xirelia - 11/23/2017
Valindrae watched and cried in horror as the man brought a blade down to her bosses' arm, who obviously cried out in pain and she felt his grip tighten around her neck. Her pale face was quickly turning blue as she failed to catch her breath. But eventually, when she heard the awful crack of the blade twist in his arm, he dropped her. She had not realised he had actually picked her up off the floor in his anger. Finally managing to catch her breath, Valin screamed and stumbled, landing against one of the nearby tables, that propped her up for a few seconds before her legs gave way. She screamed again, her voice cracked as a bruise quickly developed around her sore neck, as the man kicked her boss to the floor, then proceeded to stab him a second time with another blood curdling scream. He would have pulled himself away, but it just hurt too much. The much older man's hand reached toward Valin, his eyes filled with tears and his mouth full of blood. The girl barely heard the man's words through the cries of pain. Her eyes drifted down, looking out the pouch that was once again in her hands. Why would he kill, just to give her this money. "I-I don't..." She began to say, only to choke and unable to talk through the burning sensation around her neck. The smell of blood reached her nose and she suddenly felt light headed. With one final attempt to get herself back up onto her feet, Valin stumbled forward once again only to faint half way between the door and the bar.(edited)

JesterKimonHravart - 11/23/2017
Nidar rolls his eyes watching the girl fall to the ground are all females like this around here, he kicks the old man as he walks towards Valin and picks her up cradling her in his arms as he walks out of the tavern into the small town. He would keep his eyes open as he walks the street and then gets to an inn. "I need a room a good one" He throws the inn keeper some coins for the room then takes Valin to the room laying her on the bed as he leaves again into the town looking around for a healer. After about half an hour of hunting he would find a healer and walks in telling them that the tavern owner was attacked, the healer would run out quickly knowning time is short for the tavern owner. "Ughhh this place may not be the best place for me" He woul head back to the in to check on Valin as he makes his way into the room he sits by the window looking out at it as he sees guards running to the tavern "oups guess he was still awake" he chuckles lightly to himself

Tigger - 11/23/2017
-It had been half a month cycle since Varyr come to this town, city whatever humans called it, twas confusing to him as he walked through the town once more towards the local tavern, as the locals called it. Mostly he wanted to get pissed like a wild badger but apparently that was a pain in the ass to do even on the surface as it took an arm and a leg to get anything decent, he even had to start borrowing money from that queer elf Trev for his own version of water just so he wouldn’t go crazy as he waited to see the queen. He had to find his own place to sleep around the town as well it seemed as staying with the elf was impossible as his room smelt of blood of a variety of sources which he did not want to explore, worst off that damn mask still hung up on the wall watching the room as if nothing ever happened which gave Varyr the creeps. Varyr would enter the Tavern and gruff a bit as he worked his way onto a stool of the bar- “Oi keep get me a barrel of yer strongest mead I want to be able to suck on the tit of the gods by the end of this evening-“ –he said as he slammed his fist on the table giving a smirk as he let out a hearty laughter- “And don’t skimp out on me, when I say a barrel I mean a barrel, we dwarves can drink more mead than this entire town combined” –he said seeing how the tavern would react to his challenge with a smirk of confidence-
November 24, 2017

Xirelia - 11/24/2017
A while had passed when Valin finally woke up, her mouth dry and she struggled to talk upon seeing a familiar figure stand nearby, looking out the window at something. Then the realisation hit her, what that man had done to protect her. Valindrae started to panic, for a second she thought that she could be next, but why would he go through all this effort to see that the pouch he had given her, remained in her posession. He killed for her, why? She was too afraid to ask, or even move for that matter, save for the heaving of her chest as she was unable to control her breathing. The young woman took the time to wonder what had happened to her boss, the pervert that tried to force himself upon her many a times, who groped her constantly, who paid her little to nothing, and forced her to sleep with the pigs. While she had no where else to go, no family or friends, no where to call home. Surely that was better than dead? No matter how many times she wished she was. No, she was not going to feel pity for that man again. He deserved what he got, she understood that now. A debt would have to be repaid. Sitting up on the bed, Valin pulled a pillow into her lap, her filthy floor length clinging to her skin, her messy hair sticking to her sweaty brow. When she tried to talk, it came out raspy and hurt. "Thank you..." Valindrae said, softly. Her voice breaking a little.

JesterKimonHravart - 11/24/2017
"you're welcome" he turns his head and gives her a smile "you know there is a little fishing village not far from here it's a nice place friendly people, they treat everyone like family and new comers are welcomed with open arms" he would try hint to her as he stands up having spent the night making sure she is OK and nods over to a bag with sine clean new clothes better than the rage she was in as he stands then walks to the door he turns his head. "there is a bath drawn for you and about noon a cart will be leaving for the village that's if you want to go, your boss is still alive so no need to feel guilty he had it coming. By the way my name is Nidar"

Xirelia - 11/24/2017
She listened to his words, the very sound of them ringing in her ears. He was giving her a way out, she understood that. A chance at a better life. A big part of her wanted to believe him, a small part of her wondered why he was helping her. Valin had been in that tavern, a slave to that man for the last ten years of her life, no one batted an eye, no one asked how she felt, not ever. A part of her even wondered if this was a dream, this sense of freedom she felt was a lie. But the pain she felt told her otherwise, the overwhelming feeling of the possiblity that just maybe, she could be free and happy. She had no where else to go, dead if she doesn't accept this chance. So what harm could it do? Dead or alive. Those were her only two choice. Her thoughts returned to reality when she heard of the creak of the door, to see him standing at it. But should she leave? Valin owed this man her life as well. Contemplating over her choices, the young woman stood and turned her gaze to the bath. "I accept. However, if you ever need aid I want to repay my debt to you." Would be her final words to him. After he had left, she took a bath and dressed in the new clothes he had prepared for her, taking the coin he gave her. She would remember his name as she set off on the cart to her new life. Valin only hoped that what he said was true, and that some day he might call upon her for the vow she made to him.


-----Back At the Castle-----

JesterKimonHravart  Nidar had traveled the lands of Iron from the biggest towns to the smallest camps on his quest to find his mother but once again he was turning up nothing to his dismay, his stomach was growing hungry while his wallet was getting far too light, he didn't know what to do untill it came to his mind the castle. "yes that's it, maybe i can find a job or atleast something to eat" He opens up his coin pouch looking in at his three copper pieces and frowns. Just as he thought next to nothing but the castle was in eye sight just a small walk, but to Nidar walking was for suckers his lower body would turn to water as he moves quickly across the land like a tsunami towards the castle passing people riding horses. "catch me if you can" He chuckles to himself as he reaches into the water pulling out his wateer violin and bow then begins to play a lovely little tune quick paced only buffing him with the magic from the music making him go faster. It wasn't till he had made it to the courtyard of the castle that he thinks this may of been a mistake as he slams into the castle doors, much like a water balloon he would explode into a puddle of water with a thud. While he was in his puddle form he would sneak under the door then reforms on the otherside spinning his bow around his index finger as he walks into the throne room. "Anyone home?" He would look around with a smirk on his face.  

Anaya: Small heeled feet stumbled out of Anaya's Study chamber, clean crisp pale skin and brown curls graced the humans face as she walked into the main hall, her eyes on her toes as she thought things to herself but at the same time was scared to be in this castle with beings that could clan the floors with her face, it was a nice face, it should not be used to clean floors with. She gave a chuckle as she held a rolled parchment in her hand, griped tightly as if it truly ment something as she walked face first into the being in the centre of the hall calling out on deph ears if anyone was home. Falling back she caught herself before ending up on her bottom on the stone floor. “oh shit so sorry sir, did not mean to bump into you, are you a part here, sorry still getting used to the place” she stumbled a bit and then got back onto her feet, bright gray eyes shimmering in the flame light as the mornings sun peeked into a window brightening up the place and also shimmering off all the dirt in the hall. The maids has some cleaning to get done for sure. She brushed off her white dress as she looked at the man almost dumb founded her eyes clearly scanning his body he was not overly bad looking she did like a man that could range shot and you did not randomly carry a bow around for no reason. “”so um, you new here, or you a part of this castle oh i already asked that so very sorry

Dallo5013: About 5 miles out from the castle would approach a woman gliding across the road a if it were ice . the road rising and falling in small hills pushing the woman alone it’s path . the woman apears to be in her really late hundreds . yes she looks that old . yet seemingly moves with the aid of the earth it’s self . the woman is clocked in what would be a dark brown robe the likes of wich would seem to belong to a that of a Holy woman of some sort . or so it would seem . as the woman would make her way to the castle she noticed something odd moving about the land . it looked to be half man and half water . with a smile she her self would dive into the road letting her body fully shift into that of the composition of that the road was made up of . she was able to travle quit faster this way and was even able to keep up with the watery figure moving over the road as she her self moved with in the road . right before her self slamming into the castle she would about 20 feet away from the castle’s door would put on the brakes and would chuckle to her self as the watery man slammed right into the castle . she then shortly after the man had gone in would rise up fromt he road and shake the dust from off of her and would retake her overly elderly look . even redawning her old robes and would then lean over in a huntched over look before calling to the road to form a staff for her to hold onto . thus making her look older and weaker . as she would lean on the staff made from the road she would even so lightly tap the door and would then wait for sounds of anything at all . still snickering to her self about the man ~

JesterKimonHravart  Nidar would look over the woman talking to him with his smirk turning into a grin having only once been in the castle before when he was in search of his mother and most of the time spent relaxing in the local taverns he was sure to be easily forgotten he thinks too long and realises he has not answered and it was slowly turning into an awkward silence he. "Well you could say i am new here, ermm well you see i have been travelling the lands in search of someone and saddly failing so now i am light in coin and in search of something else you could say adventure" His grin cracking slightly revealing his teeth and one silver plated k9 tooth. "Well i was hoping to find some sort of work but you see i am a bard" He flicks his bow in the air making it spin around as he would draw moisture from the air around them forming a violin in time to catch the bow and give a small bow chuckling to himself. "My name is Nidar it is a pleasure to meet you and i do hope you didn't hurt your ermm" He would lean over to the side checking her out and winks "rear would be the polite word so i am told, so think you might bee able to help me with my quest or should i just resort to being a puddle" He sniggers slightly knowing she doesn't know what he can do so to him it was funny.

She gave a questionable look as she pondered his words about becoming a puddle. “um, how can i be of help to you, i don't have any skills, my brother and i just came here to seek help from the queen about how our home got raided last night and the raiders left some blood paper and other trash around, we thought maybe she knew something about it, it is said in town she is the dragon that sees all or well something like that” she stuttered at the end of it all as she was bad at thinking and talking at the same time. She looked out past the man “um anyone gona get the door?” she asked as she looked artound, there were no guards out at this time, it was a little unsafe in here anyway it seemed to be empty but she was sure there were guards they just were not in ear shot at the moment, maybe they were hideing away someplace but still doing there jobs. “you have a nice name, but i am gona get that door maybe it is someone from town” she nodded her hea and walked on past the man kindly and walked over to the doors opening it and keeping her head out to see outside at who was there. Her brown curls swayed and fell in her gray eyes as she peeked her head out the door “hi there um welcome to, this castle i guess” she was no door guard or greeter so she was kinda shit at it.

Dallo5013: Voices came from inside the castle . the first voice she could hear was that of what would seem to her ears a young woman . she thought to her self . surly that young woman had just ran into the water man . this old woman then would place her hand up on the door and would allow her hand to vibrate causing the slightest of sounds to vibrate . the slight sound would ever so softly bounce off of the walls ,flooring, celling and everything there with in the castle only to bounce back to the woman giving her a clear picture of what was inside by means of eco location .this means of eco location was not the kind that can be heard but the kind that is felt . she was able to feel the vibrations dancing over every surface as it returned to her . she only ever used this form of eco location to sneek peeks into large castles like this one . however this type of eco location is a bit flaunted being it only has a distance of 50 feet . but that is more then enough to let the woman know if it were safe or if there were armed guards behind the door . the woman would then knock again . this time she would use the heavy knocker that hung on the right door . then she would once again await for someone to acknowledge her being out side waiting the longer she stood there the greater the smell got . she just noticed that the castle smelt of fish . would seem they had a very nice hull this time she would think to her self . and would then make stink faces at the castle door . almost making her self bust out laughing from the faces she had been making . she then took in a deep breath and then dropped her head before clasping both hands to her nose saying out loud this time ~Woman: dang me what was I thinking this stinks !!!~ the door then creaked at her . the woman chuckled and patted the door saying to it as if it were agreeing with her . ~woman: aww pore door you have to stand in this placed cursed to smell all that passes through your Iron weights . aww I feel for you . ~ she then would say to her self what great tree had been felled to create such a marvellous sight such attention to detail were these doors . she almost could loos her self in going over the craftmenship of the large gates . however she was not there to admair the doors she was there for she had heard roomers of robbers and murders around the towns and she her self was looking for one suck individual jsut as she was about to let the door knocker fall she was greeted by the young woman she had felt inside and faintly heard talking to the water man . she then would swiftly replace the knocker back down to it’s rightful place and would nod to the young looking woman . she then would say in a soft old crackly sounding voice . the sound of wich would be like nails on a chock board ~Please to meet you now if you don’t mind showing me to the Lord of this castle

JesterKimonHravart  Nidar would twist his body facing the door while his feet would be facing the other way as he takes what would be a backwards step towards the two they would seem to form in the right direction, it would seem all three of them have the same goal to find those who are in charge. He would make his way to them both with a big smile and stand in between them hooking his arms into theirs. "well lets go and find those in power shall we." He would begin to skip pulling them both with him while whistling a tune, even though it wasn't his violin making the music the tune it's self would begin to fill the three of them with energy as he kind of forces them to come with him like it or not. They make it to the throne room looking around and sure someone had to be around here, but at the same time several questions running through his head like where is everyone. "well if anyone is anywhere surely someone has to be around here somewhere but i have a good idea kinda." He would climb on top of one of the stags next to the throne, then re-summon his violin placing his bow against. "here goes nothing" He would close his eyes as he begins to play a very loud and obnoxious song out of tune and sounding like a cat had swallowed a frog with beating it with a bag of broken glass. Surely this would gain some attention of some sort even if it would get him into trouble at least the other two would get seen to. 

Anaya: “all you had to do was ask she is in the study with my broth...”she covered her ears as he started to play that horrible sounding thing, he was a crap bard if he only played that trash. She turned and looked to the other female as she gave a half ass smile mixed with a cringe and proceed to yell over the mans horrible music “well if he does not anger the rulers with that crap i don't know what will, dragons have extremely sensitive ears!” she walked away form him knowing clearly more then he how dragons were around this parts, maybe he had never seen or met one, or he had a mental problem, ya with that music that was the go to thought, he was just truly retarded or as the other towns people called it, the man surely has the dense. She did not like being touched anyway and he had kinda crossed that line as well. “who in the fucking hell is murdering a cat!” called out a very unhappy male voice as that girl that was in the halls hit her knees in a very formal bow. Samuel came out with a blaze in his eyes and anger on the mind and right out of the other side came a angry Anaya with a dark skinned man beside her. “i am sorry markus seems we have rude guests” the dark skinned male had his ears covered and nodded his head not being able to stand much of the annoyance. “so who is in my halls playing such disgusting sounds. And what is the meaning of it” Anayas voice carried over as she as well held a scowl on her lip Samuel walking over to take her side looking with her at there guests, and the girl on her knees, were a good human belonged, on its knees, Sam had a smile on his face at the view of it.

Dallo5013: ~ the elderly looking woman would stumble at the man trying to skip off with them . she would then unhook her arm from his and would tap her road staff to the flooring saying to the young man ~ calm your self an old woman such as my self can not move in such a manner ~ she was lying this hole time . she was more then capable to move with the agilest of creatures . she then pulled back from the man and would stumble slightly before catching her self by means of using the road staff she had created before entering the castle . just then what a site to behold . Samuel and Anaya had just entered the room where they were . the woman would quickly close her mouth upon noticing that Anaya was in a soft of mood . ~

JesterKimonHravart  Nidar would look around at what he had done with a big smile on his face the tune he begins to play changes almost as fast as the seasons, it would become peaceful and relaxing almost soothing. The tune he was playing is normally the one he plays to creatures of the night deep in the forests, one of the reasons why most wild creatures seem to like him in a way it was his way to show off and prove he can play before stopping with a bow. "My name is Nidar pleasure to meet you, you see we thought the castle was empty it was far too quiet so we had to ring a bell but could not find one which was a shame." He would jump down from the stag, as he hits the ground he turns into a puddle then springs up reforming with a smile on his face. "Sorry my first song was a little out of tune should of been E flat but things happen. ohhhh and the meaning of this I don't suppose you have a job for a lonely little bard in your vast kingdom do you?" Being the type of person he is he was straight to the point and just asked what he was wanting to but soon was interrupted by his stomach growling.

Anaya: That song had saved his hide here this day, Anaya and Samuel being dragons were beasts so the song was calming to an extent, but there tempers were still a tad unstable. Anaya's eyes looked to the human girl as she held a paper and put it in her brothers hands “take this to your house it is worth about a hundred gold it should buy you back the items stolen from you and your sister. Be wel and there will be note made on the robbers in town, i thank you both for your time in seeking me out” the male took the paper as if it was the thing that mant the most to him in the world world and nodded his head “thank you miss Anaya you are a great and humble ruler, must honnor with you and may grace and glory befall you and your children” he said with joy in his heart as he rushed to his sister grabing her by the hand and pulling her out as they both ran past everyone and out the castle doors. Samuel watched them go and then his eyes looked back to the male and that seeming to be elderly woman, he instantly suspected she was a dirty lier, that cane did not even act the part and she was hardly putting her body on it. But he did not say a thing to it and his eyes moved to the male as so did Anaya's. “a job for a bard here at the castle, yes i guess we could use a bard but not a jester we have had enough of that, they all end up ded here anyway but you can sing songs and things to calm the house, as well as get the door for guests, our last door man met a untimely end a couple weeks ago, so we are in need of a new one” Anaya took her mates hand as she led him to the thrones to sit and relax a little as she pulled out her leather bound book and opened the pages to jot down the words reguarding the robbers in town and todays dealings.

Dallo5013: ~ the woman noticed that Samuel had looked her way . she nodded to him then would take a step trying her best to make her steps look laboured and wobbly as she could . but even she was fastly growing tired of this farst . however for now she would wait to see if Anaya or even Samuel would notice whom was before them . she with still a very old sounding voice the sound of wich was even worse then the last time sounding now like a thousand nails dragging across a chalk board . would ask of Anaya and Samuel ~ a woman dressed in black with one eye and long white hair . has she passed this way ? ~ the woman would then look to the humans as they ran past her . she would even act like she was bumpbed by them and would fall against the man that was and had been playing the watery violen . only to fall agaisnt the strings making a horable sound as her hand would brush them ~

JesterKimonHravart  As the violin screeches he quickly drops it and catches the woman quickly with a big grin on his face then helps her get to her feet. "careful you wouldn't want to fall into the ground would you" He smirks at her as the violin would turn into a small puddle and enters Nidar's body through his foot. He suddenly goes back to being happy about the job "You mean it, a job like a thing where i would get a little coin for rum and meat? Really just like that?" So happy he would shoot up into the air like a water geyser before dropping back into his body and smirks. "you sure you don't want to know anything else? you know what never mind i'm just happy i got something to do now" He would do a little jig on the spot then stops for a second thinking "Errmmm a little odd request but would you mind if i lived in the fountain in the courtyard?" 

Anaya: Samuel looked at the bumbling woman as that sound made him grit his teeth. But he bit her tongue best he could as he let out a grumble and allowed Anaya to handle things as he looked at her seeking her face crunch the same to that sound that made her skin shiver. “yes, a job just like that and if you turn out bad we will just kill and consume you”her red eyes looked now to that woman that she had noticed the same as sam was acting the part, but Anaya did not bite her tongue about it “being lied to about who one is is a rude gesture, you act it to much and if you cause something to make a dreadful sound like that again i will kill you myself and alow the guards to have the night off. Please use your proper voice only assassins need to hide who they are as they wish to kill people, so unless you are going to admit who you want to behead so you can face them with honour drop the act ” Anaya never hid her words it was a trait with dragons but sam was a bit better, not by much, but a bit better at biting his tongue. “yes you can live in the fountain in the garden it is nice this time of year for you as well” Anaya said to the man softly as she kept her eyes on that woman waiting for her response.

Dallo5013: ~ as the man helped her steady her self she smile a weary smile before watching him shoot up into the air like he were some sort of water fountain . she smirked before shaking her head . her eyes then turned back to Anaya and Samuel as she would finely answer them in a more common sounding voice . and she would then stand up properly . letting the robe drap over her face only showing her lower jaw . after all she always wore a blindfold . so the robe hood was nothing new .~ Woman : yes Anaya and Samuel . and wait jsut a minute I am not acting . I really am this old . ~ she chuckles then would shift her form into what would apear to be a younger looking woman now now longer looking her true age but looking thousends of times younger then she truly is . she then would say once more . ~ like I had said before there is a woman I am seeking . she stands about 5 foot and has one eye and long white hair . part of her hair is missing because she got it cought in a bush as she ran from my place . she stole a rather larg book I would like to have back ~

JesterKimonHravart  Nidar would smile with glee, finally he has a place and a meaning once again. Anyone who would look into his eyes would see it as he looks over to the window at the fountain with a big grin. He loved the outdoors so very much, he would then smirk watching the back and forth between the old woman who was not old but young and still old. He chuckles to himself a little then pulls out his violin from his stomach and his bow from his forearm as he begins to play happy background music while skipping around the room showing how happy he is.

Anaya: Sam watched that man that acted to happy as he girted his teeth a bit more, happy and anoying that one was and he did not like it, but then again there was really only three people in this whole castle he gave a shit about and two of them were family. Anaya looked at that male jumping around and then turned her attention back to the woman who now was better then she was before “never stated your age was the lie, and no we have not had a person come around here of that discrimination. But you may be able to find ore information in town, there is a building to the east of town that has a large son on the top of it, they call themselves the eye of cross, claim to know the workings of everything, maybe try there” she let out a breath as she spotted Noki coming down the stairs to the side of the room. The girls bright clothing put a smile on Anaya's face even in sutch a drab time and after the events of the night before Noki seemed to be holding herself still high up, or if not she still put a face on to hide the pain “good morning mother and good day guests” the girl said softly as she gave a light nod and a lift of her pink and silver dress. Noki hoped up onto her mothers lap as she put her arms around Anaya softly resting her head on her mothers shoulder Anaya's arms moving around her and running her fingers in the girls red hair her bright blue eyes lighting up every room she was in.


-----Away from the Iron Castle in a land Far Away but in an Unknown Place-----

  Rose Has Thorns Part 3 - Spring Rains Fire - Page 3 344ac0c59bcb792220b6451b2c5f65b8--ice-sickle-ice-queen

Anaya: she let out a breath as small feet dragged along the ground, an old drank everclear bottle in her hand as the shimmering black and blue label was hit by the sun. Covering her face with the bottle she tossed it at the side of the way gate that had formed form the side of a tree...that was now on fire. Turning around shimmering orange glazed over eyes looked to the tree a blaze as the bottle hit it and the flames crackled and combusted further. She stood there, not even trying to halt the progression of the flames as they consumed the cold dry wood. It had been weeks of looking for the reason that raven had not come back, her owner Lady Anaya had sent her out with one task, to find out why the north was abandoned in such a way, was there a reason, and were did the people go. They left a bunch of there things and evacuated was there a reason for it? were they coming back? But this was the dragon kins task of the year, take how ever long you needed, hold unlimited funds from the crown, and get the information needed by any means necessary. She had raped, murdered, tortured, and Drank her way to each lead and in truth it was all getting really repetitive at this point. But this was a good lead from that place she forgot the name of that said they were linked to this place and she hardly had to do anything to get that in tell ether so it was not that bad so maybe this lead would pan out, then what, then what to do once she found the people she was told to retreat and come back as soon as she found the people from the old north but she hated to turn around and felt like it was going against her instinct of don't turn around or your back to anything. But seeing the tree was gone now she moved her fingers as the flames seemed to be suffocated there and wither and die as if there air was cut off. She let out a breath as the air around the tree started to chill and freeze the tree turning white and slumping over. Turning around she spotted how everything here was so green and nice, but there were armed men all over the place. Even with drunk eyes she saw everything and in reality she worked better drunk and with the looks of the Innocent to guide her not many put the puzzle together. They had a crest on there chest, she had seen it before on banners and things around this parts. “kingdom of the north, hmmmmm” she said a loud as she walked forward to the gate it would be rude to just walk in so she had to do this as mortals would, worthless mortals and she hated acting like one “i Narula Light Icican Leviathan second of my name of House Icican wish entrance to this place and meeting with the rulers!” she called out as she stood there folding her small white reptilian wings to her little frame that looked no older then a common 16 year old girl.

AifeGra: - It was a restless night for the lady guard and she had gotten little sleep since arriving back at her homeland. A sight that she should have welcomed however given the hundred thousand men that camped outside the city walls she felt rather compliant and on edge. The beams of light that shown down onto the city would normally warmed her to her very core, now it just cast light down onto the things that tarnished her beloved lands. Agnatha was capable with her weaponry and she thought highly of her skill at hand to hand. However One hundred to one was not what she had in mind should the tables turn. The arrival of Kon’s forces as well as the creatures sent by the witch and King Johunn were proving to be useful though the sight of them did nothing for the guard. Her long bow strapped to her back, a full quiver containing 25 shafts with well sharpened tips hung loosely over her shoulder. A small blade roughly 2 feet long and balanced towards the hilt, it had seen many throats in her day, seethed in a leather strap wrapped around her curvaceous hips. Agnatha paced back and forth along the wall, a well treaded path in the dust where her boots had hit time and time again over the last few hours beat down unto the stone below her. The leather dress that she wore covered her shoulders to her forearms, had begun to dampen with her moist skin showing that her nerves were beginning to get the better of the Wood Elf. Above the grumbles of the men below, the oddity of sounds that emitted from the Golems and Water Trolls was a femine voice… Entrance? “ How did anyone manage to get to the gate with all these forces about??” she muttered to herself now doubting their position even further. She was confident no doubt in her own abilities but she knew nothing of these others… these Norse that the had bent the knee to nor the men that followed the lord Kaon who had taken off with their Queen. “ Forgive me, but our rulers are not present Ma’ lady. May I ask what business you have with Torcoa a Vassal of The Kingdom of the North?” her tone was friendly but firm as she peered down over the wall, before giving a dangerous glare to the men at the gate who stood at attention but did not open the gates to the court yet, their weapons ready and fully armed as they began to filter to their posts-

Anaya: Looking up at the wall big doors she thought to herself as everything looked double at the moment as she steady herself hearing the words that seemed to almost, yes almost slap the drunken stupor off her mug. Vassal of The Kingdom of the North, yes that was a place she was looking for, kingdom of the north there banner with the man with the polarms and junk, yes that was it, she thinks, maybe. “if the leaders are not in i wish to speak with the leader in charge then, i seek knowing of what this kingdom of the north is”she needed not to lie at this place there was no point in hiding motive she did not have if she wanted to make there ground run with there own peoples blood she would have lead with that action and people would be bleeding already. And well if the people did not open this door she would just turn everyone and thing on this side of it into suffocating ice pops until they did or she would break them down herself. But that was a end of game scenario and she was not at that spot yet she wanted the people here to properly cooperate so she would not have to waist the time and energy to ruin this place and get the info she needed one way or another, she did get the ok from the crown to use any means needed to get it. “i wish to talk, nothing else, i come unarmed and wish no harm to anyone, i only seek information and if needed i can pay for what i seek” she had one thing that was worth more then anything anyone here had. It was a stone held around her neck, a dragons heart stone given to her from Anaya to barter if needed with a being she thought was worth the payment for the intell. This stone was from a elder red dragon and once given to another being it was soul bound to them and them alone. And once per week could bring forth down the spirit of its true owner the dragon it once belonged to to fight for that being and aid them in any means needed. Every dragon had a heart stone, a stone in there belly that was there soul that knights would kill to get, if the stone was claimed that dragon would be bound to the caster like an ability to do as the caster would wish, or if used could bring that dragon back to life as a undead.

AifeGra: - The mid sized female guard cocked her head to the side, the woman suddenly had a change in demeanor and this sent red flags flying in her mind. “ I will speak with you if you so wish, but I am of no noble right” the womans words spoke true as she observed that she was unarmed at least with any tangible weapons. She had no doubt that this female was more than met the eye...Her boots carried a bit heavier causing a loud thumping sound as she took her steps with purpose for the stairs that spiralled down the wall and to the main gate to Torcoa her palm stabilizing her against the course stone interior of the structure. “ Stand back, you men… the gates, open them NOW” A certain authoritative tone sounded as Agnatha had little patients for such things as men with the gitters in a time like this. She was unnerved as well but she stood tall and confident as she came to a halt, her feet placed shoulder width apart firmly on the cobblestone path that lead into the city. She would tilt her head in a slight bow acknowledging the woman as she entered the city once the heavy iron gates had been secured. She stood, ready to greet the guest that had been so eager to enter and speak with them, and had gone un noticed by the 2 massive armies camped outside the city, nor the various creatures, something was not quite right and she kept her wits about her as she took a deep breath, calming herself-

Nytheheart  Axios awoke from his slumber to a commotion just outside the walls, he attempted to look out the window managing only to blind himself with the glare of the sun before anything "Dammit," He slapped his hands against his eyes almost instantly before rolling off the bed away from the dangers of the sun. Moments later he was dressed, his golden eyes staring at the lance that rested against the wall, it seemed a rather dull red completely made out of the blood of what, is for another moment for his mind to think about. He reached out to grab the spear, the touch of his hand caused a red glow to resonate like ripples through water. It caused him to hesitate, before he grabbed it causing the red to come to life. He span it for a moment, and walked over towards the window opening the slide upward to allow the cold breeze of a country just below the border of KON, the breeze cold enough to allow moisture to be a constant in the grass but warm enough that some bugs still roam around rather happily. "Alright." He slowly positioned the spear so just the tip was out the window to allow it not to go through the building if he called upon it, paying for such damages was a huge nuissance in his budget. As meager as it was. He was now outside standing a fair distance from the guards on the other side of the gate, the very one they refused to open for the dazzling female who stood a pale pink, horns, wings and tail that whipped around. Somehow he felt a kinship with her, but that was most definitely because she appeared drunk and that was something he could get behind and support wholeheartedly. Axios was a shadowy figure, he was dressed completely in black and covered most of his face with his scarf and hood, the only prominent features were his golden eyes, almost dazzling and in a soft motion around the pupil as the different shades could be seen moving, swirling as he focused on the dragon lady before looking over to the guards who began cranking the gate, he had heard a female's voice before, suppose their whoever took charge is a woman. "Hopefully, they connect woman to dragon woman." He said to himself as he watched the Torcaian female come to a halt before the tipsy dragon woman, and bow. He had no commitment to this kingdom, at least emotionally, it was already in a possible war more trouble from this woman would probably not be very good for it however it wasn't his place. He held neither position nor wealth here, he kept a fair distance from the little meet up, some of the other civilians watched as well. New comers during such times are a danger, or a blessing. He focused his mind to listen to them, his eyes blurred only slightly to give more power to his other senses.  

Anaya: Narula watched the gates started to open, her whole body covered in a light fine dusting of ice as she turned her head and looked at it all her bright eyes shimmering as she took a step forward her foot being a little unsteady, yup still drunk she laughed lightly under her breath. She walked into the place as she stood there looking over the place, it was rather nice but her eyes seemed to linger at the banners of this kingdom of the north, instinct was telling her yes, so much yes as she had come so long and at last found a place that was the starting block of what she needed to do she had so much running along her mind right now that she hardly could keep her self from just being gitty from just blabering everything out here and now but she helt herself together she was a elder after all needed to keep that ind set even when rather drunk. “you don't need to be a Noble to give the information i seek. You look to be a leader of the man here, the place they come from this Kingdom of the North. I Wish to know about it, and were it is located” the ice around her fingers started to move as she walked into the building, the main keep, and over to a table moving her hands along the table as ice moved along the table darkening and lighting to make a map along the table, a map made of ice that covered the table and froze the wood. The lines of the map had marks on it places she had been, places marked with red places marked with black, small towns large castles some castles marked with red some with back same with the towns. “i just need you to point to were it is” she turned her eyes over as she looked to the female “tell me, is this place, valuable to this Kingdom of the North, such a large army to protect it out front, battles you have seen i am sure” she paused a second as her bright orange eyes moved over to look to the male that came along behind her and surely came behind her when the gates did open. Maybe he would pipe in and be of use or maybe he would be ignored but he was a nice looker she could possibly enjoy that later all depending.

Nytheheart  Axios saw the dragon's eyes land on him for an instance, the male focused on her for a moment. He felt a bit troubled, he tried to blend in with the crowds of people but yet she singled him out, he sighed, slowly turning into the crownd and walking away. A confrontation he didn't wish to deal with. Wanders off

AifeGra: - As the female bowed as she intend to do when the young looking woman strolled through the gates she noted that she was indeed quite lovely, her stance a bit aloof as she spoke whilst walking into the court past the men. The tall wooden doors swung open and smashed against the brick walls of the vast throne room. Without uttering a word the table she had stood before turned to ice at the wave of her finger, a map appearing on the frozen surface, various towns and villages in red and black. She could only assume that the red stood for blood and the black possibly a burning. She was unsure, she was unsure of a lot. She was a mere mid level warrior of Torcoa. A confused expression caught her as she furrowed her brows tight, causing wrinkles above the bridge of her nose. “ I am sorry to be the one to tell you, but I know nothing of the where abouts of the North. However there is an army led by their general just outside the city gates. He maybe a better one to ask, as I believe you had to come right past him to be at the gates to the city. I would warn you, these Nores men as rough around the edges and even I have not had many shared words with them. Gaylia had just bent the knee to to The Kingdom of the North and it was where she was currently and the woman was instantly concerned for her safety given the colors that spread across the map and the obvious powers this new woman possessed. “ I am sorry but that is all the further information I have for you Ma’lady. Is there anything else I could attend to for you?” her breath hitched in her chest as she considered the possible outcomes for Torcoa if this woman remained here much longer-

Anaya: there was a grumble under her breath as she let out a sigh and lowered her head a little. Well that was one thing was was not going to do was go back out the gates to be locked out, she had just got inside and now she was going to plant roots sort to speak. “well then, i will be staying here till someone comes inside to tell me what i seek” she started to change that innocence was fading away and the small cute faulse gain your trust look was drifting away and melting like water down her body, what was a soft pink now was a hard white and what was a cute pink dress was now a dress made of ice that clung to her figure and showed off her curves nicely. A top her head sprouted large back words curved horns as she started to grow to what was about 4 feet tall to now 6 foot 2. she let out another sigh as cold air came from her breath. “when i was younger, god that a long time ago now, my hatch mother told me it was rude to lay siege to someones home when they were not in it, so i wont do that today, i did that yesterday anyway and it it annoying to repeat the process over and over again and the men that are outside right now hold more worth alive then dead, well they do for now. ” she moved her fingers along the table, nails now turned to long white claws as she taped them along the frozen word. Out of the map formed a small tower and keep that was a marker and a look a like to this place. “black castles are places i have been already, i have done no harm to them, red ones are blood covered locations now frozen and gone, children left with no family men with no wives, wives with no lovers you get the big picture here, it will be fully up to you what colour your castle goes, i enjoy coloured glass, it makes me smile just like drinking you out of house and home would.” she moved as she stood up from that table and turned around her orange eyes looking at the female guard “dont call for help, or touch your weapon i will have this whole room frozen before your words leave your lips. For the time being i wish no harm to anyone, all i wish, is information, and alcohol. So that guard captain can come inside, or get a maid to bring in a keg, i hear north mead is the best there is“

AifeGra: - Agnatha swallowed hard as the woman began to shift before her. Chills sent trickling down her spine as she could almost feel the chill in the air from the female as she changed. Horns sprouted from her skull, curling backwards over her head and a dress made of what appeared to be ice clung to her frame whilst growing dramatically in height. As she spoke, the picture being painted in her own mind became clear, she was here to war. Maybe not with Torcoa, but she wanted KON. Thankfully the queen was not present or this may have went very badly for the elven royal. As she spoke, the woman began to plot. She was not of the North and she would be damned if this woman who came seeking something not here would throw threats against their land no matter what kind of ice magic she may whiled. She had sworn an oath, an oath that was paid with death if need be to protect and defend the lands of her people. The city was evacuated of all civilian life forms, the only remaining creatures were warriors and they all had taken the same oath. Agnatha stepped slowly to the left, her hands hung gingerly at her side, not in any aggressive manner and she would not say a word as she motioned for the maid to her side. “ Please fill the room with whatever ales you can find, Mead from the North to the front of the line” Barrel after barrel of the sweet honey nectar wine was brought before the ice woman. How would she get a message to the general Erik without it posing a threat, as she pondered and plotted she made sure her hands were no where near her weapons so not to send the wrong message with her body language. “ What is it you want with KON if you do not mind me asking Ma’lady?” she was blunt with her deliverance but she wanted answers too and she was prepared to get them.-

Anaya: Narula had no reason to lie or keep things from this place, hell it looked like it had seen enough of its bad times already. But as the drinks came and a maid put a wooden mug on the top she started to calm herself pulling over a chair she nicely plopped herself in as she poured herself a glass, in all reality she was better commpeny then most she just did not care if she had to spell blood to get what she needed to get. Taking a nice glug of the drink she cleaned her mouth with her hand. “i have come from a place called the Iron dynasty that employs me, i am the queens executioner that no one really knows about i am not around much and most of my orders get delivered by raven to me. I was ordered to gain information to this place you call KON, now you are not a part of it i have already picked up just a friend witch is very good in your case. You see my employer, has more then just me and in all reality i am still a small fish in a big bucket.” her voice was not really Innocent anymore it was rather slang and brutish now that she was not faking things anymore. “the ruler of KON has a daughter he left to rot in a castle she was kidnapped to so my employer sent a raven to see if they even wanted to keep the elf girl, the raven came back with nothing so i was sent out to see were they had gone, finding old banners and things and trinkets i was able to track them from place to place, some places gave words willingly so i simply could leave and move to the next one. But other places did the whole we will get our weapons and not talk thing and i just turned there castles into ice box's and froze all there men were they stood. And for the fire well ice is not really my thing fully, i am a master of cold, air and water so fire dies when it has no air and i don't need to breath, so things were handled, and i would hate for that to happen here, you do have a lovely home and what i want is so easy to give” she took a drink

alldayj1: --A guard from the wall was informed by Arsas that a woman was let into the town. He was told to summon Erik to determine what was happening. The fool took off running before the full message could be given to him and he was down the steps and through the gate before Arsas could finish speaking. This left Arsas shaking his head and grumbling to himself. The Guard came running toward Erik at a blistering pace and as he feet thundered across the ground he began to gasp and tried to spread his message. The guards voice hurried and surrounded with gasps for air as he spoke with a raised volume – “General….General…GASP...Sir…..This…GASP...Woman…she is inside. The walls sir…GASP…SIR…. You must come fast…COUGH AND GASP...sir….please..” – He drown off in his wheezing for breath from his sprint. The man doubled over and coughed and breathed heavily trying to regain himself. The Guard was scared shitless by some woman? What kind of clueless fool was this to have such vague information? Most importantly and most worry some to Erik was the ignorance of a guard to allow someone into a deserted city. The man was useless as far as Erik was concerned since he could not even get the story out fully before panting for breath like a damn old man. Erik turned from quartering away to facing the guard and waited for him to stand upright then as the man did so Erik began to approach him with his feet shoulder width apart and his gate rather open and powerful. His steps confident and when he reached a place two feet from the man he planted his right foot solidly in the ground and in a fluid motion from his prior step his right foot began to swing forward. The foot swung with a notable effort to accelerate and when it past the normal position of rest it became rather obvious he was not taking a step with his hard troll leather clad boot. Erik took aim at the guard’s torso and his foot would directly connect with the man’s belt area. Within a second the foot landed hard on its target with a resounding thud and an impact that both smooshed into the guard’s skin, hide pants and skeletal structure and would knock the guard backward violently off balance and stumbling left foot twisting in and right foot missing the ground until the guard tumbled over crashing into the ground. He hit with force gouging his leg and elbow on the hard ground and bouncing his face off the dirt like some sort of flesh covered sack of grain. Erik did not hesitate about the Guards fate as he planted the kicking foot hard on the ground and looked to a nearby captain – “Clean him up and someone find out how a woman simply walked into Torcoa with our army at its gates and on its walls, someone has some explaining to do. Morrigan is in command until I return….No food or water to the enemy” Erik pounded his chest once hard with his fist and as the powerful fist bounced off his outrageously massive pectoral he looked down at his powerful leg and flexed the leg muscles for his own benefit and smiled to himself for a moment then again paced himself in a walk forward. He reached the gate of Torcoa in just 20 steps and then was at the castle door a few moments later. He was without aid as he rarely cared for assistance and it was only a woman after all. Eriks fingers gripped the handles of the door and he exerted a force that was at least ten times what was needed flinging the doors open with a rush of air and his confidence filling the throne room. He continued his powerful walk into the room as his boots pounded off of the floor until he reached the center of the room – “A Horn of Mead NOW and what is the meaning of this? Who let a guest into a deserted city? Where is the guest?” – Erik’s blue eyed glare could have ripped the soul out of most people as anger was obvious. Not anger at the guest being there but at the dingus who opened the gates during a siege. He cracked his neck to the left and turned his head hard to the right stretching the neck muscles so that it would again crack in his neck. His temper having the better of him, he realized calming down would be a good idea so he attempted to do so as he waited for his mead and answers. He noticed the woman with the glass and assumed that she must be said guest and began to eye her head to toe to size up her skill, intelligence, and purpose. He was not the most sociable fellow but he surely could read warriors and alike when he met them. He did seem to gain some calm when he noticed his bulging biceps and this brought a soothing feeling to him. Look at that magical thing he thought as he admired his sexy massive arm.--



Anaya: With a light burp she covered her mouth with her hand as she grabbed another drum of mead and with no try at all grabbed the metal top ring and pulled it across the floor with a ear splitting screech “REEEEEEECH” it moved over the floor as she took a claw and with a single move punctured a hole in the side as she looked right at the man and filled her mug with mead and then put it to her lips to chug and repeat. The drink not seeming to affect her in the slightest and there was two empty drums at her side. Bright orange eyes looked at that man now looking in love with his own body as she looked him over he was not overly bad looking but hey humans were as humans did, or something like that she felt nothing super cool about this lump of skin. But he did hold himself prouder witch she had to slightly respect, and he was useful, ordering people around like they were tools, yes she enjoyed that part as she leaned back not saying a word in her chair for what seemed like a second that lasted an hour. “so you the boss or just another boss's bitch eh?” her voice slightly slurred as she took another swig it was clear the drinking held affect but it did not seem to inhibit her any. Eyes still bright and clear she had full rage of thought it was in her blood to drink herself into a stupor before battle and really when it came down to it she was prepping herself already for if this guy was a moron or smart. Her on3 hand resting on that table the map there made of ice along the table as her claws taped upon it the ice shimmering as that tower on it moved slightly side to side as flecks of red and black moved to spiral into the glass unsure what colour would fight for the tower. A smile moved over her lips as she moved a eye to the one girl guard, that girl knew exactly what the colours ment, and she also would know exactly that it was up to them on what color covered that castle and what had happened to the other ones, and it was surely over here got some form of mail or news crier that had yelled out that lands around towns, castles, whole groups of people had died or just vanished leaving ice marks and if one payed attention it was right there on the table, right there that she had done it, a wanted criminal right in there halls that had stated that it was from the crown, it was from a royal group that had a being doing deeds of death and dismemberment going around to get its needs. But so far no one had put that shit together and it caused her to smile a little and wink to that girl as she looked back her bright orange eyes looking to the male as she waited for him to be useful or useless.

AifeGra: - Angatha stared at the woman in a puzzling way, what in the heck was she speaking on. Who left their child in a dragons castle? Her mind wandered and searched for answers. Surely she did not mean Johunn? He and the Queen had been with child just recently had they not? Before she could put the pieces together a loud crash echo’d through the court as Erik the general from the Norse Kingdom of KON barged through. His expression fierce and furious as he bellowed regarding the Dragon that sat not feet from Angatha. As her gaze met his, she felt foolish as his anger became apparent in his tone as he spoke. The elven captain would bow, bending at the waist as she stared down at the floor studying the groves in the hard wood trying to distract herself from the verbal tongue lashing that was sure to follow. She had little experience with these northern men and their ways but she had seen enough to know that either the Ice Dragon or the KON General would have her head if she made the faintest step out of line. A loud “ Reeeecchhh” pierced her ears and broke her day dream into the patterns on the flooring. The attention was no longer on her as the tension in the room grew between the male and female, both seemingly matched in their hostile natures and aggressive tendencies. The captain took several steps backwards giving the two of them some space to speak. Side stepping the ice covered table that now served as the map that told of lives lost and spared as the woman had rampaged through various lands in her search for information as to the where abouts of KON. Trembling both from the coldness that filled the air as the woman sent a devlish smirk to her and the thought of those poor souls lost the elf recalled the Raven that Johunn had left for Gaylia still sitting on its perch next to her throne. Noting that Erik had not shut the doors upon his entrance into the Torcoan court room. Maybe she should send word to Gaylia, Arsas was not anywhere to be seen since he had not followed Erik in. The queen had a right to know what was going on her in her lands she thought… Tilting her head slightly back down to the floor she continued to move towards the desk to obtain a parchment. She would send word to Gaylia before this escalated further and her chance missed. “ A dragon sent from a land known as Iron seeks the location of KON visits Torcoa. Be advised. “ It was simple and to the point, but it would be enough to let Johunn know of the visitor seeking his where abouts as well as Gaylia. Rolling the small piece of paper tightly she would take her steps softly, as not to draw attention to her next movements as it may mean her death. The bird did not move, had not made a sound as she crept towards the thrones, tying the note to the birds leg before gathering it into her hands holding it close as she paced behind Erik towards the great doors, opening her hands she smoothed her thumbs down the birds back as she released it into the air watching as it flew out of sight towards the Kingdom of the North. Anxiety built in her chest as she turned towards Erik and the woman and the scene that would unfold if the aggressive conversation did not shift in its tone-

alldayj1: --The sound of the stranger dragging the mead cask across the floor was beyond unpleasant but Erik did not cringe or react to that. Rather he found it amusing, what woman was this dragging around a bunch of mead after having just arrived? Either a drunk or something better…When the woman broke open the drum and began to fill her mug then chugged it whilst looking at him his heart raced. Wow he thought she wants to play with me. He held his hand out until the maid finally padded toward him with the horn of mead which he took and while taking his first step toward the stranger he guzzled the horn full of mead and with only one swallow it was gone. He stepped down to the stranger and the open cask pushing his horn between hers and the flowing drink to allow the fluid to refill his horn and then he chugged and repeat as she had done but whilst he downed his 3rd horn he looked at her smiling and winked. He flexed his pecks and abs for her as he chugged knowing she would never be able to resist someone as attractive as he. He for a moment enjoyed the mead as it burnt his throat since he was now refilling the horn for a forth go at it. He could drink with the best of them but rarely could a woman other than Morrigan keep up. Some kind of woman he thought as he watched her consume the mead like he would but euphoria was halted when she spoke of bosses and bitches. His eyes took in some sort of ice formed on the table but before a closer look could be made he noticed the woman wink at the guard which set Erik into a fit of jealousy that he was able to keep internal but his attention too was turned to the guard whom he was already certain was the reason for a guest during a siege. This concept still was utterly infuriating. His attention turned to this female guard and his fingers dancing on the handle of his axe as he looks on. The finger tips tapping the oak in order down the line on his right hand and the corresponding touches made the blade bounce off his hide pants making a “tshh” sound. The fool was writing? What kind of soldier lets someone into the castle then sits around writing? Erik began to feel a rage rise again but he refused to do this in front of a guest. His words were simple – “Go to Arsas, I will be with you before you know it captain….on second thought stay, I want to deal with you here once I am done” – That was all the words he had for her that were not full of explicit and foul language. He watched out of his periphery the elf captain sending a raven right out the main door of the castle. That was might bold he thought to himself. His mind returned back to the Bosses comment that the woman made and Erik spoke with his normal lack of social skill and general self love. – “Boss? Is that like some sort of southern thing? Sounds like a word with no purpose in the North. –He chuckled thinking he had said the best joke known to mankind- “ I am the General and I enjoy some bitches now and again, who doesn’t? Is that what you seek to find in this land someone to aid you in self-discovery?” –His smile became one of a shit eating nature as he continued – “I am rather busy with the siege outside but you are quite the specimen. Perhaps I could take a night off and leave the witch and the selkie in charge.” His blue eyes soft as the sea as he gazed at her with a lustful moment before collecting himself and returning to business or at least as business as Erik could be – “I, am Erik the General of the KINGDOM OF THE NORTH, and I am King Johunn’s right hand. What is it that you want from this Vassel state? Obviously mead but what else?” –Erik still pleased with his sex appeal and the woman’s obvious lust for him as he tried to focus on what was important. He sipped the forth horn of mead trying to slow himself down as he had been at a high tempo since entering and was slightly afraid the woman would be afraid of his super masculine and sexy demeanor--

Anaya: As she saw the girl walk with a bird clung to her chest she watched it go, and as the girl let the bird go Narula watched the way the bird went as she moved her fingers to a crystal charm found around her neck. Arlu her Crystal fox, she tossed the charm to the ground as it shattered within seconds and and the fox bolted for the door, Arlu and Narula shared a mental connection as in all reality he was her brother in a sense made from a flank scale of her true mother and carved, he would follow the bird not harm it in anyway but simply follow it out at a good pace and see were it went. To fully distract from that fox that just bolted top spread out of the castle doors, one man being now to drunk to stop it and the other girl just well she hopes she knew better. she moved that drum to the ground that horrid sound again running along the door. “you need to add fur to the bottom of the kegs, your floors are going to be ruined at this point” she said as she started to laugh softly standing up from her chair at her full six foot two taking the now empty string chain and putting it back around her neck “little shit itches when he does not get to run around, pets you know. But no worrys there i am sure he will go eat something in the woods and come right back thing has no claws or nothing, but a wonderful singing voice” she paused for a second as she took a step almost falling into the drum as she grabbed it and swung around to sit a top it catching herself with almost acrobatic grace in a drunken format. Her eyes looking to the mans chest, proud man like that there people on there muscles right ”hmm King Johunn’s guard captin you say” she noticed his arrogance in his words and that lustful move to his eyes “well i do say the king has good taste in such a beautiful being such as yourself.. such power in your frame a wife would be so lucky to have you” (sense aura, do you have any auras of race or are you a human with none) she moved around as she hoped off the drum top and slipped right behind him her claw like fingers moving along his shoulders “like look at you made for fighting not mere talking, yes yes i am in the north no wonder i see such brave strong broad man, men made for fucking and fighting and drinking along with the best of us” she moved her horn and held it before him and without him even being able to see it due to her she had refilled it in one of her actions but god knows witch one “so by the All Father Odin's beard, were is your homestead, this castle you call home i am sure it has to be something so majestic with you guarding it” as she was so close to him she smelled of winter rose and held the tinge of just cold to her touch a warm feeling to a man of ice and snow surely. Her one hand moved behind her as a shimmer came to her fingers but it was ice creeping up the castle doors from behind them on the outside pushing the castle doors closed slowly and makeing a slick surface out on the steps.

AifeGra: - She was but a fly on the wall as she watched the fox bolt out the door after the bird, she really was the most foolish girl. The Feline woman Kura who had accompanied Gaylia to KON had a familiar as well, a cat named Tory, she knew the powerful connection these creatures had with their summoner. A feeling of despair and failure crept through her veins as she bowed her head in defeat. She knew what that fox was, and she knew where it were headed. They were no longer needed… she would not let the woman pick up on her concerns as she stood tall, straightening her shoulders into proper posture turning on her heels to face the guest and Norse man. The general Erik was an arrogant brute of a man and it was his arrogance that would likely be his down fall she thought as the elegant dragon woman moved towards where the male stood after hopping down from the barrel which she sat upon. She watched as her dress made of ice shimmered in the rays of light that shown in through the window panes of the throne room. The two of them had polished off the last barrel of mead that Johunn had brought from KON… kon… “ Pardon me” She spoke with a sense of urgency that she hoped would distract the dragon as her claws ran along the man’s shoulder her own skin crawled at the mere thought of those claws on her own skin sent shivers down her spine.“ But this woman was inquiring as to the were abouts of the Kingdom of the North, she hails from a land she called Iron, Sir” Calming herself as she collected her thoughts. This detail had no been shared between them and she hoped that this would peak Erik’s interest. “ She spoke of a daughter that was captured and held at a Dragons Castle” she did not falter, her voice was authoritative as she stared at the woman waiting to see what she had in store next. The fox would follow the raven to Kon and the woman would have all the information she needed. As the female elf stood there, trying to retain her resolve the great doors would begin to shut behind her, a coolness crept around her being as she watched, her suspicions confirmed as the doors were sealed with ice. They were now locked back inside the court with the dragon woman and whatever intentions she had… Angatha would either be witness to a fuckery or a murder, neither she wished to be part of thou she held her ground and remained still, her boots planted shoulder witdth apart firmly on the jade carpet runner that stretched from the thrones to the steps of the court-

alldayj1: --A raven now some sort of fox…why was it that the elf lands had so many animals among humans all the time? As the woman came closer Erik knew she was fully hooked on him. He considered that she wanted him and she needed him but all of this he would use to his advantage. He was enamored by her claw that moved cross him and he thought of the scratches such a romp could give something he enjoyed while dealing his own sort of pain to a woman. She spoke of a wife and that made him laugh a bit even out loud then when she spoke of fighting and fucking and drinking he felt butterflies in his belly. That was the three things he lived for after all. His heart racing with the excitement he almost didn’t notice the sound of the door of the castle creaking shut. A witch he thought to himself…I like those they are the dirty ones. He didn’t care if she trapped him there he was right where he wanted to be for the moment. Locked in a castle with a hot crazy lady would do him some good he thought. He dwelled on that idea for a moment until the elf captain spoke and his transfixion on the visitor was broken. The elf spoke of KON and Iron and Johunns daughter. This was bothersome to Erik and he quickly took to a professional nature to deal with this. He spoke with direction and clarity that was not common to Erik – “If it is Johunn you seek I will point you in the way and even send you attendants and mead should you like. But…”- He Paused- “I am not sure the reason you seek the King but he is celebrating the birth of twins so perhaps a little more gentle in your approach, unlike me he doesn’t find this sort of thing quite so sexy.” –He stares at her longingly- “KON is due west one days ride, It is a city with a huge wall around it and massive docks to its south. It is full of all sorts of beings and rather amazing each day I am there. I also must caution you as if the birth of children isn’t enough the King is dealing with a rebel fool named Kaon who is the leader of the army we are feeding horse shit outside. That man, is also attempting to visit King Johunn. I heard Iron, is that the Iron Dynasty? From that fool elf, I was in that land once that Valeria. We left after a great tragedy occurred and Johunn was far too heartbroken to remain. The poor fool thought adopted children would be loyal.” –He shook his head and then in a whisper – “An an ELF to boot” –His voice returning to normal- “I believe it was Johunns biggest failure as King and lucky for us that selfish little elf is not here to ruin our great Kingdom. IF you are from there did you know her? RELIA?” –A disgusted look took his face as he hated Relia and that weird shit who she ran off with what was his name…he pondered…Dameon or something. He looked at the visitor and recalled Johunn’s tears as they left Galandor and the note and coin he buried for her.--

Anaya: she moved as she faced him a claw moving along his cheek as a bright smile came to her face “you have treated me well Elrik of the kingdom of the north. You tell me so much that you have saved this place and its people, you know, they should build you a monument” she smiled as she kept that ice moving up the door the doors in no time at all being fully cased in a thick layer of solid ice and the whole castle becoming rather cold, the window glass chilled and started to freeze ice crystals moving over the glass, it was true she really did not need this place anymore she knew anything she wanted and the word Anaya had given her rang in her mind, gain the information be any means the crown will pardon you for all transgressions. And here, here she enjoyed playing with this one, he was simple but at the same time strong and useful, well for a human anyway “i have never knwn the girl but from what i hear the dragon has adopted her and now controls the land that once was taken over by this king you serve, why do YOU serve a king Elrik, you could be very useful army side, we could lay waist to lands, clear out army's together, turn the world into a beautiful ice box, and built you a massive castle, slaves, whores, in fur and legs open for you with bells to amuse us.” her bright orange eyes shimmered in the light as she played her game of coy keeping his mind on her as the castle was not overly slowly turning into a frozen block witch was her doing of course and at the same time, it was growing harder and harder to breath as air was being snuffed out and was not being able to come back into the building due to the ice lock that was moving over to it. “wouldn't you love that Elrik, be bathed in the blood of the ones that oppose you, fuck one of the princesses you have taken on the bodys of the elves you have crushed, i would love that” her face moved closer to him as her clawed hand moved over his shoulder to softly rest on the top of his back and shoulder blade.

AifeGra: The elf watched in horror as the dragon spread the ice up the walls of the court, crystal’s spreading like cracked ice along the window panes as she watched the female embrace the general to the north. If she made a move towards the norse man, who knew what would happen to her. She was more concerned with freezing to death as she was not prepared for such frigid weather conditions, her leather chaps and top that left her mid section bare would hardly sustain her if the court turned to solid ice. Eyeing her leather sleeves that covered her from shoulder to wrist she decided her best course of action was to break a window to escape. Frozen glass was rather delicate she thought and she had seen many windows break over time during the winter months. Maybe the shattering of the glass would break Erik from his trance as she dove from the hall. Yes, this would be her course, she smiled at the pair as she darted towards the window nearest the great doors that had been frozen shut, caring not how much noise she made as she ran with great speed at the ice covered glass, thrusting her elbow infront of her body so that it ran parallel to the floor as she picked up speed, leaning into the blow she would deliver. She would alert the armies as to what was transpiring within the soon to be ice castle and hopefully do it in a timely manner that Erik would still be alive. As her elbow hit the glass with force it splintered, a loud crashing sound echo;d throughout the halls of Torcoa as the fragile pane caved under the pressure that she exerted and shattered around her torso as she lept into the air tucking her knees and rolling down the lawn of the courtyard. A great gust of wind whirled around her and into the building as the vaccum was broken, the crystalized shards now lay scattered along the grass just feet from her point of exit. “ OPEN THOSE GATES” She called as she rose from the ground, her elbow ached and began to throb as she grasp the injury in the palm of her hand craddling it against her chest as she ran down the pebbled path, past the guards that stood watch. “ You all, outside the city NOW” Signaling to Arsas that she needed him as she stood at the gates waiting. She would alert the Norse of what had happened and the remaining of the Torcoan forces. The raven had been sent, and there was nothing else the elf could do to prepare for what may come next.-

alldayj1: ---Erik stared at the woman and watched her claw move toward his face then felt it slide along his cheek. As it moved to his shoulder he let out a bit of a grunt but did not openly let anyone know if it was one of pleasure or pain. Perhaps they are the same thing after all. He wasn’t even sure. One hand at his side and the other upon his axe handle yet rather suddly. She offers adventure, sex, blood, and all of this while she was laying a trap by icing over the castle. His eyes transfixed on her considering his future and his past all in one moment. Who was he really? Was he the man he had been or was he a stranger in his own body? Was he power hungry? No he thought, Was he in love with blood and war? Yes he thought. What in the world could have ever warned him of these events that would transpire? Should he agree? Should he fight? He served a King because Johunn was the best creature that Erik had ever met, both in battle and morally and ethically. He was a North man but he was kind and compassionate. He was everything that a ruler should be. They warred and they fucked but they also were a friendly place and a welcoming place. He spoke calmly – “woman, you appeal to many of my senses. Sex and blood are my vices and killing my enemies makes me smile. Kingship means nothing to me and ruling is worthless in my eyes. I don’t wish to have that hassle. I am interested in what you speak of but a few things must be done if you want my serious consideration of agreement. I hope you know I am not just some human man you can control. I have help.” –He points at the ruins tattooed on his skin and sealed in some way. He turns his axe so she sees that the blade is not natural and is most likely enchanted in some way. – “I could fight you and see if I live. I could run and get my army and see if you live. I could die and anger Johunn. But… If you can meet my conditions both of us can be happy.” –He drug his fingers down her claw and down her arm in a movement of pure bravery and pride- “KON and its Vessels will be unharmed no matter what that filthy liar Relia has told your Queen, If I must speak with her myself I will. I am free to leave when I see fit, not your slave. I will give you a warrior unmatched in this world. I will give you a man who seems dense but his military mind is far more complexed than any in this realm. And this body how could you resist it? Also, the Alliances of KON go untouched unless valid reason is given for them to be.” His eyes wide knowing what he was doing would likely not bode well for his future in KON but his act to protect them all would be considered heroic as well. He knew he was between a rock and a hard place and a chance remained this woman would attempt to kill them all anyway. He swallowed hard and grabs for his mead choking it down completely shocked at what he just said and in some regards disgusted in himself for being willing to do so.--

Anaya: Narula let out a breath as the glass shattered and she payed it no mind, air rushed back in the room but very quickly was cut back off as she hastened the pace her knees feeling slightly weak but that was thought to be the drinking (power use 20%) she knew not to over do it but had to do it just enough she could bring down this place and still not have to change her form she could level the land or at least do enough damage to leave a dent to be remembered and not fully level the place as in the end, she did get what she came for with very little resistance so this place was not viewed as a red marker and the map on the table, the little castle, turned black as the castle froze solid in place but she paused as he talked strongly to her, yes respecting that was one thing she did as she tilted her head, the air in this room was thin, she knew he could feel it at this point, she knew that his breaths were short, his lungs struggling slightly,he was a human after all he needed lungs and air. She moved her hand as a small hole in the roof opened up to allow clean cold air in as she looked at him, it had now gotten more interesting, walls over three feet thick she knew the guards man would be beating down the doors with there spears and junk but it would take a bit in the end. She let out a breath “the only thing i can not promise is what will happen to this kingdom of the north, i am simply a gatherer of information with a mean streak and a thirst to quench. What is wanted to be done there is not in my pay grade. But after i gain what i need from what you call KON i will take you back to Anaya DeLaRose in the Iron Castle and you can talk with her yourself. Now” she moved and looked to the doors “this castle is a ice block i can drop the ice and the guards men will be in here within moments to lop my head off, your job is to a sure them i am not a threat Elrik, they are your men after all, you can bring them home to KON with you as we go there and you can meet Anaya” she paused and looked at the doors as the ice started to go down. “every leader has there second in charge, and i want you, as mine”

---Erik was not thrilled with her answer given he only wanted KON to be safe. He was considering what would happen if he told her no but figured he would be able to accompany her to the Iron Castle and tell this Anaya himself what happened in Galandor. General of KON was never his destiny and he was well aware that he had a chance to help KON in a way that was far more effective than sieging a shit eating army. He looked at Narula with a look that shouted that he was cautious in what he was about to say. – “I will accept your offer but I will accompany you to see this Anaya and will speak on the King of the Norths behalf. I will show her that Johunn is a noble man and did nothing wrong. As for your wish for me to be your second in command” –A grin shot across his face- “Does that mean I am behind you?” –The sassy comment was one he thought would either agitate or make her melt. – “You will be lucky to have me there. I must tell Johunn myself about this so we will travel to KON together. First I must make a plan for the army out front and the siege and leave someone else in charge that I trust.” –His eyes danced down her frame knowing full well she was powerful but wondering how powerful she really was. He didn’t fear anything maybe that was brash or maybe that was a good thing either way he didn’t. It won him battle after battle and war after war. He killed trolls, and generals and kings and gods. He didn’t care if she was a witch or a dragon, instead all he cared about was that she was like him, calculated and always 3 steps ahead. Her play here in Torcoa was brilliantly executed and lucky for Erik that his calves and arms saved his army from her violence within. He daydreamed about the possibility of watching her crush
Kaons army with her magic and then about that bastard old man lying on the ground dying and Erik imagined himself chopping his head clean off then taking his ear as a prize. Prizes seemed to be a thing for Erik and visions of many danced through his head. He was a bit of a madman at times but that isn’t a bad thing. Looking at Narula, he winked then stepped closer so their bodies were touching at the chest while he took a athletic stance In case this did not go his way and he whispered to her – “Are you certain you can handle me dear? It is rather a challenge for most…” –He looked directly into her eyes with a passionate gaze that would either suggest he was completely caught up in her or perhaps it was fake. Either way it was intense

Looking at him she gave a grin, she liked it,having a underling that thought it was big and bad and to much for her to handle, if it only knew if it only knew. She looked at him she knew about him already but he knew nothing about her and maybe that was a good thing, act the part but at the same time it was against her own pride to bother with it hiding things hideing what she was it ate away inside more then anything else did. “it is so rude of me, i know your name but you don't known who i am. I am Narula light Icican leviathan, i am a pure blood Icican dragon we hail from the north as you north people do but i do say i enjoy the south at times as well, i can handle anything you can give me back front on top upside down and still not spill the mead in my mug. I am sure we have a long trip and we hold no rush in getting there but first things first” she could see it was not the KON banners that were the first in line at the gate when help was called it was that other army outside. Attacking the KON army would piss Elric off for sure even if she could do it and just basicly steal this male for herself regardless of his say a willing partner was better then one kicking and fussing non stop. She movd her hand as the ice covering the doors shattered and the air around it flung it outward killing the first line of men that were there like they were nothing, then the second strand of men stood there, no KON men in the fray “want the rest of that army gone?” she said as she moved a arm around the males waist line leaning into him like some sulty wench drunk on her own power. “my targeting is on point ”

alldayJ: Eriks eyes and ears focused on Narula as she told him who and what she was. A Dragon, no wonder the ice, she wasn’t a witch she was a damn dragon. His smile was obvious as he saw her power first hand and saw a dozen of Kaons men die with the blast. Eriks men watched from the siege lines around Kaons army fearful but also in excitement of some killing coming next. Erik grinned as she grabbed onto his waist and he prepared for what was next. – “The Old man who leads them is mine, the rest…now belong to you. I warn you do not harm KON’s armies or the elfs that reside here…” –He leaned into the dragon touching her skin with his hand wondering if she realized that his social skill didn’t fully represent him and his prowess as a ladies man was only outdone by his prowess as a warrior. He was enamored by the thought of ending the old man and Kaons army but he did fear Johunns wrath. The King of the North was one who did not like to be disobeyed. Erik knew Johunn would kill him without hesitation if he hurt KON. It was one of now 4 things that mattered to the King of the North. Erik took a deep breath and added. “They were aggressive after all right? They were pressing us? Testing us? Giving us good reason to crush them right?” – He took a peek at the doors and the dead outside and nodded then turned back to his new counterpart and whispered – “They were trying to get in that is the reason we had to kill them all. So let’s be done with it.” – With that Erik unsheathed his axe pulling it to his side and looked down at the woman, a dragon nearly his height and with powers that seemed rather impressive. He was either making it or he was on a twisted path to nowhere really fast. Either way his wits or his planning would be the key to his survival and his attempt to protect the North at any cost even his own life. His stance was one of relative calm now embracing the dragon whom was here to either cause trouble or help him achieve his goals in life.--

Anaya: she smiled at his words as she gave a light hickup and started to laugh as she walked forword turning around and holding her side “oh me oh my the men there oh me hurt me, you saw them” she winked at Elrik as she turned around fully alright holding her hands up into the air as the ice around the room that had one over the castle before started to sink down and puddle onto the floor in reality it looked like heat was doing it but she was just working the water, moving it fast within its self to thaw it up and turn it back to a liquid state. The water spun around her as she hummed softly and walked to the door looking out all the men were there some from the one army some from the other one, they all kinda looked the same but the crests and things were different. Old man is mine, she wondered all the humans looked the same so how to tell what was this old man, she had no idea who it was “i wonder if i can get more then ten one a single ice spike i am sure i can” softly she started to hum a bit louder as she fumbled her footing and almost fell down the steps with a giggle. The water around her moved, the water in the ground small blades of grass turned gray at her feet as the water was sucked out of them and made small droplets in the air around her her humming got stronger as some of her foot steps were very solid hitting the ground hard and digging up a bit of dirt. Some of the fighters on the ground were charging but in her eyes everything was so slow moving, she moved as the water turned to micro spears of ice and within seconds the body's started to drop as if nothing at all hit them. Just bodys dropping no trace other then slight bleeding of the corners of the eyes. “eh fuck ten i will drop all but, well the ones he drops ” there was more then enough as she walked foreword body's just dropping all around her as she flung micro shards of ice each the size of a single water droppings into each fighters tear duct and out the back of there head. Some body's even twitched and scrambled words as they fell down there brains trying to fire and make a body work but it just no longer being able to work. And as the bodys died the water from the body's was pulled out into the air, that was used, she was killing men with the water from the blood of the other men. Fighters dieing by parts of there friends flung into there brains and then the whole thing was repeated . Her aim was dead on and only men with not a crest of KON were killed. It was within moments there was piles of body's scattered along the ground as she turned around not a drop on her flawless white iced over self and her dress had changed, no longer single ice but more of a lace white decadent silk fabric, really extremely thin ice covered her frame her hips and pale skin showing softly as she shimmered in the suns light “i am sure it is better up north, people are stronger there right?”

Alldayj1: ---Awe took Erik’s mind as the Dragon executed 100,000 men in less than 5 minutes without a drop of blood of the Norse being spilled and without a single axe being swung. He leaned into her and whispered – “That was beautiful truly beautiful, now excuse me a moment while I get what I want.” – Erik strolled out the doors and through the gates and into the killing field. He looked the the piles of dead and walked around kicking at them looking for the Old man. Finally after what seemed like 5 minutes of looking he for the bastard who amazingly clung to life by gasps and cries. He proclaimed loudly “I hereby step down as General and renounce any connection to KON or Torcoa.” With that he felt he had separated himself and Erik put his axe to the fools throat and said “Talking back to me gets you one thing and one thing only darkness….” – Erik reared the axe back over his head and swung it one handed hard toward the neck of the prick and as one last gasp of air escaped his mouth sucking in air to stay alive the axe connected with the man’s neck severing it from his body and allowing that breath to escape into the open instead of continuing down into the lung.
Erik has removed his head but he wasn’t done with that bit. He took to a knee grapping the now severed head and took to hacking at the ear with his axe. He chopped at it 3 times before it came loose and now belonged to Erik. – “an ear from the old bastard because he didn’t want to listen” – Erik brushed the blood from the ear and and stuck it into his bag next to the rotting horizons fists fist and a few other trinkets. He was a violent man this was true as he returned to his feet using the clothes of the dead to wipe the blood from his axe. He re-sheathed the axe and walked from the killing field like it wasn’t one with 100,000 dead. He reached the place where Narula stood and said as he wiped his brow – “Their leader Kaon is in KON. Lets go find him before this becomes an issue for them. They had nothing to do with this. If anything happens to them then after this then I will not help you.”--

Anaya: she looked to the man that were still standing some of them shaking as people had fallen right at there sides dead with seemingly no reason for it, she looked at them and then looked back at Elrik “you really think i would let them get hurt when i just killed everyone, ye of little faith in anyone but ones self” she watched him kill the man as she walked on past to get on there way to the next location witch was the place she was to go to “you lead the way ” she knew how to get there already by following the essence of Arlu her fox she had sent out after that raven bird but she wanted this man to feel like he was in charge when in all relity she could snuff him out wall his back was turned she had very little honour in her bones it was not thought she simply bypassed, killing him after all was done, but Anaya had said not to kill them, she wanted to know about them and were they were hiding as it served a greater reason of something Narula did not know or care to ask about. She walked wall her foot steps moved and the ground all of a sudden got wet, really really wet as she had dropped all the small water particals she had still held in hover in the air. Water, blood, simply liquid she could not pull it form the living yet but was learning and could pull it from small animals living or dead, grass and flora living or dead and any dead body she comes across, water makes up 95% of the living being in all reality humans and everything of the sort were water bags, even demons had some water within there husk like shells unless it was undead, yes undead she could not touch or deal with and they had to be killed in other ways witch she was also skilled with, not as much but you picked things up when you were as old as she was. “hope this trip goes well, maybe we will find something to eat” she muttered as she moved grabbing a dead body's arm and for the shits and giggles of it dragged it along beside her in the grass.

AllDayJ: --Erik nodded at her and began to step in unison. Leaving his shocked men and the field of dead behind, he was off to KON and then Iron castle. Erik walked with confidence his eyes twitching slightly as his senses were full and the dragon seemed to carry immense power. He was not sure how happy Johunn would be about Kaons armies’ death but he was certain he could explain himself. Erik knew that his days as General were over but perhaps KON would hail him a hero for killing Kaons army and saving them from issues with Anaya of Iron and her people. Erik was a proud man and he knew that he would die in battle someday but that day was not yet determined. The Gods would control his fate sooner or later. This was more exciting than anything else to Erik and his desire to become a legend grew by the day. He stepped through the wet grass and wondered why in the world was it so wet? His boots were soaked after all. He trudged along silently ready to see what happens next with his new companion or whatever she was. Erik eyed her and smiled knowing he had chosen the side of a great warrior. Ahead lied KON and Johunn and Isleen and babies as well as Kaon and likely a confrontation with the leader of this now dead army.--


s and violent she was or if it was all just a show to cover up the soft underbelly that was full of emotion and desire. He was often good at this part, so his hand on her thigh and his eyes on her hands in case she attacks he was confident. He knew it was getting early as they had set at the waterfall most of the night and he knew it would be time to leave soon. Erik hoped Johunn was not to bitter about his disobeying orders and assisting Narula in killing Kaons army. He played with the old mans ear in his pocket and slid it through his fingers gently remembering how cocky he was and the sound of the axe ending his putrid life. Erik was feeling rather accomplished but also he had to admit he feared Johunn greatly and the idea of him being angry at him had his stomach in knots. Johunn was some sort of monster that Erik had never seen before and when beside him in battle it was glorious and wonderful but being across from him would be horrifying. He said – “Narula I can’t caution you enough with the King, he is more than meets the eye. I recall a time on a raid in Bhag Ulum when we were raiding the dwarfs there that Johunn reached out with his free hand and grasped the Dwarf General Galnar by the eye socket and skull. The King stomped his left foot down on Galnars to hold his body still and then with a laugh that could be heard in the treasure room, Johunn pulled with a reasonable force for someone of his strength and as his chuckle permeated the city Galnars head simply split from his neck and was separated from his body entirely. Johunn, Held the head into the air as his warriors charged the beach and began to slaughter the stunned and afraid dwarfs. He is not a human, not at all.” –Erik reflected on this for a moment silently wondering if Narula would heed his warning or try to be direct with Johunn. Her approach at Torcoa would have not sit well with the King of the North that was for sure.--

Anaya: Her orange eyes looked at him s she started to change her figure, she stood up before him his hand slideing from her leg as she tilted her head “well then why be something he would not like, i can be anything needed to settle the spirets of others, to calm the eye, no one likes dragons so why be one, north men don't like dragons dragons eat there people anyway, it is wonderful but still” she moved her hands upt o the crown of her head as her horns sank into her skull out of the way, her fingers became a lighter tank shade and her hair fell out growing in silken golden locks, her reptilian white wings changed to feathers lightly covered in ice all white as her dress shimmered around her body and she moved her hand to her mid segment. From her mid segment came the gem of it all, her spear, the Spear of her god pandora the ice queen of pain. Pulling the shimmering blade from her body she gave a grunt like sound as it came from her being (soul bound weapon of a high dread knight) she placed the base of the weapon to the ground as she held it beside her shimmering in the light of that morning, it was cool out and the water was nice but there was a thin layer of ice over it that kept breaking and reforming, simply a affect of Narula being around the same spot for so long. The dew on the grass had frozen and feet were cold as she wiggled the feathered rings and they lightly ruffled, the feathers were in the end not feathers at all but manipulated ice to form small strands and fabrics to look exactly like bird feathers, eagle feathers to be exact. She ran her fingers into her hair as a crown formed on her head, two wings at the sides the crown of a follower of Odin, she now looked like a Valarie clad in all white or at least a woman that looked like one. Even her aura was low so unless someone specificity had reason to sense for that junk that was not being picked up.  “if he would like something else i can be whatever is needed, and i am knowing in how he is not human he is an undead, the old castle location smelled of dirt and bone, he is not a living man, i know that, and i am not to give harm to them, i have my orders i must follow, i am to gain information and nothing more, i am not even to fight back if i am attacked i am ordered to flee if i am attacked by there people and play the part as needed, if i need to be brutish i shall if i need to be Innocent and bowing i shall, my orders are so and i will follow them to the letter, what you pick to do is fully up to you”

AifeGra  As the sun rose higher into the sky, the fresh morning air filtering in through her open window. Gaylia blinked, the bright blinding rays hitting her eyes as she brought her left arm up to shield her brows. Birds chipped happily, it was as it the doom and gloom that she had experienced had lifted and the promise of a new day brought on the song of the chickadee’s that perched on her sill. There was a strange tension hanging in the air, but perhaps it were just the rumbling of her stomach as she had not eaten supper last night before retiring to her bed chambers. The elf’s mind wandered off to the pleasant chat she and Revan had yesterday, speaking of her home made her feel a bit closer to it. Closing her eyes as she rolled out from under the coverlets, she could almost see the vines that snaked along the wall of her chambers, how the leaves would reach for the sunlight and shift as the day carried on. Her last moment alone in her room had been one filled with anxiety as she rushed around packing for the trip to KON, Kaon taunting her as she rummaged through her foot trunk for her healing crystals. An acute ache in her belly sent trembles through her body in waves as she grasp her stomach “ Yes, yes.. Food it is” she chuckled as she slipped into a gown that looked as if spring itself had been somehow weaved into the material. The sheer fabric flowed around her hips and waist, complementing her curves as her hips swayed with each step, combing her fingers through her rat nest of a ginger mane she was far more concerned with calming the growing complaints of her stomach rather than her appearance at this moment. With no intention of wandering outside the hall anytime soon, she disregarded her footware as she padded across the cool dark planks that covered the floors through out the Mead hall. She had high hopes of running into Revan, but not before she fed herself of course or she may just faint before the tall and devilishly handsome man. A warmth growing over the surface of her skin as she made her way down the spiral steps to the throne room to peak who maybe about, not wanting to be seen as she snuck into the kitchen. Gaylia’s feet, free of any sandals or boots allowed her to slip un noticed, strange she thought… no one was moving within the hall, not even a maid. Scanning the vast and lofty space she saw a critter, a fox? Strange… squinting as she took a step towards the thrones. A fox, in the hall? A hand settled upon her him breaking her attention as she jumped and squeaked a bit, her breath hitching in her throat as she turned to see Revan. “ Sir, it is quite rude to sneak up on a lady like that” A smirk growing across both of their faces as she gently brushed his hand off of her side, clinging to it a bit before releasing his palm letting it fall to his side. “ Look Revan, a fox. What on earth would a fox be doing here?” She was still staring at the little fur ball as she took a few more steps towards it. Adorable little thing, her hunger subsided a moment as she squatted down a few feet from it.-  

alldayj1: --Johunn sat down on the stump he used for Kaon and wiped off his axe and sword before fully sheathing the sword and holstering the axe. His face, arms, chest and even his feet were covered in Blood and bits of meat. He licked his lips which also had blood on them and he took in a deep breath. Hearing a noise over his right shoulder he peered on in periphery waiting to see Eir’s reaction to his work. He was proud of his actions and positive that they were correct and just. He grunted at a nearby guard for gawking at him. Johunn’s bloodlust simmered and his eyes slowly but surely returned to their normal emerald green state. His muscles began to unclench and his body began to simmer down. His breathing returned to normal and then he spoke to the guards – “We wait here for the Dragon, Spread out so they don’t get past us on accident. And bring me some water all that chopping made me thirsty.” – The King of the North was hiding in plain sight but that was part of who he was, deceptive and sly. He liked it that way and never seemed to give up the routine even in private. Johunn watched a flock of birds fly past and he considered for a moment joining them but alas Kingly business to attend to. What would the dragon woman want from KON? He would see to it that she spoke before he dealt with her or dealt with her, either way. He saw the sky brightening and the forest coming to life. The empty field behind him was rather dry and could use a little bit of watering. He saw the crops mostly planted and the trolls asleep in their huts. Johunn still painted red was ready to face this Dragon from Iron.--

AifeGra: - The Valkyrie did not waste time in her pursuit after Johunn and the little lord though she hung back giving them space to speak. Eir was not a diplomat and she sometimes lacked the tact required for such things. Her bright pearly whites showed and reflected the sunlight as she smiled wildly soaring high into the sky, ascending above the trees to scan the area for friends of foes. The woman was on edge, idle chatter irritated her these past few weeks, it seemed there were never a calm moment and she was unable to process the emotions that surrounded her. As she rose higher into the air, she would tuck her wings tightly to her shoulders, the feathers tickling the small of her back as she broke into a dive, straightening her body, her spear leading her fall as she grasped it tightly in the palms of her hands. Wind whistling past the tip of the weapon as it sliced through the air. Johunn’s tiny image began to grow increasing in size as she watched him sitting upon a stump cleaning his weapons… “hmmm” she mumbled to herself. Where was Kaon? Her brow rose as she descended, landing roughly 20 feet behind where the king sat, her boots hitting the ground hard as a loud thud would be heard even from the distance that stood between them. “ What have you done?” Her voice was blank, free of any emotion and blunt as she spoke to him, her stride was wide and she took her steps at a quickened gait closing the distance between she and her old friend. “ Johunn, where is Kaon?” She scanned his body for any sign of a struggle between the two men as she stood 3 feet behind him, planting the end of her spear firmly upon the ground-

Anaya: Arlu sat and turned around spoting life, his ears perked up as he floped his head from since to side his ears floping over one another as he looked at the female and other people around that had come over “Arlu?” he questioned as he looked to the door, he could feel her out there on the distance and he wanted to know more about what this place was so the little critter got up and troted over to the door looking back and then sliping outside to sit on the castles frount steps looking out to all things around. The fox started calling to the sky as it sat there “Arluuuuuuu Arluuuuuu” it screamed out as it yowled to the sky for unknown reason. Were was Narula it wanted her to find it, it wanted her to come over here to see it, it did not want to be alone anymore it thought this place was dull and no fun and wanted her to come get it. “Arlu arlu ar ar” it barked softly as his bright orange eyes shimmered looking out at the world beyond.

alldayj1: --Erik stared at Narula and nodded as she spoke. Her ability to shift herself was amazing. She was becoming a….valk? He was shocked, He had one valk friend and she was a sexy one though she often gave him a hard time for being made of meat or something like that. He thought of Eir for a moment and her grand displays of poise and power. He kind of had a thing for her though she was nothing but difficult with him. Amazed that Narula could become whatever she needed to be he became slightly selfish when he stood walked close and whispered – “How bout a little red head with large breast and a round bottom?” – His bold nature had not failed him yet with Narula so he figured why not. His fingers resting on the handle of his axe just in case he might need it. His feet shoulder length apart and his eyes cautious though when he finished his statement he winked at her with a grin. He was brave indeed not just in battle. He knew they were about to leave for KON but one last run at her would not hurt right? He stood proudly like the mountain of a man he was flexing his calfs and arms for her hoping to see her commit to a sexual deviant and become the shape he craved in that moment.--

-----That night both Elrik and Narula headed out to go to The Kingdom of the North together. -----

-----In The Kingdom Of The North-----

RagnarokWhiteWolf: -A women would turn as she carries a basket of carrots as she turns to look for her daughter she rams into a tall strange man. This man kneels to help the women with the spilled carrots as his eyes meet hers she feels a cold shiver run down her shine by the sight of him. The man would stand as he keeps walking towards a few guard near what looks like a great hall, his steps left marks in the snow , his breathes heavy as they can be seen in the cold ice air. Moments pass as he reachs the door pushing it open as the guard look from the corner of there eyes seeing the marks that covers his scar tone body, one guard whispers-Guard: could that be? -The other guard eyes widen- Guard2: Ragnarok,,,,-Ragnarok pulls his hood down revealing his long black locks braid down his back, his ice blue eyes scan the room as his boots crick on the wooden floor he made his way towards the fire pit while dusting her fur upon his shoulders-

Anaya: Inside the castle sat a fox, clear ice like crystals running down the length of its body bright orange eyes shimmering in the light as it stayed on its spot watching the man enter, it did not move it only yipped once but then went back to being silent, waiting, watching, wondering and learning about what was around it. Softly the fox moved its tail the crystals shimmering in the dawns light as the sun peeked into the windows of the hall the fire warming everything around it. The fox enjoyed the heat even as it looked as if it was made of ice crystals, but looks could be a lie after all. The fox made another sound “Arluuuu” the Fox called out as it moved its tail in another swish along the floor the sound of the cracking and flicking crystals moving along the floor as it did. It tilted its head at the man, strange things it was this being siting,simple in the centre of the hall beside the fire and watching the door with bright orange eyes, bright with intent and reason and it had never been there before.

RagnarokWhiteWolf: -Ragnarok eyes watched the fox as the flames glows reflected off the fox give him the hint it was made of some sort of crystal...Ragnarok has seen many creatures in his travels and has defeated many as well but he was quite interested in this fox. Ragnarok made his way towards the creature only to squat a few meters from it as his ice blue eyes rest on the creature he would speak in a soft but manly tone- " i guess we are both trying to warm up " -Ragnarok offers his hand in a sign of peace to show the fox he is harmness beside the sword on his back-

Anaya: The fox moved its face to look at the male, its head tilted to one side ears floping over and then to the other side ears doing the exact same, flop flop small sounds pliped as its crystals clicked together with each turn of its head, moving its nose out to just touch the mans hand “Arlu?” it made a sound as it looked at him as if asking something but god knows what it was. The fox looked back at the fire as it got up standing up and then walked in a ring around in its spot and then sat back down, odd thing this animal was but it was an animal but why was it inside, was it a castle pet? It did not really fit the mold of pet who had a random fox as a pet. “Arlu arlu” it yiped as it looked back to him and did the head tilt thing once more its ears flopping to side to side. It was strangely calm for a fox they were hyper active creatures by nature but this one was siting and making odd sounds, foxs don't go arlu.

“Arlu” it said softly as it looked back at the fire and stood up walking closer to it, it walked into the flames not affected as it walked out of them onto the other side and then repeated it, it was board clearly and wanted something to do so it walked over to the man and sat down right infront of him tilting its head as it did. That clicking sound was almost creepy of its crystals floping side to side and from the flames its body seemed to basicly glow. Then the man had left, he had just gotten up and left poor Arlu, and without feeling or thought Arlu just moved and sat back at the fire, siting in the dead centre of the castlewaitng for more fun things to happen.

----*----One Hour Later----*----

alldayj1: And now The Death of Kaon an abandoned RPC left by a banned cheater. This action was reviewed and approved by multiple sources. IC or DM combat was not possible due to the owner of the RPC being banned for behavior as well as the massive amount of meta info that the rpc owner had on both myself and others.

When the sun began to rise in the Northern sky The birds begin to sing their songs and creatures of the night find refuge to begin their slumber. The dew glistened on many a leaf and blades of grass all across the land. A thunderous cheer let loose at dawn from the Kingdom of the North. It was Johunn and Kaon leaving to take aim at Erik and the Dragon whom had destroyed Kaons army. Johunn with Tyrfing slung crossed his back and his axe at his side. Kaon with thin gauntlets, a small katana and throwing knifes. The walk off into the fog was silent and many other warriors would come behind them lead by Eir. This fight was to take place away from KON for its safety. As they walked the notes from Erik rang in Johunn’s head about how terrible Kaon’s general was and how rude they were. He knew that Kaon was the son of Kai but this one was very rude and rough around the edges. Kaon was a criminal in Johunn’s eyes but executing a man at the gates was considered not polite so, Kaon was given the chance to explain himself. After 4 days in Kon and never having explained himself to Johunn it was apparent that Kaon believed he was above the law. Johunn grew angry that Kaon was so brash and full of himself to be above the laws of the North. Pride was important in this world and Johunn was not one to be stepped on or overlooked he thought of this as they headed for the dragon. They two walked with only a few guards with them in the direction of Torcoa. As they trudged along Johunn noted that they were out of sight of all the others and the Kingdom so he thought it the right moment to address some things. He spoke with authority to Kaon – “Boy do you think it was wise to bring an army like that to my land unprovoked? And why do you refuse to answer this question for 4 days?” – Kaon rebutted without words instead a cold stare and a rather grumpy “hmmhm”. - Before the fool could spend another moment being disrespectful something snapped in the King of the North. Johunn looked him deep into the eyes. Johunns eyes fading to black deeper and darker than ever. – “I bet you use that eye to drive others mad, Want to see which of us goes mad first little boy?” – He grinned his grin at Kaon and knew well that the boy would be cutting himself apart at Johunns command if the staring contest continued. He was a master of this ability and had been given it from the Gods who helped him to master it. As he continued to stare down Kaon he simple reached out with his left foot hooking Kaons knee and dropped the man to his knees before Johunn. The eye contact broken as Kaon went to his knees. Johunn asked – “Why are you here? Why did you bring an army to my land? Why did your army take from my land without permission? Answer what I asked in order or else…” – Any sign of rudeness or a misstep by Kaon would end in death. Johunn had too much to risk to take guff from this madman. He glared down at him as Kaon began to speak… Kaon spoke with his usual cocky tone “Who are you to speak to me like this” –Returning to his feet and brushing off his knees. Before another word could exit his mouth Johunns axe was unsheathed and thrust out down at knee level past Kaon then brought back hooking the man’s knee and again knocking him back to his knees. Johunn’s grin grew wider. – “This will be your last chance to answer my questions. Why are you here? Why did you bring an army to my land? Why did your army take from my land without permission? Answer what I asked in order or else…” – Johunn was more direct in his tone this time. Kaon again began to speak – “you don’t know who you are talking to like that…” – Before he could finish the sentence Johunn has smacked him right in the jaw with the handle of the axe. Now this would rattle the brain of anyone and it was no different for Kaon. Johunn’s grin now gone he grabbed Kaon by the armor and lifting him high into the air holding him there. Johunn growled a little bit then said – “I asked you twice. If you do not answer me this time, specifically what I ask, then this conversation is over. So, why are you here? Why did you bring an army to my land? Why did your army take from my land without permission? Answer what I asked in order or else…” – Kaon laughed and began to speak again – “I am not scared of you…”

alldayj1: – Johunn tightened his grip on the fools armor and began to swing him side to side smashing him head first into the ground with a resounding impact then bouncing his side off the ground in the opposite direction as if swinging a rag dog. The motion continued swinging side to side and the impact again hit Kaon’s shoulder and his head again. As Johunn stopped he held the man by his throat in front of him with a look that would haunt the souls and even the Gods themselves would take note of. Johunn was growing angry and Kaon would learn to answer a simple question or die. Johunn spoke again – “No one, not even Kai’s son can do what you have done and get away with it so is it Jail for you or death Kaon?” –Kaon spoke- “Death is preferred” – To which Johunn rebutted- “Ha, So be it” – Picking Kaon up from the ground by his head Johunn placed his left hand on Kaons neck and holding him in the air while He dropped his axe to the ground and pulled Tyrfing from its holster with his right hand. Johunn pulled Tyrfing forward and stopped with the blade inches from Kaons nose. – “KAON Valdassian, you are hear by sentenced to death for the violation of the laws of foreign armies, stolen crops and kidnapping. No plea is needed as guilt is obvious in this matter. Johunn grasped Kaons throat and the blade nearing the face of young Kaon. Johunn grinned and said time is up you ugly shit. In that moment Johunn thrusted his sword into the left eye of Kaon but only and inch or two deep so the blind but not kill him. He twisted the sword a bit and made sure the cut was well placed then holding the neck withdrew the sword and then inserted it into the right eye. This concept was to vicious and violent but it would not kill Kaon instead he would be rather in great pain. This was not the end of Johunns torture of this criminal. Then, Johunn with a fierce look upon his face, stared him in the eyes now gushing blood and empty. Johunn reached back pulling Tyrfing and with one smooth motion swung in a downward and sideways motion which sliced Kaons knee wide open across its width leaving a bleeding wound about 6 inchs long and deep almost to the bone. The impact of the slice from the blade would send Kaon in a downward motion and the screaming would be great as Kaon howled - “ahhhhhh ohhhh ahhhh noooo” - When he dropped to the ground 4 troops whom were escorting them ran forward to collect Kaon. They did as planned and grabbed him by all 4 limbs and carried him a few feet to and then tying him to a tree stump with 3 lashes of rope as Kaon continued to holler in pain, he was placed face down his chest placed on the stump its self all chest armor removed leaving his back exposed to the sky. King Johunn approached Kaons back and laughed as his sly grin took his face. – “Time to make an example of this worthless fool. Johunn took the tip of Tyfring and sliced along the spine down its entire length with laser precision the ½ deep cuts were straight and nearly perfect in nature. Johunn stood upright returning his sword to its sheeth and waiting for one of the guards to hurry to his side with his axe. Meanwhile two other guards did the gruesome work of pealing the skin back on either side of Kaons back at the ass crack and the neck peeled to the side on both sides exposing the entirety of the internal back. All the muscles and tendons exposed to Johunn who now yielded his axe given to him by the guard. He began to hack wildly at the muscles attached to the spine. Either side blasted with violent slash after slash. These impacts were separating the spine from all the muscles on either side of the back and separating the ribs from the spine as well. Blood shot in all directions and the only thing leaving the scene in more volume was Kaons screams. His cries could be heard for miles as all the meat around his spine had been removed from it. Covered in blood and meat Johunn pointed his Axe at Kaon before him grinning and almost basking in the moment he took a finger full of blood from the axe and drew a N on his own forehead in blood. Then Johunn stepped back allowing the 4 warriors to string Kaon’s body up by the flaps of skin peeled back from his back. 4 ropes to different trees and a combined pulling action to go with one rope around his neck. All the ropes pulled taunt he was strung up in the air as a full blood eagle. Kaons body was left there to display Johunns power to those who come to see the North and test its might. No one would dare to march another army into the North. Speaking of dare, this dragon better be quick with her intent or Johunn may have the corpse turned into armor.--

alldayj1: --Erik smiled at Narula wondering what she thought of his aggressive nature, knowing they must continue on, he rose to his feet and once he had a solid footing he reached out a hand to the woman his palm turned up and his eyes transfixed on hers as he waited for her to take his hand. He worried that Johunn may be angry that the enemy army was dead without his command but not one Northerner was injured or killed and that was a truly amazing accomplishment. Erik denounced his position and that was a massive shift in power and position within KON but his doing so would allow him to be an outside ally to his hero. Johunn was godly to Erik and nothing was going to change that but he was also logical and rather willing to see what world Narula has seen and wants to see. Erik was never one for roles or titles and this decision was no different as it continued to dance through his mind. His focus snapping back to the fair woman and her complex violent nature, she was the walking contrast of deadly and beautiful and that was confusing for most but for Erik it made him rather curious. Erik’s blue eyes caught flickers of the morning sun that would catch most anyone’s eye. He heard the waterfall breaking on the rocks below and in the distance he heard blood curdling screams, what in the world? Someone was being murdered violently. Erik’s eyebrows tightened, the murder could not be more than a half mile away. He waited impatiently for Narula to join him so they could explore the sounds of death being bellowed across the countryside.--

Anaya: Narula looked to him as she looked beyond him and to the distance there was for sure the smell of blood in the air and the distant crys if the dieing now surely dead. She did not take his hand why would she need to do that she would cut him with her claws. But she walked on past him and looked back “you go first, it may be that person you talked about before or something, the leader” she could feel Arlu near by so she knew they were close to the castle location she had known from getting here but had ignored it for the most part or just acted the part. Her silken bear feet moved over the ground as she walked beside him farther a head she spoted blood on the ground and allowed Elrik to go first not due to her worrying about her own safty and that shit but simply due to he was a better meat shilde then she was and if needed if his dead body ell it would be useful as a water source to kill the rest of the ground. As they moved up that dead body that was there of what looked like to be some caption of a guard fore of sorts started to turn black and shrivel the ground around it getting wet as the trail of water dragged over the ground over to Narulas feet as she wiggled her toes in the now wet ground, she had sucked that body dry and now it was stiff and hard, in truth she did not mean to it just happened with her being around things and drawing water to her. “so who is that?” she asked softly as she moved her clawed fingers behind her back as her white wings made her in truth look more angelic then anything as the feathers ruffled and she wiggled her fingers in them.

alldayj1: --Erik and Narula looked upon the now waterless and lifeless corpse of Kaon. Erik never met him so he had not a clue who the blood eagled dead man was but knew in order to warrant that sort of death in these parts meant you did something truly awful. Only one man could issue the blood eagle and that was the King. Erik took a deep breath knowing Johunn must be nearby given the time of the screams and the time it took him and Narula to reach the scene and that the corpse had been strung up in the blood eagle would mean it was just finished before their arrival. Then he saw him sitting beyond the corpse with his Valkyrie. The King of the North was soaked in blood and matter and looked rather angry. Who was this he killed? Why? Was he out here for a reason? What in the world was going to happen? Erik decided to take a proactive approach so he spoke up – “King Johunn, It is I Erik the failed general, I come to seek forgiveness for my denouncement of title and to introduce you to this….dragon who seeks to speak with you regarding a place called Galandor…” –He trailed off and swallowed hard looking upon Johunn and Eir.--

alldayj1: --Johunn’s arms, chest and face covered in blood except his lips which he had licked clean. His eyes black as night and Eir over his shoulder trying to find out what had just happen and now Erik and a dragon approached. Johunn stretched his hands out then clenched two fists and rose to his feet like the monster he could be and with a pride that was unmatched. He turned his face to Eir and nodded then spoke to the whole – “Kaon is now as dead as his army for violation of 3 laws of the North. His unlawful acts and his threat to our people has now been dealt with as required by the laws of the land. Now, as for you Erik, you disobeyed me and that will not be easily forgotten or forgiven. But,.Did…You say Galandor?” – His eyes grew tighter into a bit of a squint – “Let’s get this over with Dragon, what do you want and what sort of terrible news do you bring? That devil bastard who brainwashed my daughter finally kill her? Do you really come all this way to make me feel worse for that bastard and how my daughter turned her back on me and all of our people like we didn’t exist for him? If she is dead please do not tell me how for since the day I left the note and gold for her and was forced to leave her behind I have refused to acknowledge she could be dead.”- His face was heavy and his body showed the disappointment he felt in his daughters abandoning them. This adopted girl he raised nearly alone until Isleen came to join them. Then the little elf girl not only disobeyed but dishonored and disowned them running off with her boyfriend in the middle of the night without word or notice.--

Anaya: Narula looked to Elrik well there goes the sense of being a secret, well being blunt was not a bad thing and the guy did look angered anyway might not be overly good to mince words anyway here as in truth she was not allowed to attack anyone here as she had orders from Anaya to only get knowledge here not blood.  And way to go Elrik did you know people hate dragons, it is a common thing to hate dragons, way to toss her under the bus you moron, she thought as she rolled her eyes and her wings dragged on the ground the feathers chipping as they fell out and they were rapidly replaced with leather scaled membranes that better fit her for what she was seeing the whole angel thing fit in with the people stick was gone. She pulled more water from the grass and ground as it pooled in a now visible puddle around her feet so she could use it if needed if they made the choice to take out there anger on the nearest danger witch in all reality was her. “name is Narula calling something by its race is rude thank you, or do you like being called undead and not your name?” she said snappy as she grumbled at the fact her plot was out the window now and had become grumpy. She let out a breath calming herself or well trying to as she wiggled the left over feathers to the ground as they fell around her wet puddle. “i have come from the south to seek you out, from the Iron Dynasty castle to seek out the location of witch was once Galandor but is now clad as The Kingdom of the north, i have traced you from the boat you took to leave there to get to here and build your land. I have killed thousands of people in my search to find your land the last thing i care about is your feelings to a elf girl that ditched due to some other fuckers wood. Who i believe is dead now anyway if i remember right, oh ya he had a hot headed sister, ya that guy Damon long dead now. But what i want to know is your home, and seeing i cant just float in and get it by walking around and i have to be blunt, so, what is your military capability's, land size, alliances, and growing forces and oh oh what do you trade in, basic your details of everything you own, and don't worry i can stay a while if it takes more then to day to tell me everything. ” her voice was not harsh just smart ass level as she was not putting on any shows to fit in she was being a dragon seeing that was known. She cared very little for the girl kid whatever that was now adopted by Anaya or something like that she did not even know anymore. “oh and your kid now owns the old lands, the dragon Anaya gave it to her to take over, so your old lands are now under dragon rule from your daughter who now bows to the iron capital” she started to walk foreword as her water puddle visibly followed her and a heaviness started to creep in around her (aura of intimidation active within 20 feet)

alldayj1: -- Johunn by nature was curious about this line of questioning. He thought to himself that he had nothing to hide so he spit out like it was on no value – “Our army is larger than you can imagine, though you saw many of them in Torcoa. Land size? Well we own a massive amount of land and 3 vassal states. Alliances? We have plenty with kingdoms across realms bringing forth both light and dark. Our greatest ally however….” –He grins and points upward- “The Gods themselves favor old Johunn, I maybe undead but I am far from evil. I honor the Gods and do as they would. Therefore they not only favor me, but my people. What else did you ask? – Seeming annoyed- “We trade furs, food, arms, and mercenaries. Now you have your questions answered unlike any leader you have ever met, now you will answer mine. What brings you to my land? Why are you asking me about KON? What makes you think you have a right to do any of this? Do you not see a just and lawful land with a leader that does as the Gods require? It would not be well received by them” –He points upward- “To disrespect that law and honor” – Johunn looked at the woman without hesitation his eyes darker than when they first approached now reaching pitch black as he finished speaking.--

Anaya: Narula did not flinch at him as she pulled out a ice covered pen from her cleavage and her hand moving to her belly a small note book came out of her own body forming into her hand. She fipped it over and jotted down everything h had said and then snapped the book shit clipping the pen clasp to the side. “why am i here, well i already said that, you did not hear it. And oh i have many people just spit out the awncers so you are far from different then i have seen, cus oh boy i have seen a lot. Why am i asking you about your kingdom well i am going to guess so that if we make the choice to attack you we know your specs so we can properly destroy you i guess, but i am unsure i just get my orders and do them. What gives me the right to ask shit, well nothing but you are so willing to tell me everything it is just easyer that way. Do i see a just and lawful leader and land, welll, what i do see is a guy with his lungs and body cut out his back spread eagle on a stump, and a shit load of blood all over the ground and a guy covered in that blood pointing up at the sky saying the gods help him when you and i both know the gods don't give a shit about land and cant come down here to help you if you get in truly large shit. They can send there people for sure like your Valarie there but really what was the nortic thing about all the Odin fighters dieing for some reason, it is a rare thing to see one and even they are just angels of another god and i have killed angels myself, and i am far from lawful, oh and i come to drink you out of house and home and then go back home with your man here who has given me his loyalty”she let out another sigh that water puddle flowing along the ground over her feet as she walked right beside the king with a grin on her lips (aura still active you are within 20 feet you feel it)  she gave him a coy wink as she walked on past him back turned to him witch in a dragons actions is a show of no fear and mild disrespect looking onward to his castle “hmmm not a bad looking place, i am sure it looks better snow covered. There must be a lot of mead in there”

alldayj1: --Johunn was not sure what to think of the condensing behavior he was taking in. Was she seriously going to act like that to him? This had to be a rouse or a ploy as even a dragon could not be so brash as to test him in that way, so with a deep breath he spoke calmly – “The city is closed but Mead could be made available. I do not however share mead with enemies or rude passers through so I am sure you and I can find some common ground before I have maids set a feast here in this field for us. I am curious what sort of mindset allows you to be so angry all the time, anger was my downfall once. I learned to control it. It made me stronger and wiser and I see clearer now.” - He slowly began to move a pebble from behind his wrist that was underneath his skin toward his palm with his opposite thumb. His slow sliding motion eventually bringing the stone to his thumb and then the pad of that thumb. He was not sure what would come next but either way he had the answers in his hands. No fear at all and no need for help, Johunn was confident even in the face of this one. He shot a quick glare at Erik before returning his attention to Narula and grinning his sly grin whilst playing with the small stone on the pad of his thumb. His eyes still pitch black and he knew this was obvious to the woman but he could not force them back to green at this moment. He was not willing to let her into the city with the children having just been born regardless of if that meant he had to kill her and start a war or not. That said, he would be happy to speak and feed and offer drink but simply not in or to near to his city, wife and children.--

Anaya : Narulas bright orange eye moved and looked right into his black ones “i am not angery” she said softly as the water around her feet moved and waved back and forth as it moved over along the grass to give a ring around his feet, the grass around his fee dieing as the puddle got larger around him. “i simply have to do what i was sent here to do, i am loyal to my words given to the one that pulls the strings, i am told to go inside that building to examine it, view it, not harm anyone unless needed witch includes you. I gave my word to my ruler and her anger is something i do not wish to see in what is left of my life time” she looked her eyes and face blank of feeling she was not angry she never had been she was simply brash and a bit crude “so it is your choice to do things in a easy way and trust or do things in a hard way and not but no matter the choice you take my task will get done” she already was inside that castle over the past days it had taken them to get there Arlu had walked that whole castle,and his eyes were her eyes as no one tryed to stop him from his tasks. At this point her task was fully done and she could leave and get rewarded by Anaya but now, now she just wanted to see what this ruler would pick, and then inform Anaya if it was wise to come in fire in the mind or come in with words and not a first.

alldayj1: :--Johunn took in a deep breath and walked past the woman. Stomping through the water like he didn’t notice it. When he reached a spot some 10 feet in front of her he stopped and turned back to her. His thumb and index finger pressed together on his right hand tightly on the stone within. His left hand tapping the handle of his axe with its ring finger and middle finger. His eyes now trained on hers fully as he speaks once more – “Narula, you do not need to enter my home with my newborn children without proper cause. So I say again that the city is closed. I say again you are welcome to dine with me and ask any questions you wish. But I do warn you, I am not going to again, Do not test me. I do not like games where my merit is based on protecting family or being political. I will always chose family as I did with Relia even if she didn’t choose me. If you know anything about me from those who knew me before, you know I am a great warrior and I am a powerful one but more than anything I love my family and will do whatever I must to protect them. This is the line in the sand, do not test it as I do not wish to kill you but If death is the only choice for you then I suppose I will be forced to grant it.” –He exhaled and took in another deep breath- “Now shall we dine and discuss this matter like adults?” – His temper more in check then regularly he was actually kind of proud of himself as the blood of Kaon still clung to him.—

alldayj1: --Erik watched the confrontation and finally it was as if a light bulb went off in his head. An explosion or wires uncrossed or something. He began to almost bounce in place and spoke over everyone when he said – “OHHH ohhh OHHHH I just remembered! I just remembered that I fucked a dragon once! She was weak minded though, had her on the fireplace of her home. Then she flew off never to be seen again. Her body was so perfect and….Hey can you believe it Narula I have had sex with a dragon before! Its amazing right? Remember Johunn? Her name started with an X and she was really short. Oh and since Kaons men are dead, the Arch Mage and the Captain shall return soon as well. I will miss that Morrigan that is for sure. Oh well.” –Erik returned to his state of self-obsession and bliss.--

Anaya: “as i said, i am loyal to my words given to the one that calls the shots” she closed her eyes for a moment standing there, the water around there feet moved very slightly, unnoticed. In her mind she whispered 'Arlu, multiply, copy yourself as we have in the past, expand find unborn children, do not harm them, remove one hair from a crib, hold it within you, don't harm anything, look at everything in the castle, notice everything they have, then leave from a window, break the glass if needed.' within the castle wall the rulers were not there Arlu was walking around and doing just that, he was copying himself till there was not one but ten foxs now Expanding to go into every room in search of what was needed, a hair be it from the head of a child's body or simply a hair from the child found on some item that the child had been around, something from one of the children as Narula had told it. Some of the fo clones were kicked and scolded by guards and maids, some were pushed out of the rooms they went in, but one was able to find its way into the childrens chambers sneaking in from a window left open a crack to let the air in, guards at the doors did not notice and without a sound the Arlu clone stole a article of clothing and then bolted out a window. 'retrieved we will be on our way back to iron capital with the hair and clothing article safe in tow. Now searching and exploring the castle inside.' Narula opened her eyes as she looked back to Johunn “and what are you planing to dine with? Lead the way” her whole demeanour changed enough to the point she was relaxed now, there was something on her mind but it was no big deal as she moved and the water around the kings feet got slightly colder and clung to him like the blood all over his body.

AifeGraNytheheart  Eir watched carefully the transfere of power between Johunn and the dragon lady. Her own wings tucked tightly to her back as her flight feathers grazed the small of her back, the 10 ft wing span was nothing easy to hide. The tension grew in the air, and her annoyance level only raised the longer and longer Johunn played " who could piss higher on the tree contest" with all this initimdating movements. As Eirk opened his mouth, as expected only ignorance feel from it. She was furious with him, a rage building deep in her that she had never felt before... if it were not for him and his stupid egotistical self this overly dramatic creature would not be such a head ache " I wish you would have just fucked this one and watched her fly off as well, laughing at your lack of ability to make love properly you stupid meat head" her words were blunt and lacked emotion as she feared she would run him through with the tip of her sprear if she allowed her emotions to rise to such a level. A deep sigh sounded as she took a breath and exhaled with some force attempting to calm herself and focus at the threats at hand. Suddenly the mood shifted and the woman spoke almost in a cheery tone... The valkyrie was baffled and could sense that this was far from over. Her lips puckered as she bit down on her tongue, to keep from worsening the situation with her own thoughts, instead she pulled back her left foot a bit and stomped down onto a loose pebble roughly the size of piece of horse dung as she loosened it from its home upon the path. She would kick the rock towards Erik with a force so great that should he not dodge the tiny boulder, it would hit him right on his shin causing him a great deal of pain but not enough to break any bones. A smile crept across her face, curling her lips at the corners as her toes connected with the stone and sent it flying towards it target-.  

Back At The Iron Castle

Guest_LucianNorthLyca: Lucian had made his way here on his wings and feet being able to shape change into a medium black dragon with golden wing membranes he was able to cover quite a bit of distance before having to land and rest continuing on foot until he finally reached his destination. The large grey castle looked different to him but he thought he remembered who resided there a friend of his. Maybe maybe not time would tell, the smell of fish and troll filled the air and he was nearly reminded of his past home. He strolled up the castle wearing his black armor the armor was designed with dragon bone and scale for the plating and leather while the chain links were constructed out of adamantine. His weapons that he brought mainly to defend himself had their own properties upon his hips he carried two blades they were twins in make forged himself in a realm that was in one way the same and in many ways different from this one. This realm was known as the void a place of countless amounts of realms and a great supply of energy for him to absorb and train with. With this energy he had forged the twin blades from void metal ten times stronger than adamantine capable of cutting through solid stone with one swing and its magical properties were grand as well but they had opposite effects bing twins so they named them after his mother and father. Kael and Katsu. His parents were the lords of a god named angel and they were the personification of death and life. When he reached the courtyard he saw the trolls and with his life energy he could understand them though he hadnt tried to assimilate languages before so he thought he would listen to them catching bits and pieces of words they said before passing on and opening the doors. With that his final weapon was left it was upon his back being a giant broadsword and when he entered the area around a twenty foot radius from him fell in temperature by five degrees the sword on his back was one of his family legacies. It was known as a mourne sword made with the process of soul forging this blade was imbued withthe element of ice and death and he would only draw it as a last resort in battle but that was all he would say for it was pestering him not to give out more of its details and so he walked the straight line hallway to where the ruler of the castle was set and when he arrived he bowed to her his weapons following him- "Greetings milady I am Lucian Lyca lord of castle lyca and prince of the amare family heir to the throne of the broken rose empire i have travelled a great distance to meet you."

Anaya: Anaya looked up from her record book and shut the leather cover with a swap. There was a man in her home a home known for having dragons and his clothing was made of parts of her own kinn, she could smell bone scale and hide melded together for protection or hell to show sport or skill of the man before her and in all honesty she did not care for his reason, there was dead dragon on this mans body and he walked in here with it on. “take your weapons all of them, and place them outside the doors, the guards will care for them, take off that disgraceful armour as well and leave it with them outside of the door you can walk back in naked or in your under wrappings if you want to be seen as worth my time to close my book. ” her voice was stern and strict and she was glad her child was not around to see a man walking into there home with body parts and bones of there people strapped to his body, what a view to a child's eyes. She shock her head back and forth and simply pointed to the door as to say leave or drop your shit there. He was lucky he did not get tossed in jail for such a crime, Anaya let out a sigh and put her book into the side of her throne pillow for safe keeping as she watched him on his next set of actions. (when you walked past the trolls you ot small snips of there tongue and nothing more as life force is not a thing that can pick up spoken word, you picked up the word fish, no like, dat guy, bad news, no like yellow sauce <- in random order as well as the trolls eyeballed you the whole way in like they did not like how you stink)

Guest_LucianNorthLyca: "madam im sorry if my armor disgraces you..but you see i will not part with it...these are my mother and fathers bones i grew up alone ntil i was adopted into a family of dragons where i learned ate played and was happy...when they died they bequeathed their bones and scales to me to further their aura of protection...i wear this armor to honor them if you find that disgusting then im afraid ive wasted my time." -He turned to walk away his walk slow yet purposeful if he found him wearing his parents with pride disgusting then hew would give her a long hard look at the love of a son adopted or not as he reached the doors he paused wondering if she had something to say if she didnt then he would continue walking. He felt indignified by her words he was doing his parents proud how could she say that his armor was disgraceful this armor was his only possession in the world that and a few of their fangs to create weapons with he was hurt by her words and his hands would clench upon the doors bending the metal that he was gripping.

Anaya: “if i was a man that lost my mother and father in war and then i took there skin from there body's and placed it upon me to do them proud i would be clad a psychopath and tossed in jail by other men for murder or simply skining the dead, is is worse to think that due to dragons being beasts we can be placed as clothing decor. No dragon would were his own kin as a shield upon his back. If you wanted to honor them you would have let them rest in what is beauty that is death now carrie them around and have them linger along side you in this world. You are disgraceful to people you call kin and really if i was not allowing mercy and you to leave another pure blood would have ripped you apart for such a show. Learn the ways of your elders and to be a dragon, or don't come back ever. If i see you again witch such a display here i will kill you myself, ” she let out a breath as she was still baffled at his words, like due to it being your own family it was better, she could not imagin her own daughter her own hatchling sporting around her skin and bone to allow her body to take blows for her to get cut with blades to be beaten up in combat to be used as a shield to protect herself, how was that hornoring your dead, honouring your family's name, how was that right in anyway how was that being a good child to ones own family, to ones own blood be it adopted or not. She would teach her daughter better then that, she already did Noki respected death and respected herself to use her own body her own power to keep herself safe not use others to do it for you, not spot the scales of another to take the blow of a blade but to use your own scales to do so. “get out of my sight before i change my mind” she muttered as she was angered and shock her head back and forth picking up her book and reopening it as she moved her claw to flip a page. “shameful” the muttered under her breath

Guest_LucianNorthLyca: "the only shame i feel is taking their bones..i had nothing left...." -with that he left without another word-

Anaya: “you have memory's, you have story's, you have the image of them in your mind and in your heart, you have there foot print on your soul, why would you need there skin and bone when you have your own skin and bone. Skinning your dead mother and father does not make you a warrior, it makes you a criminal”  she held her book in her hand as she whispered a prayer into the wind for the souls of his dead mother and father that would not move on to there home land due to being still tied to this world on the back of there son. If she had tears she would have shed one but her claw simply turned the page in her book as she waited for the doors to fling open again and for something equally foolish to walk in.

-----One hour Later-----

JesterKimonHravart: -Nidar after a night of heavy drinking he was at on the gates playing his violin to the trolls whom are eating fish, with ink dancing around his skin since he had absorbed some late that night and finds it amusing to make patterns appear on his face and body. Nidar liked trolls for some reason but being a creature of nature there wasn't really much he didn't like. The music would echo through the courtyard of the castle as he looks around a smirk on his face, the guards under him would flick a coin up at Nidar who catches them in his toes then pushed them into his body as the water would carry them through his body and into a pocket he has hidden in his robe. After a while of playing he would jump down and nods at the guards "Same time tomorrow fellas" He chuckles as he starts to walk towards the doors of the castle stopping in his tracks seeing the letter N with blood handprints over it painted on the door, he chews the inside of his bottom lip as he starts walking into the castle. It was a strange thing to find in the morning and how did the guards not pick up on it, as he makes his way to the throne room he spots Anaya on her throne then slides on over dropping to his knee- "Good morning M'lady ermm i think you might be interested there is a large N painted on the door with handprints that look like childrens smells like blood" -He raises the letter up to her as he lifts his head making eye contact then gives her a friendly smile- "Should we be worried?"

TheLadySif: Sifrella was posted outside the castle gates, taking a moment to herself. She had just returned from a sudden visit to the north. It had been a long time, and she had almost forgotten how beautiful this land was. With a deep breath, she walked up to the gate. After handing her horse off to one of the servants and having another bring her single bag inside, she slowly stepped into the castle.Her complexion had returned to its original state, pale as porcelain and a light chill radiating off her skin. Her eyes were glittering blue as the sea, her hair almost translucent as ice, and a small guilty smile briefed her visage to the guardsmen before she continued on through to the throneroom.

Anaya: Anaya had shut her book and placed it back at her side when he walked in as she looked up, better then the last moron that was gone as the male talked he mentioned the red letter on the doors and she gave a light sigh “the church is back at it i see, we have had a problem for the past year with people in town worshipping a god known as Narul  he is a blood god there was a vampire woman here a while ago but she vanished with no notice to were she had gone and it is even suspected they got her to give to there demon lord. (Dayas Daya rpc XD) so yes it is worrying but they don't tend to do anything but art on my door and nothing more, well there was that one time they tried an assassination but it was a utter failure and we never found it out  it was truly them or other lunitics. You if feeling brave can go to town and try to find out what of it?” (you will be starting a forum campaign with that rpc) “any gear or items i can get you i shall as i wish them gone as well” she paused and looked up to the door sensing that ice elf knight had returned but she gave a smile paying it not much mind knowing miss Sif would come in in her own time to join them and tell about her trip.

JesterKimonHravart: Nidar took in her words listening carefully as he thinks about things he can do a slight smirk would curl onto his face, it has been a while since he had fun with people as he would stand up slowly his mind was wandering and suddenly stops. "Well i think i will be fine vampires well unless they want to drink water don't really scare me but since i am new around these parts i wont be easily reconnised, I could how ever see what i can find out or maybe if you would like i might be able to resolve the problem. As for things i might need i could do with some lovely throwing knives but if memory serves correctly vampires are not so fond of water even more so if it has been blessed if you know a man i may be able to get my body blessed which would be pretty funny." He chuckles to himself thinking about it as the ink floating in his body would finally settle, a few lines on his forehead and mandalas on his neck then runs down into his arms. "But that would be if you would like me to if not i could always play pretty music in the castle and look good" He smirks as his ego slips out.

Anaya: Anaya looked at the man, she had just said that she wanted him to handle it and that would would personaly suply him with anything he would need, he was daft or something maybe he did not understand her, maybe he would die down there but then again she did not care “they are not vampires they are cultists of unknown race for all we know they could be bird people. A blood god is not something only worshipped by vampires or undead. And i am a golden holy dragon if you are wishing blessings all you need to do is ask” she rolled her eyes slightly as she ran her fingers into her hair and looked at him, he was slightly daft she was sure of it but it was up to him if he wanted to go on this quest or not.

JesterKimonHravart: Nidar thinks it over for a moment the ink would float around his face with question marks and then reforms back into lines on his forehead. He smirks as he looks at Anaya in the eyes then nods his head "Well i can always give it a look, you never know it wouldn't be my first time in a scrap and if there are vampires well you should see what happens to them when they touch running water." He looks at his right hand as it would turn to a water state then juggles balls of water in it. "And if they're not vampires or creatures of sorts then i will return to you with the information about them" As the balls of water juggle in his hand a small knife which was hidden in his body would join them as it takes a solid form catching the small knife. "So long speech short i will gladly murder some things after all stupid blood cultists have a nasty habit of killing creatures and i don't take kindly to that. Are you wanting me to go alone or will i have a group?" his train of thought shifted and a hunger rolled in his belly as he turned away and vanished into a puddle to go get a meal then if remembered come back to this conversathion at a later date.


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Daya Autum - 02/18/2018
-Gusts of swift wind swept over the opulent carriage ripping dried mud off as dust from it’s painted carved surfaces as as it rolled over the muddy road pulled by large and muscular white stallions of perfect physic and health, their manes flowing in the strong breeze. Above the two guards sat in the drivers seat wearing excellent chain mail outfits covered with blue velvet tabards and embroidered with silver thread. The chain mail itself was platted with silver and the handles and guards of their weapons were also silver and all matching. They had a set of two daggers, one six inches and one twelve inches in length both with slender points. They each had matching broad swords and hatchets with matching hilts and pommel. Both guards were just over six feet tall and one hundred ninety pounds each, and very physically fit humans with long blonde hair, but they were not Konte, they were citizens of Rose Lake but whose parents had migrated there and sent there sons to a fine school where they took an interest in fighting skills and work as body guards in which they excelled to such an extent that they came to the employ of one of the finest traveling companies as such. They drove the carriage on over the muddy road through the rough winds up the gate of the Iron Capitol and after furnishing the guards with the proper paperwork drove down the streets until they came across an Inn. The sight of such an opulent carriage driven by drivers so well dressed and armed did not go unnoticed by the locals, it unmistakably heralded someone of wealth and importance. One of the twin guards leaped down from the carriage and opened the door of
the carriage as the other very smartly observed the people for any sign of unusual advancement. One could tell that these two did not miss anything if one paid attention to how they sharply gazed about, they were most aware and attentive. The first to emerge was Vexylla, she still wore the black silken robes and boots heavily embroidered and trimmed in silver and carrying her trident of kraken beak in her hand. She stood six feet tall herself and the robe’s hood was pulled over her face cover her slit pupil silver eyes and long black hair. It would not be obvious that she was a black merfolk. Next to emerge was Morgylla, who was Vexylla’s famous, at least among the merfolk, grandmother. She was similarly dressed and exactly the same height and was in appearance almost identical to Vexylla except that her black markings around her eyes and upon her legs were broader. Even their abilities were the same save that whereas Vexylla summoned whirlpools and funnels Morgylla summoned storms. They both could cast shields to protect from physical, magical, and shock and energy damage upon two targets, crush and collapse at a rate of four hundred cubic feet per half second, cleanse water as an aura and as a magical ability, detect magic mentally and magically, banishing and bindings, control evolution of sea creatures and any organism that enters their bodies however neither had learned to do so for others, harden water up to four hundred cubic feet into a gel and control it, counter drain or divert magic, neither mind could be controlled and both of their souls were cursed merfolk souls and would destroy that which might tamper with it. Both had two vials of blood they used to alter their tails to legs which
incidentally when used together could still deliver massive impact as they could with their tails. {Physically they were similar to elves as far as strength and durability save that their bones while the same strength were flexible and capable of absorbing shock and far less likely to break upon impact. Both were immune to poisons. Both could summon the same creatures, those being the mighty kraken and hammerhead sharks. But the most useful and dangerous ability they had was to summon and control lightning, both to cast magical and control natural lightning as well and target up to five. One difference was that Morgylla was well practiced upon land and walked with the grace of an elf, Vexylla while not to bad still looked a bit clumsily, however, when jumping or landing or any action using both feet they both could do so with a level of coordination, skill and strength that far exceeded even an elf. Their eyes were extraordinary, unlike human eyes, the light sensitive nerves were not backwards giving them sight beyond that of a hawk, and the gel inside had dye that changed instantly from clear to shaded so that sudden light would not blind them. Their eyes were lined with crystals like that of a hammer head giving them unparalleled night and dark vision and the slit pupils helped allow more of even the most dim light to enter their eyes. Their ears had three sets of lobes for balancing, one like an elf’s, one like a dolphins, and another even smaller, great for acrobatics as their brain simply shut off any jumbled signal, upon land however, unless flying, this would not benefit them, nor would many of their abilities and adaptations such as the lateral lines that sensed vibrations when they had tails. Their ears were profoundly sensitive with an oblong design that would prevent discomfort or rupturing in the event of loud noises that might deafen other races, however they could not judge between loud and .
and extremely loud, or soft or extremely soft sounds. They could however judge distance by degradation of sound and pinpoint direction with astounding accuracy. While no where near as powerful as when in water, they were far from defenceless and the guards and drivers of their carriage were acutely aware of this fact and had even joked with one another that the best way to protect them was to merely point to a danger and let them handle it. Vexylla and Morgylla entered the Inn as the guard after letting them out of the carriage also opened the door to the Inn allowing them inside. Once inside they made their way past dinning and drinking guests, some of whom could not help but stare at the elite customers who had entered. Most only saw the robes and boots of thick specialty woven silk so opulently trimmed an embroidered and in such good taste. Morgylla upon reaching the bar inquired of rooms and settled upon their finest room upon the top floor, paid the keeper and leaving her trident with the guard ordered him to take their bags to the room and guard them, and if things went ill, to return with the news to Rose Lake post haste. After a last glance about him to ensure all was well the guard hauled one third of their bags of gold and Vexylla’s trident with them to the room and instructed the Inn keeper to keep an ear open for word of  
any trouble and to let them know immediately, giving him a large tip from the menfolk's gold. The other guard then met with the Inn’s stable keeper about the horses and assisted her in unhitching the horses and getting them settled in and fed, he also tipped the stable keeper asking to be notified intermediately should word come about any trouble with their charge and then joined his brother in the room Morgylla had rented.  Morgylla and Vexylla departed for Iron Castle, walking along the streets through crowds of people, some gazed at the strange newcomers who obviously had too much coin and kept themselves well covered in their robes of exquisite quality and wondered what magical or religious order they might be from, or if they were ambassadors from Rose Lake, having correctly deduced from the carriage’s distinctive artwork that that’s obviously where they were from.  

Dallo5013 - 02/18/2018
~Aregos slightly giggled as she watched Fraudulenti walking towards the ship. His walk was a bit of a skip meaning as his heel would touch and lift up onto his toes and he would slightly stumble for only having two toes on each foot leaving him a bit off balance, he even would have to catch himself a few times ,using his spear to lean up on. It took him a while to fully adjust to walking again but he learned fast and was in no time at all walking steadily. Aegros herself had no trouble at all adapting to walking again on land for she made it a point to one or twice a season to venture to land, the only thing she ever had trouble with was being bare footed as the ground seem to stab at her tender feet till they would become accustomed to the rocky roads. However with these boots on she was in no time walking on ahead almost reaching the ship ahead of Fraudulenti. She seemed a bit eager to get on board , this would be her first time heading so far inland let alone going as far as the Iron Dynasty. Once they both were a board the ship and it had set sail Fraudulenti would sway and stumble around as he would gaze out over the water. Aegros would stand by him leaning against him slightly as if she wanted to help steady him as the ship was moving. She pointed out over the waters at a ripple in the waters where there seemed to be a young dolphin following the ship. It would seem like no time at all that the ship would dock with the mainland’s port. Fraudulenti and Aegros would make their way over to the carriage, before getting into it they would check that they had everything .
~ Fraudulenti : okay lets see . I have my spear my extra boots extra robes . ~Aegros nodded then said ~ Aegros: yes yes we have everything we need, our tightly woven robes that are so finely woven that water can not seep through it’s threads, and our boots made a like the robes. We even have~ she stopped talking and looked to see if she had brought her trident . ~ Aegros : yes even I have my Kraken beak trident fired in the deepest thermal vents just out side of our village, just as you yes have your spear and even the chains with the two vials of blood wrapped around your waist, as do I have my vials chained around my waist. The attendants made sure to pack us enough robes and boots for the trip even an extra six vials of blood because she remembered how clumsy you can be. ~ after looking over one and other she snickered and would say ~ please do try not to strike your last four toes off like you did the last time ~Fraudulenti growled at her saying ~ Fraudulenti : You hush.. If I had not had to use my lightning powers I would not have blasted my toes off. I know now not to be standing in water,when using lightning. Hey you were of no help at the time you know. ~ she would cover her mouth and nod before saying in a calm sounding voice
~ Yea my abilities of lightning back there were not as good as yours . well not on land at the time, however I have gotten much better and can out strike you any day and at least I knew better then to be standing in water when using lightning. Also if you had done as I had instructed you to do back then , and used your storm powers instead of lightning then you would still have your toes. After all with your storm abilities and mine combined we are almost unstoppable. Sure it takes a while to get the winds gathered up and if there are too many trees around it would be a bit harder to use our storm abilities, but back then we had clear open lands and plenty of water on the ground from the morning rain, the ground was almost fully soaked. We could have made a very nice size storm funnel that could have stopped those thieves right in their tracks but you had to show off and call forth your lightning ~ Fraudulenti chuckled then climbed into the carriage and then reached out to pull Aegros in with him.After Aegros had taken her seat she would nod to Vexylla and her grandmother ,assuming they were ready to depart as well. The travel was long and hard on all of them Aegros and Fraudulenti were so happy once they had arrived at the Inn and once everything was in place and the Inn keeper paid, and the guard had taken everything in and stabled the horses they were off walking towards the Castle of Iron.Now even tho Aegros was as graceful as a gazelle and just as agile on land, Fraudulenti wasn’t. He was however rather strong and could kick like a bull could buck. Still with six of his toes
being lost he was rather clumsy. Sometimes this came to his advantage allowing and even enabling him to seemingly stumble out of harms way like a drunkard. This does not always work but for the most part it has helped rather than harmed. Aegros’s and Fraudulenti’s hearing where not unlike Vexylla and her grandmother’s hearing after all it was not uncommon for merfolk to have good hearing even tho the ability to tell pitch of sound was a bit hard. Aergos and Fraudulenti also were like Vexylla's and her grandmother in the same way as  they as well could influence the evolution of sea creatures as well as organisms with in their bodies. Their minds were as well uncontrollable by outwards manipulations, even by magic. There souls were so cursed as were all merfolk souls that not even a reaper would harvest their soul. As they walked along the road Aegros made sure to keep her wits about her making sure to look all about and keep her eyes and ears finely tuned to all around her. Not a leaf would fall that she didn’t hear or even a shadow move that she didn’t see. This was her first time traveling to the Iron Kingdom and making her way to the castle so she wanted to be on her guard. As for Fraudulenti, he stumbled about for a while till he finely got control of his steps and was now walking standing up right like a proper man, or as properly as he could.Even tho his steps were more steady he still had a bit of a hop to each step
February 28, 2018

Daya Autum - 02/28/2018
-Seeming to ignore Fraudulenti’s clumsiness and the subtle attentions of the townsfolk of Iron Morgylla and Vexylla trod on through the streets. Vexylla with her trident in hand walking with it as if it were a long staff. Morgylla however was without a trident having left hers at the Inn. They were not however ignorant of Fraudulenti’s handicap however, and slowed their pace to what seemed good for Fraudulenti and not walk too fast for him. Nor were the ignorant of the attention they were receiving from the townsfolk, rather, they saw far more into the hearts, minds, and even soul of those they passed by than what the townsfolk, if they knew, would not be even remotely comfortable with. Iron was rife with debauchery and corruption, and there were slaves, and even slaves for sale. One slave trader believing he was witnessing a grand opportunity for selling a few slaves at an outlandish price to rich and foolish administrators in long fancy robes stepped in front of them and bowed low in a flamboyant style any salesman would be proud of “My Ladies and Gentleman! Fine and uncommon folk of such nobility such as yourselves ought not to trouble yourselves with the mundane that ought to be performed by those who’s lot it be! Let me, your humble servant be a service. I have, for a small insignificant fee, fine servants both worthy and ready to meet your needs…” The slave merchant was(edited)
about to continue and almost signaled from a few slaves to be brought forth when Vexylla walked to him and took down her hood and glared into his eyes with such violent intent and disgust he almost fell backwards. Black Merfolk have an aura about them, it made many feel like they were prey and the Merfolk were the predator and could cause some fear and concern to those influenced by it. Vexylla’s aura, being disgusted and feeling insulted by the slave merchant, was now almost tangible, as if it was so heavy in the air one could suffocate and be crushed within it. The crowds of people going about their business as well as the slave merchant easily noted the slit pupils of her eyes, and her skin to pale for a human and the dark marking upon her face and around her eyes. The markings and skin tone were unmistakably natural and not make up or paint. Those who saw it wondered what race Vexylla was, some thought that she might be a dragon kin, or even a dragon in human form. Some thought she was a demoness, few imagined a merfolk this far inland and especially not ridding in a fine carriage and wearing fine silk but none having this latest thought were certain despite the tridents and spear. The slave merchant gasping for breath both from the stern glare, odd appearance, and aura of Vexylla, was in retreat thinking, and correctly so, that trying to sell slaves to them was perhaps the deadliest mistake he could have made that day. Vexylla prepared her magic instinctively, shields for physical damage and for magical damage to be placed upon herself, but also to strike
lightning. Morgylla sensing this placed her hand upon Vexylla’s shoulder and whispered into her ear “We are not here for this grand daughter, save your magic and let us go to the castle." Drawing her hood again to cover her head and face Vexylla followed her grandmother to the castle and knocked upon the door that those inside might answer.- (edited)

Dallo5013 - 02/28/2018
Fraudulenti’s steps were not unlike a skip then into a stumble .Falling over towards the left where he would catch him self with his long spear .His spear many mistake for some sort of black rode like cane . His spear had a nice fine gradient that lead into a subtle swoop that jutted into a fine,sharp,point.He tried ever so hard to keep up with the others.He even would force him self to stand up straight and    try  his best to walk at the pace of the others .With a  soft sigh he  would notice that they had  slowed  down  enough that he would be able to keep up with them .  This made him feel   like  he  should have been the one left behind. Just then   he  would  feel a sharp poke  in his left side then a whisper in his opposite ear he would head Aegros whispering ~Aegros: I can feel that . Stop it . You have no right feeling bad for your self . Things happen ,suck it up and move on . You are not slowing us down .Look Vexylla is about to fry someone. ~She smiled then would start to charge  her  lightning  as well . Letting bits of static electricity dance over her long fingernails . She then would  close her hands  once she  saw Morgylla  stopping Vexylla .Fraudulenti would look  back to  Aegros  and smile before nodding to her. ~Fraudlenti : Now is not the time and this is not the place. Aegros keep your blood lust under control.~Aegros grabbed a hold of her hood and pull it down over her eyes .Swiftly she walked off catching back up with the rest of them.
Once she had  caught back up with them she would  hold tightly her trident and would tap the end of it onto the grown letting  her  power  flow  from her hand that was charging up down through her trident into the grown where it would bubble up the grown as it made it’s way towards the man that Vexylla was wanting to teach a lesson.Fraudulenti feeling the power flowing through the grown would swiftly stand between the man and the lightning and would summon it up from the grown into his body where he would ex-spell it out of his fingertips into the closest tree to them the lightning wasn’t enough to be noticed because she didn’t have enough time to summon enough power into her before attacking . It was just enough to make a lout crack sound causing one of the tree limbs to fall off .However if he hadn’t stepped in and taken the power from the grown and into him self that lighten  would have leaped up from the grown and would have s truck the man right between the eyes  killing him instant. The man doesn’t know just how much Fraudulenti wanted to let it happen  but like Morgylla had said this wasn’t what we were here for . So he saved the man’s retched life for the time being . He would not even turn back to look at the man .Instead he would run to catch up with the rest of them as they made their way to the castle . Once there at the castle Fraudulenti and Aegros would let Vexylla and Morgylla take lead and knock up on the door all the wile remaining silent as they would wait for an answer at the gate .

March 2, 2018
Anaya - 03/02/2018
the sound of the door thumping moved her bright blue eyes to the door “mother i think we have guests!” Noki called out as she got up from the chair held onto her red ball and walked over to the doors “dont go to the door Noki it is not safe” sam hissed as he gave a grumble and swatted his hand at her not giving a dam “find Noki go get it but don't be foolish with it will you. Let the guards open the door just tell the guards they can if it is a good guest anyway” Noki nodded her head and trotted off to the doors, Anaya's eyes from the thrones watching her daughter like a hawk the whole time, since Ryus death Anaya had a tight hold on her daughter making sure all was well and right and making sure above all else her daughter was safe in there home, her magic wards were up around the whole castle no darkness could get in here. (aura of prevent evil active, aura of detect alignment active, holy ward ageinst evil active = evil brings with evil or chaotic alignments are hauled at the door and not able to walk inside the building, Dark Sense active from Anaya: once a being gets within 50 feet of the thrones it must say in post if it is made of darkness/demonic/undead or not)
Anaya's eyes watched her little girl, there was a hop to Nokis step that put a smile on her mothers face, a life that Anaya had lost when she aged that youth that untaped beauty that Anaya wanted to keep that way forever. One day Noki would be the queen to replace her, her only liveing daughter born from her body and made life on this world, and a good ruler she would be, soft tender yet stronger then she even new. Noki hoped to the door and opened the latch looking out with one big blue ey, the other eye joined it once she saw the group that was at the door, oh there was a large group at the doors as she pulled the doors open not even minding her mothers warning she opened the doors open fully and looked out standing there “oh, big group, you look from out of town” she looked to the giant fork the one was holding as she tilted her head thinking on why someone would walk around with a giant human fork, well it looked more ornate then the normal forks the humans would have it looked really nice so maybe the people just really liked humanity. “welcome to the iron castle, i am Noki, princess of the castle!” she blurted out with no more even thought of her mothers warning. Anaya's hand creped up Nokis shoulder as Noki shrunk down slightly feeling her mothers grip. “oh, hi mom” Noki said softly as she tryed to be innocent and pure as she shrunk backwords Anaya turning
“Guards let the guests in there weapons can stay at the door they can get them when they leave” Anaya said sternly as she moved with her daughter away from the doors and away from the possible danger of unknown people.  If it was two weeks before now Anaya would not have cared but since the death of her son she had really pulled in the rains of her family taking more acthion personally of keeping them safe. Samuel watched as they came back to the throne and Noki ran over to her father to stand at his flank as his arm went around her.
“dont go to the doors all the time Noki, that is the door guards job, you are a princess girl, act like one” Samuel scolded as Nokis ears droped and her body shrunk slightly to his words.
“yes father i know, i simply was happy to the new guests they don't look like other people, must be from lands far from here, lands all the way across Valeria i cant wait till i am older and i will be able to go see them, explore the world like you and mother” Noki nuzzled her head into sams belly as he did not seem to be phazed by it at all.
“One day you will be my child you will be, but it takes time and if some guest kills you when you stick your head out the door, your big blue eyes wont look nice on someones stick when they get poked out of your head” Noki looked at her father as he said his words and she nodded her head not wanting to hear anymore of it, but she understood well that she had to stop doing this going up to everything and saying hi being nice thing for her own safty, Ryu was killed in the night by something no one was able to name many things could happen to her right there at the door if she was to keep acting before thinking. Anaya smiled at her daughter and moved a hand out to ruffle the girls hair “you can talk to them once they come in, don't worry ” Noki nuzzled her mothers hand as she looked over to the door waiting intently for the doors to fling open and there guests to be welcomed inside.

Xaei DeLaRose - 03/02/2018
It was a slow walk back to Iron, with a heavy purse filled with several thousand in gold, befitting for the Princess that it was meant for, granted to the messenger that would, hopefully, be the middleman for an alliance with the Kingdom, ruled by the Dragoness Anaya. Plenty of the money he'd received was spent, women, boozes and whatever else he had felt like spending it on. It wasn't often one came into such a large fortune after all.
The kingdom was still on lockdown when the man returned, sent to Galandor to check up on the supposed King and Queen, only to be met with the lonely Princess. Now he would report his findings and express the invitation the Frost Elf had given him, to Queen Anaya.
First met with a guard, whom he would briefly explain his situation to and state he needed to speak with her Majesty, his time already up, urgently. The guard, standing tall and proud in his finely set armour, proceeded to try get the Queen's attention, briefly from the recently arrived guests.

JesterKimonHravart - 03/02/2018
Nidar the newly appointed bard for Iron for his annoying playing and beautiful music would awaken in the local tavern, a smirk on his face as he pushes off a woman from the room he had bought for the night, he steps over another two and giggles lightly to himself as he collects his clothing. He would put his pants back on then slings his shirt over his shoulder as he makes his way down the stairs he smiles at the barmaid throwing a little pouch with a few various coins gold silver and bronze. He leaves the bar whistling a jaunty tune a skip in his step as his hangover fades. He would slowly make his way to the castle the wind blowing his white hair about wildly but today was a good day and Nidar was sure of it.
He would stop half way as he sees an old woman struggling with some groceries, he begins to walk backwards while talking to the old dear and offers to help her which at first she didn't think it would be a good idea to trust a half naked man but she needed the help. He takes the basket with different fruits and vegetables in it. He would walk back into time while making small talk it was good to finally start talking to the local people getting to know them and what goes on around the village. The old woman stops at her home and smiles thanking  Nidar for helping her she would give him a red apple then goes indoors. Nidar would smirk throwing the apple up in the air and catching it as he would begin his trek back to the castle, he takes in the sights enjoying it finally a place to settle down for him. Makes a change considering he normally just wandering alone, he sees the castle is now in eye sight a big smile would grow on his face as he starts to speed up his walk getting excited.
Once he had made it to the castle a smile grows on his face, he would walk up to the doors and throws the apple up in the air and opens his mouth catching it then bites into it with a crunch as he steps in looking around. Something catches his eye as he sees a man in a fancy set of armour must be a meeting happening. He finishes the apple core and all as he summons his water violin as his bare feet would slap against the floor, he stops against a pillar while staying in it's shadow he would being to play a soft song filling the room with a happy melody which would soothe the angriest of creatures.
March 3, 2018

Daya Autum - 03/03/2018
-The spoken words within the castle were easily heard by the unique hearing of the merfolk standing outside the door as the voices seeped through the cracks and even through the large door. The Auras present were naked before their minds, stained with a mothers sad and angered purpose of protective love, and unmistakably, that of a gold dragon. The voices they heard were echoing with the cares and hues of the souls of whom’s voice they were. One, full of life innocence and youth, another full of secret plots and dreams of glory to vanquish past shame and pain concealed in a hiss. The opening door brought into view what they were hearing to the eyes of the Black Merfolk. Even more striking than the temptation to summon a kraken to rip Samuel apart and watch him wriggle his last before his carcass dropped to sea floor were the blue eyes of Noki. Behind those eyes a soul capable of leading the world out of it’s current darkness and chaos, the merfolk themselves were powerless to
do so, even Grontis was ultimately not the one for only a gold dragon could teach the mortal races properly and here before them was a prime candidate. While Vexylla was tempted to focus upon Samuel with bloodlust Morgylla was tempted to focus upon Noki with a desire to whisk her straightaway to Grontis that she might fulfill the most perfect of dreams for the world. But it was to Anaya they must, and did focus in hope that they might obtain either knowledge of, or the tablet itself. Morgylla nodded to Vexylla and the others to leave their spear and tridents of kraken beak by the door before speaking. “Greetings Princess, I am well pleased to have met you. We are indeed from a place far away, but we are not from lands.” Morgylla sweeps her hood from her face and head with her hands tipped with long hard and sharp black claws for nails to reveal herself to the court. “We are Black Merfolk from the darkest abyss of the ocean, and we come in peace seeking to
vanquish a most evil item that has formerly brought danger to this Kingdom in hopes that it will not do so again to either your kingdom, or any other kingdom. We were sent by the Leviathan himself to deal with this evil artifact of Nurell.” Vexylla after leaving her trident lowered her hood in like manner and stood beside her grandmother toying easily with the magic she had prepared letting it remain but neither strengthening it nor diminishing it. She was successful in not staring or giving an outward sign towards Samuel though she could not help but take note of him and her bloodlust against him. Gesturing to Vexylla and the others Morgylla introduced them. “This is my grand daughter and prodigy Vexylla, and these are Aregos and Fruadulenti, and I, am Morgylla Daughter of Ylla the white mermaid sent directly from the high gods themselves. I seek to speak with you Anaya more on this tablet that was discovered by the Autum Monarch Daya Autum that I might bring it to the Leviathan, for it can not be destroyed lest it pop up again to trouble you.” Morgylla waited patiently for a response.-


March 4, 2018
Dallo5013 - 03/04/2018
Neither Fraudulenti or Aegros spoke a word, they merely nodded to the voice and would walk to the closest wall near the door were they would lay their weapons against it. As Fraudulenti would place his spear with Aegros’s trident she would look to him as if to ask what he will use to help him walk . however shortly there after letting loose of his spear he would then stand up right in such a manner befitting nobility. His steps would be more steady and without faltering or wavering and walk as if there were not a thing wrong with him. Aegros followed him with her usual graceful steps. As they both walked in through the large gates they would sweep back their hoods to uncover their heads so as not to seem as if they were hiding anything. All the while they made sure to look about the place noticing the wards and seals about the place. Their eyes were very adept at seeing all sorts of spells and traps, however these did not alarm them not in the slightest as they were not there for any sort of fight. They were only there to retrieve that which they were sent for. Aegros and Fraudulenti kept quiet letting Morgylla do all the speaking and the two of them would keep their wits about them  making sure to notice every movement that Vexylla would make, as well every movement and change in temperament our hostess and her kind would have making sure that nothing would escape their knowledge.
March 7, 2018

Pinky - 03/07/2018
-    The death of her brother burn deep in her and though she was grateful for her new friends she still sought to take revenge  perhaps this would be considered petty but pinky felt she had to face that witch took her last blood relative . she waited till night had falling and gathered up a few things one a couple sacks to carry it corps back and two she had ask the wizard In the castle for something to test the blood  for the toxins that killed her brother so she would know if it were the right beast . Then with just the dagger she carried on her belt she headed off in the night to find one of the beast that took her brother from her.  When she had walked in to the forest she went to the spot where she had seen the torn remains of her dear brother. A soft sigh had left her lips as she knew that the demon inside her had token much control long before the beast had killed him. In a way the beast had realest what was left of her brothers soul … but still the beast feed on her brother and took him from her. Perhaps this was selfish in pinky but she wanted to return that witch the beast did to her brother. The air in the night was cool and there was a soft breezes it ran softly though pinky’s long flowing pinky hair. As if to add to the creepiness of the quiet and stillness of the forest night. Pinky did not dress in a cloak nor bother to hide in the darkness no she wanted the beast to find her and it was not long before the pack had. It walked around her and circled her as if it knew what she had come for. As this beast stood out from the rest of the pack it challenge pinky . the others sat in a wide circle just watching. Perhaps waiting for some pink haired meat. The beast before her snarled and growled as it did pinky pulled out her dagger.
Pinky though she heard the beast laugh and to this pinky remarked “ I bring all that I need to make the fight equal” the beast let out a grow and then seem to smirk at the words pinky said. He then lunged at her as if to aim himself at pinky’s neck. Pinky lean down and rolled her body under the beast as it leaped she then stood up on the other side of the beast as it then turn around. Being limber and highly agile pinky movements were very fast  and skilled as what she lacked in strength she made up for in dexterity. The beast smirked again as if now seeing that this little pink hair elf was going to be more then a fast meal. Her let out a loud growl and darted at pinky once more this time her leap at a tree near by and though his body at her. As he did pinky was pushed down but she rolled again back to her feet before the beast could get a hold of her. She heard him snarl in displeasure  as he rise and circle around her again. Pinky would not take her eye off the beast as it did so and she often jab her dagger tords the beast her return with a growl “you thought I be a easy kill” she say as the beast again lunged at her his claws now open and ready to slice her skin. Pinky held out her  dagger as he did and she drived her dagger into the side of the beast as she turn and moved herself away from his claws.
The blood dripped from the beast as it landed on the ground and turn to face pinky again. He then open his mouth wide and as he did pinky raised her hand she knew her fire would do no good in a attack but she would not use her flame to do so still she though this was not useless as she then let the fire twirl around her body in a fast tornado like motion this shielded her body fro the toxins he beast spit out from its mouth. When the beast gave up on spitting the toxins pinky drop her flame shield and prepared for the beast next attack and it again lung at her this time taking the low ground as it did pinky would leap in the air letting her body twirl and her hand with her dagger would jab the dagger into the beast’s back cutting a nice deep and long gash into the beast . the beast would let out a painful yip and turn again to face pinky. Its fur would now be standing on in as it was more then mad . pinky on the other hand was breaking sweet and holding firm she was not about to walk out of the forest with out a dead beast in her sack even if she had to kill the hole pack she thought of this as she took a look around noting that the other beast were still sitting there watching .
the beast saws pinky looking at the others of his pack and took this time to lunged at her in a leap as he thought she was distracted. He was too late to find out that pinky was not distracted in the lest and as he leaped up pinky drove her dagger in to the beast’s neck his cutting in to his air. He would now gasp for air and feel the blood dripping into his lungs though he was still determined as pinky was to win. He would turn once again and look pinky into the eyes then with the last of his strength he ran at pinky opening his mouth wide and before the toxins could lodge from his lips pinky jump in to the air now with both hands on the dagger and her land on the beast’s back and drive the dagger into the beast’s skull this lead to the beast breathing his last gasp of air then with pinky on his back still he fell lifeless to the ground. Pinky was quick to stand up and ready herself for the other beast to attract but to her surprise they all just got up calmly and walked away back into the deep forest. Pinky did no know  what to think of this but she but with a shrug she tested the creatures blood. It sadden her when it was not a match still she was not about to leave this creature to rot in the forest.
She turn to her trophy and pull out her sack carefully dragging the dead beast and putting him in the sack  seem to be harder then the battle was but she managed it. She then drug the sack behind her and to the castle. Taking it to the hearth in the kitchen she start to with thick and protective gloves clean the skins from the body of the beast . when done she placed the meat in the cauldron and left it to the cooks who made her feel so very at home ,they were happy to have the meat .she  spent many nights in the kitchen tanning the hide of the beast. this taking her a few days as she had never done so before but finding the right book in the vast library of the castle helped her tremendously . the end result looked not to bad as she had fully clean the skin of its fat and made a nice  fur cloth as it was salted and dried. Though she was sadden that the creatures blood was not toxic like that of what killed her brother. She did not feel greatly bad as the beast did challenged her. “kill or be killed “ she mumbled to herself as she rubbed her hand along the fur. She then gathered the skin and made her way out kitchen and through the garden as she hope to hang the skin in the open air for a bit as to get just a bit of the odder of the tanning proses out of it .
March 12, 2018

Kaos - 03/12/2018
Down in the local jail, Jace sat waving his feet off his bed talking to a small mouse that ate some food scraps he had sat out. The bars rattled open, "Time served. Get out...and keep your robes closed this time." Jace would leap to his feet, "Farewell, Reginold." He pat the rat, "What of Mr. Slice?" Th3 guard blinked, "Uhhh...maybe a bit later." His expression changed as he stormed out. He began his direct path to the castle, "Mr. Slice is...MINEEE" he turned his head yelling down the town as he was moving along the path. Once at the gates he wildly clamored up and over the wall and stormed his way in, pouting as a child would as he planted himself infront of the thrones and folded his arms. Waiting for someone to come by and acknowledge him. His cheeks puffed as if he held his breath. His normal bouncy and random personality overtaken by some unseen dark rain cloud.
March 13, 2018

Anaya - 03/13/2018
Noki moved back to her mother pushing her face into her mothers chest as Anaya's arms wraped around her body tenderly and protectively holding her as the doors opened and Anaya could see the guests that all walked into the castle, there were on one side a group of strangers clumped up together, then on the other side a man hauling large bags lightly clanking as he moved and Nidar the newly appointed bard, then at the back that one male from before she had met about his weapon he was yabbering about and then walking right up to her feet as she stood and planting himself there like he was a worthless stuck up child. Even noki looked at him like he was a rude insignificant cur. Noki put her nose into the air and Anaya did not even give him a second look there eyes avoided him and his sulking about whatever it was and they looked over them at the remainder of the group that had walked in. Big group all at once oh boy she was going to be in for a day for sure. “come forth the first in the door and state your case” a guard stated loudly as he stood at the side of the iron throne and Anaya stayed standing and holding her daughter “Mother can i see them” Noki asked looking at the people that came in and said they were from far away. She seemed to have liked that group for some reason, Anaya did not get it. Samuels eyes watched them all as he took a step closer to his daughter and mate being protective over them the looks they gave him put him on edge and it simply made him want to be more protective over his family and bloodline.
March 14, 2018

Daya Autum - 03/14/2018
-It did not take long for Morgylla and Vexylla to recognize the pain of the loss of a child in Anaya's soul, Samuel however was more complicated as he was to them a fine catch for a kill with the evil, cruelty and vanity he has engaged in especially with the liberties he took with slaves and their demise. Nor did it take long to connect the dots in regards with the nature of the wards a gold dragon, obviously Anaya, had placed over the castle. Her soul feared for her daughter’s life at the hands of something most dark. The fact that dark forces not endorsed by the Leviathan may be at work to destroy Noki was apparent to them. Their response was to prepare magic, Vexylla furthered her offensive lightning and shields against physical and magical harm with the intention, which could be changed, to shield the princess. Morgylla did the same but for her part prepared shock and physical protection with the changeable intention and target of Anaya whom she deemed may throw herself in sacrifice to shield
Noki if it came down to it. They gave no outward sign of this preparation nor would it be obvious even to most keen of magical sensory, but very fluid and subtle of currents of magical power hidden in the toxic and unsearchable soul of a mermaid. Morgylla wondered what conspiracy might be at work, and, if whatever dark power was behind the assassination might seek the death of Noki for the same reason Morgylla sought to influence her for the restoration of the world. Vexylla sensed this as well, but had not dwelt upon it as much as Morgylla did until now. While the other guests were not disregarded by class to them, nor even the servant as merfolk did not even recognize such things, dark clouds over certain guests grabbed attention from them and they took note. Instincts took over, much like a predator seeks out the hunting grounds of the predator they seek to hunt. The merfolk would, at least while in Iron, in the presence of Noki wait for an assassin to reveal themselves, for they could sense murderous intent in the very soul before they make their move and by their
Daya Autum - 03/14/2018
estimation, the next assassin would not be a dark creature but one who could slip past Anaya’s aura’s. Having introduced herself and her company already, Morgylla sought to put Anaya at ease. “ I sense a dreadful fear within you Anaya, it is one that we share for my great grand daughter, daughter of Vexylla, was killed not long ago. If it is an evil darkness that has come for your children, would it not be for us, those who were created by the highest gods to punish, to destroy it should we encounter it? You know our purpose, and that no bribe nor threat nor seduction nor manipulation shall have effect upon us to work evil against you. Your breed has a purpose of the utmost importance to this world even if it is while most honorable not deemed highly among you as it is not as glorious or stately as riches and domination. Fear not Anaya, we come in peace and whilst we are here we can only but add to the security of your daughter. Perhaps, if you will give us audience on the mater of this tablet of Nurell the princess might wish to join us. It could only add to her knowledge of the world and help prepare her for her life ahead.”

Dallo5013 - 03/14/2018
-Aegros looked over at Fraudulenti, then nodded to him before looking at the small Noki.A graceful smile would sweep over her lips as she looked at the small child nestled there in her mother's arms. Aegros's face looked so peaceful and warm as a gentle motherly soul would be shown. however deep within she was more concerned for the safety of the child and would not let it be known that she, herself was preparing her lightning starting to charge it as well even preparing some shields of her own which could be used if it were needed to shield the child. Aegros would do anything to protect her own child and seeing how important this child is to the cause she would as well do what is needed to protect this child as well. Fraudulenti knowing that look on Aegros's face would he himself start to prepare his lightning as well. Fraudulenti's outwards appearance had not changed at all he looked as if he were just a nobleman standing there with nothing to say other then a graceful nod agreeing to what had been said by his colleagues. His movements were so subtle that no one would even notice that he was looking the place over. Making sure to note the way everyone was acting and how the child reacted to everyone in the room. Fraudulenti knows that she is an innocent and he as well would do what was needed to keep her safe.-
March 15, 2018

Anaya - 03/15/2018
Anaya's arms stayed around her daughter for a second and the air around the castle one could feel was heavy but then got a tad lighter like a wait was lifted off the shoulders of others here. She let her arms loosen as Noki nuzzled her face into her mother and Anaya leaned down to rub her porcelain cheek against her daughters “you may play with them, but be careful” Anaya said softly as she opened her arms Noki hugging her mother tightly as she nuzzled more into Anaya's mid segment and then turned and trotted over to there guests. She went to the leader the one that had announced herself to mean no harm as. Noki walked up right before the female and bowed her head a little “hi there, so were do you come from? You said you were from far away, and what tablet, mother?” she turned around her bright blue eyes looking at Anaya. “a maid found some tablet with words on it stashed in the wall a while ago right, and they put it in your study , should Ryu.......should i go get it?” she sounded so sad with the last words that left her lips as she forced a smile on her face to cover up the still lingering pain and the fact she would have to get used to her brother simply not being there.
“No my daughter you keep to the guests, Samuel go fetch the tablet and bring it here immediately” Sam nodded his head and giving the people there one last look he moved turning his back and walking off to  a set of back doors to get to Anaya's privet study. Samuel walked into the room and knowing it was on the back shelf he picked the slab of stone up in his hands lifting it was it was a piece of paper. And tucking it under his arm not even giving the cursed item the time of day to draw his attention. His face looked almost sickened at it as he held it under his arm, such a discussing thing this was it would be great for it to be out of the castle and he would stop smelling its dark stink. He was one of evil intent for sure but even this, this was something else a demon tablet placed in the blood of the Innocent so the smell sank in, there was nothing on this world that could make that smell go away. He let out a breath as he turned around picking up a paper marked with Anaya's name and stuffing it in his coat pocket. He then walked away and walked back out into the main hall with the stone slab under his arm.  “here it is Anaya, the only tablet we hold that hosts a demonic blood aura” his eyes moved over to the group and the leading female “be sure to take this out of the castle, i and my mate have grown sick of feeling its pulse in our home” he took the stone slab out form under his arm as he held it out so the people could take it from him.
Anaya watched the goings on of the group of people as she nodded her head to her mates words. He was not being malice towards them he was simply being such a way due to the tablets influence as it made them all on edge. “your tablet of the blood god was found about three weeks ago by a maid of the castle, they brought its cursed stone hide to me and i placed it in my study, as long as you remove it from this castle and take it out of my lands once done with it i am fine with you taking it. Wall i have had it, i have taken the time to look into it, it is a cursed item soaked in the blood of thousands of Innocent lives over many many generations, don't place it upon the ground or its darkness will seep into the soil and pollute the land, it would cost me quite a bit of taxing power to revert that kind of damage. And for my pain, it is not of your concern for the time being, my daughter shall be staying at this castle till she ages and is better able to protect herself, she has not learned enough of her powers as of yet to be able to properly fight if so so needs to and the beings outside of my wards it is unknown how strong some of them truly are.”  to much rested on nokis life now or Anaya to let her treasured child out of her line of view, not only was Noki Anaya's last child she was the last born heir to the crown, if Anaya ost her she would be forced into having more children and in that she did not want to do, the time it took to have the two she did was enough and the risks for dragons was growing as time went on and there was even word of dragon hunters in the lands, in her own lands. So there was no way Anaya was letting Noki go out even if people said she would be in safe hands she was safest with her mother.
Noki did not say a word to her mothers order to her to stay here, she understood her mothers protective nature and since her brother died Noki knew that she had to stay here and be safe and not end up like Ryu had. Nokis bright blue eyes looked over to the leader woman “it is alright, i am happy at the castle and mother said i am to stay witch i should since brother di...since brother it has been all hands on deck here so it is safest here for me and my family, and i have to keep them safe to, if i was gone and left mother would fall apart dealing with fathers bickering, i keep her safe to” she gave a childish Innocent smile as she looked over her shoulder red hair falling in her face as she smiled to Anaya and Anaya's heart melted at her daughters simple Innocent bliss and royal nature of taking care of her mother just as her mother did her. Anaya nodded to Noki as Noki smiled and looked back at the lady her blue eyes spanning the female and group up and down learning about them and the odd things they had with them.
  Rose Has Thorns Part 3 - Spring Rains Fire - Page 3 Giphy

Xaei DeLaRose - 03/15/2018
The guard was distratracted for a short while, as he watched the guests enter, while the Queen and her Daughter talked between themselves, showing the affection he would have his own daughter, were he still allowed to see her, if not for his disgruntled wife and their ruined marriage. After sighing softly to himself, Damora, the man, leant in slightly toward the Queen's throne so that she might hear his discreet words. "Your Highness, I bring word from Galandor. Aside from Princess Relia, who shortly arrived after I did, no one lives there, the place was completely abandoned, I even found a note from her parents, saying they were sorry for leaving but did not give a reason why." He'd say in a soft tone, before offering the fragile piece of paper that had written upon it, the neat hand writing of the once King of Galandor. "The Princess sent me back, with a large satchel of gold, the rest (half) of which I give unto you, and an invitation for you, my Queen, an offer of alliance from the Princess of Galandor." He'd finished saying, clearing his throat once he stood up straight.
March 18, 2018

Daya Autum - 03/18/2018
“Oh we would not wish to remove her from your presence so soon Anaya, merely that she attend any audience we gain with you.I sense that she might do great things for our world, and if she chooses to follow such a path, perhaps we might aid her. But for now of course she must remain with you.” Morgylla replied while Samuel retrieved the cursed object. The stench of the blood of the innocents swelled a passion to murder the architects of the tablet within Vexylla and Morgylla. They looked to Samuel, and more so the slab of stone strangely with a stare to turn ones blood to ice. As they listened to Anaya  explained how it was found and it’s nature.Vexylla reached forth to take the tablet from Samuel and explained to him. - This, thing rouses us  greatly. I feel compelled to find those who made it and take them alive to the bottom of the sea and set their mouths upon tubes that emit air that they might starve to death in pressures and cold and darkness intolerable to them till the crabs upon the sea floor remove their flesh and leave their skeletons and souls in the darkness of the abyss for all eternity under the maw of the Leviathan.Are we not a race of punishers created by the gods for such a purpose? -Vexylla’s silver eyes flashed like cold glowing embers of a primordial fire only known to Merfolk. But in her expressions her impassioned bloodlust was clearly not towards Samuel anymore. -Forgive me if I have startled you or your daughter, or Anaya, but such evil stirs us to the purposes that we were made.- Morgylla turns from the tablet slowly towards Anaya, clearly restraining herself from a similar
expression. - As vile as this thing is, I am uncertain that it is the tablet that we seek. I have heard of blood gods before, but I have never heard of Nurell being called such. The nature of the tablet we seek is such that it drives mortals insane who read it for it forces their minds to accept a false doctrine of predestined eternal slavery for them as absolute truth. So harsh are the doctrine and magics used that the mind is broken. It is used to enslave the mortal races to fallen gods. From what intelligence I have heard, a cult that troubled you had this tablet before it was discovered by the Autum Monarch here in Iron.I have had, some dealings in the past with former Autum Monarchs. They are not a foolish lot, I find it difficult to imagine that the current Monarch would leave such a thing in a wall where a maid could find it accidentally, however, I have never met the current one so it is impossible for me to know for certain. I sent missives while at Rose Lake to the Autum Monarch a few months ago requesting what became of the tablet but have thus far regrettably not heard back. May I see where this, thing, was discovered?” As Morgylla spoke, Vexylla gazed upon the stone in her pale hands, and strangely, could not look into it’s mysteries as her long hard and sharp black nails scratched over it’s sickening surface. Only an artifact of the gods could be beyond her, and she knew it. Furthermore, her rationality began to slip, for she wondered why Anaya bought them the wrong tablet. She yet realized Anaya had no way of knowing whether this was the tablet they sought or
not, and yet she kept wondering why. Morgylla with a mothers instincts turned to Vexylla and Vexylla only looked to Morgylla with eyes she did not recognize as being her usual mindful self as Vexylla whispered to her in a strangely aggressive tone, not like a menfolk's bloodlust, but more like those who dwell on land.-it’s, cursed strangely, beyond our sight and power.Why did Anaya bring this, thing, to us?” Morgylla looked to the stone, and she, like her grand daughter only saw evil, but no details as to it’s nature and intent. Morgylla, having spent her life punishing evil, having been taught and trained by the god Leviathan herself, having dealt with evil artifacts before, was unwilling to allow her grand daughter to remain in contact with the tablet. She withdrew a bag of gold and dumped it’s coins from the earliest of civilizations upon the floor letting them chime upon the stone not caring where they landed and pressed the opening of the sack over the tablet and took it from Vexylla, not touching it herself and held the sack empty of gold and containing the tablet from it’s drawstring and gently held Vexylla by her shoulders. “Vexylla, you have come into contact with the work of demon gods, what do you feel?” Vexylla shook her head and gazed into her grandmothers eyes -I, could not remember or imagine why Anaya had brought this to us, I knew we asked for a tablet, but my mind sought occasion to think ill of her for simply trying to comply with our own request.- Morgylla nodded and squeezed her grand daughters shoulders to reassure her. “You had no way of knowing, and having only held it briefly should recover, but if you
suffer anything else strange, tell me immediately. While we can guess a few things, we do not know for certain it’s true nature nor will we have power over it’s effects.” Morgylla letting go of Vexylla’s shoulders turned to Anaya and addressed her. “This object, while it may not be the one we seek, we can remove it from this kingdom and take it to the Leviathan who will have power over it and know what should be done with it. But, the tablet we seek, is perhaps yet more destructive and dangerous for you as it will raise your own subjects against you and enslave their minds to fallen gods. The Autum Monarch would not likely have taken this tablet with her as she has more than her share of such troubles where she is. At this moment, there is a ruler out at sea who is expecting this tablet and in the Inn we stay at their are drivers and guards we hired that wish to betray us and take the tablet to him. We allowed them to take us so that those who hired them would not send others we might not be aware of, given we know these two, we can easily fool them and slay them for their betrayal when we get the tablet and leave for the sea by way of your river thus giving those who seek it for nefarious purposes the slip. So we are not alone in thinking it might be here.  Let us disscuss where the Autum may have hidden it.
March 21, 2018

Dallo5013 - 03/21/2018
~ There lies within every mermaid and merman a harmonious balance that was carefully set in place by the Devin. This is a balance that is so pure in it's making that it is said to be incorruptible. The merfolk soul is simply not made of light and darkness, but rather that which manifests such things. The merfolk mind, while far more similar to other races than their souls, is neither fully good nor fully evil and reflects the balanced nature of their souls.  Yet Fraudulenti noticed that Vexylla upon taking a hold of the tablet, the harmonious balance seen in her aura became slightly blurred. Fraudulenti was sure that Morgylla herself had noticed the slight change in Vexylla as well and that must have been the reason she didn't touch the tablet but instead placed it in a sack. ~Fraudulenti: This tablet, it has an aura about it. The tablet we seek was said to not be cursed but to cause a curse upon whomever would read it. They would fall into a desperate sense of despair and would be, I am not sure how it was fully described to me. Yet it has something to do with corrupting the mind of the reader and that like minded listening to it being read to go insane and become enslaved of sorts. further more it is also said that this is the tablet that contains the faulted wisdom of Nurell. This wisdom in its self is said to be the curse. not the tablet. so I am unsure of the tablet that you have given us. for like you have said to use there is a curse upon it . and I have seen the aura thereof.~Aegros turned to look at Fraudulenti and nodded for she had also seen the aura and the slight chance in Vexylla upon holding the tablet. ~

Anaya - 03/21/2018
as she stood there watching Noki and watching Sam hand over the tablet, Samuel was not affected by it, Anaya new the reason, she knew exactly what it was but she wanted it gone more then she wanted someone else to say no and keep it here so she made the choice to not talk on it. As the leader female talked on the Leviathan Anaya's teeth girted back and forth loud enough so that good ears could hear the grind. That name alone made her hair stand on end and it was the only known being in this world she could not touch, she could not remove from this plan herself and if it wanted it it could bat her away without a thought. “that tablet is the only evil item found or felt in this hall, and a item with any curse placed upon it i would know about as i would feel it in my halls. If there was another tablet here it is not here any longer, maybe it was stolen, there has been a lot of disturbing actions to the halls as of late and there has been a bad case of robbers in town. There was a couple that came in here not long ago a days time ago, that said there whole shop was robed by people that said they were, hauling out the good stuff, in three days time. That is in two days from now, if they had your item it would be in the good stuff i would believe all carts and provisions haul out from the stable stock yards every morning at dawn, so i would check there, but that place is highly guarded by the crown and really a poor choice for robbers, so they may be
using another way to exit the town. There are a couple of back roads that are not watched overly well. ” Noki looked to her mother and then at the people and then turned around and ran back to mom running right into her and warping her arms around her wanting to go catch the bad guys. Anaya could feel her daughters wanting her longings to be free of the stone walls here at the castle and it pained the dragons heart to clip her daughters wing as she had to in this time “when you get older we will go out together and get some fresh air and i will teach you more on hunting. Or maybe your father can take you down to town today or tomorrow to get the order of beef from the farm hands ” Noki nodded happily as she tightened her grip around her mother and Anaya moved her arms around her child running her fingers into Nokis red hair enjoying the look her daughter had at last picked for herself, red did suit her “alright mother and i would like that for father and i, no one would hurt me if he is around” she gave a big smile
as Samuel messed up her hair and gave a chuckle at her words, witch in the truth if things was true no one bugged him when he went out, for the most part people knew better then to mess with a wyvern that had all the crowns pardons for killing people at random. some of the pardons he made himself for other people. Anaya's eyes looked back to the merfolk her now want for them to be gone a bit stronger then it was before, but they were here in good reason so maybe they did not know the currant forever standing hate there god and the dragons had, Anaya being from the same bloodline as the original that fucked over the leviathans whole world so badly he gave a bloodline curse to them. Well she was not going to step into water for the merpeople to find out anytime soon and it did not look like it was going to rain, so if they did not know, they would not find out unless she was asked, and even then she would avoid that like the plague. “but you may remove that tablet you hold as you see fit the farther it is from here the better, and i rather it in your hands and far from here then the hands of my towns people and the cultists that will use it for unknown evil actions. And if it is used for such things and brought back i know were it was and who the culprit of the actions would be. It is better with someone i know then out in the areas of unknown.”   she gave a nod as she looked at her daughter once and then back up “and i would not advise giving it to your god the leviathan,  it is well known in that beings longing want for collecting cursed items and using them in, unsavoury ways to fill the seas with the dead or torment the lives of the ones on land. It would be best to stash it away out of its grasp so it does not use it to play with your people or tear others apart with it. ”

Daya Autum - 03/23/2018
-Neither Morgylla nor Vexylla needed the sound of the grinding of teeth which their ears certainly sensed to detect Anaya’s anger at the mention of the Leviathan. Thier judgement was that while the fear he inspired was not misplaced, it could give clues to the mindset of those they were dealing with. The dragon mind they reasoned was not immune to fear and it clouded judgment in them. Morgylla was well practiced in using the one thing a powerful dragon feared to get a sense of the limitations of a dragons mind due to what they feared, Morgylla predicted, she would think ill of the Leviathan and not understand his true purposes. A conclusion she would deem verified latter as Anaya spoke of not giving the tablets to the Leviathan. . But her mentioning the Leviathan was not only a trick from an experienced mermaid to gauge those she was dealing with, nor to torment her or knock her off her high horse, but rather one of honesty to impress upon her that their intentions were just and true. For if she was forthright in their intentions, it would go far in how Anaya might trust them. Samuel however, as Morgylla could see all to well, would only view such honesty as foolishness. A factor she would use to her advantage as well, for she thought it highly unlikely that the Autum Monarch would have hidden it where few would see it, let alone be able to get it, and doubtless Samuel was one such creature who lacked the integrity to keep it safe rather than for his own purposes. If it was that he was guilty, then it was easier for one judged a fool to outwit one such as him, than one judged wise. If innocent of this crime at least, then easier it would be to discover as well. Both Vexylla’s and Morgylla’s hearts sank with Anaya’s claim that there was no other cursed item within her halls, the discovering of the tablet they held no doubt had lifted any shroud which might have clouded her ability to sense it.(edited)
Nor would have an Autum Monarch left such an item anywhere else in Iron. The only conclusion they could see was that Anaya must be right, someone had stolen it. Vexylla in her youth first learned from her grandmother, and while her skill and speed she had yet to match, she was not far behind her and her mind had caught up with her tactics having learned them as a student. Morgylla pauses breathing out, it was subtle indication that she knew Vexylla would have correctly seen what she had just done and was letting her take the lead. - If the tablet we seek is not here in your halls, then we must seek for it in town. Thank you for the intelligence you have given. It may be that whomever stole it intends for us to find it, planning on using us to get it out of town, and then letting our traitor drivers take it from us once we are far away and make their delivery. What we have told you concerning our two twin drivers, must remain a secret, we shall deal with them. For now we need to let them be, for if the thieves plans are indeed to use us as a means to get the tablet out of Iron, then if we kill them or imprison them now those who currently have the tablet will not let us find it. Once we have the tablet, then those two shall be turned into naught but a scorch mark and trouble no one and we shall take the tablet, and the one you have delivered to us, to where neither shall trouble any no more. -Vexylla tapped her black lip with the long claw-nail of her right forefinger in thought and gazed again to Anaya, deliberately keeping Samuel out of view lest she be distracted from her mission and think upon how to ensnare him for punishment.- It would be wise to have a spy keep an eye upon the drivers who brought us in the carriage. If our purposes benefit you and you are willing, it would be far better if you could arrange for a talented
spy to do this, with orders to not let them out of the city at any cost. We are able to pay for the hire, but you would be able to find the best spy for this, while we ourselves would only tip them off if we tried to recruit such a one ourselves or never let them out of our own sight. It would also free us to pursue this other tablet with the clues you have provided with more haste, and take both from your presence all the sooner. I believe our purpose to be acceptable to you, and there is naught we know that we wish to hide, have the spy report to both us and yourself. We are merfolk, we are those among the incorruptible, our race was made by the gods themselves for the good of this world, why even Lorraine had a hand in our creation and we have not deviated from their design. - As Vexylla spoke Morgylla looked to Noki with hope and favor, and not willing to let what see saw as a faint hope of a better future spoke again “My apologies if I have upset you Anaya, I only wished to be as honest and forthcoming as I could. I am many times older as even yourself, and was witness to many things now legend. I can only tell you that these tablets, should we be successful, shall never do evil again. As for your Noki, I am forbidden to teach mortal races, however, I am able to assist her, gold dragons were not placed here for naught and despite certain unpleasant events of long ago, that purpose has not been voided. Noki, while you may be kept safe here until you are older I have a question for you to contemplate. Which ruling dragon is greater? One has treasure beyond imagination, and while it’s subjects are unworthy for naught but the dungeon it lives grandly with nothing it can not have for it’s pleasure. The other has just enough riches for what is needed to secure it’s kingdom, but has the wisdom to teach and inspire it’s people to become as pure in heart as the goddess Loraine and as wise as any god. Which dragon is greater?”-(edited)
April 2, 2018



Anaya - 04/02/2018
Anaya watched them as they talked, talked about drivers that were backstabbers and getting a spy and talk about gods and the leviathan, she let out a breath as in all reality the merfolk knew very little of what was outside of there world, they only knew what they were told and in the end what need would a merfolk on the knowledge of a dragon all the way out in the main land forbidden from walking to the sea or touching the waters at all.  They were showing there pride and also trying to be diplomatic but in the end it was growing on Anaya's nerve. But the people were the people and they were only how they were made and it was a pity they were made by such evil.  “the spy you wish will be in the form of a bar wench, your drivers are male it will suit there needs, she will keep them at the caravan and then in the guest rooms wall you and your people do what you need to get done down in town. Be knowing that people from the sea are not overly liked and you may see fins in shops strung up as some fishers who hunt your people sell there stock here knowing it is not against the law.” Samuel moved and placed his hand around Anaya's waist line being able to feel the anger within her at the simple words of  the being that cursed her blood line. Sams eyes looked at the merfolk and he gave a trying to be nice smile “your needs will be taken care of but i ask you kindly to find rest within
the inn down in town.”  he wanted to be harsh about it and just tell them to get there people out of his home as the one they worshiped was the one that ruined her whole world and made her life hell, the leviathan was the ruler of the sea, Anaya the dragon of the lands and sky, even if she did not rule as she should. but he had to keep things more diplomatic for the time being seeing that there daughter was around and Noki seemed to like this people and they liked her. Noki had paused as she looked at her mother and father and thought over what the people had asked, what dragon was greater. Well in her mind the greatest dragon ever was her mother and her mother cared more for knowlage then she did the gold she spent like it was worthless.
“the dragon that is the greatest is the dragon that cares for the ones it rules over, it is the dragon that watches out for the world and upholds its job, like mother upholds her job to care for her people and remove evil from the world. Treasure and that stuff mean nothing if you have no one to share it with. We have giant spiders that guard the treasure under the castle there is a big hole in the back of the castle were they go in and out, i don't go down there but it is my gold to, i help with some of the paper work sometimes and help give gold to rebuild broken parts of town and help that shop owner that was robbed” Anaya moved her hand to mess up her daughters hair as she smiled at Nokis innocence, one day the girl would grow up and be a great ruler, and take over Anayas place in this world one day Noki would be the mother of light after Anaya passed away and went home. She gave a smile as she looked to her little one
“Noki it is almost going to be meal time, go get some food and i will join you, the cook said earlier he made rice pudding for you, with nuts like you like it” Noki did not even wait around to hear if she did alright with that question and within moments she had rushed off to get that dish she loved and that the cooks never made as it had a lot of dairy in it and that was something they did not get often. Anaya's red hues moved back as she took a seat in her throne to rest her legs for a moment, and look back on the merfolk. “there is enough food for you if you wish to eat before you make your way to town for the evening, and i am sorry you were unable to find the tablet you came here looking for, if i am to find it wall you are gone or another finds it and brings it in i will have it sent to you, i believe you have a capital or place in Roselake things can be sent to you at?”  her voice held hints of anger in it, and in truth she had given passive words of mild threats in there takings. And it was rather good for her to have dwelt with the children of the leviathan this long and not snapped outright.
April 4, 2018

Daya Autum - 04/04/2018
-It began to dawn upon Vexylla why Morgylla was repeatedly bringing up the Leviathan, even after ascertaining the more obvious, to her at least, needed assessments from her first mentioning the Leviathan. She could sense hesitancy on Anaya’s part regarding him, for which Vexylla did not blame her. Not only was he far more powerful but even by Merfolk standards, he was more than a bit treacherous and dark. Naturally those upon land, including even wizened dragons, would not understand his importance. But their was more, Vexylla gauged by her expressions and aura that she was vengeful, and towards them personally. Her words were laced with veiled hints of danger and it did not take her long to understand that Morgylla had successfully managed to uncover what danger she might pose to them and what actions she might take,without so much as a shadow of a hint of the tactics or powers they had to counter such threats. Or for that matter, that she was even aware of them at all. It was after all, a merfolk virtue not to explain oneself to any upon land. She could guess, and correctly so that Morgylla would never counter Anaya’s claim of having those who hunted merfolk and sell their flesh out on the open market. She was however curious as to what response she would give to her so as not to arouse suspicion. She was pleased to see her grandmother in action as she heard her speak. “Excellent Anaya, we shall gladly reward this bar maid for her services when we see her, if, you would be so kind as to give us enough knowledge as to be able to recognize her with certainty. Also, if it seems good to you, we have come in peace and trust that regardless of whatever hunters there be here selling what meat they have found in the sea, that here we are law full visitors and as such it would be illegal to kill us while we are here? We have already secured a place at an inn in town, we, do not wish to trouble you more than is meet. “
- Vexylla was cool and did not giver her grandmother away. She knew the bar maid would be easy to spot, she knew there would indeed be assassins who wished to kill them but not for meat to sell, and she knew far to well that there was no way that they would be sleeping at the inn, that would be suicide. Morgylla was pleased with Noki’s response and commented to Anaya upon her “I am most genuine in regards towards your daughter Anaya, I think that she will indeed be great, even without any assistance from us, nonetheless I feel that we do have much to offer her indeed, she would be a great asset in reducing the evil in the world and I believe an understanding between us is order, that, we shall let no harm befall her if it is within our power, and what actions we take towards her are for her benefit. While I would enjoy the opportunity to join you and speak further with your daughter, I do not wish to impose and have much investigating to do as to what became of this dangerous and vile tablet. If you wish to send us a message, we can receive it at the Merfolk Reception Building at Rose Lake. Once it reaches there if I am not there I will get word at Ylla village where I teach which is not far from there. But do not send the tablet as it is far too dangerous, keep it safe and we will arrange for it to be taken without haste. I thank you for your patience Anaya, and trust that we may leave your home and continue our search as you suggested in peace? “ Vexylla was pleased with herself that she had caught up well with her grandmother’s strategy. She pondered at Noki’s words about the spiders that were around her mothers treasure, and the hole that they used to go to and from the castle. If this were true, then that must be where the Autum Monarch hide the Tablet!
It would be just like one of them to hide it with fearsome spiders and the entrance would be easily navigated as a mist as she knew all to well that that was a form they could take. The gold and the presence of the tablet they were given while in the walls would provide distraction and help conceal it. Cleaver, but not nearly cleaver enough as much to her despair the tablet was taken, perhaps, even by Samuel who likely had access to such a place.-
April 8, 2018

Anaya - 04/08/2018
Anaya turned her head to look at were her daughter had gone and she smiled within remembering when the child was just a little thing, so cute and innocent back when she was only a day old with her brother biting onto her horns and tail.   "yes that she is, one day all I hold will go to her and Noki will become the new protector of all man. one day she will become the next golden guardian of this world and walk in my own shadow as well as the shadow of her grandfather" Anaya looked back to the merfolk remembering all the storeys of the days of old now that the old gods had been brought up, in due time she knew she would have to truly confront this problem and face it head on, but that day was not today, or tomorrow and she was not in need of provideing informathion about things unless asked. "the fishers and hunters of your kind are in town, and you do hold the crowns protecthion as you are guests here but I am sure they will be able to spot you a mile off and they tend to slink into back allys to do there hunting and talkings as we all know hunters do. I cant protect from what I cant see. but I am sure you and your comrades are able to keep yourself alive. I would give you a blessing
to yourself to keep you safe but sadly I am unable to aid ones of the sea, it goes against land rights in this world between us gods" she gave a hint in there to what and who she was she was equal to the Leviathan be her younger then it, it was simply older and more skilled but their powers marked even to one another witch was one of the main reasons Anaya never did fight. "but if needed I can give you aid and a helper one of the guards can escort you out to the town and the inn down there, aswell as if needed Samuel can take you down to the backentrance to the3 hold, you will not be permited to enter the hold yourselves as no one is able to be down there unsupervised but you can explore the back cave opening and he will keep his spiders from attacking you"Sams' eyes moved as she talked to look to the merpeople he was not a fan of per scale skins but he would do as needed with them and never know maybe a spider would go for one and he would not get in the way. on land they were floppy and weaker and did not hold the advantages they would hold in the sea and he was much known in this. but they did outnumber him but they were also on dragon land and would not be stupid surely.
April 9, 2018

Daya Autum - 04/09/2018
Until now it had been easy, Morgylla had avoided revealing whether they would be able to defend themselves or by what means. Now however there were choices to be made, ones which could be of benefit to them, but reveal their hand. While other choices might conceal some things but reveal others and not gain them as much. Morgylla could not help think to herself “Yes Anaya, if I have anything to do with it she will indeed become the new protector of man, a real one, and man’s teacher and guide as well, and shall show them to be worthy of an existence far better than found here. She will become far better than you, and understand far more of the balance needed in this world whereas you are blinded by pride and hate of a god you do not understand who was wronged by your father. She will protect the weak from abominations such as the one now at your side as consort. But she will not walk in the shadow of her grandfather, but be free of that vile stain by picking up the charge your father so arrogantly and selfishly abandoned long ago as I remember far to well from that time before you were yet born.” Morgylla and Vexylla both looked upon Anaya, and for a moment, saw the regret that she had not done what she was born to, and a glimpse of will to do so. It flashed within her aura that came from the earth and rose to the skies like a tree of holiness. Morgylla while unimpressed nevertheless would remember so that she could say to Noki when she
realized that her mother had been neglectful say to her that she did in fact want to set things right. It would be a calming thing to say, and perhaps, help galvanize her. She responded to Anaya quickly with cleverness “We came here at risk to find this tablet so that it will work evil no more, and shall not let concerns for our safety hinder our purpose now. I thank you for the offer of a guard, but it will only make searching for the tablet harder as those we ask at the gates and upon the roads will not answer so forthcoming with a royal guard at our side. We are not so powerful upon the land, our powers are so good here. So we understand that blessings from you might not be possible, but it is gracious of you to think to do so for us and we thank you. It is enough to know that we may at least not be attacked openly without reprise, thank you Anaya.” Vexylla was surprised how quickly her grandmother got them out of exposing what strengths they had even here far from the sea, and free of any guards at the same time. She was after all, a legend and it was a pleasure to see her in action in what was, a rather complicated situation. But now it was time to do the actual searching for the tablet. Should she search the most likely place it was taken from? Would there be any clues in this spider hole? That was the question of the hour. As elated as she was at Noki’s words about the
entrance, and as obvious of a place for an Autum to hide such a thing, she was not certain that the Monarch did in fact hide it there. If attacked by the spiders their powers would become known and any assassins sent to kill them would be alerted as to the extent of their powers. Was it worth it? Vexylla placed her pale hand with it’s long hard and razor sharp claw like nails upon her chin in thought. It was a difficult choice, and one she was hesitant to make until she realized that it was a risk only to be taken when other options failed. She took away her hand from her face and looked up to Anaya as her peals jostled about her neck and the silvery shine from the metals of the jewelry she salvaged from a shipwreck flashed in the lights of Anaya’s castle as they peeked out from the folds of the heavy and tightly woven black silk robe. - That place is highly likely to have been where this tablet was hidden by the Autum Monarch, and may contain clues as to whom may have removed it. However, we have little time left to search the places that you mentioned earlier and must go there without delay. If we find nothing, may we return and have a supervised investigation there?- Morgylla well pleased with her grand daughter’s answer looked to Anaya for her reply, prepared either way to leave and investigate in town.-
April 14, 2018

Xaei DeLaRose - 04/14/2018
A young girl, no older than three in human years (though her body of that of a 10 year old), wandered aimlessly through the long, dark streets of an unfamiliar town. How long had she been walking now? Unsure was the child but her feet were blistered and her tummy ached from the pain of hunger. It didn't seem to long agon that she had rub away from her masters, once her true nature was made. Sharp fang like teeth chewed on her bottom lip, anything to distract her mind from the idea of food. The little orphan had to keep walking, the brown satchel in her arms was getting heavier, the contents of which connected her to her parents, maybe even her ancestors.

Not long now, lights in the distance, warmth, comfort, maybe even food and a bed to rest her head. Not far now, eyes getting heavy, strides getting smaller, but it's right there. Nearly there, within arms reach, the taste of raw meat made her mouth water. No, it's morning. Why did it have to be morning? The warm rays of the sun shined down upon her back, voices started to appear around her, a new day beginning. As people flooded the street, to buy their daily things, her destination was getting farther away from her, people paid no mind to the small figure, pushing her aside.(edited)
Not long now, the young girl whispered to herself, lips cracked, mouth dry, gasping for air. How long had it been? Too long, but at least she made it out of that place. She would never go back there. Never. Not far now. A mean looking woman pushed the girl aside, face first into a muddy puddle, bag flew from her arms yo land with a gentle thud in the murky water. No! Please don't let it be broken! Hurrying to it, the young girl searched the bag, picking out small shards of what looked to be like an egg, with scales and bright colours. A dragons egg. The woman behind her, the careless one, awed and gasped at the bags contents. Quickly the older woman tried to bargain with the girl, she must want it terribly.

The girl cries and pleaded, trying to get away from the clutching hands of the desperate, greedy woman. Nearly breaking the fabric on the strap of the bag. “No!” the small offspring cried, running away the moment she could. “Help! That child stole my purse!” The woman screamed, her final attempt at getting what she wanted. People were alert, a damsel’s cry never faltered. Guards were called, scrambling to find the small creature that fit the young child’s description. Almost there.
Catching her breath, the small girl hid in the dark corner of an alleyway, just missing the sight of the guards at the entrance of a big castle. That must be it, she could feel it, there was someone like her there. Maybe a friend, maybe her family. Burying her face gently into the bag, the hood that that had been hiding her appearance, fell around her shoulders. Looking up at the sun, the warm rays shined off her white scales around her jawline and forehead. So close.

Taking a deep breath, the brave young girl stood up and slowly walked out in the streets, hood once again pulled over her face. A tail, that had been hidden under a long coat, wrapped around her leg, small beads of sweat dripped down the back of her neck. Nearly there. Here it was, the entrance. To her destiny. Catching the attention of a guard, one who knew to look out for a child if her description, walked up to her. “You there!” Fear made her freeze, if she couldn't see him, he would go away, right? Like a bad dream.
Apprehended, the woman was brought forward, the contents of the bag searched while the child screamed and cried, begging for them to give it back. “That’s it, that's my bag, give it here.” The guard, not convinced that a woman would own a mucky bag like this, asked her details on the contents, of which she could only name the shattered pieces of a dragons egg, unaware of the other item being a silver necklace. A locket. The woman was quickly dismissed after being fined for wasting the guards time.

“Now young child, what should we do about you?” bag returned to her, she clutched it tightly while insisting she hid her face. She was so close. “Are you hungry?” He asked, but she ignored. Fixated she was, on that feeling. That sense someone like her was nearby. In her distraction, her hips was pulled down. “You're a…!” Dragon. He didn't dare say the words, for some reason. Her white, dragon eyes stared cluelessly at him. “Huh?” What should he do? The guard didn't know.
His final decision was to bring the young child before the Queen, a dragon herself might know of the child. Though he tried asking himself, how old she was and how long had she been in the egg, before being born, where her parents were, who her parents were. Those questions went unanswered, with no answers to give. The Queen was busy however, talking with others. Mermaids..? She had never seen such creatures. The naive eyes watched curiously. So fixated was she that the young girl hadn't noticed that the feeling she had been following, was so much stronger now.

Anaya - 04/15/2018
Looking to the merfol she nodded her head to there words about everything and about the tablet they did seek, she knew it was not here but if it would make them happy to go look for it she would grant them passage to do so with Sam's watchful eye so they did not take or do miss deeds when not being watched. She let out a breath as she turned her head and looked to her mate “go with the people of the se and bring them out back to the back of the castle to the underground tunnel in the woods were the spiders come out. That is the only place that the vampire could have placed the tablet so they can see with there eyes if it is there or not.” her red eyes looked back to the merfolk “no one is allowed under the castle and the vampire Daya Autum would have been killed if she went down there before she ever got to the main segment to hide something in the holds. Samuel will take you to the back entrance witch you will be able to look over under his view to see if your tablet is there.” a part of Anaya was insulted that the sea beings did not head the fact she said your tablet is not here, did they really think a golden dragon would miss a demonic cultist god tablet like how weak did they take her for. As she thought on that her attention intently chained and there was a flicker in her eyes, a flicker of bad of power within her sparking as she could sense what had come to the door step. She said not another word and vanished right there on the spot, just gone leaving nothing but candles flickering and torches moving in the light breeze.
In less then a second she stood in front of the child as the one guard grabbed the child's egg shells and held them in his hands. Before he could react Anaya held them in her own hands like they just zipped form his to hers in a blink.  Her bright red eyes looked down to the egg then turned to the child at her feet. Anaya towered over the little girl but there was a warmth about her “we hold onto what is treasured to us. I still have mine from when i hatched” she leaned down and handed the egg shells back to the girl as she took a single knee before her looking at her to be more eye to eye “why have you come here knowing your life is at risk. Why walk into another kins ground knowing we rip one another apart no matter the age. The iron smells still on your body chains i am sure to hold you to the ground iron would burn your feet and tarnish your scales.” “Lad..y Ann..a...y..y..y.a she came here only moments before we were going to strip” the guard muttered as Anaya held up a hand to silence him as his tongue rolled in his mouth ant felt as if it was tied in a knot (Anaya casts silence on guard. You see if paying attention a small blue spark on her fingers when her hand goes up. All beings that can detect auras can feel that Anayas aura got stronger for a split second then went back to normal active levels) “she is fine here, for now anyway, she will be cleaned and gain as much food as needed to fill her before she heads back out unless she wishes to stay for a longer amount of time. If that is so it can be discussed” it was her parenting, it was slight and she would still snap the child in half if it gave her reason but due to Ryus death she held loss in her heart for her recently dead child and it caused her to show more care then normal.

Samuel watched Anaya move, well if you could call her moving it was not even moving it was flash stepping to get to one place to another , she only used it when needing to be someplace not overly far away in a extremely small amount of time. He could feel the other dragon the little white scale but did not pay it any mind at all, the child would be taken in fed clothed washed whatever and then turned out to be eaten by wolves or something. “come we shall go out the kitchen entrance as Anaya is dealing with matters at the front doors and it is rude to intrude” Sam moved waving for the fish people to follow him he let out a breath as it was annoying being the fish keeper in this sense. It took them a bit to walk into the kitchen, out the back door and ring around about a mile away form the castle down the large hill into the woods all alone, to come to a massive cave entrance that was covered wall to wall with massive spider webbing. “they wont come out due to me being here, but you may search into the cave entrance and see what you can find, nothing will be past one foot into the entrance the spiders eat and move everything that far in, as well as if you go in farther then that they will web you and pull you in” (options A) do not search or go with sam. B) search the entrance up to but not over one foot in, C) search the entrance go farther then one foot in. Rp and inform me of your option you will get the outcome of that option in my next post)

Xaei DeLaRose - 04/15/2018
The young girl was scared, terrified while looking up at the tall woman, who suddenly appeared before her, her senses, that feeling was so strong it almost hurt, a headache that began to form made her feel lightheaded. What was this feeling? Her words, she barely understood them, except for the familiar threats. Tensed, her hands shake while holding the delicate shards of her egg shell. “I-I…” She began to say, words turned to ash in her dry mouth. There were words of kindness, maybe? From the woman’s mouth, her powerful presence made it hard to determine, whether she was indeed offering her help or not.

A bath? The young girl had never had one before, a brisk wash perhaps, to stop her from smelling up her masters home, with a rough cloth that scarred her delicate flesh with small scratches, an unknown amount of scars covered her body, her tail, still hidden beneath her long robe broken at the tip, from someone pulling on it so much, her small horns upon her head, cracked in places. If it wasn’t already obvious that the girl had been mistreated, her legs buckled under her and she was on the floor, barely coherent, her eyes unable to remain open.
Flickering between unconscious and not, the small child clung desperately to that which she treasured. Unsure of what else to do, she tried desperately to fight against her hunger, the weakness that plagued her would always set her aside from the rest. Sitting up on her knees, the young girl looking up at the woman, she was warm and could feel it radiating off her from the short distance between them, with an exhale a small trail of stream rolled from her lips. “I-I don’t… Want… T-To die… P-Please…” She pleaded, her small voice quiet and raspy.

Skin stained by the pain she has been through, the physical said nothing for the mental trauma she had been through, maybe it would all be over now? She hoped more than anything, it was what she had been following all this time. Another person’s turf meant nothing to her, she knew nothing of it, the young girl didn’t understand what it meant, though the tone in the woman’s voice had said it all. The small dragon would have to be careful. Her attention was fixed on the details of her face, the shiny crown upon her head, her pretty clothes, the strength both physical and mental that was obvious, radiating off her like a beam through the large room. How was everyone not scared by this woman? Maybe they were, but wouldn’t express as much, like she was afraid to do.
April 16, 2018

Dallo5013 - 04/16/2018
Dallo5013: ~A soft breeze swept in from outside. Blowing in through the front gates of the castle. Wisping over the flooring only to sweep up wafting out over the way bringing with it the salty smell of the sea along with it the stench of cooked fish and assorted other cooked fleshes. The kind of smells that is quite sickening to Aegros and Fraudulenti. Aegros looked at Fraudulenti. She wanted ever so much to cover her face to shield her from the stench of cooked fleshes and fish. However being she was there on a diplomatic mission she must above all else show no disrespect towards the hostess. So she as well as Fraudulenti would stand in proper composure the hold time, never once letting on that the mear smell of cooked flesh sickened them and that they preferred to eat their fish raw.Aegros was so sickened by the sent of the fish she could feel that her meal was threatening to make a second appearance.
Aegros looked now to Fraudulenti as if telling him she needed some sort of distraction so that she could find some fresh air. Fraudulenti looked back at her feeling the same way as her but there was nothing he could do. Just as it would seem she was just going to have to swallow her meal a second time her saving grace came in the form of a small young child. The child seemed to have been a dragonkin and was swiftly met by Anaya her self. This gave Aegros an idea of how she was going to get some fresh air. Aegros in her graceful like manner would soft step off to the side of Anaya just close enough that Anya would know she was there. Aegros then in her gracefull manner would speak up saying ~ well now let us be on our way. we have troubled you long enough. ~ with that said Aegros was now walking outside of the castle only to find Samuel making his way in the direction Anaya had sent him and had advised them they should follow. Aegros didn't wish to follow him she in her own mindset would have wished to have gone back to the inn.~
Fraudulenti : Aegros ~just as he spoke he noticed why Aegros had left his side and he himself was now making his way over to the young dragonkin. Once Fraudulenti was standing right beside of the child he looked down to her then to the reaction of Anaya. he spoke not a word for it was not his place to speak in this matter this was her epire and was her's to do as she seemed fit.he would make no attempt to intervene in any way. he only stumbled slightly causing him to place his right hand upon the child's head ever so softly before he would walk past Anaya and the child. walking out to join back up with Aegros. they would then wait for the last of their group to join them and from there be on their way. ~


holding spot for rest of merfolk day


  Rose Has Thorns Part 3 - Spring Rains Fire - Page 3 F7fdf3957e5448a22ab5b1742e2e092d

XaeiDeLaRose: A day in the castle, it hadn't been too bad so far. The young dragon was immediately guided to a bedroom after her meeting with the Queen, given a cool bath, a meal and a soft pillow to rest her head on. Never had she smelt so nice, been so well fed, or slept so peacefully. It was afternoon when the young girl woke, to the suns rays burning through a gap in the curtain. It was warm, sickly warm. It made her feel weak and feverish. Managing to eventually get up out of bed, surprised that no one had woken her up earlier, the small girl got dressed in the clothes that were left on a chair in her room, a simple white dress and quickly brushed her long white hair, with the comb found on the dressing table. There was a tall mirror in her room, which she looked at herself briefly in, so clean and pale was she, her horns were getting in better condition already, though her tail was still bent from being broken at the time. A wound to remind her of the fate she managed to somehow escape from. Hoping she was in a reasonable state to meet with the Queen once again, the small girl slowly and cautiously walked back through the halls that she knew, to the throne room where she had been before. No more Merfolk, the young dragoness would make a note not to enter the waters, with those sorts of creatures lurking around. Quietly, she studied the Queen, watching her from behind a pillar, which she peeked around just enough to see her. The woman still scared her, there was something deep inside her, telling her that she should always be careful of her.

Anaya: Anayas red eyes turned slightly as she looked to the girl peeking around the pillar and a smile came over Anayas lips, even in this heat and with the fact Anayas own body heat and internal furance not helping her she still was trying to keep herself in good spirets and not turn into a grumpy woman today. She took her bok and fliped the pages over to one of a massive roasted duck all laied out on a platter of veggies and diffrent things and even some apples and fruits “how do you feel about roasted duck for the meal tonight, i may even cook it myself in hopes i dont burn it all to a cinder” she gave a light chuckle as she moved her book to show the image and leave a little open place around her for the child to come look at the book in the childs own time Anaya all in knowing how her own race was and how scared the little one must be of this whole ordeal. She could sense pain in the small ones body, years of abuse to the poor thing left a stain on its hide and a litoral kink in its tail, witch Anaya Chould fix in due time if the child alowed it.

XaeiDeLaRose: She jumped in place when the Queen acknowledged her, of course, she would see the young girl. Her tummy grumbled and could be heard throughout the room at the mention of roast duck. She had the head of cooked duck before, but never ate it. The most she had ever eaten was scraps, and that was typically leftover bread. Just enough to keep her alive. Slowly but surely, her small bare feet walked across the room, getting closer to the Queen her heartbeat raced more, thumping against her ribcage. Standing in front of her, at just over arms reach length, the young girl looked down at the book with her pale purple eyes, her strong senses seeing the tiniest of detail on the page, to the small letterings and dust on the thin sheets of paper, but she couldn't read the words, however the images were interesting. Her mouth watered, her tummy grumbling again and she let out a soft whimper. "I... I-I do want a duck." She eventually said, looking up at the Queen through her eyelashes, though was afraid to make direct eye contact. This woman to her was like an Alpha was to a pack of wolves, she sensed an undeniable sense of duty to her, fear that would be respected, the devotion that would be her drive to serve her well. The small girl crossed her arms over her chest, gripping her arms tightly, nearly digging her nails into her skin, while sweat dripped down the back of her neck, her mouth dry and she panted heavily. This heat was unbearable, but she tried. Her eyes flickered.

Anaya: She could smell the girls heat on her, she could smell her own she wished she could cool this place down btu ice was not her thing she only made things hoter with her abilitys and right now she did not want to waist her larger things and drain herself right at the start of the day. “it will get cooler as the day goes on, spring is the worst at the end, summer is trying to snuff out the weak before winter. ”  Anaya looked up her red eyes locking onto a maid “girl go get us some of the leftover boar from last night, platter, rare meat, with my morning iced mint tea, please. And some sweet apple juice for the little one” Anaya tryed to be as calm and soft as she could to not scare the child there but her voice still came out ordering and rulerish. She let out a hot breath as she looked back to the little one “The boar was caught only a couple nights ago and it was a wonderful meal the other day, there wil be some nice leftovers of it and you can eat as much as you want to. She said looking back to the little one and then it dawned on her she had no idea what this little ones name was. She never took the time to ask in her trying to be a good host she had fully gone past the name part “do you have a name little one? I am unsure what to call you” she moved and held out a hand to the little one her golden claw rings  shimmering in the light “you have my word nothing will hurt you here, come and sit we can read the book together” she was offering her lap to the little one and wondered if she would take the offer or be to scared yet to.

XaeiDeLaRose: She wanted to cry, but held it back. Crying in front of this woman would make her appear even weaker than she already was, her escape would surely be a quick waste, if she showed too much weakness. No, she had to be useful and strong. The mention of food perked up her mood a bit, boar too, another meat she had never tried before but her mouth watered more, she didn't care if she liked it, she would fill herself on the stuff. The young dragoness's gaze turned briefly to the maid, though she did not turn her back to the Queen and once her order was made, the small girl muttered a soft thank you to the woman before she disappeared. Shuffling on her feet, staring up at the Queen she was confused by her question. Name? She had only ever known people by their titles, as that was all she used when talking to someone, never had she spoken to someone on their first, or even last name basis. With a confused look, she tilted her head and said softly, "Queen?" Speaking about her, her soft gaze turned down to the woman's hand, an offering of skin contact? Slowly, the girl outstretched her arm, though her hand shaked she tried not to show fear and placed her palm carefully against hers, her skin cold despite the heat. A book? Something else that was unfamiliar to her. Cautiously, the girl set herself upon the woman's lap, her small, thin frame sat comfortably on the Queen's thighs and she remained looking down at her hands, the shine in her golden claw rings captivating the intrigued young girl.

Anaya: Anaya moved her arms around the girl as she held her small hands in her own clawed fingers, her hands fiting in Anayas palms, cold little hands which made Anaya feel so good in this heat, it made her calm down from the heat and the days stress. Anayas fingers wiggled as she moved her claws slightly being careful of the girls little hands and own nails. One day the nails on her hands would be sharp and strong asnd clad in silver and goldbut for now it was nice enjoying the simple things. She could feel the fear in the girls heart feel the pain in her body, Anaya gave a smile as the book rested down on the little ones lap anaya Takeing her forhead and pressing it softly into the girls back, it was ever so lightly but it was so warm and calming and made butterflys flap inside. “a name is who we are, not what we are, Anaya is mine yours is what your mother gave you when hatched or you gave to youreself. ” (blessing of pure soul given, you feel warm and fuzzy inside, like wraped in a warm hug that heals internal pains, broken bones mend and magicly touched to have them fix themselves with no pain, toxins in the body are puriffied, cant heal curses, rot, or undeath, but can cure all mundain illnesses. Anaya power used 10%, time recop is 10 mins of sitting/relaxing) her fingers laced into the girls as she gave a light chuckle feeling joy from her blessing given, darn after affects could be silly at times as a page flipped all on its own on the book as Anaya did not need to use her hands to move things around. The page flipped to a image of a big moose plastered on a massive stove cooking pit stuck on a long metal rod with four men on the sides rotateing it on a fire place. “now that looks like something I would love to eat dont you think”

XaeiDeLaRose: The Queen's body was warm, the opposite of her own, cold body though she still felt the head of the summer day. The young girl giggled softly as the woman's hand wiggled against her own, the golden claws on her fingers glistened in the light, her hand so much bigger than the Queen's. "We are... Mother? Mother never gave me no... Name... I do not know the mother." She said softly, her trail of thought going for a moment to the eggshells in the room given to her by the Queen's graces. While she talked, she began to feel warmer, though not intirely in the temperature sense, and there was a feeling in the pit of her stomach, that for once wasn't hunger, though she was still hungry, so maybe it was just that. She heard a light click and her tail flickered beneath her, the tip rising slightly into the air and she saw there was no longer that crook in it. Grabbing her tail, she studied it slightly. "Tail, fixed?" Hearing the pages turn of the book upon her lap, she jumped while it flicked through the pieces of paper, her eyes catching all the images as quick as they went. A moose? She had never seen nor heard of something like that, her masters never had anything that big and fancy. "It looks... Big and tender..." She muttered softly, her mouth watering so much she started to drool, but quickly whiped it with the back of her free hand.

Anaya: There was going to be a puddle from the looks of it if that maid did not get here soon with the meal. She could hear the girls words on not having a mother, egg stealing was commen in the lands and it was not overly shocking that a girl once in slavery would not know were she hatched from. “when i was younger i did not know my mother eather, all i knew was my father who cared for us, there were seven eggs but only the strong make it out of the nest and the rest did not get as far as i did. I named myself after i left my nest to go into being a fighter. I named myself anaya as that was the name of the first other dragon i.....met on my travles” she lies to cover up the fact she had killed other dragons, many other dragons but most of them had it comeing as they had attacked her or stolen or just outright she was mean as a adult and wanted to eat and that was the thing before her. “tell me what you really like in this world and we can figure out a name from there for you. Then we can go over the papers to have you stay here” she paused for a second as she thought and then smiled softly leaning down to the girls ear “my daughter could use a sister, if you want a, family”

XaeiDeLaRose: It was odd, hearing from someone that they had a similar start in life as she did, but she didn't become a hunter, she was sold and no sooner was she hatched, she was forced to serve under a harsh family. That would be their difference, one was a fighter, while the other had barely any reason to live. Until now, she hoped. "Anaya... Is pretty." She whispered, speaking both of her name and the woman's beauty. "I travelled here. I met the man." The man she speak of, being the guard that brought the young dragoness to the Queen. "And fish too." The merfolk. Scarier than any fish she had seen on her masters plate, and a lot bigger too. What did she like? That was a complicated question and had made her remember of the home she once knew, about the things she wish she had, that her masters had too much of. "Food, flowers, ice cream, grass, blanket, Queen, boar, moose, uhh..." She couldn't think of what else, there was so much that she envied of anyone else having. Everything she would like to have, anything. "I can stay here? With a family?" She asked softly, her eyes filling with tears. The young girl tried to blink them back, but they just kept flowing, she tried to catch them in her palms. “I-I-I” She stuttered, trying to catch her breath.

Anaya: From the side, the maid came over with a plater of meat and small fruits along the edges but it was mainly a pile of rare lightly browned boar meat on a silver platter with a glass goblet on the side with a little mint leaf hanging over the edge. The water its self held a shimer as Anaya smiled and took the goblet from the plate and left the rest on there “eat all you want, so you can grow, cant have your  new sister push you around when she wakes up” Noki had slept all morning as she had been out late with her father doing hunting drills, he had worked her hard since ryu died trying to turn the daughter into a son and Noki had been feeling the stress. But she would wake up in due time and meet the day even if it was later then her normal wake up time at dawns break. She thought on a moment “i once knew a girl named Xai it means oragin or to some cultures, orical witch is a beautiful thing. How about Xaei Niviria DeLaRose, Xai for short” she took a sip of her water as she enjoyed the chill of it down her neck. There was a thump out of the kitchen door as the door slamed and Samuel walked in looking at the girl on his mates lap, Anaya did not take children onto her lap. “we have a guest i see?” he tilted his head hearing the last little bit of what Anaya had said giveing the girl a name with Anayas own middle name and there the last name. It seemed Anaya had takein in a new child, it was only natural for Anaya to do so with the loss of there son. “she could pick DeNure to as a last name, take after adopted father” he gave a chuckle as he stood looking at her and Anaya there looking at the dorky book.

XaeiDeLaRose: The girl's head turned toward the smell of food, while her nose sniffed at the air, her sensitive smell picking up the lucious meat immediately. "Th-Thank you." She'd say, her timid frame balancing carefully on the Queen's lap, while she stuffed her face as poliately as she could, with the meat and fruit, though mostly the meat, tearing it apart with her small, sharp fang like teeth. She wondered where this sister was, she had never had a sister before and hoped they would get along. "Xaei... Niv-Niv... I-Iree... De Lah Rose... X-Xai." She tried to repeat, following the movements of the woman's lips, trying to sound it out. "Pretty name." The dragoness smiled brightly. Xai quickly swallowed the lump of meat at the sound of a new voice, her body tensed and she snuggled deeper into the Queen's gentle embrace. "H-Hello." She would try to bow forward but headbutted the plate, knocking it and the remaining, though few, contents left on it off. "I-I'm sorry!" She exclaimed, her head held low, eyes shut tight while waiting for her punishment.

Anaya: “shit nope” sam jolted forward to catch the platter wall it was tumbling down, he got it falling to his knees there on the floor so it would not only not make a mess but also not spoil the food. He was able to save all the bits but two as they landed on the floor and surely the house dogs would clean them in due time or the maids would. He held up the platter back to her to give her the platter to finish it up. Anaya watched him fumble around and offer the plate back up, she could have stopped it with mental abilities but why waist that show of same styles grace. She could not help but give a smile and feel good a part of her wanted to hit him upside the head for being on his knees but at the same time no one was around but them and they did not have to be bruited all the time and even more so not with younge around. “dont be sorry, you never have to be”he gave a smile and leaned forword to whisper “being a royal means never haveing to say sorry” he gave a chuckle and grabed a small hunk of meat on a claw and poped it in his mouth as his bright green eyes shimmered in the light.

XaeiDeLaRose: She expecting to hear a loud clash of the metal plate hitting the floor, but there was silence safe for some movement, she slowly opened her eyes to see the male kneeling in front of her, proudly holding the plate out to her, he caught it? Blinking away the tears, she sniffled and wiped her nose with the back of her sleeve. "W-Why? I did a mess up. What is, royal? Oh, Queen. Queen not sorry." Her hands slowly reached out for the plate, to take it off him gently. He seemed nice, gentle almost. Just like the Queen, and he too had that feeling about him, like he should be fear too. Was he like the Queen? Was he like her? Not entirely. When he smiled, she smiled back in a mirrored movement. The dragoness giggled softly as the man threw a piece of meat in his mouth. Picking up a piece of meat, she tried doing the same but caught it on her forehead. "Eh-Eh..." She fussed about, moving her head until it fell into her mouth. 'Win!" She exclaimed, bouncing lightly on the Queen's lap.

Anaya: Sam could not help but laugh slightly at her, he would have helped her but she would have to be given wyvern antitoxin so he could touch her. He stood up as he took the kings throne beside Anaya and leaned back into it enjoying the pillows “a royal is you silly, Anaya is Empress, I am Emporer, sisters, and brothers of ours are queens and kings, be we only have one” he chuckled some more at the thought that Anaya had killed the whole family once upon a time and the only scarlet was left for royal siblings. Anaya looked at him with that uggg I know what you are smiling about kind of look and then looked back to the little one and took another sip from her drink allowing him to keep on yabbering. “and then you, Noki, and Anna  are our children, princesses and well Anna has a kingdom of her own now in the southern lands big castle very hot there we can go see it one day and you can meet her, she is a Queen now of her own land. In time you will have to learn all the ruler things”  a maid came over and handed him a wooden tankard filled with spiced ale as he took a chug of it relaxing in the morning's heat “we should go to the river for a swim this heat sucks and the yard smells so bad right now”

XaeiDeLaRose: Xaei laughed with him, munching happily on the piece of meat. When he stood up, her eyes followed him. "Empress and Emperor." Looking between the two of them, there did seem to be a connection there, though perhaps not one of love but of tolerance, maybe he loved someone? Maybe she loved someone, but it wasn't with each other, not like the other person they loved. Xai looked cluelessly between the two, like she was trying to put it all together, the clogs turning in her head while she thought it through. "I want to meet lots of nice people, like Empress and Emperor." She finished the contents of the plate, while he continued to talk. His voice was soothing, comforting, like Anaya's gentle embrace. Her small hands fiddled carefully with the golden claws upon the Empress's hand. "I want to learn and be useful. Repay debt." Xai smiled, which grew bigger at the mention of going to a river to swim. "Swim? I never swim before. I do not like heat though."

Anaya: Anaya wiggled her claws as the small chains and golden decals and things softly jingled on her fingers as her white hair fell in her face she looked at sam and nodded her head to approve to his words of going swimming with the little one to cut the heat. Sam hoped up form his chair he loved water and swimming and to go outside was going to be great and anaya was going to join them, holy shit she never left the castle he got up and walked a bit “well lets go swimming then, this heat sucks and you dont need to repay anything little one, you just have to grow and have fun” he looked up to the steps “NOKI!!!!” sam yelled as there was a loud thump as the girl had fallen out of bed and onto the floor “comeing father!” she called out in a sleepy voice as she draged her backside out of bed tossed her red hair into a messy bun and draged her feet down the steps pokeing her head down “what we doing?” she saw a smile on his face and another younge one on her mothers lap and it was like her ears perked up. Another kid, why was there another kid in her home, why was it on mothers lap. Noki gave a snort as she held her head up even if she had the same garments on as the night before she still was gona fake pride if she had to. She troted down the steps as Sam looked at her “we are going swimming want to come?” Noki looked all happy for a second and then her face droped to a more grumbled upset look “i cant remember, cant touch water remember” Anaya looked at her “i got it covered go get some better clothing and some a blancket or two to lay under a tree in the shade. Get that nice one Ryu liked” Anaya said softly with a soft nod to her daughter as Noki nodded back eyeing the child on mothers lap and then troting off to grab what was needed and then meet them at the river.

XaeiDeLaRose: Xaei smiled while she played with the pretty pieces of metal. "Let's go swimming them!" She repeated, obviously excited. While he spoke the words of her not needing to repay their kindness, she would do, in some way, and that way would be to make them proud of her, loyal to them, but she didn't say anything, only smiled wide. "Swimming fun." Xai held her breath as he yelled a word, a name? It was unfamiliar to her. Eventually, another voice yelled back, female and loud. After some time, a young girl appeared, perhaps the same age as her, maybe younger but her intelligence was beyond her own. Xaei barely new words properly, and only a few, which she was picking up more of while speaking to the Empress and Emperor. Sounds were easy to copy for her. She watched the girl with a smile, was this the sister they spoke of. She acted coldly toward Xaei, and she realised what this must look like. She had seen it many times, with how the master's children were favored between each other, praised and scolded, treated better by one parent and not so much by another. Everyone had their favorites though. The young dragoness became tense in the Empress's lap, made uneasy by the young girl's glares. Lowering her head, her good mood seemed to fade a little, but she so wanted to enjoy the idea of swimming, even if she had never done it before. Cold water sounded nice, it would surely make her feel stronger. "We get to go swimming!" Her mood quickly improved again, when she remembered where they were going. Another new adventure, it cannot be more amazing than what she had been through in the last day.


spot holder to finish up beach trip with Xai


SophitiaEien: After inquiring after the doctor who had taught her everything she knew about medicine, Striga Velaine had managed to also persuade the man, upon meeting him again, that she needed to go to The Crown. At first he was resistant to the idea, concerned for her overall safety in case her incident was reported from years past, but she assured him that all was well and that it had been taken care of. With naught but the surgical kit, her thigh dagger and a sack of fine clothing of her make, the woman rode with the doctor through the town and up the height that led them, and several others anonymous, to the Iron Dynasty. It took the duo about an hour due to their slow pace, but when she saw the gigantic castle with numerous, and rather casual, guards half naked, bitching about the heat and stink and cleaning up after the lazing trolls in the front, the woman realized that the trip had been very much worth it. She bade farewell to her dear friend, who informed her that he had to head off to town back to his clinic, and turned to face the enormous gates. Striga approached one of the guards, the one who had been seated in his half-nudity, and bowed deeply in respect. “Excuse me, sir, but how does one attain an audience with the royal court? I am a fashionist and leathermaker, and I would like to share my wares with those who reside here in hopes of filling a position available.” She rose from her bow and smiled gently, her voice cool and sweet, and her posture quite formal despite her lack of title.

Anaya: A woman dressed in clean clear fabrics walked from outside to the gates as the guards posted high and opened the doors without even asking if she was alowed to enter or not. Her white hair fell along her back as a red eye looked to the new guest at the doors “come in, the rulers will see you now to sell your goods” her voice was lazy sounding witch was clearly due to this stinking heat “the summer is going to be hot this year. Men make sure our water stocks are full and the river is running smoothly i wish no dead bodys in it as there was last year, keep it clean and clear will you” one guard nodded his head and bowed as he boldly saluted “yes my lady Anaya!” he yelled out as he turned stiffly and rushed away his armor clanking as it was lose on his body. He rushed away and within no time he was off to handle the matters and Anaya had walked into the castle basicly draging her feet (weakness due to giveing a large blessing still has a 20 min regen timmer, needing to relax to regen power) she walked to her throne as she ploped her body in the chair leaning back exaused “maid, my water with ice please and mint as normal” a passing made made a turn as it got the order and did not even say a word and vanished into a side swinning door to the dinning hall. Anayas red eyes turned to lock onto the woman that was a tailor or something wortking with leather. Her red eyes were stabing and harsh but at the same time the woman had a warmness to her and powerful aura around her of light and holy energy. (if your rpc can see auras make sure to state in next post and i will explain what you see) “so what do you have to sell, i do like good leathers and will pay hansomly for them if needed. Show your best stock”

HidekiSaito: The room darkened as a grey smoke began to fill the air, dark cackles bounced all over the room as flames as dark as night began to burn on the ground where it split growing and twisting bringing to the form of an elf. Fovuryth Balendel stood at six feet tall wearing nothing at the moment completely oblivious to the fact that he was naked standing in the middle of what appeared to be a throne room. The guards surrounded the blind elf with swords drawn because of his sudden appearance. “my my what is this is there a raven about or is that something shiny and pointy, if so do share I like shiny and pointy things.” The crazed elf would say before his body would turn to smoke and he would reappear at the entrance before clearing his throat with a chesire grin. “my name is Fovuryth Balendel, I am a simple dark elf that I am. His eyes were solid white no pupil or anything he saw by auras but right now he sees little because he is focused on his hearing trying to discern what it is going on. “what is that smell, it smells rotten like something just died and rotted like the raven that will not speak forever more.” A small flask appears in his hand before he brings it to his lips taking a small sip wetting his throat. The ability to travel in fire and mist makes the passage of time unknown to him for travel so what would take days for some can take mear moments for him. Is there a draft or so, he mutters before reaching down and relized he was without clothes so he snapped his fingers and a roman toga appeared on his flesh covering what needed to be covered up. “is the queen present I come bearing gifts gifts befitting a dragon.” He said with glee before turning to smoke and appearing at different places before settling on a spot somewhere near where he doesn’t know. All he smells is different meats cooking.

KaosTilpasse: The heat of the day held no bearing upon a single lone raven, gliding over the large city. He glided silently, as silent as Death itself, completely ignoring all the dead bodies close at hand. His wings shone with the light of the blazing sun as the bird flew down, sopping for a moment to consider the area. He saw all the trolls, lazig aout, and ignored them entirely. He then looked to where the rancid smell was coming from. He grimaced inwardly, as even a raven had standards to their meals. If anyone were to look up, they might notice something bright and shiny around the raven's neck, though he was too high up to see what it might be. He then flapped his wings quickly and took off from his perch, flying quickly towards the large castle. ue t the heat, plenty of windows were open, though he scared the hell out of a couple of maids when he suddenly flew through an open window. He shot past everyone, almost as if the bird were a seeking projectile, and careened suddenly into the large throne room. He came to a sudden and abrupt stop, gliding down to perch upon the armrest of the throne a female sat upon, a femae he knew like no other. His bey red eyes regarded her for a moment, before looking at the others in the room. He then noticed a peculiar dark elf, naked and misting around the room like a weird clown. He tilted his head sightly at him, taking in every detail, and shook his head before puffing his wings out and cawing out suddenly, like a display of bravado from the bird. He then turned to look at the woman again, revealing a dead black leather coard around is neck. Upon that cord was a ring, gleaming brightly of in the light from the windows. A silver ring, with a blue sapphire rose, clearly shining but worn looking as well, as of somene who took care of it but still wore it all the time. He cawed softly to her, then tpped the arm of the throne a couple of times, ruffing his featers for a moment before settling down again.

ScarletEveDeLaRose: Watching the workers from the stairs with a fan in hand, a lightly tanned Scarlet makes her way down in a royal purple dress that comes to her ankles, she swipes her bronze hair from her face to reveal eyes that are now emerald green instead of earth brown, “I’ll be glad when this spell is broken” she thought to herself as she made her way into the kitchen where the workers needed some extra help, she was about to help out at the table when she heard some comotion near the throne room, there were actually two female workers wrestling with a cleaning object next to a very expensive piece that Scarlet had brought home a long time ago, “It’s too hot for this nonsense. Watch the fine china” Scarlet scolded them both before they both walked away from each other with one of them going into the kitchen, She looked to the entrance of the throne room and thought “eh what the heck,” as she waslked herself into the room much to her knowledge of the way she looked, Scarlet knew that her appearance was different from what she looked like before that incident in the caves, but she is still the same royal female, “I better not get thrown into a wall,” she thought to herself before she spotted some familiar faces in the throne room and bowed to them before she took her favorite spot that was near her sister and waved her fan in her own face

SophitiaEien: (No aura sensing abilities, but she is good at reading body language to some degree.) Given the way that the woman in silken garment carried herself, it was clear that she was of import. The commands she gave to the guards made that clear as well, and so she corrected her own posture and followed her as she was given direction to, picking up the sack she'd brought and bringing it with her as she hoisted it over her shoulder. She noticed the eyes, an unnatural garnet shade, and realized that this was no human. This was a good opportunity, she thought. As she followed behind the unknown woman, they seemed to come into what looked to be a throne room...where the woman then sat down, requesting that a maid bring her a glass of water. Oh. OH. As soon as it clicked, the woman's demeanor seemed to lack any change. She set the sack down gently, taking great care as she opened it with naught a word. Striga had been told to show the Queen her best stock, and show her she would. Slowly and with gentleness, the woman withdrew a beautiful silk gown, garnet in color but dyed in such a way that it became a gradient of darkening shades of crimson to straight onyx black. Stepping forward slowly, she offered it to Queen Anaya for closer inspection. Along the sleeves, there was intricate, hand-sewn embroidery with black stones woven into circular spaces, and along the bodice and waist down to the belly there was a delicate dyed lace, black in color, with naught but its own intricacy to cover the cleavage it would provide. There were cups, made of a leather that had soft padding sewn in, attached to the position where the breasts would sit naturally, providing not only comfort and support for larger chests but also an element of sexiness and lift, giving the cleavage a boost. “This is one of my best pieces. I did not know your measurements, Your Highness, but I did my best based on what I had heard around town. I hope you enjoy it, as it is a personal gift from me. I can fit it to your desired shape as well.”

Anaya: (for seeing auras, you see at the throne a white and golden large aura comeing from Anayas body like a tree reaching up into the sky and expanding over the sky , you will think of thew world tree when you see it, large brantches reaching up into the sky aswell as you can see deep roots going into the ground and spaning out the side. The aura gives off a devine holy glow of that of the gods but it also feels stagnent for some reason like it has not been working and just been siting there. You can also see white lights in aqll the stone walls here and like golden vains over the castle in its entierty) Anaya looked past the woman that stood thgere as she looked to the new face in the hall her hands moveing to her lap as she watched his naked figure form out of black mist smoke talked and then vanished agein to places unknown. She looked at it all puzzled as she thought on how she did not care and that the guards would handle that thing whatever it was she rolled her eyes slightly and looked back to the vendor and her goods, she reached her hand out to take them in her hands as she moved her fingers along them to cheak out the quality “it is very well done work you have here. So how much are you wishing for your goods i will not take a gift without paying for it, your work is well done it earns coins given..” she paused as she spotyed the rave and her eyes went right to the ring as she grabed a hold of the bird firmly by the body wraping its wings to its sides “he died, why do you have that ring bird” she scolded as she moved a hand to take the string from the birds neck and hold it in her hand looking at it. She missed him dearly but he had died so long ago and times had changed. The bird must have picked up the ring from his dead body or something or picked it up along the way. She let out a sigh as she put the ring around her neck and let out a breath “you sould not take treasured items from people you know. But i dont blame you it is simply a ravens nature” she smiled softly as she let the bird go and let it go back to its doings of the day. She looked back to the woman and the dress “my daughter would love this gown, the children are at the river trying to beat the heat at the moment but once Noki sees it she will love it ” she tryed to ignore the thoughts on the raven and on draven that now were in her mind.

XaeiDeLaRose: The Guard, sent back from Galandor by the Elf Princess, still hasn't managed to talk to the Empress. He did, briefly but she was quickly distracted and gave him no answer. Time had passed and the Merfolk had since left the castle, so maybe today was a good time, but before he had the chance to even get an audience with her, she was gone again, to the beach? He didn't even know the Kingdom had a beach, it seemed so unlikely. Time had to pass again before she returned home, more guests. The man sighed heavily behind his metal helmet, having since returned to his typical attire since being back at the castle, from his travel wear. He had made a vow, well sort of or was at least paid to provide a service. "Empress Anaya, I am afraid I must insist that I talk to you at once!" He exclaimed, his face red while he stood slightly bowed to his Empress, obviously apologetic that he had to interrupt, but he was unsure of his fate if the Princess found out his lack of action.

KaosTilpasse: The raven squwks at being grabbed, grumbling a bit. Behind the grumbles and cawing, a single whisper could be heard on the wind, a deep soft whisper, calling her name. "Anaya..." The bird then grumbled softly, then flapped his wings and flew over to the door to the study, tapping his beak o the door almost like knocking on it. "Nevermore." He then hopped up the door, using his beak and claws as leverage, and as the door popped open, the raven sat on top of the door. "Nevermore." He fluffed up a bit, showing off, before flying suddenly into the study, disappearing into the room. He then flew over to a desk, and sat there quietly, tapping on the desk a few times and sat there, turning his head and digging among his own feathers a bit.

SophitiaEien: Striga bowed deeply after taking a couple of steps back to allow her room to admire the gown, rising only once she'd been spoken to. “I thank you, Your Highness. I would be honored to have whatever you feel it is worth. I crafted this out of gratitude, for all the good you have done for this city. I owe you and the royals a great deal.” Once it was clear that Anaya had looked off to notice a rather large raven with a ring around its neck, something that Striga wasn't sure how she'd not noticed sooner considering its size, she stepped off to the left but remained near the throne in order to continue the conversation at a later moment. Her head quickly snapped back to look to Anaya once again, though, as the queen made mention of a daughter that would appreciate the work. “I certainly hope she will. Please feel free to call upon me for personal fittings and creations, as you wish. I work in leather armor, as well.” Just as she bent to withdraw one of her pig's hide gauntlets to show to the queen, a guard had come into the room and called for her attentions. Striga thought it best to stay silent for now, waiting patiently and listening. Her eyes wandered from the guard to the raven for a moment as it seemed to speak; whether this was parroted speech or not, she was unsure, but it definitely was clear enough to understand. “Anaya, Nevermore”. What it meant, she didn't know, but there was something off about that bird as it made its way to the study. This whole place could be interesting.

ScarletEveDeLaRose: As her hair fluttered from the air that was being sent to her by the fan, she watched everyone that was in her view and sighed, “since when did we have this much heat?” She said to herself as her hair fell into her face once again, “I don’t remember it being this hot last time,” she spotted a worker struggling to clean before she nearly fell to the floor, carlet saw this and rushed to catch her before she could hit the floor and helped her to her feet, She called another worker to help the female to a cooler area of the castle as Scarlet herself went to get a glass of water from the kitchen area, Scarlet started talking to a well known worker as she cooled off her face in the kitchen sink, “I can’t sit for one minute in this stuff” the worker spoke to her in her own native tounge about the heat and it’s effects it has been having on the workers, “they all do seem kind of hot and irritated,” Scarlet saw some workers swearing and huffing as one poured water on herself to keep cool, Scarlet was about to leave out of the room when all of a sudden a male worker came into the kitchen yelling “The heat! The heat! I can’t take it anymore!” He did not have much on as he continued to yell causing Scarlet to pick up a bucket and pour ice cold water on him to calm him down, “I’m pretty sure everyone in the castle heard you having a fit just now,” Scarlet walked out of the kitchen with the man and left him talking out of his head near the throne entrance

Anaya: Anayas eyes snaped over to the raven as it left, it said her name, why would not only a bird talk but say her name in sutch a tone. She almost snarled but then turned her eyes back to the clothing worker before her. “yes my sister scarlet would be in need of some clothing as well as my daughter could use more, we do have a place for you here if you would be willing on working for the crown it is a good placement for you and your skills..” as she talked off that guard had intorupted her so the matter must have been urgent, she remembered him form the other day with the merfolk but things were so much of a mess that day with the people of the sea she really did not pay the guard much mind. But now seems to be a good time so she turned her eyes to him as he bowed and she gave a nod “it is alright what is it you need me for, the colors you hoist upoon you, the north were dear Relia went back to, how is she doing up there” she sounded intorested at the same time she held much on the mind with that bird. Her red eyes looked at the guard her eyes stabing into his body like fire cuting ito the soul as she looked at him. “i give my apolegys for ignoreing you the other day as it was busy and the merfolks aperance caught me off guard and they are sutch a untrustworthy race they did requier my full attenthion. ”

XaeiDeLaRose: The guard exhailed in his mind, finally she acknowledged him, his pledge would be done soon. "Yes your highness, the Princess is doing well, for the most part. However, ..." He went quiet for a moment. "The kingdom was abandoned." He finally finished, though his answer was blunt there wasn't much else he could say. "The Queen and King, left. I know not to where. They took all of their people, everyone. Even the villagers left. I remained a while, waiting for the Princess to return, as I had arrived sooner than expected. She asked me to send word back to you, once the situation was calmed. She needs your aid, in fixing the weather in the North. A curse is believed to have been placed upon that land, causing the eternal winter." He'd say, remaining bowed before his Empress, eyes cast down to the ground. His armour had since been cleaned, the heat however made it feel much heavier. With a clenched fist, the Guard banged it against the metal plate of his chest. "I made a promise that I would pass this message on to you, she needs you, your advice. Her... Abilties are out of control." He had to admit, his fear would be misplaced if he worried for her Highness, knowing for well she could take care of herself, but... Looking up through his ebony hair, though not directly after her, he was scared of that place, of the Princess and wanted to avoid a return if possible.

SophitiaEien: “I would be much honored to tailor for both of them as well as anyone else who wishes it.” Striga bowed once more and allowed the guard to speak, having noticed movement out of the corner of her eye. A woman, with almost the same brilliant shade of green eyes as her own, was making her way into the throne room after having spoken to someone. She'd only caught the tail end of the conversation as her focus had shifted, hearing something about a fit. That was all she could catch, and she figured it wouldn't be good for her as a new member to get into the matter. Instead, she advanced toward the woman with her sack of clothing and bowed with respect, offering her one of the pig's hide gauntlets that was etched with elegant designs from a burning tool. “Please, it's on me,” she stated simply, smiling warmly. “I am seeking a young woman by the name of Scarlet, would you happen to know where to find her? I wish to discuss her preferences on the wardrobe that Her Highness has allowed me to add to for this woman.” Her voice remained smooth and calm, almost as silken as the clothes that she carried in her sack. She was the epitome of charming and graceful, yet held an element of humility and timidity.

ScarletEveDeLaRose: As Scarlet entered the room, she was greeted by a young woman who held an intresting piece of clothing for her to examine, “looks like you found the right person. I’m her sister Scarlet,” She swiped her light bronze hair out of her face again so she could examine the piece of clothing better before she took one of the pieces, “This isn’t a bad piece at all. I should really thank you for showing this to me” Scarlet had never seen anyone make designs that were this good and she’s been to almost every town in and out the castle bounderies, “I hope you stay with us for as long as you like. You have beautiful eyes by the way,” Scarlet had noticed that the woman had green eyes that were almost like her own and smiled respectfully and softly at her, she hinted at the woman to follow her back to the throne so she could tell her sister about it, “Anaya. I’m pretty sure you’ve seen this already,” Scarlet’s amazment was a little hidden while she was talking to her sister because she didn’t want it too be too obvious

Anaya: Anaya leaned forword as he beged his request for aid, Relia had been through alot and in all reality she could use a break. Most of the time Anaya would demand payment or a favor in reguards to useing sutch an ability to aulter the weather over that state and change what would happen to other zones due to the north becomeing warmer. But even due to the reprocuthoons Anmayas land would be alright and thosands would die but saome of that amout would be evil and it would be for the greater good in the end “it shall be done this evening a wish will be made in Relias name to bring spring and summer and fall back to the north.and in sutch a way that it will not doom our lands. I will do sutch a thing this evening as the energy consumpthion that will be used will make my body go into a comatose state for one twelve hour pioriod and i rather not do sutch a thing in the middle of the day to risk myself” she nodded her head thinking on it “it you would want to know the details on it i can inform you of sutch things but it will be done before you get back to the north as it will be a rather fast change in the weather for the land witch cant be helped” she turned and looked to her sister as her sister showed her the gauntlett to show the work that was done. “yes yes sister you handle that and get some new garments made you need dresses to look less.....rugged and homless some of the time, please get royal garments will you” she gave a smart ass like smile as she looked back to the guard to see what he was to say with her agreeing to nothing to help him for no cost at all.

XaeiDeLaRose: The Empress's words eased his mind, his task was done. "Thank you, your Highness. Would you like for me to make preperations, to secure your safety during that vulnerable time?" He'd ask, genuinely concerned as he was loyal very much to this Empire. However, when she spoke about his likely return to th North, it made him cringe inside though he remained quiet on his thoughts. It was not set in stone yet. "I would be happy to give the good news to the Princess. However, she will likely realise before I even get there." Her words didn't concern him, he didn't care about anyone else beyond this land. People would suffer, die and more likely the majority would deserve it. Her actions would not be so straight forward if not, having complete faith in his Empress. Standing straight, he looked forward with his fist still clenched to his chest. Awaiting further orders, if he should aid her in preperations, before taking upon his typical duties as a guard until he had to advance to the North once again. At least it won't be Winter...

SophitiaEien: Relief came over the woman as she heard confirmation that this was indeed Scarlet. She really didn't want to be giving pieces to the wrong people, after all. She didn't have a whole lot yet, but there would be time to make more. “It's a pleasure to meet you. It seems I have an eye for people!” She chuckled softly as she watched the queen's sister go over the details of the gauntlet. Flattered at her words, she bowed her head in respect with a light blush. “I am eternally grateful to you and your sister, Your Grace. I hope to be in your family's and court's service as long as my life allows. Your eyes are quite beautiful as well.” As Scarlet bade her to follow, Striga trailed behind her calmly as she showed Anaya the piece she'd been given. It was cute watching how Scarlet was almost hiding her amazement; she loved that about her work. She took her time on her pieces, be it gown or armor, for the sheer reaction of the people purchasing and receiving it. This was what she lived for. A bubble of excitement came to her chest, causing her smile to grow slightly and a little bit more of a blush coming over her cheeks. Although, she was partly paying attention to what Anaya and the guard were discussing. The potential of a weather change in the north, and the floods that would be caused by such a change...Anaya was talking about this as if she could actually achieve such a task. Such was an insanity even Striga dared not entertain, as it was pure folly. Her dark thoughts were soon interrupted by a rather amusing statement that the queen made about Scarlet, calling her a rugged homeless woman and telling her to get her wardrobe sorted. Rather than laugh and risk losing both position and head, she cleared her throat and beckoned Scarlet over. “Would you kindly show me to your dressing room, Your Grace? I would like to show you some of the gowns I've created for you and your family's women to choose from, as well as take your measurements and get your preferences of cloth. I would love to see what colors you like.”

ScarletEveDeLaRose: Scarlet gasped at her sister’s remark about her clothes but she wasn’t insulted because this was a dragon Queen she was talking to, “I will definately have clothes made to my perfection and they will be the most beautiful in all the land,” she had her finger pointed into the air then stuck her tounge out at her sister before using her hips to show some sass before she sat down, “I’m pretty sure another gemstone color would suit me just fine too,” she thought her herself as she flipped her hair and blew a strand of it out of her face, “and maybe something that would keep this from happening.” Scarlet then looked back to the woman who showed her the clothing, “of course. Follow me.” She softly smiled as she lead the woman out of the throne room, she lead the woman upstairs to a room with a glass window that had a painting of a rose infront of a full moon, Scarlet opened her closet to reveal her red and black huntress outfit, her blue dress, and a few pants outfits that she wanted to throw out the window or give away at one point, “This is all I have for now. And don’t mind those,” she pointed to the two moon shaped blades that were hidden behind the clothes
Anaya: Anaya gave a chuckle as her sister gave her sas, she would get her sister later after things and when things were made “red and gold, make my sister her family colors so she can dress like the family. One day sister you will be given land and it is about time you look like a ruler and dress as sutch. You are a queen and will have a castle. I have done the papers in serch of a castle for you so you can rule a castle and be a wing of this empire, and heir children to your throne” she would go over this with her sister farther “we will talk on it later, on what will be done” Anaya turned back to that guard and smiled softly and nodded her head to him “yes if you wish to styay you can and be of use in protecting my chamber wall i sleep. But we do have guards and i will have my wolves stathioned at my doors to keep me safe as well and things here have been rather calm as of lately so i dont feel that i will be attacked wall all our defences magicly are down” wall she would do what needed to be done to cast a wish spell to change the weather for there to stop the cold that he had stated had gotten out of hand. She smiled softly knowing that Relia was alright over there “if relia needs anything i wish you to inform me about it, before you leave i want you to give her something for me, i will give you a stone that you are to give to her, the stone is for her to talk to, she can talk to it and if i am needed she can ask it and i shall give what is needed. She is cared for by this crown and i view her as a child of mine, if she needs anything or needs me to be there personaly all she needs do is ask. Can you give that to her?”

XaeiDeLaRose: The guard listened intently to the Empress, understanding that she already had preperations set in place. "Yes you Highness, I understand. I shall make the arrangements for my return, once things are done here." He was quiet while Anaya spoke fondly of the Princess, and when he offered the stone to her, he took it carefully from her hand and stored it in his pocket. "Yes, Your Highness, I will give it to her as soon as I have an audiance with her, and I will express those same words you spoke to her. From what I saw, she will need it. If that is all, You Highness, I wil depart and carry about my business for the time being. Please do call upon me, once your rest is complete and I shall depart for Galandor Peak at once." With that said, he bowed low once more and the loyal Guard departed, with the Empress's say to act upon his role and scout the castle on his typical route.

SophitiaEien: Striga smiled warmly and followed Scarlet as she walked to what the seamstress assumed was her dressing room, pausing as they stood in front of her closet. She inspected the outfits that Scarlet had already, touching the fabric briefly and examining the stitchwork and embroideries. She paid heed to Scarlet's words as far as the two blades, but she did notice them and gave them a glance-over. Unique shape, well made, interesting. Something she'd consider asking about later, when she got to know her later. She noticed that the pants outfits had been somewhat neglected, a thin layer of dust on them from having not been touched recently, a sign that they were not preferred. She noticed things like this because she had an eye for clothing preferences for different people. She touched them briefly, tilting her head. “A beautiful make, but not worn recently. I trust this is not your style?” She asked softly. “I don't mean to pry; I am simply trying to get an idea of your preference. The queen mentioned red and gold are the royal colors, as well – perhaps a dress or two for courtly and formal occasions in those colors, fit to your style, and a few others in your choice of color for more casual wear? I will ensure Her Highness does not jest about your attire again.” She smiled with the hint of a chuckle playing on her lips, her voice lilting enough to suggest that she was trying to joke around with Scarlet to lighten the mood some.

ScarletEveDeLaRose: Scarlet looked at the pants outfits that were actually more neglected than she thought and rubbed the back of her head, “I only wear pants and blouses in the cold seasons. It’s a long story to why these have not been worn,” Scarlet touched the front pants outfit that was recently worn and less neglected than the others, she also drew her attention towards the red blouse and the blouse that was a winter blue, “I don’t mind you asking what I perfer. I’m more into lace and silk with some rare materials mixed in,” She looked at the dresses that were exactly the materials she was talking about then looked at the dress that she was wearing, “dresses for those occasions and pants for when I have to do outside bussiness,” Scarlet said to the woman like she had just given her an idea, “and don’t worry, I’m pretty sure she’ll still do and say what she wants even if I do get new clothes,” Scarlet gave a giggle that clearly stated she was hardly bothered by it since she knows how to react, “I guess the family colors would be suitable for me aswell.”

KaosTilpasse: The raven was getting bored with waiting, growing impatient. He cawwed loudly, and flapped his wings quickly, which caused a bunch of stuff to crash to the floor. He dropped off the table and disappeared into the shadow created by the torches and chair. Out of seemingly thin air, the raven swoops down from the rafters, and his claws would connect wit the sheer fabrc of her robe, tearing holes in it, while he snatched the ring off her neck and flew off. He flew up into the rafters, then cawwed almost mockingly at Anaya, making sure not to get anywere near arm's reach.
HidekiSaito: Fovuryth tried to mist himself from the kitchen and ended up landing in a random bar somewhere in the city and slammed his hand down on the bar before cursing in dunmer then he took a drink from his flask and listened to the people around him talking about the dragon queen in the castle and all the miracles she can perform. He thought about how she would help him would he be able to get his sight back if so what would be the repercussion of such a wish. He lost his sight from when he was first learning to make illusions and instead of an illusion he caused a bright flash of light that flash fried his eyes turning them completely white, he looked up to the castle’s direction before taking a deep breath to still his racing mind and focused on the area that he was first in where he introduced himself and finally managed to appear in the throne room before bending down and kneeling. “Greetings Dragon Queen my name is Fovuryth Belendel, I have come to offer my services as anything you see fit but before I lost my sight I was a skilled assassin.”

SophitiaEien: Striga listened as she spoke of why the clothing had been neglected, as well as her further explanation pertaining to her fabrics of choice. She touched the dresses that Scarlet looked at, in order to ensure she recognized the material, and then nodded in affirmation as the woman's eyes lit up as though she had an idea as she spoke to the seamstress. When she heard how Scarlet spoke of the queen's way of speaking to her with a giggle, she relaxed some. So it was more in family fun, and not meant in a harmful way – at least, that was how she understood it. Good. No problems there that could be fanned by accidents or mishaps. When the family colors were agreed upon, she nodded affirmatively and bowed to her. “I look forward to creating your wardrobe, and so I will ask the Queen where I will be staying and request the necessary supplies that I'll need in order to measure you properly. Of course, they will be paid for out of my own pocket unless the Crown objects. Please, join me later in my quarters and we can discuss this further. I should settle in, so I will return in a moment.” With this, she gave another polite and respectful bow before turning to exit the dressing room, heading for the throne room once again to inquire about suppliers and any other requests from the Queen.

Anayas eyes looked up as this cawing raven came crashing down from the top of the castle down to smash into her breasts and clawing her up claw marks along her chest as bright blue blood flowed down betweeen her breasts and down her belly staining her dress perminanently. Her red eyes flamed as she looked to all the others in the room as they just got a back steat in her mind. She got up and moved along the floor “stupid bird now i need to heal and get new clothing and i need that ring back” she moved as her hands went over her head “holy ward!” as the words left her lips the castle shoock a little and a large golden berrier came over the whole thing in a big dome, the bird was not leaveing this place untill she alowed it and she needed to dress. She let out  a sigh as she walked awat out of the main room to a room to the side with sofas and large pictures on the walls. She smiled looking at them as she moved and opened up a wardrobe fliping past dresses and gowns to pick out a new one seeing this one was fucking ruined. “will find a nice one in blue so if more blood gets on things it wont be seen” she fliped over dress after dress in all reality she did not have much blu. The claw marks in her chest were healing up as she was not activly puting any speed into it and just alowing it to heal on its own, witch would only take minits but still it could have been faster if she wanted that. She grabed a blue one and striped off the clear one and tossed the blue one over her head pulling it down over her face and shuting her eyes for a moment to relax as the silk sliped over her frame. “he died Anaya, stop thinking about it the dead dont come back just to catch up on old times” memorys sucked as she saw that ring, it was the one she gave to Draven so long ago before he left and vanished into the night, she thought he left her only to find out from some murchent that he was washed up dead on the shore of the coast. And she had other things to think about anyway she had to get hersel;f mentaly ready to grant a wish, and live with that cost. And on top of it all if the dead did come back what would sam do, what would she do, she had no idea and did not even want to think about that, he was the father of her children, she could not hurt him in sutch a way to what relive old flings with dead people. But that was not the case maybe the stupid bird stole it form his body and just liked shiny things, all birds liked shiny things.

KaosTilpasse: The bird cawwed from the main room, seeing her walk away. He flapped his wings a bit, the puffed up in a threat display towards everyone else in the area, as if it meant anything. He then flew through the open door to her side room. A flutter of wings behind Anaya could be heard, before a single footstep would replace it. The raven was gone, replaced by a tall male figure, clothed in an ancient suit. The coat was large, being black leather contrasted in crimson, the same crimson of DeLaRose. The same color combination could be seen on his pants, boots, and gloves. His skin was a deep tan, with a slightly darker scar over his left eye, one that would never heal properly, as she had seen the one to give it to him in their first meeting. Deep burgundy eyes regarded her quietly, and he stayed where he was, the light catching off the blade of his ruby claymore upon his back. When he spoke, he was in the process of shutting the door behind him, giving them some alone time. "Seems I've been gone for too long. Raven Queen did state that time passed more quickly in the land of the dead than in the land of the living. Just another issue to fix, it seems." His voice was deep, and soft, and seemed to caress the air between them, and flow over the skin softly as he spoke. "I do hope you'll forgive the sudden intrusion into your private places..." He let the hint stay floating in the air as he took another step towards her, though not quite reaching her and staying just out of arm's reach. He then grabbed the ring from his neck, the one the raven had grabed ack from her, and he slid it into place on his left ring finger, and went back to silenty studying her.

Anaya: “when you get old you start to go crazy, seeing dead people that are not really there. You died and i am just a old woman imagining things she lost due to a dumb bird puting thoughts in my minds eye. Maybe you are just a image form the past i am trying to relive, you are not here, you cant be” her red eyes looked at him as the blue dress swayed around her, so much had happened in the past weeks she really had to struggle to handle it all and one way to handle things was to right out denie there existance. He died, years ago, it had been so many years ago, ten, twenty she did not even know anymore and now he was there in her room and talking like he never left like it was ok to just pop in like it was ok to make a joke about sexual things, like old times were now, like nothing had changed.  Like everything was just how it was and used to be, she turned her head to look over at a large painting on the wall, it was of him, standing at the frount of the castle like it used to be before there locathion even changed to here, she had images of everyone she had lost in this room, a room filled with memorys and things she did not want to lose if madness took her mind from her yet agein. “back then i got a painter to paint you for me, i had to talk to him for hours explaining what you looked like from my memory i got you exactly how you were even down to what your clothing was made of back then. It is like you never changed, stuck in time in my meorys like madness never took you away from me, it is almost poetic, and seeming that madness may touch me agein now that i am seeing things once more, i am geting up in years arnt i. Sam would have a fit to, it would be grand” she gave a laugh as she looked at the painting, pain in her eyes at the memorys at the loss at everything, this room sher loved it so much but at the same time hated everything about it. “you cant be real Draven, you really cant be, if you were it would turn my world upside down”

KaosTilpasse: Hearing her denials of his existence hurt a little, but it wasn't entirely uncalled for. He had been gone for what seemed like an instant for him. One moment he had been battling his brother. The next he was waking up with a brand between his shoulders and no memory of what happened between. He had heard a few whispers in his time back, and discovered a few new things, but the only thing he had ever wanted was to return. He had found the previous castle empty, and followed her aura to the new home, to find so much had changed. How long had he been gone? No matter, it seemed something drastic would need to be done to break her depressed trance. "If I were a figment of your imagination, could I do this?" He immediately took three steps towards her, and wrapped his arms around her. He then pulled her close to him and leaned down, and kissed her lips deeply and lovingly, pouring his love for her into the kiss and letting her feel that he was truly there. He didn't care what the repurcussions migt be, it was simply something he needed to do, something he had been wanting to do the entire time he had been gone and searching for her.

Anaya: As his arms wraped around her body and his lips hit her own she did not even know what to do with herself, she could not harm him even if he was not real it went ageinst her loveing him witch she did, he was a part of her life form a time before sam before this castle before her time now, back before all of this. But he was real, she could feel his heart beat, she could feel his bre3ath, his lips on hers they were damp and held life within them, they were soft, he was soft, he was real. She backed up a step as she pulled out of that embrace “you, died, it has been over nintiy years that you have been gone. And what comeing back everything would be fine, why did you leave, you died, your body was found on the shores of the coast line we assumed you died at sea” her eyes looked so confused as she backed up and sat down on the sofa her white hair falling infrount of her face as her eyes became wet. “I have a mate who is outside with our daughter, I have my own blood children, everything you and I made was so long ago it is all gone, why come back now” she did not even know what to do with it all, she did not know how to deal with this, dealing with other peoples problumes sure, protect the world but handle her own demons that she locked away so long ago, she had no idea how to do that. She could pick up the world she could make this world turn sideways and even distroy the whole thing if she wanted to but this, this was to much to handle, not after Ryu died, not after she lost her son. She had no idea how to handle this.

KaosTilpasse: He took a step away from her, turning his back to her as he seemed to head towards the door. "I'm truly sorry... I didn't know." A single tear flowed down his cheek, pitch black, before it dripped to the ground and hit with a soft hiss and puff into shadow. "For me, it was only an instant. he last thing I rememer is recieving a killing blow." He undid his coat, then his shirt, and pushed the coat off his shoulders. He let it slide down until it was showing his bare back, but held it up to not hit the floor. Upon his back was a black rand, one that still seemed to be fresh, with a very slight black mist issuing from it. "They say it's the mark of the Raven Queen, the goddess of the dead, for those she chooses to be her chosen knight. For me, I was gone only an instant. One moment, death took me. Next moment, I'm digging my way out of the ground, with this thing burned int my back." He grimaced slightly, but put his coat back on. "I see that you're happy with your life, and I see now that I should never have returned to ruin it." He slid the ring from his finger, then set it on the windowsill, before turning his back again. "I wil go, and you will never hear from me again, but I must ask you one thing before I go." He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the answer, before asking the question. "Do you love him?"

Anaya: Anaya looked up from her hands as she had her face in her fingers “love him, no, i settled for him after you left, i could not hold a castle without children to carrie on the name so i had to find something to be able to use to gain heirs to this throne, i killed his hole family so i could drag him back here to use him to get children witch i have so i can keep this castle and place alive. He is the father to Noki and was the father to our Son his race is not strong enough to over take my own so our children come out golden dragons as i wanted it is the only reason i keep him and feed his need to fuck everything around here. And haul off the bodys of the ones he beds to him happy. I would not contemplate here and now that i could cage him up agein and use him as a object for younge if it would not break my daughters heart to do so”  her eyes looked at him as he was going to leave she could feel his pain, a part of her cared but a part of her just wanted him to go and turn the whole place back to normal but in the end could she just push past it after this even if he did leave right now. No, she would not think the same knowing he was out there alive and walking the world. She let out a breath and got up walking over to him and takeing his hand in her own clawed fingers and takeing the ring off the window ledge and puting it on his finger “i gave this to you once upon a time, dont give it back ever as i never want it back or off your finger”

KaosTilpasse: He looked at her as she placed the ring upon his finger. He then looked down at the ring, thinking for a bit. He was having a major internal battle, as to whether he should leave and try to exist, knowing she was here, or if he should stay, take his chances at potentially renewing their love and making her happy again. In the end, that last thought won him over, above everything else. "I watched you today, in the throne room, and not once did you ever smile. So that shall be my goal. Even if things are gone between us, even should nothing else ever happen. I want to see you smile, truly smile, like you used to do every time you saw me. After all this time of searching for you, that is the one thing I miss above all else. Your smile." He took her hand in his, the one holding his, and lifted it up, kissing her hand softly. "Just know that no matter the land, no matter the world, no matter what time of day, week, month, or year. I always have and always will love you." He then let go of her hand, then loked her up and down. "By the way, you look good in blue. Matches your blood." He smirked a little playfuly, and though the pain behind his eyes was still plain, he hid it behind his previous antics as he stood there with her.

Anaya: As she looked up at him and his words about how her dress looked good, he was ameking small talk to try to not have himself break in half  “i look better in red” she gave a chuckle as she held his hand in her own that ring there promise to one another to never forget what they had together, there forever rose traped in glass “i dont smile often you sould go out and meet the kids, they sould be back from the river by now, Noki mine and Samuels daughter and Xia we just adopted her they are the only ones left at the castle now, Ana is off ruleing her own lands now. There is much you have missed” she gave a very light chuckle as she took his hand in her own and walked with him leting go of his hand as she exited out the doors to the sofa room and back into the main hall. “Noki, Xai, you back yet!” she called out hearing the thumping of her loudest daughter always first of course running down the stairs to her mothers call as she was geting a towl to dry off from swimming. “mother!, Father pushed me in the river! And i got wet and it did not burn cus you changed the water, and you sould have swam longer with us, them maybe Father would not have tossed my new sister off his shoulders, she hit the water but sounded like she had fun, i like her” Noki was a chatter box when she wanted to be and she ran full force into Anayas gut as she wraped her arms around her mothers and Anaya gave a grunt retwening the embrace as she held her little one “sounds like you have fun with your new sister, i am glad and yes i had matters back here to handle” Nokis eyes moved to the new man as she looked at him with a big proud face and bright blue eyes “who is he? New guard, will he protect us or something” Anaya looked to Draven “it is up to him what he wants to do here with us, and you could use a personal guard seeing you scared the last one off with the spiders” Noki gave a chuckle softly as she remembered that day all to well. Anaya relaxed as she dropped the ward she had put up.

XaeiDeLaRose: Water was more fun than she thought, never had Xaei been swimming before, but she had laughed so much and she got to spend time with her new sister and father. This day was perfect, the best day ever. Though she may have nearly drowned when her father through her into the water, he quickly saved her however. The young dragoness was exhausted, the last to return to the castle, having been walking at least ten or more paces behind the two. Seeing her mother, and her sister in her lap she walked up to the both of them, pulling on her mother's arm to get her attention, while she tried to climb into her lap. "It was the best day ever mama." Xaei said sleepily, rubbing her palms against her eyes. "I didn't know guards could be scared of spiders. Guards shouldn't be scared of anything." Her words blurred, not entirely coming out as meant to, due to her lack of knowing most words. Looking up at the man that her mother said might be a guard, she squinted. "Is he scared of spiders too?" She quizzed, her wet frame sitting against her mother's chest if she had brought her onto her lap.

SymforiaLunarStorm: It wasn't long after the barrier was brought down that a figure rode up to the castle. A hood was low over the persons head, blocking its head and face from view, though there was a bit of dark hair flying about the edges of the fraying black fabric. The horse itself was a dappled grey mare, whose powerful strides had the rider at the castle gates within a few minutes. As it got closer to the guards stationed outside could begin to see a slender figure atop the horse, and a light purple dress flapping about in the wind. Stopping in front of them Ales dismounted and looked up at the guards before lowering her hood to reveal a head of stark brown curly hair atop a finely boned pale face with ice blue eyes taking in every detail around her. To tell the truth she had no clue if they knew she was coming, accompanying her father on a trip of good will. “I am here to see the Royal family.”She told them with a slight accent to her voice, giving it a musical quality like that of a flowing brook. They wasted no time asking her whom she was to which she answered in a rather bored tone that she was daughter to King Verrali and her father would be at the castle sometime within the next few days, but that she had rode ahead eager to see the new lands and meet the new people. The men seemed to accept her answer as the opened the gate and one of them lead her inside and up to the doors, escorting her inside to be announced. The more he walked without talking the more anxious she became. What if they didn't believe her, after all a lady never traveled by herself, let alone a princess. For all she knew they were leading her to be locked in the dungeons until her father arrived. Despite the slight unease she showed no sign of worry as she took off her cloak fully and draped it over her arms. “I can find them myself if it is to much of a bother to you. I wouldnt want to take you from your post”

SophitiaEien: Striga had just left Scarlet's dressing room and was headed to the throne room now, dead-set on finding out where the fabric merchants were to supply the sister's favorites. She also had no idea where she'd be staying if such accommodations had already been set aside, so the woman planned on asking after that as well so she could get set up and begin her work. She'd since taken off the fur-lined overcoat and now carried it folded over her arm, dressed in a simple but very pretty white and red gown. It didn't show much and was long-sleeved, probably a bad choice for this weather but the castle was surely cool enough to make it reasonable. Striga approached the throne and waited, ensuring other matters were attended to before hers, but she had the posture of someone who had a question to those that noticed.

ScarletEveDeLaRose: Scarlet had just emerged from the upstairs area after hearing something thump up against her door, She thought it was someone from the downstairs area but it was just her mind playing tricks on her again, She was going to go towards the throne room when something from the kitchen area made her duck, “What’s going...Holy…” Scarlet had to jump because another wild animal had gotten loose from the cook once again, “They can handle this themselves.” Scarlet facepalmed then exited the kitchen area and entered the throne room as she heard the sound of the wild animal in the main halls, She noticed that mostly everyone from before was in the room including the woman that she met earlier

KaosTilpasse: Draevyn crouched down, smiling to the kids. "No one should ever be afraid. Fear only serves to hold us back and keep us from growing. And if I know your mother, you'll need to grow big and strong. So never fear anything." He patted both on the head softly, before he stepped just to the left of the throne. He stood tall, and unsheathed his claymore, the bright ruby blade gleaming as if from an inner fire, as he then set the tip on the ground and held the handle before him, in the stance of a Royal Knight. If anyone were to see his aura, they would see tw auras i tandem, one black from the Raven Queen, and one fiery, from the Apex Predator. He then kept his burgundy eyes trained on the room before the thrones, keeping a close eye on everyone silently.

XaeiDeLaRose: Xaei clinged tightly to her mothers chest, looking for a moment to Noki then back to the man, while he sat crouched in front of the both of them. Most of the words he said were misplaced in her lack of understanding, but it was fear that she knew most about, felt it every day until now. Fear made her stronger, it willed her to escape her fate, her fear led to this happiness with her new family. The young dragoness cried quietly while she thought on that, her body might be mended but her mind wasn't. "I'm not afraid!" She yelled, pushing the man's hand away from her head to jump off her mother's lap, then proceeded to run to her chambers and hid under the bedsheets, her long wet hair that was still wet, fell over her face.

SymforiaLunarStorm: The guard grunted at her and pointed her to a room where she could see a group of people wander and standing about. “Through there.” he barked at her. She nodded thanking the man and walked into the room intime to see the tall man brandish his weapon to the children she was about to jump in and stop any violence from being committed, her mind was filling with possible situations and how to move the children out of danger as soon as she could. As she stepped a few more feet into the room her hand went flying to the hidden blade in the pocket of her gown but something about the expression on the mans face and that of the other people in the room that she instantly stood down and as to not make a spectacle of herself moved somewhat gracefully off to the side to observe the room before she made her title and purpose known. She noticed how the man positioned his blade and how he stood and she blushed thankful that she hadnt attacked a kingdom guard.

SophitiaEien: A very nervous woman was led in, a child sprinted off, and Anaya had left as well to attend to other matters. This was probably the busiest place she'd ever seen. Striga noticed a man standing with a gigantic blade rested in a protective position in front of him and a chill went down her back – a very, unwelcome feeling. As she was so near everyone and in a very social position, her aura was clear and open to those that could read it. What they could sense would instantly place her on anyone's watch-list, because it was straight insanity that was very thinly veiled by calm. She took a deep and trembling breath as she looked around, smiling calmly, but mentally mapping the room in case she needed to duck out. Something made her very uneasy, and she couldn't put her finger on it. Instead of dwelling on it too much, Striga turned her attentions to the new woman who'd been directed in by a guard, bowing in politeness after stepping over to face her. “Good day, madam. I really must compliment you; that outfit suits you perfectly.” Her smile was now genuine, her emerald green eyes meeting that of the other's as her charm kicked in slightly.

ScarletEveDeLaRose: As Scarlet was about to take her seat, she noticed that her sister was gone and there were new people coming into the castle, “Oh great...Since when did this place get so popular?” Scarlet thought to herself as she shook her head at the fact that she was going to have her hands full if they end up asking for a royal,She walked up to a higher seat so people could see her better as she spoke, “Welcome everyone to castle DeLaRose. I’m not sure where the Queen went but I’m sure she will be back soon,” Scarlet was a little nervous when she made her voice known but for some reason it went away as soon as she opened her mouth, “I better step down from here.” Scarlet thought as she bowed and walked to her seat, “I actually hope that everyone is preoccupied with something else.”

HidekiSaito: Rarithyr got tired of waiting for the queen to answer him all because of a blasted raven keeping him from being able to speak with her then she suddenly departed for business so he stood and walked around stomping his feet loudly and occasionally feeling when he would run into Striga the seamstress squeezing her breast slightly the moment he ran into her. “I am terribly sorry miss,” he said his face warming swiftly at the moment he realized what had happened before turning into mist to hide from embarrassment only to reappear on the roof without thinking just wanting to hide from everyone. Cursing himself for losing his sight in the matter that he did. After a while of being there he would reappear in the main room where everyone was and placed himself off away form the group with only his flask as company so he can avoid causing another incident like the one that had happened again.


  Rose Has Thorns Part 3 - Spring Rains Fire - Page 3 Wakeupat4-1000

SophitiaEien: As Striga was on her way toward the newcomer, who apparently did not hear her and turned to walk away, someone seemed to bump into her rather hard and she felt something grip her breast. The woman squealed with a bright pink blush and covered her chest, staring the man down and about to tell him off out of pure embarrassment, but she noticed something very distinctive that caused her to become utterly speechless. The man was completely blind, and the only way she could tell was that his eyes were an opaque, milky white. Beautiful eyes, really, eyes that couldn't see the outside world. She'd always felt that way. Before she could find her voice he had vanished into some kind of mist, no longer standing before her. She stood in shock and awe, covering her mouth to process everything. “E-Excuse me...for a moment,” Striga blurted hastily as she ran outside to get a breath of fresh air. A few moments passed and she had calmed, her heart still beating out of her chest over the matter but otherwise she was alright again. Who was that strange individual? Was it really an accident, or simply a ploy? He'd apologized, sure, but any man would after doing something like that wouldn't they? What did it mean? Why did she feel like this? The questions made her head pound until the voices started shouting, and in order to get rid of them she decided to take a walk around the castle grounds in the oddly pleasant weather. Sooner or later she found herself inside of a dense forest nearby, and a few trees away there was an odd cloth contraption strapped to two sturdy trunks – along with someone's satchel of belongings, or some other type of piled up junk. Striga walked over toward it out of curiosity and saw that the contraption was a hammock, and she chuckled a little. Someone had made camp here and abandoned their belongings, it seemed, because at her feet lay the pile she saw earlier – and it was not just any pile, but armor. Hide armor of some strange make. She picked it up and examined it, raising a brow as she had never seen material like this before. She ran her hands over it, smelled it, and even licked it – nothing she did could determine the origins of this hide, and she KNEW leathers and hides. She knew skins very, very well. In order to examine further, Striga placed it with her medium sized surgery kit on her hip and headed back to the castle.

HidekiSaito: Rarithyr returned to his hammock after getting some air on the roof he sniffed the air, and a low grunt of anger left his throat before he bent down and touched the ground feeling for something or anything trying to see if something was missing only to find that it was his Dragonian armor, which was given to him by Leviathan the armor was crafted from a red dragon and turned its color to that of sea blue. That seamstress he thought before grabbing a small string off the ground where his armor once laid the string small and almost not noticeable but his hands felt it. She will hear from him and rue the day she chose to steal his armor, yet it wasn’t the armor he cared for it was the action of the woman. He will give her word but the armor shall be hers he so decided for he was giving his god up and the blessing. He then shifted his thoughts to the woman Striga and her scent before focusing to appear before her. “seamstress I believe you have what is mine, that armor you found near a hammock.” He said softly his pale white eyes locked on hers he said as the mist fell away revealing him before her.

SophitiaEien: Striga made it back to the castle and was just about to enter the throne room in order to ask about her board before she realized something – Anaya was doing something else at the moment, and hadn't been seen for some time. She'd have to examine it elsewhere, in private. This was important. However, what she didn't expect was for mist to appear before her and fall away, revealing a figure she didn't recognize at first...until she saw his eyes. Then, she heard what he'd said about the armor. Oh, shit. She wasn't prepared for a fight. Her first instinct was to blush massively in embarrassment at her foul-up, wringing her hands a bit and offering the armor back to him. “I am so very sorry, sir,” she began, “I was on a walk to calm down after a stranger...well, that's not important. I found it in the forest, and I had never seen any armor like it before. I was going to examine it, as I work with leathers and hides myself. Here,” her arms outstretched until the armor touched his chest, as she knew he would need to feel it being offered to him due to his being blind. “I thought that area was an abandoned camp. I shan't disturb it again.” She bowed low to the ground, completely ashamed, but inside her heart was pounding. What was he going to do? If he'd found her so easily, what else had he found? Did he /know/ anything? A thousand questions flew through her head, all of which making her more anxious by the second. Her hand raised to her thigh, feeling the blade between her legs through her dress. Just in case...

HidekiSaito: He looked to the armor and pushed it back to her. “all you had to do was ask and the armor would have been yours? All I ask is that you fashion me an armor of similar ilk. That hide is Dragonian, carved from a red dragon, and crafted by my hand. I have never been burned wearing it.” He said before turning on his heel to leave her with the armor, the twin blades clipped to his lower back unsheathed a dull pink glow rested off the blades. “if I desired your life for stealing it would be done already Lady Seamstress before you could even blink but that was when I had my sight now its more or less you would be seriously wounded.” He said softly before looking to her and reaching out. “may I see you for a moment?” he said softly as he turned to face her again, being that he is blind he is hoping that she would allow him to feel her face.

SophitiaEien: She looked up slightly as he spoke of the armor being hers had she asked, slightly surprised by the generosity. When he spoke of her fashioning him something similar, the woman lit up with a grin that spoke volumes about her emotions. She nearly had tears in her eyes due to happiness, in fact. Striga was, for the first time in her life, stunned to silence. All she could do was listen with shaking, slow breath as he spoke of how he could kill her before she'd even realize it. A dampness moistened her drawers beneath the gown she wore and her knees weakened, as such a threat by such an intriguing individual made her feel things she was most certainly not used to. When he asked to see her Striga was confused for a moment, before once again remembering that he is blind and needed to feel her face in order to “see” her. “O-Of course,” she managed to say, her voice quieter than it was before and much softer in tone. She stepped forward enough that his hand was able to touch her cheek, which was easily done as she was shorter than him. “A-and....I...I would love to make armor for you. Anything you need. Thank you....f-for the armor! I mean..I didn't mean to steal it.” She was fumbling, and he could easily feel the heat on her cheeks as she struggled for the proper response.

HidekiSaito: Rarithyr steps closer to Striga, before his lips brushed hers before heading toward leaning closer to her ear as his calloused hand traced her left side of her face his breath hot on her right earlobe before he spoke in a husky voice. “I smell your desire Seamstress.” He said softly before stepping away and cleared his throat. “how much will it cost for you to create me an armor of similar or higher quality?” he asked her before stretching out then sat on the floor after feeling for the wall to rest.

SophitiaEien: The woman was already flushed enough, but just about fell to her knees with only the will of the Gods to hold her standing as the man stepped closer and his lips brushed against hers. Striga's head was spinning and numb, the feeling of the callouses on his hand and the warmth of his breathy voice against her earlobe all combining to make her melt on the inside. Her expression was interesting, to say the least, as it was a combination of wide-eyed shock and...other feelings. Still trembling where she stood before him, she rushed her mind to focus as he asked his question about the price of the armor. Striga sat beside him, resting her hand on his shoulder gently. “Sir, for you and what you have allowed me to experience just now, I would happily charge you naught for it. Simply give me a week, and you shall have the best armor I can craft.” She looked into his milky white eyes and smiled softly, her heart warmed as much as her body was.

HidekiSaito: He looked to her and placed his hand on hers that rested on her shoulder as he looked into her eyes. “ take your time I am in no rush.” He said before he turned and let himself stretch out placing his head into her lap before settling to be comfortable. “So tell me about the leathers you do make, and why is there a strange smell coming off of them?” he asked her as he had his hands resting on his stomach looking up at her completely comfortable using her lap as a pillow.

SophitiaEien: Striga relaxed slightly as his hand rested upon hers, then gave the tiniest of gasps as he turned and settled his head into her lap. She made sure to relax her muscles so that it wasn't an uncomfortable pillow, then rested her hand on his head as he asked her about her leather. At first it didn't click what he meant about the smell, and then it hit her. Oh, shit. Oh, SHIT. Her heart was back to pounding, but she remained calm on the outside. It was then as his head laid on her lap that he could possibly feel the hilt of the blade strapped to her innermost left thigh, something she very much wished she could easily access at the moment. He could also hear the metal jostling of the surgery kit's contents as she adjusted for his comfort, brushing her long fingers through his hair in an effort to calm herself. It helped. “Well, I treat them with special oils in order to hasten the leathering process. I also color them, and the dyes tend to be quite...pungent.” She chuckled softly, her eyes never leaving his as she mentally thought of a thousand ways to silently slit his throat and hide the body. He knew, and she knew it, yet...he made her /feel/ things. She /COULDN'T/ kill him. He'd given her his armor in kindness, and didn't seem to be upset even if he did know...what was the harm? He surely could even help her, in some small way. Yes..this could potentially work in her favor. Her heartrate calmed down, and she sighed softly in comfort. “In truth, the hide I work with is quite rare and difficult to obtain.”

HidekiSaito: He felt the knife against the back of his hand thus shifting his knuckle a bit to dig the blade into her inner thigh causing the tip of his finger to stroke against her dampened sex with a chuckle as he kept his eyes on her before speaking. “Interesting as someone who has dabbled in the art of crafting hides, I would like to see your methods.” He said for some reason having someone to talk to kept him on a saner level than one would expect it seems he is starting to come to terms without having his sight but he would much rather be able to gaze upon her face which seemed to be completely perfect to him.

SophitiaEien: Striga's blade cut just a little into her thigh, which elicited a fresh wave of tingling and warmth to the same sex that Rarithyr's finger began to stroke against with just the tip. The hand that was in his hair tightened lightly into a fist, curling his hair in it just enough to indicate that what he was doing was something that was making her feel very, very nice. She had to bite back her tongue to prevent from making any sound that would alert outside attentions, and she took a deep breath before she spoke – however, her voice was even softer and silkier than usual. It also carried something of an innocent tone to it, given that she really had never experienced this. “I would be honored to show you, though I'm afraid I d-don't know where I am stationed...I would much rather show you this where none can see. It is a very guarded secret of mine, you see..” Striga rested her hand on his cheek, stroking lazily with her thumb as she became lost in gazing at his face. He was something else, alright. He didn't seem afraid of her, nor did he want to kill her at all. It was exhilarating. “What is your name, gentle sir?”


  Rose Has Thorns Part 3 - Spring Rains Fire - Page 3 Khal_drogo___game_of_thrones__jason_momoa__by_shonnawhite-d8lzuj4

Guest_Arthus: with Anaya having gone to deal with the children he walked out of the dining hall with half a chicken wing in his maw. He ripped off a chunk of flesh and swallowed it down enjoying the silence of the castle. It was nice that everything was gone and he could just plop himself into the throne and do whatever was needed. A small slave girl followed beside him bruises covering her body and a large gash on her left shoulder that was hardly covered by the thick chain and small garments she had on, clearly it was a present slave. “come on girl” he barked as he walked over to the throne and she followed swiftly behind him moving and hoping up on his lap as his arms wrapped around her and her body seemed to shrivel a slight amount. His hands and skin touches onto her own as her skin turned a little bit gray to his touch. “yes Master Sir she will do as paid for.” he moved a finger and pressed it to her lips as she cringed slightly and clearly faked liking it “shhh little one it will be ok” he said softly as he moved her head to rest on his shoulder as his fingers went and ran into her hair relaxing on the throne with his property.

SophitiaEien: As Striga looked down, it was clear that, without her noticing it, Rarithyr had fallen asleep on her lap. She breathed a soft sigh of combined relief and sexual frustration, shaking her head to clear her thoughts of the dirtiness he'd incited. She was about to try to stand and help him to a place to rest when she stopped dead-still at the sight of a man walking in and sitting on the throne with what seemed to be a very bruised slave. Her arms fell to her sides and she became numb all over, simply staring at the girl as a flashback entered her mind and took over. The screams filled her head...her own horrid, bawling she was beaten mercilessly simply for spilling a mop bucket in a freshly cleaned room. Another girl's head being taken off in front of them for stealing a piece of bread. And the horrible cries and grunts of the master and a young slave--...Striga gasped and her vision cleared until she could see the throne room again, and it was clear that her head had drooped to the floor in her state. She trembled with anger and hatred and just as she was about to stand and run toward the apparent king, with all intent to kill him and free the slave, she caught sight of the sleeping blind man on her lap. She felt a sense of calm wash over her again, and a warmth in her heart that had not been there ever before. What is this? She thought, and finally, it hit her. Even in their limited interaction time, she was falling for him. She never believed that someone as numb to killing as her would feel such an emotion, but here it was, right in front of her. It was at that moment she decided that she would protect him from all harm and that she would devote her heart, soul, and body to him should he want it. The armor he'd requested would be made with every ounce of love she held.

Guest_Arthus: His hands moved over his girls hair as he brushed her hair from her face and softly looked at her, it was a pitty, she was dieing, he had taken her on the side of the kitchen counter top so hard it had broken one of her shoulder bones, every move the poor little dove took was painful and it was clear she was fighting the pain even in her breathing and relaxing on his shoulder was helping slightly even if it was her fadeing away form the toxin that was epping into her systum slowly. Sam kissed her forehead as he softly ran his finger into her hair a bit more color slipping from her skin as he held her head to his shoulder “it will be over soon dove, don't worry ” his voice sounded so sentimental like he was doing a good deed when in the end and in all reality of it he caused this girls death the moment his hand touched her fair skin. Anaya had paid every coin for this cheap town slave that was no more than fifteen years of age and now it was all overused and soon to be tossed away after being cradled like she eve3n mattered at all. His green eyes looked out as he put his chin on the girl's forehead and he looked on to see the woman sitting there with that man asleep on her lap. Who was that anyway, new staff, another village whore keeping her latest john safe and warm before she vanished in the morning. “have you see my daughters girl?” he called out to her as he kept running his black clawed fingers in the slave girls hair as her eyes slowly closed and her breathing was starting to slow.

SophitiaEien: As Striga was addressed by the man her head snapped up to look at him, wide-eyed for a moment before she calmed herself and cleared her throat. “One of the children ran off to her room earlier, but I am afraid that is all I know. I am simply a seamstress to Scarlet and Her Highness's daughters, just arrived earlier today.” She told naught but the truth; she didn't even know where her new quarters where she would be working were located. Seeing how the girl in his hold appeared in ill health, her face paled and cold-blooded anger flooded through her. She had to keep calm, but that girl was dying. What on earth had he done...She didn't dare question it. She simply shifted her gaze back to Rarithyr's sleeping face, focusing on him as she trembled in the slightest of ways. Oh, how she wished that she could access her blade. Her leg began to ache from the position she'd shifted in to during her flashback, so she gently lifted Rarithyr's head – failing to foresee that his hand in her lap caught onto the slightly unsealed surgical bag on her hip. It snapped open and everything spilled to the floor, metal clattering. She gasped a bit and quickly moved to pick up the supplies, hoping the man could not see that far enough to know what they were used for. If anyone found out she had medical training that she didn't tell them about, it would not be good for her.

Guest_Arthus: Sams keen ears picked up the clang of the metal on the stone floor and sharp green eyes saw everything, wyverns were very smart and alart creachers they had to be to be apex hunters. “thank you, yes the one is is a tad sensative still, but she is loved by myself and her mother. ” he loovked to the girl in his lap and arms as he pushed her hair from her face, the color of her skin was gone and she was breathing even slower, her heart was droping to a slower beat but she looked almost peaceful give or take the from time to time winces she gave due to the fact her internal orgins were failing and she was in excrushiateing pain but the world around her was silent to her now “and dont worry about this one, even if you gave it your best you would not be able to save her, poor thing was going to die reguardless if I had her or not, slavers were going to beat her death next morning, at least did did not die in some pig pit, pitty payed good coin for her” he pushed the hair anbd tucked it behind her ear as he watched as everything weas draining form her like sand down a hour glass “it will be any moment now that the life will fade from her, then I can have her body tossed to the body pit and have it burned, she won't even be able to be used as dog food with my toxin now in her systum” he moved and kissed her cheek softly “but she is really pretty, pitty she would have made a fine play mate for the kids”

SophitiaEien: She managed to get the last of the tools squared away and registered what he said about the slave, and thankfully she'd sealed the bag this time because she dropped it to the floor in shock. For a second time, she was speechless. “” She stuttered, shaking her head. Surely she misheard. “Forgive me. I will not pry. It is not my concern. Would you happen to know where Her Highness would allow me to set up so I can craft Scarlet's gowns?” She asked, clearly trying very hard to contain her composure. She didn't know what to think of this man, not at all. Was he a slave, or something worse? Striga couldn't bear to hear any more about the girl's condition as he continued to describe it, and it was very clear that the talk of it bothered her. If he recognized her reactions, he'd know for sure that she herself was an escaped slave who had seen much cruelty, but nothing like this. In her many years of killing, she couldn't shake off the pain of other slaves. She helped lay Rarithyr down on the folded outer coat she wore, having placed it under his head as a pillow. It held her scent in it, so that when he woke he'd know it was hers. Striga stood slowly but still wavered, using the wall as a support. She didn't anticipate the after-effects of the shock and swirl of emotions she'd experienced in the past hour or so.

Guest_Arthus: Sams' eyes watched her move as she got up from that man that was sleeping on her lap, how cute the girl was woopy in love or something along the lines of. He did not care. As the last seconds of life sliped out of the girl on his lapo her body without him stoping it tumbled to the ground in a heap on the floor dead “wyverns haqve a toxin in there bodys that is secreated on there skin, eyes, moisture and every part of there bodys, when we get heated or angered or anything it is released and it can seep into anything we touch or that touches us, it is why I cant hold my new daughter just yet and why that poor thing died after I fucked her on the kitchen counter top. But as said she was going to be killed anyway so in reality it is almost a murcy killing to have given the girl one last fun time before her death , cant blame her for one last fling right” he gave a smile as he leaned forword and rested his elbows on his knees “how about you set up shop in my room, best view of the land from my balcony, wopuld be best if you had no clothing on to, maybe make some new garments for us after I rip all of yours off” he gave a smile and licked over his lips his bright green hues looking at her with that glimmer in his eyes.

SophitiaEien: Striga watched the girl fall from his lap, dead, and time slowed down for her. Utter, droning silence for a few moments, and then she heard him speak of wyverns and toxin...and he used the word “we”. He was massively blunt, this king, speaking of fucking her in the kitchen and whatnot. All she could do was swallow the lump in her throat as she stared at the girl's body, pale as parchment. When he spoke of offering his own room to her she was at first grateful, but then the talk of ripping her clothes off came and she held her arms tightly, taking a step back. “I...I am afraid I must decline. I am saving myself for someone special, Your Highness, and I know that the queen would be most upset. Forgive me for declining...I do not mean to anger you in any way. I could instead craft some armor for you, perhaps?” She asked, quickly placing her arms back behind her back and taking a moment to clear her throat. Calm. Her aura, in all of its psychotic glory, seeped around the room. She couldn't control it, didn't know how to. She was mapping every possible route of escape and defense in her mind but also worried for Rarithyr's sake. Should she leave him like this? Would he hurt the man? Would he even kill him? When those thoughts came, she staggered and held her forehead with one hand. “Forgive me...I feel unwell. I must find a place to lay down,” she said softly as she bent down to rest on her knees in order to begin to pick Rarithyr's sleeping body up.

Guest_Arthus: Sam got up from the chair as he looked at them and stepped over the girl on the floor “guards take the dead body to the pit and have the pit burned, summer is just going to make the body's cook” he looked back to the woman as he took another step over the floor, the sound of his boot hitting the stone floor making a thud that made the castle grow still for a second. He walked up to her flank as he looked down at her as she was picking up the poor sleeping man there on the floor “the queen would not be against anything dear girl, so much you don't know about in this nice light covered tar pit” he gave a smile as he reached into his pocket and pulled out one of his black leather gloves slipping it on his hands. The gloves prevented the toxin from going from him to something he touched and as he leaned over to her his hand reached out to caress her cheek his green eyes like daggers looking into her own “I see something within your eyes that matches mine girl, we could make beautiful things together you and i” he could see the same thing in her eyes that matched his. That darkness, that evil streek that I have seen blood one too many times and evewn tasted it on my lips glimmer that tucked its self away but never could fully be gone, he could see a murderer in there, within her just like it was within him. “change your mind and you can even bring the blade you hold in that medical kit up to my chamber room, no one would even know” his musky smell drifted from his breath over her, it was a mans alure but mixed with a sulfering aroma that smelled stale and acidic it was a smell one could not forget once they got too much of it and it was a smell that once taken in stuck in your nose for too long.

SophitiaEien: Thud. Thud. Thud. The footsteps of the man grew close, and Striga knew all too well where they were heading. She could almost feel the man approaching her flank and her hand shot to the knife between her thighs, a quickened breath taken in as she prepared for a defensive strike, until she felt a gloved hand caress her cheek. A surprised, sharp gasp exited her lips and she quivered, both terrified and about to snap, as he looked into her eyes. Everything he claimed to see was certainly before him now, laying in her unstable gaze, as she fought for both words and action. First Rarithyr had touched her, and now the very King of Iron Dynasty? What on earth was this? She listened to what he said, knowing it would not bode well for her should she choose not to, and she knew that he could end her within a blink – perhaps, even faster, and more painful, than Rarithyr had promised himself. The man spoke of joining him in his chamber once more, and a thought came to mind. This could work, and she could come out of it unscathed – hopefully. If she did this right, she could figure out just how much he knows. Perhaps he was simply trying to intimidate her into doing something she was not prepared for in any way, and she considered this carefully. Weighing her options, her decision heavily influenced by the musk of the man that still stroked her cheek, her mouth opened to speak, her voice soft and trembling. She had no choice...she had to silence him somehow. Find out what he knows, and nothing more. “I...suppose it could not harm anyone,” she said, once again trying to stand slowly and making sure to rest Rarithyr's head on the pillow of the soft fur-lined coat, scented with her. Hopefully, if anything were to happen, he would understand that she had no choice. It was the king...disobeying him or rejecting him usually meant very bad things for women like her.

Guest_Arthus: As she stood up and walked with him he walked behind her guiding him to his chamber door, it was the royal chambers, Anaya slept there to when she needed to but right now it was empty. He opened the door for her and bowed his head slightly for her to enter in first “no it wont do any harm” there was that glimmer in his eyes, the girl was in his room and now the door was shuting, the world outside of this room was growing silent as the door shut with a thud. “so tell me about yourself, I dont even know your name before I lay you down in my bed, the silks are from the far south, best in the whole world” he moved to the table to pick up a decanter filled with a ritch smelling aroma. He picked it up and poured some into a small glass and then poured another glass for himself, he picked both up in his hands and walked back to the bed holding out the glass to the girl “enjoy the simple things before time slips away” he held out the glass as a small chunk of ice clanked into the glass “drink and tell me about everything you ever wanted and don't hide who you are girl, really you are fooling them but you can't fool me”

SophitiaEien: Striga's padding footsteps, made by her bare feet, followed him calmly and only paused to look back at Rarithyr before he was out of sight. When they reached the king's chambers, she bowed her head in respect before entering and standing to face him as he closed the door. She could see the glimmer in his eyes and had a feeling that she wouldn't exactly leave this place intact, one way or another. Striga watched carefully as he poured a glass of some strange drink into a decanter for both of them, and then took it with a soft “Thank you” as he handed it to her. She took a small sip of the drink, finding it quite nice, and she let her whole facade slip away. Her posture relaxed and her expression became emotionless and cold, yet her eyes were almost sultry in their way of looking into his own. She took a couple of steps toward him and lifted her skirt enough to reveal the hidden dagger, only to unsnap it from her thigh and throw it aside. All done with no change in expression. Then she spoke. “I kill certain undesirables and use their skin for my leather armor. I also sell their organs so I can afford the fabrics that people so readily request with naught a thought for what they cost to purchase.” She sipped on the drink again, sighing. “I've caused and seen a lot of death, and I'll admit – seeing that girl die slowly before I affected me. First time for that in many, many years.” She then leaned against the wall, idly swirling the drink in the glass to let it aerate. “So, what can I offer you in return for this knowledge? Have I sated your curiosity, if only for a moment? Or do I still intrigue you, Your Highness? After all, to have caught the attention of a royal Wyvern...someone certainly has to do a lot in order to do that.”

Guest_Arthus: Sams green eyes looked up at her as he smiled and took a sip of her drink and then took another finishing the drink in two swigs. He placed the glass down on the table as he looked at her “I know you are a murderer and I know you are just as bad as I am and what seeing some worthless slave girl die in my lap affected you. Did you have family that was a slave? Even a slave yourself? An acthion that hit close to home I am sure” he moved to her takeing his hand and grabing her dress and yanking her over to him his firm grip on her lower back as he held her to his body that strong musky smell she would now never forget and it would seep into her clothing as he held her to him takeing his other hand and running his fingers into her soft hair “you know it has been a long time that I have gotten something that was not a slave paid for by the crown. Even more so a murderer that could stab me in the gut with the tools she holds on her person. You really sould have held that dagger would have made it a bit more fun” his fingers laced into her hair as he held her, the grip he had was not going to let her move away from him her body was pined ageinst his “I could let you go from here just to have you kill the guards the maids even my own mate, never know who you may slice up, not like I care but still, or I could bed you here and now, make your eyes roll into your head in pleasure your toes curle and shred the sheets of this bed that may even be worth more then your hide, what do you think would be a good choice” he paused for a second to wrap a strand of hair in his fingers “and dont sorry i will let you pick up that dagger agein if you pick opthion to be. Would not want you to go without it”

SophitiaEien: “I was a slave. I escaped by killing my master. I slit his throat, and forced his testicles down the hole.” She gasped as his hand grasped her dress, and she fell into his lap with her hands on his chest. Firm, sinewy muscle rippled beneath her fingers and her face grew hot with a blush once more, and it was very clear -despite whatever he could smell of her- that she was pure in body, if not in mind as well. The musky smell of the man permeated her clothing and even her skin, causing her breath to grow hot as well as he held her body close. She closed her eyes slowly as his hand brushed into her hair, a slow quiver ripping through her back. She listened once more to him, somewhat captivated by his intrigue in her. It was strange, but – could she sense something of loneliness? He mentioned not having a woman he hadn't already paid for, would she be the first if she offered? Would it kill her to be with him in body, as the toxins had already killed the other woman? As he spoke of her toes curling and the sheets shredding, she couldn't think straight. This was lust, surely, and not what she felt for Rarithyr. That had been different, but still...who could deny a king? Would the blind man even care? “I threw the blade to show you that I have no ill intentions. Killing a king would cause me to be beheaded, and even so, I cannot kill a wyvern. I've only learned of their existence today, Your Highness.” She managed to smile a little, still blushing like an innocent maiden even as the chill of her voice was in the air. “I believe you should do as you wish, and I would not deny you nor would I feign displeasure. I have never taken a man, but I would give to you what you desire of me for no charge and of my own free will. May I ask one thing of you before this goes further?” She hoped that in some small way, she could figure out a way to leave unscathed by the toxin – or at the very least, heal from it later.

Guest_Arthus: As her bear hand hit his chest it was already over, her skin made contact with his own and the toxins that covered him were on her skin being soaked in by her pours. The poor thing was doomed before things even started and to think she did not even know what his race was until this day, what a hard thing to learn. His arm moved around her waistline as he picked up in his arms and moved to pin her back against one of the rooms stone walls his green glimmering orbs looking into her own, their eyes matched as he gave a smile “Anaya paid for the slaves I kill every day, sometimes more then one a day falls to the floor at my feet from being them so hard there bones break. But I will be soft with you at first” he was not a man for four players or the plesentrys he knew what he wanted and he took things he wanted. As he moved holding her against the wall with his arm and his body his other hand moved to take his claws and rip down the front of her dress slicing it a fray and sending it tumbling down to the ground. There was no part of him that felt bad about killing the girl witch, in reality, he already did the moment she placed her hand on his bearskin, she did not know better but she did make the choice to come into this room in the first place all in knowing what would happen within. Within his being the beast was growing as the bulge in his pants would throb slightly against her now exposed skin free of binding garments. “it is sad to see such strength fade from the world after it had so much to learn, you can harm me, you can stab me, thrust your blade into my hide and try to dig out my toxic heart. But it wont do any good you are already done, you have one hour left to live unless i bed you here and now, cause your heart to race your blood to flow and everything to move faster and stronger, we can shake the bed with your body” he moved his claws to run his fingers along her bre3asts inbettween them and to her neck were he ran his nails over her soft supple skin. “tell me girl, do you want it, want to feel true freedom before dying. What is it you request of me”

SophitiaEien: She had forgotten about his description of the toxin, and already began to feel strange as her hand remained rested on his chest. Oh, SHIT. She was dead. She knew it now. He had planned this, knew that she'd be overcome by his musk and touch. He'd undone every bit of work that she'd tried so hard to continue...yet there was still one more way. However, her train of thought was interrupted as he moved his arm up around her waist and picked her up, pressing her against the wall as his emerald slits looked into her own green eyes. She gasped as her dress fell away from her, apparently sliced off somehow, and her skin was now completely engulfed in his warmth. She was close to panting; she couldn't handle this level of closeness. It was too new, too frightening, but she knew if she didn't say what she wanted now, she wouldn't live long enough to make her wish known. As she felt his throbbing cock beneath his garments pulsate against her skin, only his breeches keeping her from the inevitable, she finally managed to speak in a breathy soft tone. “I want to be of further service to you. Let me live, in some way. Don't let me die from this toxin, and I shall bed you as often as you request. That is all I ask, and if you do this for me, you shall have my undying loyalty and my body. I want to feel this freedom you speak of, but I want to live it with you again and again.” She closed her eyes as she felt his fingers slide between her supple and perking breasts, causing her nipples to harden quickly, and up her neck where her hairs stood on end as she could feel his nails. She tilted her head back with a soft moan, the first time she'd ever uttered a sound like that, a sound innocent and eager. She was quivering in his hold. She needed this and began to welcome death in order to experience it. Whatever happened, she was sure it would be interesting.

Guest_Arthus: He moved his hand around her neck pining her there against the wall be her neck hard. “fine, you will live, but it won't be an easy recovering and your words girl will not be forgotten” as his words left his lips he took his hand to undo his belt and let his leather pants fall to the ground. His hard member against her female flower as he moved her legs apart with her free hand and thrust his steel into her virgin hold harshly. He loved her tightness around him as the tinge of ber broken womanhood drifted into his nose, such an iron hinted beautiful smell that all dragons melted for. Her spin pushed into the wall hard enough to cut off breath and prevent her from talking further and asking more he did not want to give, he would not give she was lucky at the end of this she would live to be it in a broken heap or not was up to him and him alone. He slammed his hard cock into her over and over till it hit her back wall and forced pain to overcome pleasure and make it simply pain, she would be feeling this for days even weeks after. He panted heavily as he continued not allowing her a moment of rest or a second of breath she may even pass out from the strain of it all delivered to her. The toxin that now was swimming into her body made her feel hot inside, burning, stinging, and throbbing it was painful, very painful like your very insides were on fire ate away by the acid that now coursed through her veins.

SophitiaEien: She managed a sharp gasp as he pinned her against the wall by her throat, and he could feel that her mound was dripping from anticipation as he pressed his staff against it after removing his breeches. Striga felt her legs being parted, and then white-hot pain combined with the familiar scent of blood seared through her pelvis. She cried out in pain before biting it back, taking a deep breath before suddenly he pressed her throat hard enough against the wall that she could no longer breathe. She did not intend on asking for anything more, as she was lucky enough to be granted what she /did/ request. She was fine with whatever happened at this point, so long as she stayed alive. Even if she could never walk again. She managed soft squeals of mixed pain and pleasure, even despite how badly he was hurting her, as it turned out that her years of slavery had made her a sexual masochist of great level. Even though it was a straight pain at this point, she seemed to throb around him and squeeze like a vice while dripping with clear, erotic slickness. Without thinking she wrapped her legs around his hips, almost begging him non-verbally to hurt her more, to make her FEEL more. It would probably be at that moment that her mind had truly, very well snapped. She clawed the wall with her short nails, causing them to break off and her fingertips to bleed as she writhed and arched her back against his thrusting body. The toxin was making it very hard to focus, as it burned through her very veins and caused her vision to blur and double. Everything just...hurt. It hurt so much.

Guest_Arthus: As he thrust against her harder and harder his member throbbed with every move, she was so tight around him he hardly could control himself, out from behind him formed a long hard barbed tail, a deep red-coated scale that the end tip dropped a green fluid. The tail backed up like a scorpion stinger and the lunged forward slamming into her right hip bone shattering the bone and digging into the wall with a bang (one broken right hip) it twisted as it stayed into her flesh ripping skin and bone, it would take a while to heal even if it did heal properly she would walk with a limp if not for her whole life but at least a good part of it. The tail ripped out of her skin and lashed back and forth behind them blood splashing over the bed behind them. He looked at her his green eyes ablaze as he slammed his cock into her time and time again his grip on her throat getting tighter as he watched that look in her eyes fuzzy and get slightly darker, he could see it, the slip of her life just there in her eyes, how he loved this moment how it made him feel alive and like the dragon he was. His jaws started to snap apart as what was once normal teeth changed to pointed fanged teeth before growing back down as he controlled himself and his primal urges somewhat. He slammed and slammed again grunting as his free hand moved to that hole in her leg his fingers moving over it to shove a finger in the hole harshly.

SophitiaEien: Striga could feel the throbs at this point, but she could also feel the throbbing of her entire body as it struggled to cling to life. Her heart...she had to control her heart. That was key to this. She did her best and managed to lower her heart's rhythm a little until searing pain ripped through her right hip and she could just barely feel the heat of fresh blood. She screamed aloud in pain this time, having not been prepared for that sort of agony, and her breath was once again cut further short by his tightening grip on her throat. Her vision was fuzzing out, darkening. No...No, she had a promise to keep. She tensed and untensed her muscles, trying to course the blood enough to get it to clot in her leg, but she didn't have too much strength left. She could feel him slamming over and over inside her, definitely breaching the cervical area and devastating any reproductive organs – if the toxin already hadn't done so for him. More pain, fresh and raw this time, made her yelp and whimper as she produced a peculiar reaction to the fingering of the hole in her leg – her walls contracted around him and she shrieked out in a mewling cry of pain and release. Moisture and blood dripped to the floor beneath them from both her leg and their conjoinment, and her strength began slipping. She tightened her hold on his hips, trying desperately to stay alive even though it was probably soon to be over.

Guest_Arthus: His body tensed as he thrust in one more time hard and then yanked out, and in one fluid mothion he puilled his member free from her folds, pulled her body back fomr the wall and slamed her back into the wall shatering her left shoulder into the stone wall (one broken shoulder, and a cracked upper arm bone/collar bone) he then took her form the wall tossed her to the floor and as she lay there panting he finished himself all over her face, chest, and body a grunt leaveing his mouth as he finished driping his sweed all over her torso. The toxin still seeping into her, the seed feeling like acid poured on the body, it would be a night she would never forget. His hand reached into his pants pocket as he took out a small vile he had been holding onto to place in the dungeon hold for safekeeping, he would have to make a new batch. He reached down, grabed her weak mouth opened her jaw with his fingers and jamed the vile down her throat and forced her to drink it in its intierdy. “you will live girl and the guards will take you to the medical wing to be healed, and in the morning we will fucking repeat this process, mighht even fuck you in the medical bed before you heal and add some salt to the wounds you and I will have a grand friendship, I can just feel it” he moved and taped her cheek with his open palm as he took her face and forced her tounge to lap up the left over of his seed that was on the shaft of his member “and if you tell a soul of our arrangment, I will be sure to have more slaves die at your hand, I hope I make that much clear girl” he gave a smile as he kissed her cheek softly, she would be immune to his toxin now, but that would not make there time together any less unplesent.

SophitiaEien: She was slipping. She could barely feel it as his body thrust against her once more before withdrawing, and then the dull ache of breaking bones caught her fuzzy attention as she tried to gather what was happening. Was she still here? Was it over? Was she dead? She felt her body flying through and fall to the ground, unable to really move at all as the burning hotness of his toxin and seed seared her flesh and insides. She lay there, almost completely still, her eyes beginning to glass over...until something was forced into her mouth, a liquid pouring down her throat. She swallowed as best as she could, and as soon as she did so the burning seemed to slowly ease. It didn't go away, but she was becoming more aware at least. She heard his words of repeating this in the morning, and possibly even in the medical bed as she healed. She tasted something thick and salty, his seed no doubt, and in order to prove her loyalty to the arrangement, she managed a small moment of suckling on his tip and a weak smile as he kissed her cheek. She had made a promise, now she had to keep it. No one would know. No one. She'd die before they learned of it, by her own hands. No more slaves would die because of her. She managed a nod to his last sentence, trying to move her arm to reach out for his but failing as her shoulder was broken. Striga felt absolutely numb, even as pain overtook her entire being. Her medical kit, her leathers, her blade and her gown were all left in his room unless he had them removed, tossed about in the fire of the event.

Guest_Arthus: Sam taped her cheek a couple more times as he stood up and walked to the door “guards take the girl to the medical wing, get her healed up I want her almost ready for morning, it will take her a while but she sould at least be able to walk somewhat in the morning, give her a cane or something I dont care” he waved them off as the guards came in to take the girl to the medical bay to help her along her way and get her healed up and give her some clean clothes and keep her warmed wall the anti vemon would work in her systum. He moved down the hall to go get a meal and torment the cook for something that was still kicking as he needed something to settle his still racing heart. He looked to the throne room and the slave body was gone and that guy was still there sleeping on the floor, he rolled his eyes and went on his way to get a meal and maybe hug his daughter wall there.


-Two hours later, around 4 PM

KaosTilpasse: Standing here with no interactions, he was getting bored out of his head. He also figured the weird thing in the middle of the floor had slept long enough, so he picked up the large ruby claymore and walked over to the guy. He stood there for a moment, before stabbing the blade down right next to the guy's head, giving out a loud hum as the vibration of the hit transferred through the blade. The blade tip would sink into the floor 3 inches, roughly half an inch from the sleeping male's head, on the left side. He would then nudge the male with his foot. "Hey, find a couch or something. The floor is no place to sleep." He then looked at the mess that was on the floor, before motioning towards one of the guards. "Get a maid to clean this up." The look in his eyes would brook no arguments to his order, as Draevyn towered over the guard at 6'8" tall, with burgundy eyes regarding him calmly. The guard nodded and went to find a maid, as Draevyn waited to see if the male on the floor would get up.

HidekiSaito: Rarithyr heard the sword hitting the ground and sat up while drawing his sword with a grunt. “who is there?” he felt the boot nudging him from the left to start moving.“where is the seamstress, what did I miss when I fell asleep.” He said before wrinkling his nose at the smell of the soup before standing up and grabbing the fur coat that he was laying on and looked around. he stood there trying to pick up where he was his hair slightly loose from the ponytail where he slept a low growl left his throat as he felt some of the soup in his hair before looking at the man who nudged him and stabbed the claymore near his head. “who are you and where am I?” his voice carrying slightly but hoarse from sleep.

SophitiaEien: Nurses scrambled wildly for two hours to get Striga's body to a level of comfort and stability where she could sleep for a while. Her belongings were at her side, to the left of the bed she lay in, brought in from the maids and medical staff that cleaned everything up in Samuel's chambers. The pain she was in brought her body to sweats, and the trauma she'd suffered caused her to dream things that she had never dreamed before. She weakly cried out for Rarithyr, even trying to reach out with her good hand, but only managing to twitch her fingers as she slept. A couple of her nurses watched her and heard the name, which she cried out in varying softness through her dreaming state a couple of times, and figured that this was someone either related or very important to her. After getting approval from who they needed to, they walked out from the west wing as soon as she was stable again and made their way to the throne room. They intended to request for the man, but noticed a confrontation between someone who had apparently been sleeping and another who held a really large blade. One of the nurses approached the two, clearing her throat in order to get both of their attentions. This nurse had heard the sleeping man mention a seamstress, and knew that the only seamstress nearby was Striga. “Are you Rarithyr, sir?” The woman asked as the other nurse, standing behind her a couple of feet, wrung her hands and turned her head to the direction of the west wing in worry. They couldn't leave her for long.

KaosTilpasse: He took a long look at the male, then quickly slipped the blade from the ground and almost soundlessly swung it up over his shoulder and onto the hook neatly hidden at the back of his coat. He didn't bother to give his name, but the aura he gave off was that of an Apex Predator, with a tinge of death black. The black within the aura seemed to be the same color as the raven that had flown in before. He tilted his head over, and popped his neck, before addressing him again. "Rarithyr. I'll remember that." He then stepped away, watching as a maid came running up to hand the male a towel, before kneeling down to clean up the spilled soup. Draevyn growled softly, and almost haunting growl, that seemed to claw at the air, before he walked back over towards the throne area before. As he walked away, he spoke up to the nurse. "See to it he doesn't get lost. Wouldn't want an... unfortunate accident." He then stood by the throne area, before taking a small flask from inside his coat pocket and taking a drink, the scent smelling heavily of blood and magic, if anyone's sense of smell was sensitive enough. He then recorked the flask and replaced it in his pocket.

HidekiSaito: The blind elf snapped his head to the nurse his white eyes staring directly at her. “I am why do you ask.” He said completely calm unknown that he is talking to a nurse about what is going on in regards Striga the seamstress. He then stood still before wavering slightly at the smell coming from the woman, that smelled of poison and of the seamstress, but the smells were so mixed he didn’t understand what he was smelling. “you ask me now speak what is it you want an answer quickly, or my blade shall find its mark.” He was starting to come to terms with the loss of his sight and had been spending some time in the woods every few days training and trying to adjust to the loss of his sight so he can return to his profession as a skilled assassin. He stretched his muscles with a groan from sleeping on the stone floor before folding the coat that was turned into a pillow for him by Striga. He still did not know the woman's name, but he was growing oddly attatched to her. This brought him to his first marriage and the woman who claimed his heart but tossed it to the side for another man and never claimed his body leaving him pure and untouched. He took her life and took her son as his own training him to be a blade that would be just as deadly.
SophitiaEien: The nurse paled a bit at the threat, but nodded quickly. “Striga is in the west wing, healing. She called your name many times in her sleep. She's...she's not doing well. The toxin is being dealt with thanks to the anti-venom, but her injuries alone...she may not ever walk again, much less sew. Please, it's best if you see for yourself.” She stepped back a bit, knowing the man could probably make good on his promise. The other nurse whispered in her ear and walked off in that direction, somewhat hurried. Meanwhile, Striga's eyes opened with a little flutter and whimpered in pain, once again trying to move – stopped by one of the nurses that stayed in the room with her. “Easy, child, rest. You can't move right now,” the woman said, and Striga relaxed in the bed as tears ran down her face. “You don't...understand. I betrayed...him...I betrayed...uhn..” Her voice faded to a croak, and weakness from the blood loss kicked in once more. Water was tipped against the girl's lips and she drank as best as she could, the fluid dribbling out of the corners of her lips with what she wasn't strong enough to catch. The nurse then propped her up so she could at least have a nicer view, and then set to cleaning the wounds again as they had bled through the bandages. So many things went through Striga's mind as she was cleaned, but pain overruled and amplified her anxiety over the situation. Could she tell Rarithyr, and have him forgive her? Would he simply kill her for her betrayal? She hadn't meant for this to happen. She could not even remember what really did go on, except for laying near-death on the floor with hot acid on her body. She could remember the mention of wyverns...toxin..she hadn't learnt the man's name. Even if she could explain it, she'd have no way to be able to give him a name should he want revenge. She was beginning to think death would have been easier to handle.

HidekiSaito: Rarithyr rested his hand on the shoulder of the nurse before motioning her to lead the way. “I am sure I will be fine.” He said to the man who was addressing the nurse before she began to lead him to the medical wing. The coat stayed held in his arm, the smell of the drink that draevyn held tickled his nose for a moment before they moved closer to the medical wing and the smell of the poison grew combined with the smell that was striga before he shoved the nurse to the side and began to walk quickly toward the bed his anger growing with every step seeing her in that condition. The aura shifting around him as his emotions were a turmoil. He was trying to figure out who did this and why. Did he cause this when he gave her that armor? He let out a roar before slamming his fist into the wall next to the bed that she was in as he looked down on her the pain visable on his face. “who did this?” he asked hoarsely wanting to know what had happened. “why do you smell of another?” the eyes he had looking at her though blind showed the betrayal across his face as the blade tightened before he rested it where she could see. “TELL ME NOW STRIGA.” He roared out her name for the first time since he had known, only just finding her name out moments ago.

Anaya: In her Study she looked up feeling the leviathan follower around, she lifted a brow and gave a snort, his aura and his rank as a follower was so minimal it was something she hardly had to bat a lash at “guards please go check that out for me, it is nothing big take your time in it and report back” one of the guards that stood place in her study and nodded his head to her and left the room to go over see and stand at some side of the medical hall and watch to give her the information later. Anaya gave a smirk and looked back to her books and paper work flipping some more papers about meal plans and guard recommendations.

SophitiaEien: Striga could hear footsteps nearing and tried to turn her head, and was overwhelmed with many emotions as she saw Rarithyr enter the room. He looked furious, and it was toward her from her understanding. He had every right, and she knew it. As he roared she flinched and yelped, sharply attempting to cower and crying out again as she ended up simply causing herself further agony due to the broken bones. She relaxed into the bed and avoided his eyes, tears streaming down her face as she cried softly and without sound. /Who did this?/ Oh, how she wanted to say...but how many would die at her hand if she did? Would he die as well? /Why do you smell of another?/ A pang of agonizing guilt took over and her chest felt heavy, causing her face to contort in struggle as she battled the pain in body and the pain in her heart. When she could manage to meet his eyes, she saw the look of betrayal, anger and hurt in them – and her heart broke as much as her mind already had. He would hate her, no matter what she tried to say. She'd rather die than see this in his eyes. He then roared her name and her eyes went wide, and Striga realized that she never told him her name. Oh Gods...she'd fallen for him, and not even told him her /name/. “A man...wyvern. You slept so peacefully...he'd killed a slave, Rarithyr...I wanted to kill him so much, but...” She choked up, wincing as she spoke with a raspy voice.  “Forgive me. I did not expect him to take me, nor did I want it. I remember little, but I remember that. I...I was a slave, before. I was beaten and tortured until I killed my master. I ran, and I had to do whatever I could to survive. I became numb to even killing. It paid for my food, my board, the clothing on my back. The man is the king...” She sobbed, burying her face in the side of the pillow as her voice slowly rose in volume due to the panic of losing him and her acceptance of her coming death. “I betrayed you, yet I beg you to forgive me. I have fallen for you in a way I did not think I could ever feel. That horrid man, he knew of my crimes. He would have killed me if I had not made a deal with him, or killed him myself. But he is a wyvern...I did not even know they were real!” Finally she was yelling, sobbing in sorrow and beating her chest with her free hand, pain be damned. She grasped at her hair, tugging, desperation filling her heart. “I cannot save you, nor myself, nor any slave that shall be tortured due to me breaking my word to tell you what he has done, and of the agreement I made in foolishness. I will die, if not by this toxin or your blade, by my own – and naught can stop me after I have caused you such pain!!” Once she finished speaking she fell weak against the bed, tears freely falling, and fresh blood painted her leg and between her thighs to stain the sheet.

KaosTilpasse: Draevyn heard the holler and the thud of someone hitting something solid. He let out a soft growl, before bursting in a flock of ravens, disappearing into the shadows. In what seemed like the blink of an eye, a bunch of ravens suddenly burst from the shadows, reforming in a central point into the being known as Draevyn. He looked over the scene, then growled at the male. "No one gave you permission to hurt the wall. Do it again and it'll be more than your fist that gets broken." His words were deep, and seemed to claw the air as he spoke, like a raven's talons. He then looked at the woman, shaking his head. "Foolish little children, always acting without thinking." He looked to the guard that was in the doorway. "I'll deal with this and report it to Anaya myself. Begone." His stance brooked no nonsense right now, and one of his hands began glowing with what appeared to be a dark black fluid. He then dropped his wrist as a large black scythe appeared in his hands, a telltale sign of the Raven Knight, as he stood there holding it relatively passively.

HidekiSaito: He reached down and picked her up gently before letting the mist shift and focus on the two of them to deliver them to the forest before he would tell her who he is in detail. “ I will see to her wounds and help nurse her to health.” He said softly before looking to the nurse. “The anti-venom bring me a few more vials of it and some fluids, as well as bandages and other items that would be needed.” He said to her as he held striga in his arms. He had forgiven her once he had heard who had caused the injury all he wanted was the head of the one who had harmed her. “you are not the only killer here, Striga we have all murdered and killed for our own reasons some of us have done it to make a living.” He tells her as the mist started to shift over the two of them as the ravens appeared behind them while he spoke of him hurting the wall and breaking his hand. “the wall is fine there is no scratch on it, and I would rather harm the wall than harm the woman in my arms.” He said responding to draevyn without turning his head right when he felt the aura shift coming off draevyn revealing the scythe as he held it passively.

SophitiaEien: The nurse was at first very against what the man said to her, but nodded with reservation. Once the mention of the anti-venom was made, several of them stammered before the main nurse from earlier spoke up. “She has already been treated with a vial, and she is immune to it now. However, the toxin will not leave her for two to three days. It takes time to leave her system, and she is in great pain. The other supplies will be brought to you promptly. I hope you are prepared to deal with this.” With that, the women walked to the supply case to stuff bandages, antiseptic medicines and herbs, and things to fight possible infection into a large canvas bag. Striga slightly mewled in pain as she was picked up, curling into his embrace as best as she could with her weak figure still in this horrid condition. However, she could not fully turn away from seeing the man from earlier with a large claymore – who now carried a VERY familiar scythe. All else went silent, even as Rarithyr spoke to her of how she was not the only killer, because she knew very well whose that scythe was and who that man now represented. She could not manage a scream, but absolute terror radiated from her as she fell unconscious from the shock. The Raven Queen. Her very Goddess. Her avatar, her Knight, was here? In this castle? Was she absolutely stupid? She could faintly hear the voices around her, but only for a moment as everything faded to black for a moment before returning to a blurry vision of itself. She felt a strange, yet incredibly evil wave of dread come over her, the coolness of some strange mist surrounding them. She tried to feel it between her fingers idly, as she was now not herself at all, and simply a mind-broken young woman who couldn't speak out of pure traumatized shock.

KaosTilpasse: He stepped calmly around the two of them, completely ignoring the nurses. He walked until he was standing in front of the male, in clear view. He then let his aura loose, just strong enough to radiate through the castle. A deep blood red of the Apex Predator, blended with the black death of the Raven Queen. The blade came down on the scythe, slamming to the ground less than a foot from the pair. "As a follower of the Raven Queen, this woman is protected under my presence. Make no mistake, Leviathenite. If she comes to any harm while in your care, no realm in existence will keep you from me." And just like that, the aura and scythe were gone, as well as the male, with a single raven feather drifting to the bed to land upon the area where Striga had been laying. Draevyn then simply reformed within the throne room, going back to his previous spot, and watching the area quietly.

HidekiSaito: Rarithyr looked up to the raven knight as the mist thickened around them his voice starting to distort as their bodies started to reappear in the forest. “She will not die on my watch if I have issues getting her better I will bring her straight to the medical ward.” He answered the raven knight truthfully before the mist fully surrounded them then disappeared before they were in the forest and he laid her in his hammock which was highly padded down to feel like a soft bed before caressing her cheek. “let's get you well, then we will discuss matters you would need to know.” He said to Striga before moving to check her bandages with careful hands, he then unwrapped the bandages that were on the wound by her hip. He teleported to the river and grabbed some of the water in a pot then set it to boil on the fire near the base of the trees he had the hammock in. once the water was heated enough he then took it off the fire and placed some rags in it and began to clean the wounds before applying some of the salve and rewrapping the wound. He did the process to each of her wounds taking his time to cause the lease amount of pain, he then laid her back In the hammock and covered her with a thick blanket before settling on the floor near the fire to let her rest and hopefully she would be up for speaking later.

The mist thickened, and words faded as did her consciousness. Her face was beginning to pale again as they reappeared in the forest together, and she didn't register being laid down in the soft cloth of the hammock in the trees. In her half-passed out state she could feel his hand upon her cheek, and his name once again left in a murmur from her lips. “Rar...ithyr.” As he checked her bandages he could see that the only real bleeding was from the hole in her leg, which was failing to clot for some reason – most likely lack of vitamins from malnutrition continued over many years – and of course, from where she had been taken. This had slowed to a mere trickle, though, so she wasn't losing near as much as before. It had clearly taken a toll, though, as she was developing a clammy temperature and growing weaker by the hour. The only thing that seemed to catch her attention was when he began to clean the wounds, which incited fresh stinging that caused a raspy cry to leave her at first, and then simple whimpers after that. The salve helped, and so did his gentleness in caring for the wounds. As he bandaged her again and laid her down, she woke fully to the sensation of a warm and thick blanket covering her body. She looked around for a moment to register where she was, but caught sight of him sitting on the floor by his fire. A smile appeared on her face, faint but there, and as much as she tried to speak – she couldn't find words. So, she simply managed a croaked “Thank you” before lifting her eyes to the canopy of trees, watching the sky as she relaxed. The pain was lessened greatly, and she could at least focus now.

HidekiSaito: He heard her croak out thanks for helping her with his wounds before getting up to go find some food for them both. “no need to thank me Striga, just rest ill be back shortly with food.” He said before walking off into the forest with his swords drawn. He stopped and listened shortly after leaving to hear what would be around not wanting to be gone long with her in the condition that she is in. he darted off to the right as soon as he heard a boar move through the thicket, his blade moving quickly to strike the beast swiftly and at the vital point in the neck draining it of blood before he would skin it and remove the organs. Once he has the animal strapped to his shoulders he would move to gather some of the various fruits, and vegetables he had found growing wild in the forest before returning back to the camp. He carved off the meat and all before he went to refill the pot of water and place it to boil while he tended to getting everything prepped he also carved a couple of apples and placed them to the side for her the moment she woke while he began to add the meat and vegetables to the water and let it cook.

As he spoke to her and told her to rest, she gave him one last smile and a nod as he walked off into the forest in search of food. Her eyes finally fluttered closed, not from blood loss, and she fell asleep. //Dream Sequence// There was darkness, fear. The woman lay curled sobbing in a cell that was filthy and wore a tattered dress that smelled of blood, infection, piss and shit both old and new. Ready for death, she begged for the pain to end...and a warmth broached her skin, a pleasant and welcoming feeling. She rose from her curled position and the cell was gone, replaced with lush greenery and beautiful tall trees. There was a warm bed, a hearth, and a figure seated at her bedside looking into her eyes with concern. Rarithyr. The woman threw herself into his arms and cried in relief as he stroked her hair, whispering words so soft that she couldn't make them out. The gown was gone, her wounds healed and her body healthy – and his bare chest pressed against hers, a change in position had taken place somehow. She felt his hands, calloused and warm, running over her body. Was he checking her for wounds? It felt...nice. So nice. So calming...but such fire was left behind, in her bosom and the junction between her thighs. She quivered and strange sounds escaped the woman, but Rarithyr did naught but encourage her with soft crooning and soothing. Then the man moved above her and just as she could feel the firmness of muscle against her sex, everything faded to black. //Dream End// Striga gasped as she woke, panting with a dark blush and she quickly looked around herself. She had no idea how much time had passed, but the -plop- of items being dropped in water and the slow rumble of a beginning boil greeted her ears. She looked to him as he was preparing the food, sighing with mixed emotions. What a strange dream. She touched her chest, feeling her heart hammering there as if some great exercise had been done. Huh. Striga took to watching him calmly, mulling over what it all meant.

HidekiSaito: He looked toward Striga and smiled before looking away blushing because of what he had smelled then he went and grabbed a large plank to stir the pot to busy himself from carnal thoughts and to keep a modicum of respect for her. “did you rest well Striga?” he asked her after he stirred the pot while he picked up the apple slices and brought them to her before setting them in her lap. He eyes stayed on hers as his nostrils flared slightly from the scent coming off her as she awoke from her dream. “do not move so much, you can hurt yourself even worse.” He said as his heavily calloused hand found her cheek before moving away to get her some water. Then he lent over the stew for a second to sniff. “Shouldn’t be much longer before it is finished. But I will warn you I am not the best cook.” He said with a laugh before he returned with a small well worn and heavily chipped mug of water for her. “drink and eat then rest some more I will wake you once food is done and tend to your wounds once more before feeding you.

She nodded softly to him, gently picking up one of the slices and bringing it to her lips as their eyes met. Striga blushed a bit as he mentioned not moving, but tilted her head. “Did...I move?..” The woman asked him hoarsely, her face heating as his hand rested on her cheek for a moment before he moved to get some water for her. As he spoke of not being the best cook she chuckled, a cough ending it as soon as it started. “Better...than I.” Striga slid the apple slice between her lips, eyes closing for a moment as she savored the tart sweetness tingling her tongue. It had been a while since she'd had food of any kind. When the mug was brought, she actually tried to reach her hand out in order to help him position it so it wouldn't spill, and in doing so brushed her fingers against the top of his own. Her heart pounded a bit as she looked into his eyes once more, then averted her gaze out of pure shyness. “Thank you, Rarithyr,” she said softly, sliding the rest of the half-bitten apple slice past her lips to chew slowly. It was delicious.

: He looked to her and shrugged, “Movements beside the one you just did or just movements in general. I was referring to your sudden jolt Striga.” He said to her in a calm manner as he tended to the stew his mind laboring over thoughts of what she was doing based off the smell he smelt coming off her body. Her hand between her legs stroking at whatever figure hunted her dreams and thoughts of the animalistic need of her that he had. All important thoughts that he would not press upon her because of his honor. “now that you are awake I should tell you more about me Lady Striga. You know my name but do you know more about my name?” he asked her before looking up to her as he picked up a piece of the boar meat to check if it was tender before putting it back to cook in the stew as he looked to her with a kind smile. “I am a man of many talents one was bringing death for coin, a man blessed by the god of death himself.” He said softly recalling of a time when he could see and found himself in the first area of the deep where he had gained the blessing of leviathan once he had pledged to follow him. “I came back and found things much different like the world itself had changed then I lost my sight months later to an unfortunate accident practicing a spell, I kept trying to be what I was a merchant of death but my loss caused my mind to go and now I am a simple blind elf with half a mind, but since I met you I found purpose and began working on finding away to fight and live without my sight.

“ have...helped the pain to lessen. I did not notice.” Striga listened intently as he intended to tell her about himself, shaking her head as he asked her if she knew what his name held behind it. As he spoke, she realized he was a lot like her in a way – the murdering part, really – but that such bloodshed had made him blessed by a god. “You must have great talent in death,” she said softly, eating more of the apple slices as he spoke to her. What stopped her and even made her drop a piece back onto the plate was his confession of feeling for her, and her face turned five different shades of red and she bowed her head to hide it timidly. “ you...I..” She stammered, her voice a pitch higher, wringing her hands slowly and nervously. “But...but you were the reason I...that I wanted to silence the wyvern...I didn't want him to kill me, because I would miss you..” She bit her lip, her eyes squeezing tightly shut and her voice nearly a whisper. “I...want to help you gain your sight...”

HidekiSaito: “I do not need my sight to make a living I am working on using my hearing to see and I have been praying to leviathan about becoming his sword, and I am not that good, I was lucky to be able to swim to the deep and enter the first level when he had heard my voice and granted me his blessing if I deign to follow him for all my life.” He tells striga before he stands up, “I will return shortly I need to go get some items that can stop the bleeding and hopefully speed up your recovery.” He tells her before turning to mist once again in front of her with a smile before heading off to god knows where to find some mystical herbs for what he was about to do. the herbs gathered were Yarrow, myrrh, cloves and a few others before he mixed them into a paste then went to get some other items, such as a clay from another part of DeLaRose then returned back to the campsite after being gone for what seemed like a few minutes yet would have been a few hours that would have passed. He sat down and went to get the supplies he had got from the nurses and began to set up the new stuff to clean and heal her wounds while muttering a simple healing spell over the paste he had made that would be applied to the wounds that will help with bleeding, the venom and other issues that would arise over time.

She regarded Rarithyr's words with interest, smiling softly as he stood, speaking of gathering medical supplies for her. “Be safe,” she said as he turned to mist, sighing and trying once more to drift off to sleep. About twenty minutes in, though, she was just on the edge of dreaming and she realized he'd forgotten to move the pot from the fire so the food did not burn. Her eyes flew open and she sat up quickly, yelping as it had made the hammock sway from such a sharp movement and ended up overturning her completely, making her fall directly on her ass on the soft grass. She grumbled, sore enough but the fall not hurting her any further thankfully other than jerking her hip and making it tweak. She used her good arm to pull herself closer to the fireplace and the pot and then sat up, testing one of the pieces of meat. Done and tender. She used a handful of moist earth to put out the fire, that way she did not have to wrestle with the agonies of trying to move the pot, and took a moment to rest. She leaned up as best as she could to scoop a bowl out of the pot one-handed, setting it down beside her and leaning over to grab the lid and place it over the stew. There. Now it wouldn't be too cold when he got back. She sipped at the stew and gave a soft, comforted moan as it was delicious and soothing. A few hours later, she had fallen fast asleep beside the pit. If he opened the lid to the pot, the food would still be steaming slightly.

HidekiSaito: He looked to her as he returned straightening the bedding he made for her then moved to set her on it so she would be comfortable, before finishing the rest of the prep work to cleanse her wounds and change her clothes. “Striga, I need to cleanse your wounds and bath you then get you dressed ill do my best to not cause you much discomfort alright.” He whispers to her before misting off with a different pot to fill with water then moved the pot on the fire among his return setting it to the side and moved the old tinder and such out the way before building a new fire and getting it started before heating the water with fresh rags in it. He then sat her up and began to wash her back while holding her in a gentle grip then laid her down and began to wash her chest and down to her sex, before having to stop and adjust his growing need remembering that she is injured and he needs to remain in control. Once he had finished bathing her he went and grabbed a few pieces of clothe with the new ointment that he crafted as well some of the antiseptic as well as the clay that would also help with the bleeding then began to dress her wounds, once all her wounds are dressed he reached to the side for some tea which he had crafted out of herbs to help her rest as well as a natural pain killer in them. “Drink this it will help you sleep.” He tells her before slipping one of his lighter tunics around over her body dressing her and surrounding her in his scent before kissing her gently on her lips then he went to grab his food and sit down to eat.

Striga's eyes opened slowly as he spoke to her, feeling the softness of the bed beneath her once more. He'd moved her. Uh oh. She heard his words about bathing and blushed darkly, at first stammering for a response then falling silent. Oh boy. What was this going to be like, no one had ever bathed her before. Hell, she had only ever bathed a few times anyway. She'd just splash on some scented oils, scrub off dirt and grime with a dry cloth and call it good. It was how she'd had to live, after all...he was treating her like she were royalty. It made her shyness grow very quickly. His calloused hands against her back as he adjusted her position made her jump just a little out of reflex, but she soon relaxed as the gentle warmth of the wet cloth soothed her skin. A very soft sigh of comfort left her, eyes closing as even the pain in her shoulder was beginning to dull from the heat. It was so nice. When he laid her down and the cloth rested against her chest for the first time, the weirdest sound left her lips, and it was quite loud – a higher-pitched, trembled whimper of surprise, it was – and it wasn't from pain. Actually, it was the opposite. Her nipples hardened very quickly and she buried her face in anything near her that she could, her heart pounding in her chest as that same cloth slid down over her belly. Her thighs pressed a little tighter together and she bit her lip as he neared there, scared at first, but soon thought better of it and relaxed herself. When the warmth of the watered rag covered her sex as he washed her, she cried out and clung to his pants leg, both in pain and from newly found pleasure that was far more intense than anything she'd imagined. The gentleness of his hands made it so much more, and her breath was hot and heavy as she opened her eyes at last. She caught sight of the growing bulge in his pants just before he adjusted it and made a soft squeak of embarrassment, hiding her face once again. When he left her she did her best to calm her breathing, and soon he returned with clothing and dressings for her wounds. She did her best to relax as his rough, warm, calloused hands cared for each injury in detail while her head spun, her nipples still rock-hard from earlier. She took the tea offered after he helped her into a tunic of his, taking a moment to appreciate his scent in the cloth. So warm. She sipped the tea slowly after cooling it off with a stream of breath, biting her lip with a soft giggle as it was delicious to her. When his lips touched hers in the tender kiss he gave, she couldn't help but reach up to cup his cheek and press a somewhat firm, but loving kiss back. She was fire-faced as he went to grab his food, speechless even. What could she say to what she'd just felt? Then, she finally got the balls. “Your...your hands...feel very nice...when they touch me. You're so gentle.” She managed to stammer out, burying her shy face in the pillow. Her good leg shifted a little as she tried to rub her thighs together, easing some of the heated, tingling ache that was there now. It wasn't from infection or pain, but from his touch. She was in no condition, so why on earth did she feel like this? Why did she /want/ him so badly that she'd risk injury to have him? Perhaps this was what it meant to no longer be a virgin, but she had no idea. She wasn't taught this sort of thing, or even about the body save for her extremities and whatnot. Talking about her sex and breasts was hush-hush. No one could, save they have their lips sewn...both if they were female. Finally, she gathered more courage and moved her face just enough so her voice wasn't muffled in the pillow to speak again. “Why do I feel so hot when your hands touch me, Rarithyr? I did not....I did not feel this at all, when...” Her voice cracked a bit, tears welling in her closed eyes. She was so afraid...but so vulnerable. And she trusted him so very deeply.

HidekiSaito: He looked to her as she spoke to him while he ate the stew. “I do not know, I do not even know what is going on with my body.” He tells her simply before standing up and moving to sit closer to her his hand moving up to touch hers. “you are the first I have ever felt such a reaction to.” He said to her before he finished his bowl of stew and went to set it to the side. “what brought these questions about Striga? Well you are fragile like glass at the moment and a gentle touch is better for what is needed to tend to you.” He said calmly before as he stood up then picked her up and placed her in his lap as he sat down in the hammock before stretching out and holding her to him. “you need your rest striga, it is the best way for you to get better.” He admonishes her lightly before his hand came across her ass in a light smack. “that is for getting up and trying to help with the food.” He said to her curtly before kissing her forehead as he held her to him pulling her closer yet remaining ever so gentle in the embrace.

SophitiaEien: Striga turned to face him as he stood, blushing as she wondered if the bulge she saw earlier in the seat of his pants was the same she remembered from before, when...she shuddered in fear, until she felt his hand upon hers. She closed her fingers around his and listened to him, and realized that in -that- way, they were very alike. Neither of them knew or understood, and they were learning. She could understand his gentleness as he explained it, blushing darkly again as she felt the warmth of his chest, exposed from his toga, against her exposed skin that wasn't covered by tunic. It was then that she took careful notice of the color, the distinctive darkness that she only knew one race had. She looked at her tunic, and then reached up slowly to brush his hair away from his ear. Pointed and long, distinctly Drow. Then she remembered him speaking of Leviathan, and visiting the Deep to devote his soul to service...wait. He had been to the Deep? She blushed immensely only to be distracted from her thoughts by his admonishing words and light smack to her otherwise bare bandaged ass. She squealed a bit and bit her lip, shuddering as it brought forth new tingling. A wave of sleepiness came over her just as she wanted to ask how old he was, and if he was Drow, so she nestled into his arms and rested her hand on his heart. “You're a....Drow....big Drow....” She murmured softly, her consciousness fading slowly. “How...old...are...” And off to dreaming she was, limp and fast asleep in his arms.

SophitiaEien: -The Next Morning- Striga's eyes opened to a ray of morning sunlight and squeezed shut again, wincing as it hurt her gaze. She then shot up with a gasp and panic set in – it was morning. Next. Morning. Samuel's words echoed in her mind and she covered her mouth just before a terror-filled soft scream, muffled by fingers, left her. Her heart pounded. What would Samuel do once he found her missing? Gods, she couldn't think of it. There was no one she knew, no one she could trust other than Rarithyr, who was still asleep. She searched around frantically, ready to run and tried to stand only to yell out in pain and fall back down. Ouch. Right. Broken hip and leg bone. She lay there and curled inside herself, shuddering as her expression was very clearly disturbed – Sam's voice echoing in her mind...began mixing with another more feminine voice, a whisper. “You are welcome where the darkest creatures roam...come to Vostra...come to the Castle....this is my only gift to you. Do not squander it.” She paled and felt nauseated, the effects of a calming magic obvious in her rejecting itself. She nearly vomited, trembling. “Ugh...Vostra...Castle...Wyvern...I'm going to die...” What she didn't notice was that something appeared within her things in the spot he'd placed them, and he would be able to sense the trace of dark magic on it as well as where it came from. It was a map of Valeria, with markings beside the mountain volcano which housed Braidwood. There was a circle a couple of inches to the east where no official marking was made, and the words “find the cave” scrawled in feminine hand.

HidekiSaito: Rarithyr awoke with a start feeling the magic coming from her belongings before wrapping his arms around striga. “breathe and calm down I am right here dear.” He said to her as he pulled her closer to him while holding her in his arms rubbing her back gently trying to calm her down before he stood up and laid her down so she could rest while he checked the magic he felt finding the map before he started to pack everything up and begin to work on a way to wipe there scent from the place swiftly before looking to her. “we are leaving now.” Is all he said as he moved to her picking her up and placing her on his back so he can pack up the hammock and all the materials gathered for her wounds. “that magic is a trace to lead us toward somewhere safe for both of us.” He said to her before he took a deep breath and summoned the mist focusing his mind on the magic traced back to the castle zarkov before leading them there within a matter of moments. The path to zarkov was difficult and it was hard for him to focus with Striga on his back and his hands on her ass holding her in place with the items strapped to his waist the hammock holding them in place. He also made the camp look like it was raided and them both killed leaving bits of there hair, and blood strewn all over the place like a large lion or some animal in the forest attacked them.

SophitiaEien: Just as her mind began to break more than it already had, she felt Rarithyr's arms wrap around her and pull her close. She came back to “earth” so to speak and was able to rest a moment longer as he laid her down. She didn't really notice the map or anything, but when he said they were leaving her eyes opened wider in surprise. She felt herself being picked up and blushed, her breasts against his back squished flat to some degree, her hardening nibbles poking against his skin. Then there was the matter of the /other/ region, which almost instantly dampened with arousal at her thighs being spread by him so he could hold them in place while gathering everything. If he felt that, she didn't seem to notice as her hip was dully beginning to ache. It was already a lot less painful than before, thankfully, and whether that was from the tea last night or not would remain unknown to her. “Magic?” She asked as he mentioned it, feeling the mist form around them again and she noticed his hands move up from her thighs to her ass to take hold while they traveled. She didn't see how the camp was left, but as far as anyone else could tell save for a few, they had been killed overnight. Meanwhile in Castle Zarkov, all was quiet due to the place being empty. There had been strict orders given for no one to enter, not even guards or city inhabitants, and no one was stupid enough to try. He would arrive in the throne room thankfully unscathed, and as they did the hearth roared to life. Every candle came alive, giving the place a welcoming glow despite being a crumbling ruin held up only by careful tending by the Queen. The Queen herself, Sephiria, awaited to be led to meet the wife of the Fire Elf King in Braidwood but felt the twinge of an intruder breaching the walls of her castle and focused upon it. She could sense a male, Drow and blind. She knew that aura, she'd seen it before. A follower of Leviathan. Could it be /that/ follower of Leviathan? And the maid he carried on his back, she was heavily scented with blood and a horrid toxin that had failed to leave her system as of yet, but was growing weaker by the moment inside her. She knew that woman's scent from a package she'd received by courier some months back; filled with individual armor pieces. Ahhh, so she had accepted the offer. Good. Sephiria smiled and relaxed, returning to the matter at hand. Striga looked up and around, nervous at first, but the warmth of the fire quickly helped. Oh, and the fact that she realized she was still against his back. A soft squeal left her in embarrassment, and she buried her face in his shoulder as this came to her mind, along with more than a few dirty images.

[Note: They have left Iron Dynasty and gone to Castle Zarkov.]


Meanwhile in Zarkov Castle.

SophitiaEien: Castle Zarkov is a castle ruin of decent size, however that itself is deceptive as there are only four rooms remaining intact: the Throne room, located upon entering the castle's bolted iron doors, and the three smaller rooms in the East Wing. The first of these is a small personal archive filled with ancient and newer tomes, with a desk for writing and scrolls scattered over it. The second room has a bolted door, but smells thickly of blood and decay. Anyone approaching instantly gets a bad feeling about the room, and it is generally avoided by all but the Queen herself. Thirdly there is a small unfurnished room with a large, corpse-length oak box against the wall, and in this room the crumbling tile that graced the rest would decay to simple earth. It was unusual to say the least, but there was an aura of calm surrounding the place. Almost as though it were a safe haven. The two could hear the shuffling of footsteps nearing the castle doors but it perpetually stayed some distance away, as though something were keeping anyone from entering save for Sephiria herself. It would seem like they would have a few moments before her arrival, so they could at least relax. -Setting-

SophitiaEien: Sephiria's temper was nonexistent at the moment, no trace of anger in her face as she descended from the castle of Braidwood's royal family to the city itself. Her mind swirled with emotions due to the kiss she'd delivered upon the sister-in-law of the Queen, Baralineth. Lilutha, the queen herself, did not seem to like Sephiria – but the message had been sent that she did /not/ care. She would care for whom she wished, and the time would come when she would be needed again. A smile crept on her black lips, one of evil pleasure as she left Braidwood behind and shifted to a crow, flying post-haste toward Vostra and Castle Zarkov. She flew past the guards and and weaved her way through the bustling city, honing in on the scent of the strangers who entreated need upon her throne room floor. Once she grew close to the doors she shifted back to her usual form, opening the door one-handed after sliding back the bolt. Striga, who had been resting calmly against the blind assassin Drow's back, stirred at the loud THUNK of the bolt being replaced, and a female voice that was cold and deathly saying “Do not disturb me” to someone outside. Sephiria turned to face the two, who still stood dumbfounded in the main hall, and recognized the scent and aura of the Drow almost immediately. She also could see that he was newly blind, and to this she made a tutting sound. “So, first you abandon your duties to me, then avoid me for years...and suddenly show up on my castle floor, holding a wounded human no less? I should kill you both.” The woman then walked past them to seat herself in the throne behind them, relaxing as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Instead, I'll let you explain yourself, but let me save you the trouble – I know the girl.”

HidekiSaito: Rarithyr felt the queen entered as he moved to set Striga down to rest on a couch before he turned to look at the queen. “I was in the deep, at the first level and pledged to follow leviathan. I thought I was only down there for days turned out it to be years. I lost my sight months ago when an illusion spell went wrong, and I was greeted by a spell of light instead.” He tells her giving her the short version before turning back to Striga and bent down caressing her cheek before checking over her wounds. “I swear I will end the life of the man who caused this.” He said with a growl before turning to sit next to her and lean against the couch from the floor. “I see you have been quite busy, Sephiria how was your time in Braidwood?” he asked her before he stood up and stretched his body with a groan and a pop. We faked our deaths before fleeing here, so you are the only that knows we live, of course, everyone thinks I'm dead because of how long I was away and stuck in the deep I never went farther than the first level though.” He said explaining it all to her before he leaned his head back and relaxed for once exhaustion settling over his body.

SophitiaEien: “It was...well, it was.” The vampire sighed, covering her nose and mouth so that the human couldn't see her fangs growing with the smell of blood. The story of his absence confused her more than anything, but she figured if he'd been to the Deep it would explain why he hadn't aged much if at all. “So being the hand of the Grave Digger was less inspiring than being the Blade of a Death God...I assume that is what you went for?” The woman asked flatly, knowing of the old stories. Striga relaxed on the couch where she was placed, smiling softly as Rarithyr caressed her cheek. This made Sephiria's eyes soften a little, but quickly they hardened before it could be noticed. So, they were in love. How cute. “You'll be safe here, under my protection. I am no god, but none really care to mess with me. I do have some business in returning to Braidwood, though, so I may leave you two alone at times. Don't worry, you will be guarded, as no one breaches the doors without my consent. How you did so confounds me.” If Rarithyr's sense of smell was keen enough, he could smell the scent of an elven woman on her, specifically localized on her lips and hands. She remained silent as she began staring into the hearth beside her, expression tormented.

HidekiSaito: He looked over to the queen. “it was not that, I came across the deep by chance when swimming out farther and deeper than normal.” He said to her as he stood once again walking the walls of place that he has been to only once. “the loss of my sight is a sad thing but it has blessed me with many other gifts one such as smelling the desire of sex off your flesh and that of an elven beauty that is not far from us.” He said as he turned to her his eyes staring right into hers the solid white like burning globes that reach deep into ones soul. “you jest if you think you can be with her Sephiria, as a vampire you are an animal of base desire trying to pass yourself off as human, you need to feed more than what you do.” he tells her before he looked toward Striga swiftly closing the distance to check on her for she has been quiet far to long. “Striga is everything ok, how do you feel?” he asked her out of worry due to the swiftness in which she grows to accept and care for his heart.

SophitiaEien: She gave a lazy nod that suggested she wasn't really all there to what he said of the Deep, still staring into the fire as she thought of her love. The faintest blush appeared on her cheeks as she remembered the kiss they'd shared, as well as the weirdest thing – a tiny smile in the corner of her mouth. However, when the man spoke of smelling her desire and mentioned the woman...then went on to say how they could not be together, she glared at him and growled loud enough that Striga yelped and curled up in fright. Seeing the girl recoil made Sephiria's eyes fill with pain and sorrow, and she let her head drop. “You...Drow...would not understand anything.” Striga uncurled slightly to see how Sephiria had reacted, as if she could feel her pain – but she could not. Sephiria was only human, but compassionate. She saw beyond race, it seemed. She looked up to Rarithyr, giving him a soft smile. “I'm alright...but is she? Did I upset her?” The mere thought made Striga worry; it was not good to upset a vampire, but it was more than that. “What do you mean she can't be with someone?” It was clear that she didn't understand what was going on, and as she tried to get up to check on the vampire she winced at the dull ache in her shoulder that came. Sephiria stood at that moment and turned away from the fire, wiping her face out of the sight of the human before clearing her throat. “Ease yourself, child. You cannot move in such a condition.” She then turned to Rarithyr. “Who are you, boy, to tell me whom I cannot love? Do you think one such as yourself would ever be allowed around your kin when you've mated with a human?” The blow was deep, but truthful. Menzobaranzon was known for cruelty toward outbreeding.

HidekiSaito: He nodded before turning to mist blade drawn behind the queen. “they left me already condemned to die, and would leave me still finding a serve leviathan. This woman holds my heart for the first time since I was once married all those years ago. I may be pushing a thousand now, Sephiria but you know not of what you speak.” He said with a growl before reappearing near Striga and rested his hand upon her head checking for fever before looking toward the queen. “I only speak frank with you because you asked me to treat you as friend instead of royalty. We are of similar nature with a thirst for blood, yours to drink mine to spill.” He said to her softly before bending down to look upon wound on her leg. “Fucking wyvern.” He muttered still smelling the poison on her flesh before he stripped the old bandages off and went to put fresh on while looking to the queen once finished. “if you wish to pursue this woman feed more than what you do or she will become your next meal.” He tells her calmly. “you react as such because you know my words are truth Sephiria and I consider you a true friend one who has supplied me with plenty coin.” he looked about deep in thought before speaking to Sephiria. “Trusted friend speak words of truth to me, is there a springs or a waterfall nearby we both need to bath and be cleaned.” He said to her before looking up his toga showing well worn. “my armor I gave to striga I have no need for it, she plans on crafting me an armor of equal value, take the coin promised and use it to purchase hide for her once she is fully healed.”

SophitiaEien: For a moment, Sephiria stood still. Time slowed for the two it seemed while Striga remained unaffected, and a series of whispering voices combined with the screams of the families of his victims rang out so loud it could deafen the ears. It seemed he was the only one who could hear it, though, as Striga's mouth seemed to speak but was silent. No sound. Who she was even talking to was unclear. The moment that the mist began to move toward her, as it was easy to follow his pattern, she turned toward the blade and grasped it in her hand, claws ripping the gloves. She held it to her throat, eyes gleaming with crimson boldness. When he spoke she froze, her hand dropping as the word 'friend' fell from his lips. Time resumed, and she swore that Striga's words, apparently addressing her, caught up and played back in her mind. /I'm sorry I upset you/. Sephiria then paused, nodding as though definitively. Her entire demeanor seemed to change, her voice now softer. “There is a waterfall behind the two are the only ones who know about it, but it is where I bathe. Follow me.” She then was about to turn to show them when he spoke of coin. “I will. You've my word. I know the hide she uses, don't worry...the scent is unmistakeable.” She then turned, beckoning the two to follow her deep into a corridor on the south wing, seemingly collapsed but upon closer inspection it was merely illusion magic.

HidekiSaito: He moved the blade from her neck and sheathed it, “it seems your skill has not diminished over the years.” He said before muttering about how he should have moved faster, but the voices of the families of the lives he stole through him off. “you cheated, next time I will have your head.” He muttered in passing before walking to pick up Striga holding her in his arms with a simple groan as his back popped from the over use of the misting ability. “lead the way Sephira and let me judge your waters.”’ He said calmly waiting to follow her toward where to go. “striga your going to placed in some great waters I have only heard of the rumors of the waters that are hidden underground here. This would be the first time that she has brought me here to even see the baths.” He caressed her cheek with his thumb using the hand that was on her shoulder as he carried her toward the baths following Sephiria, seeming not a bit out of place like he has been here multiple times over a period of a 300 years or so give or take a century or so of him being trapped in the deep. “is everything ok Striga you have been very quiet.” He murmured to her as he never once faltered in following sephira as she lead them to a fake wall that revealed the baths, during which he went in and lowered striga in the water close to the waterfall before walking around to the entrance I will be right outside if you need me Striga.” He said to her as he neared where sephira is standing.

SophitiaEien: She offered him a wounded smirk, pouting. “Is that what you'd say after returning for the first time in a hundred years to your dear friend? My my, did you expect any less?” A chuckle left her throat as she indeed heard his mutter, and he would swear he could hear the “plbbbbt” of a rasberry being blown at him. However if he turned toward her, he'd see nothing. She'd not even moved. Striga blushed as she was picked up again and nuzzled against his neck, blushing as she'd seen the two fight...were they related? Sephiria heard his back pop and growled, shaking her head as she fought the urge to take the woman from her and carry her for him while they walked toward the falls. They were not small but rather medium in size with a decent pond, a shallow and deep end apparently carved out. It was lit by pure moonlight, artificial in nature but still every bit as beautiful. The water smelled sweet and was cool, refreshing upon Striga's skin as she was stripped and placed down into it. Striga had indeed been quiet, but this was because she'd heard his age...he was over a thousand? How old was this woman, then? “' two are siblings, right? Are you a vampire too, Rarithyr?” She asked. “I're over a can that be?” Just as Rarithyr would stand beside Sephiria, he would turn to see that the woman was giving him a very...mischevious look. “Sorry, Rarithyr old friend, but you're got getting off that easily,” Sephiria said as she smirked and tore off his toga, picking him up and throwing him over her shoulder while walking toward the falls. She plopped him down next to her, not even caring that she was up to her hips in the water, and then stepped out with a weird snicker and even a giggle as she walked away to leave the two alone. Striga got a full view of his body as he'd been stripped and laughed as he'd been carried like a sack of potatoes, though the sight of his naked flesh....every region of it...made her face as red as the blood that had once stained her skin. She looked to Rarithyr and smiled softly, scooting closer whilst on her knees...failing to realize that Sephiria had placed him standing in the water where his hips were submerged, and her breast bumped against his bare groin as she hugged him close. She didn't seem to realize that it would be weird right now, though, because she spoke. “I want to tell you that...that I don't care if you're a vampire, or a Drow, or blind or a killer like me....I care for you no matter what..”---Sephiria stepped from the tunnel and remasked the illusion to give them privacy, her brow furrowing. He'd mentioned a wyvern...what wyvern? The toxin in the woman's system, there was only one way it could have gone that far into her system. She snarled and the castle candles extinguished, ensuring the couple remained shrouded in safety and calm but absolutely raging inside. If what she believed may have happened actually did occur...she'd have someone's head.

HidekiSaito: Rarithyr stood there naked as the water cascaded from the waterfall as he caressed her cheek his cock resting against her right tit slowly hardening against the softness of her flesh as he listened to her words. “your words ring true to me Striga for they are a weight that bothered me since I met you I am glad that you accept me..” he said to her softly before squatting down in the water and pulls her into his lap. So he can hold her close before his lips would find hers in a passionate kiss one born of love instead of lust. Rarithyr’s hands would then move to slowly wash her body after breaking the kiss taking his time to memorize everything including her scars that have started to form since Sam had done what he did to her. “you are perfect striga.” He muttered to himself before his lips would kiss along her neck as he bathed her taking each moment to touch and feel memorizing her body, taking every single blemish and fault committing them to his memory. How soft her skin is, her scent, everything that makes her who she is he is going to memorize cause of him spiriting her away like he did can end up with his death and her back in the clutches of the king of Iron.

SophitiaEien: Striga tightened the hug a little, smiling as she heard him speak and sighed happily. She felt his hardness firm against her bare breast and blushed immensely, a tender thought coming to mind – however, she knew she was much too injured to try that yet. As he pulled her into his lap and kissed her, the woman rested her hand to cup his cheek and stroke it with her thumb, relaxing as he began to bathe her body. She was calm now, much calmer than he'd probably ever seen her, and as she heard him mutter what he did she beamed and buried her face in the crook of his neck. “So are you,” she said in reply gently, continuing to stroke his cheek and down to his neck. “I love the way you bathe me,'re very attentive. Maybe I can bathe you sometime in return.” Meanwhile in the throne room, Sephiria's thoughts managed to calm as they began to drift and think of Baralineth, the queen of Braidwood's sister-in-law. Her beautiful hair, her scent, the feeling of her blood pulsing in her veins...Gah, she needed to stop. It was as Rarithyr had said; she would end up killing the girl, or worse, turning her. She still found herself soothed by the memory of their kiss and managed to drift off to sleep, leaving her clutching the pendant she'd been given by the odd madman outside the castle of Braidwood as she'd left.

HidekiSaito: He laughed and handed her the clothe he had used to bath her with. “how about you bath me right now Striga, this will also give you a chance to get a feel of my body for making the armor he whispers in her ear before he stood up and moved to the shallower end of the water revealing his entire frame to her view. “come bath me and take your time to memorize like I have done for you.” He spoke to her gently as he settled into the shallow end of the baths for a moment. “is there anything you want to know about me anything at all Striga?” he asked her calmly while he stretched out letting his body relax and float up in the water while he looked to her with a groan as some of the soreness from the traveling starts to leave his body. “this is nice, very relaxing I forgot about how nice sephira’s place is.” His ears twitched slightly causing him to laugh loudly. “Seph fell asleep and judging by the smell it seems she is thinking of that woman I warned her about.” He said with a chuckle as he moved slightly closer to make it easier on her wounds.

SophitiaEien: She took the cloth and blushed darkly, chuckling as she heard his laugh – it had an infectious effect on her. “I would love to...for more reasons than just reference for your armor, my love.” This had been the first time she'd called him that, so it had the potential of catching him off guard as he stood and moved to the shallow side of the waters. Striga moved over as well, her mobility improving already, and began to slide the washcloth over the front of his neck and over his broad, dark shoulders. She then moved down to his forearms and cleaned in between his fingers, tenderly leaving a kiss to the knuckles as she finished with them before moving up again to rest the cloth over his firm pecks. She rested her forehead against where his heart would be, listening to it as she closed her eyes and smoothed the damp rag down his stomach and abdomen. Her breasts pressed against his chest, nipples firming slightly as her motions became more explorative as they moved down further. As she neared his groin she paused and took a deep breath, then more slowly than before began to wash him there, taking care to lift his shaft to wash his sack as well. She then knelt down as best as she could, her face cock-level once again as she washed his thighs and calves. When she was done, she set the cloth aside with care to fold it and relaxed against the walls of the small lake. “Better?” She asked, giggling a bit with the darkest blush he'd ever seen. As Sephiria dreamed it was clear that she was tormented, torn in half by her heart's wishes and her primal thirst. Would it be best to leave her side, to let her marry a man she didn't know and live a potentially normal life? Or should she turn her and claim her for herself, potentially risking a war with Braidwood? Seeing as how she was already unwelcome there by the queen, the first was the decision she finally fell upon. A tear strolled down her face as she dreamed of saying goodbye to her, sorrow in her heart and mind.

HidekiSaito: Rarithyr stood there as she bathed him exploring his body his mind focusing on other things to keep him from trying to make love to her right there especially when she called him her love. “having fun there testing my resolve when your injured Striga.” He said to her before gripping her hand gently, “I must cut it short something is bothering seph.” He said his eyes shifting to that of worry as he stepped out the bath and reached around like a blind bat for a towel before grabbing one then began to towel himself off before grabbing his toga. “Striga can you help me put this on, I can’t tell which is which.” He said to her trying to hurry and reach his sister, so he can wake her up and be there for her to talk with him. He started to try and put it on without waiting only to lose his balance and fall hitting the ground hard landing on his with a loud thump. “Dammit I hate being blind. “he growled slamming his hand on the stone floor before standing up and once again attempted to try and get the toga and only to fall with another thud. He kept repeating the action in a complete rush his normal calm self not there just a man whose aggravated with his condition, he missed being able to see and not have to rely on others.

The woman smiled shyly at his comment and was surprised when he gripped her hand, nodding as he explained himself and she stood from the bath as best as she could. When asked to help she took the toga in her hands and went to help him into it but he was trying to do so himself, fumbling and fall. She winced as she tried to calm him with her hand on his shoulder, finally making him stop moving so she could help him get the clothing on. “There,” she said softly as she finished, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. “Now go. I will be fine. I know she needs you.” Striga's tone suggested that she understood the situation, as it was pretty clear; he cared about her, but not in the same way he cared for Striga. They were chosen family to one another, close from years of knowing each other. Who was older was the question she'd ask later, she thought as she helped him to stand and gather himself. She did her best to bandage the wounds, the water oddly enough having made her healing pick up a bit due to either herbs or magic. She wasn't completely healed by any means, but at least mobile to  a small degree. She slid on his old tunic he'd given her and sat beside the water, taking peace in the beautiful small haven. Sephiria slowly woke with her eyes fluttering, feeling the wetness on her cheeks from tears and sighing in sadness. She wrote a small note and pressed her lips to it after signing and sealing it, handing it to a raven that flew in upon her call and whispered a destination in its ear. It flew away and she buried her face in her hands, heartache wrenching her chest. It was done. She was gone, forever.

HidekiSaito: Rarithyr nodded and took off through the fake wall and chased down the path taken to get to his sister just as she woke, he whistled calling back the raven before taking the letter and destroying it then sent it to the same destination with a different letter requesting the woman she loved by her side for a day or two. “Go” he whispered before tossing the raven out the window then he walked up and rested his hand on his sister’s shoulder. “Sis would you like to talk?” he asked her as he rubbed her back his hip sore as hell from where he lost his balance and fell before striga calmed him down and helped him dress. The toga he wore this time was a darker shade of red with gold spirals mixed into the design of the toga. He did not know what to say to her exactly until she told him what is bothering her but let’s hope the message he sent out swapping her message would be the one needed to get his sister feeling better. He then made a small cut on his wrist before bringing it to her mouth. “drink some sis and lets talk you know, I am here to help you with any problems you have, and I am sorry for disappearing for a long time only to reappear when you thought of me dead and gone.” He said apologizing to her after all this time.

Sephiria felt his hand upon her shoulder and startled at first, then sighed and wiped her face with hopes that he didn't see her tears. “Ah, forgive me...” She said, her voice gruff from crying yet all the while soft as though she were losing the ability to speak. “I am unused to of affection toward anyone. You have known me a long time, you know my history. Yet like a fool, despite your advice, I fell prey to strong emotion and killed the man who I witnessed beat her in a tavern one night. I thought I'd saved her, but then I frightened her for so long as I kept careful watch...I left her be for a while and approached her in a new way, trying to be kind. Offering the comfort of a friend. We...we ended up growing close.” She sighed, continuing as she brought her hands to her knees. “I fell for her, my brother. And she for me. And now I have found her beyond the realm of dreams and tasted of her kiss, and your words ring truth to them and bring sorrow to my heart. I know she cannot be with me, and I would not curse her with my own fate.” On the verge of tears once more she gripped her hands into a fist, before suddenly smelling his blood. She jolted her head up and saw his wrist, cut before her and resting against her mouth. The smell was too much to resist, as she had not fed yet this day, and she gave him a look that almost cursed him as siblings do whilst she sank her fangs into his flesh and drank. She heard him speak and listened, closing her eyes as her body started to finally relax a bit. /There is no need to be sorry. You had your business, and I my own./ He would hear, knowing that he was one of the only other people that she could broadcast mental speech to other than her summoned demons.


Back at Iron Castle

XaeiDeLaRose: Xaei was frowning while playing a teddy gifted to her my her father a few days ago, while Noki sat opposite to her, playing with a twin teddy of what she had. They were controlling them and using their voices, in different tones, to make it like the bears themselves were talking. Both fell into a fit of giggles when Noki tried to do an impression of their father, in his grumpy tone. There was a knock at the door. "Princess's, it is time for your breakfast." A woman called through the door, before opening it. They both laughed at her astonished face. After a while of trying to calm them down, both girls ran out of the room and down the corridor, their small legs carrying them across the carpets and rugs while they sped ahead of the nanny that was chasing them. "Do you think we lost her? Xaei whispered to Noki as they both caught their breathes. "I think so. Let's go find mama and papa, we could get her fired." Xaei and Noki smirked. "We could." Both girls, giggling made their way through the castle, it wasn't too long until they reached the main hall, where the throne room would be. Neither girls saw anyone yet. "Shall we just wait here? What if the nanny comes?" Xaei said in a worried tone. "We will just hide until mama and papa get here." - " Ohh, okay." They'd proceed to find a hiding spot behind the throne itself, clinging together while peaking through a small gap through the chairs.

Guest_Arthus:  Morning sun hit his face as a scowl moved over his lips and the memory's of the night before passed his mind forcing a grin upon his chaps lips. Getting up from the stone slab he called a bed last night he looked around, he had last night gone into the dungeon hold to force open the mouth of a servant girl to force feed her as she was unable to eat, but due to his mood he had turned things to toxic broken her jaw and the body law beside him as he slept using it in what seemed like a comfort as a child would hug a teddy bear. He gave a burp as he got up and walked to the door way pulling on his leather pants and lashing his belt around his waist line “maid, toss this body out back with the rest this afternoon burn the corpse pit we don't want the days heat to cook body's and make everything smell so much worse ” the maid looked in past his poison gaze looking at the girls body smashed and battered there on the floor and nodded her head wishing not the same fate to happen to her. “yes me Lord, right away Sir, would de Lord like the Tea or water or ale with his morning meal as well Sir?” she said clearly as she looked at him trying to keep her head held high and her back in proper posture to not offend his magisty “it is fine with ale, go get that and I will meet you upstairs, and bring some dried meats as well an assortment of what we have fresh” she nodded and went on her way with a quick pace up the steps. He licked his lips and walked on up the steps past her the door behind him slamming back and forth over the hall way. Walking up to the main area he opened the door and nodded to the guards that kept the common people out of this wing, it was a danger down there anyway with the spiders and the beasts down there in the dungeon. He gave a nod to the guard and walked on past over to the thrones before pausing and stopping to think “that girl from before she is in the medical hall and I could use a bit of enjoyment” that smile crept back onto his devilish face and he walked his way to the medical wing tossing open the doors seeing the nurses and things out and about fixing people  and dealing with the hauler hounds who carried around carts and baskets filled with medical supply in the muzzles. “there was a girl in here with broken bones and the stink of my toxin on her hide, were is she the king wishes a word and moment with her now” he scolded as a very shy nurse walked up to him with her eyes on the floor and he looked to her with a snarl on his face knowing that face was bad news “my Lord I am so sorry to inform you but she vanished from the hall with a man, we are unsure of were they went and only saw them vanish away together. But she is no longer here and he is the same, we are so sorry my lord for she is gone, we hoped she did not mean much to you” he snarled and the back of his hand smashed across the nurses face forcing her to tumble to the floor as his bright green eyes flared fire looking around the room. “WERE IS SHE!” he yelled out as he moved into the hall flipping a medical desk over and forcing the other nurses to flee out of the hall and cower in corners. He took a breath “guards!” he harshly bellowed out as a guard hurried over “yes Sir, Anything Sir” “send out a raven to a place called Black Bridle, I wish an envoy here by the night as I have a task for them to do some worthless heratick stole my property and I wish to get my property back imminently. As soon as the envoy gets here have them come to me and not speak to another soul about anything this will be a personal matter not to be told on public ears. I want to see Riker” the guards eyes looked large at the name and nodded his head “i will send the raven right away Sir” he hurried away off to his office to get things done and get ravens sent out right away. It would not take long for the people he had asked for to get there, when names got said actions took place in record time. He took a deep breath and calmed his temper “alright, clean this mess up and wall I wait I might as well eat the time away. Bring fruits, and a dish of meat and bread to the main throne there is a maid known as Clare doing the meat already make sure she gets the rest of the order before she gets to me” he did not even care who did it he said it to anyone that was over hearing and then went out of the medical hall leaving a mess at his feet and scared woman at his back walking back to the main throne to sit down and think over what he had to do.

XaeiDeLaRose: Xaei and Noki froze when they both heard strong footsteps and the sight of their father came into view. No sooner was he there, was he gone again. "I wonder where he is going." Noki whispered to Xaei. "Let's find out." Her elder sister replied and she climbed out from behind the throne, where they were hiding. "You shouldn't. Papa doesn't like it when we mess with his business. "But what if there is no business to mess with. I want to say good morning to him. You stay here and wait for mama." Xaei smiled to Noki, giving her own bear for her younger sister to look after. "Take care of Muffles." Xaei, uncharacteristically, was being brave despite Noki's warning. She had not ventured much around the castle, so she was more curious about where he might have gone, if she had been there before, and who else she might meet. The room he arrived in was busy, several people inside, some on beds and others in chairs. They seemed to be sick. Xaei remained hidden behind the door, peeking through a small gap between the entrance. Then papa got angry. Tears started to swell in Xaei's eyes as she watched someone whom she looked up to, who had shown her love, react this way. When he struck the woman down, she ran in just before he was about to leave and wrapped her arms tightly around his left leg. Xaei looked up at him, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Don't be mean to the woman papa, she didn't mean it. She just did mistake. Adults make mistake too.

SophitiaEien: Doctor Branson was sitting in his clinic in the higher class section of the city when he heard the rumors; whenever the guards weren't dealing with castle affairs, they often would spend their time in taverns or talking gossip. It was through such a conversation that he overheard the tale of a seamstress who ended up seriously hurt, and only a couple had seen just how badly she had been hurt when they were making their rounds in the different wings of the castle halls. With some coin and sweet words he managed to find one who had been there when Rarithyr had said her name and his worst fears were realized. The girl was like a daughter to him, what on earth had she gotten herself into? He had warned her not to go, warned her of the danger, but now it seemed to be too late. He left a note with his staff and left with his medical supplies post-haste, riding fast and hard up the winding hill that led to the Crown. He hoped it would not be too late as he arrived at the gates, hopping off of his horse in a rush with his bag in tow. He wore the badge of a practitioner and stood before the guards at the doors, panting. “I find..Striga Velaine. She's a seamstress, came here yesterday? I brought her, I'm her mentor. Please, it is urgent that I find her.”

Guest_Arthus:  He looked at his little one as she grabbed a hold of his leg tears down her face, his black heart melted as he looked at her, she was braver then she knew come3ing up to him in such a way when to most he would snap them like twigs. He was glad as she grabbed his pants and did not touch skin and that reminded him what he needed to give her he had no more Wyvern toxin cure made as of yet but he had something else out of Anaya's study out of his back pocket he pulled out a small necklace on a silver chain with a little wing on it, a really simple silver wing. Picking her up in his arms no longer caring if she touched his skin he took the chain and put it around her neck “you are right, adults do make mistakes to, I just have a temper” he smiled and kept that chain to her neck as the clasp latched all by its self at the back with a slight click “Xai I am very toxic even to my own kind and family so I never want you to take this necklace off wall I am around. It purifies toxins in the body so if you ever get sick it will heal you I would never want you hurt” he walked with her in his arms as guards moved out of the way for them both to let them by. He looked out for the other monster she could not be to far. But she was no were to be seen and more then likely ran off to get into things or stuff her face. But he was happy having time just him and the new one bounding time as in reality it was the first time he got to touch her little body with out having to worry he would hurt her . “so what have you and your big sister been into today? Getting into trouble I am sure” he paused as he saw the docter running around asking about his new play thing was was unlawfully stolen form him. “Striga was stolen from here the night before by a unknown male, the nurses say they turned into mist and vanished and that is all they know, but she will be brought back and found. Why do you seek her out doctor?” his green eyes sparked with interest at this new person that now was in the hall and his interest with Sams property.
XaeiDeLaRose: Xaei clung to her father gently as he picked her up, her legs wrapping lightly through her nightgown around his waist. She could not have smiled wider if she tried, while he placed the delicate chain around her neck. "Tempers are okay papa. Adults get them too. You just have to count ten teddies and it all goes away. That's what the nanny said." She say, refering to when the guard had upset her, it was the nanny that helped calm her down. "I promise to never take it off papa, thank you so much!" Xaei reached and wrapped her small arms around his neck, snuggling him tightly while he held and carried her through the castle, his long black hair tickling her nose, making her sneeze. "N-Noki and I..." She sniffled. "We were not getting into any trouble... The nanny just could not keep up... And..." She sniffled again. "Can we have breakfast now!" Xaei exclaimed, loud enough for Noki to hear her, who took it as a sign to reappear from her hiding spot, and instead very casually and innocently, climb up into mama's throne and sit upon its cusion, like she had been there all along. "Look, sissy is right there. Right where I left here. We tried waiting for the nanny but she never showed up, so I went to go find you, which I did. And now we are all here." Xaei grinned, looking between Noki and papa, encouraging her to go along with the story, so they wouldn't both get into trouble. Noki nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, what she said papa. Can we have breakfast now? I am hungry." Noki and Xaei were both quiet, while their father talked to an unknown man. Papa seemed to get tense again.

SophitiaEien: The male that approached him with this new development was himself quite intimidating, but he was used to men like this. However, there was something very off about his green eyes. His gut turned slightly, and he had a bad feeling come over him. “That is of concern between a doctor and his charge, sir. What business do you have with her, if I may ask, has she done something criminal?” He'd ask, straightening and still clutching the medical bag. He hoped that wherever she was, she was safe – though he figured she wouldn't be for long if the man did manage to find her. “I assure you, she has never been a stable woman. If she has done any wrong, it is out of illness. She has seen and been through much, so I implore you to forgive her and leave her be. She is naught but a frail, scared woman.” It was clear that the man cared for her something fierce, but it wasn't at all in a romantic way. It was more like a father's worry, much like what Sam displayed towards his own children only moments ago out of his line of view.

SeraphinaDeLaRose: The nights outside were nice not in the since of the weather but in the since it gave her time to clear her head. with the lost of her brother Pinky was not sure what more she could do. there was a lost hope now with her brother gone. But she would pull her soft pinky hair back as she looked over at her now fur pelt. It was tanned well now on one side as the fur was now cleaned and soft. The black and tan color shimmered in the sun as pinky pulled it off the stand she had placed it on to dry. The fur felt soft as it was wrapped around her. Pinky folded the fur with a soft grin “now what to do with this …hmmm? she though about it there was way more then pinky could use. Not that pinky new how to sew a dress or anything for that matter, but it was warm she thought about it and then decided to take the fur inside and give it to her loving Queen Anaya and her caring daughter. Their kindness to pinky was more then she had ever thought possible. With all the thoughts flowing threw pinky’s head she had decided to give the fur to them before her foot had stepped inside. The fur was hard to carry and it was big enough that pinky was almost hidden beneath it. But she made her way to the throne in with no to little trouble. She thought she heard a few smirks as she walked by the guards. This did not stop pinky though and as she got up to the throne she stop and drop the fur on a chair that sat in front of the throne then she waited for the queen to have free time, so Pinky could gift the fur to her and see her how her queen would receive such a gift.

He looked to his little girls as he gave them both that I know you are fibbing look and smiled enjoying the fact they were little pains and nodded his head “go into the dinning hall you to and get yourselves a meal, there is much in there and the maids are taking to long anyway and could use some help, fill yourselves wall I talk to our guest” he waited for them to do as told before he turned and looked to the man before him. “whatever she has done I care very little to, she has an agreement to me and this castle and she was stolen from here. It is of my concern as I am the Emperor of this land and I protect the people that swear there lives to this crown and to this family. She is no in trouble and wont be if she is returned or comes back safely, but the one that stole her form here is that of a criminal and will be charged with kidnapping a castle citizen once we find the location of were they went to ” he sat in the throne as he looked up and saw that a little pink haired girl was placing some fur in Anayas throne chair on the arm rest “Anaya is sleeping at the moment, she will be out for another couple hours as her magic usage last night required many hours rest. But once she gets up I will be sure she gets that, did you catch it and skin it  yourself?” he did not know the girls name or he would have seid it, he was unsure if they had met before but then again his memory was a tad dull as of lately.

XaeiDeLaRose: Once her father had put Xaei down onto her feet, she walked with Noki, hand in hand into the dining room, where they would help themselves to all of the food, the meat, the fruit, the veg, stuffing their faces while voices came from the next room, though neither could tell what was being said, and were too busy throwing food into their mouth anyway. "I hope mama wakes up soon." Noki said, after she finished chewing on a chicken leg. "Me too, they said she needed to rest a lot though. I hope she is okay." Xaei'd say with a worried tone. "Mama is always fine. She's a dragon." Smiling, the young dragoness nodded and shoved a some grapes into her mouth, trying to see how many she could fit, it was six.

SophitiaEien: An agreement with the Emperor? The man seemed to pale, as though in some sort of assumption. “I will...see what I can do to help with finding that person. I worry for her myself, she has always had a frail body. I heard she was badly hurt and came to see it for myself, would you happen to be able to describe the wounds? Was she healing well?” He seemed full of questions but paused them as the King dealt with another being that he didn't recognize, but didn't pry. Once the man was free to answer and he had some time to think on his next question, he finally asked it – though he dreaded what the answer might be. His grip tightened on the medical bag, white-knuckling it. “...Did someone...did a man...?” Branson could not bring himself to utter the words as anger filled him at the thought. He hoped he was wrong, practically was begging for it at this point. It drove him to the point of murderous thoughts, even, the inkling that she may have been raped by someone in the castle. Not only did he know her body wouldn't take it well, but her mind would snap and she would be capable of much worse than what she was already. Whoever had done it would have no idea of what kind of monster they had created.

His eyes looked at the other male, he had care in his green hues, it was fake care but only he knew that much. He thought of his children so the care in his face truly was genuine just not towards the man or his problems “i got word that the horrible person that stole her away had caused the broken parts in her body. The nurses reports started it was a broken hip shattered almost beyond repair,  as well as a broken shoulder and splintered arm bone. It was said by the nurses over seeing her recovery that the pain and trauma to her body was caused, act most fowl that none would be willing to do” he paused for a moment to take a breath and seem truly distort for a moment about the ordeal that poor poor girl must have  had happen to her. He turned and looked back looking to the doors to be sure his daughters were not coming back around to hear such horrible words “Rape is a nasty thing good sir, it is why I wish only the most brute punishment for the fowl monster that lay hand on one of our staff members. All I wish is to bring her bake safe and sound so she may work peacefully on the gown for my sister in law that was promised. So if you do find her please bring her back so we can care for her and have our magics not only heal the rest of her body but her mind as well. This castle has the best medical facility around and the queen is that of a golden dragon, they are masters in healing both body and mind” he gave a smile as he looked to the man and nodded his head agreeing with his own words as well as his own thoughts on how much of a fun game this would be.

SophitiaEien: There was a soft thud and clinking of metal as the bag dropped from the doctor's hand, his eyes wide in absolute horror and fury. He stared at the emperor and then the floor, then at his hands as they clenched. Branson would strangle the son of a bitch. “I will find her and bring her to you immediately, and I'll die leading you to the man that did this. I swear on my honor.” His voice was shockingly soft now and trembling, though not in fear – merely in rage. He then bent down to pick up his medical bag and bowed in respect, turning to leave. “Thank you for your information, Your Highness. I will send word once I find out where to look.” With that, he left the castle and mounted his horse. He knew exactly who to contact, and hurried his horse in the direction of the bowels of Iron City.

SeraphinaDeLaRose: Pinky turn in surprise “oo I umm hello sir “she was shock at his presents it was true they had never meet “I am Seraphina sir but …but most call me pinky I came here when my” she started to roll the crystal in her fingers as her hand tugged on the chain that held it “my crystal said I had family here. I did not my father as I had thought. but I had a brother. had a brother he died though in the forest “her head sloped and she felt sadness weigh over her. Her head lowered and she placed her hand together in front of her waist and held them together. One could hear the in her voice the cold hapless feeling she had. It was not that she was not happy with the Queen and her Daughter but she was finally feeling the lack of hope that she had any family but her. She felt like the only Fire Elf in the world. this is what sadden her and most like she would feel this no mater where she was “and yes sir I killed and clean this fur. its not the best as I kind a just fallowed a book I found in the library. but for my first time I think its not bad” at this point she was not sure what to do the large over powering looks of this man or whatever he is was different then the soft and gentle tones of the Queens child who seem to understand pinky more than any one. Pinky started to slowly step back a foot at a time almost tripping on a chair behind her. She would catch herself before she did and smoothly run her hands down her waist before turning and slowly walking tords the hall -

Arthus: he sat there and watched as everyone seemed to scatter, he could not help himself he started to laugh the empty hall the hole thing now some dumb doctor was going to do work for him and drag the girl back to him and maybe he would get Riker to kill the whole lot. He got up form his chair with his hand on his belly as he collected himself form the laughter fit. “kids save your father some food will ya” he called out in that playful tone he never showed to the public and ran off into the dining hall to get a meal and stuff his face and maybe toss a chicken bone at Xai for the fun of it and see if she could catch it in her mouth.


The Night has Come

The night had come faster then expected and so much had happened on this day but things needed to be done and she had to keep her word above all else the entire kingdom had retiered and all was silent in the halls other then the passing guards and maids cleaning for the morning. There was the thumping of feet up behind her as a large fur covered muzzle ran along her under arm “Alpha it has been a bit of time since i last saw you i am sure you have been busy working, guard captin i hear, well done” there was a soft murring sound from his gray furry face as he pushed along her side and almost pushed her over in thanks and apprethathion. “i need you around anyway i have to preform the wish spell” he looked at her with large eyes, it had been sometime since the old gray wolf looked at her in sutch a way, like really you are going to do that spell, he knew the risks with it just like she did but in the end she had to keep her word “the blood will not be on my hands, it is on someone elses good will come from it, there will be bad to but good will come back from it and it is done to remove a curse that has fallen the north. All darkess that has fallen on the land must be undon. Darkness placed it and light shall undo” Alpha nodded his head to her words and stayed besaide her as they walked to the main doors. The guards were cleaning up the grounds outside and the trolls had all gone to bed and the evening air felt good on her skin with sutch a hot day she enjoyed the feeling of the crisp chill on her face. “stay here and once i fall i am going to need you to take me to my room alpha so i can rest in peace and guard the door do not let anyone in for any reason, all are to stay out of my chamber room.” he nodded his head and he sat down in that spot his bright yellow eyes watching her like a hawk watch dog.
She looked back over her shoulder as a genuin smile came over her face. “i am fine dont worry so much” she said with that grin as she turned around her face shifting and changeing as white scales cut out of her skin. One looking upon it would think it was painful, but to her it was freedom, it was beauty, it was so very rarely she got to be what she was, the true guardian of man, all man and beast here that walked the land. Her body breaking free of human skin witch fell to the ground in chunks, not a drop of blood came from the torn like a snake sheding its old skin she came out bright and new looing as her body got larger feet became claws that dug into the earth a tail slasmed from her back as she walked forword each step turning into a crushing boom as with in moments she was a new true self standing there her head pointed to the sky looking up at the clowds.

  Rose Has Thorns Part 3 - Spring Rains Fire - Page 3 White_dragon_by_harvestmoon2013-d987nio

with her mouth open she let out a roar that shock the castle now behind her. It felt so good to let out her voice, to just roar and shake the world. She did it agein blasting a roar forword out of sheer joy to do it. The world was so clear when you could see it in her eyes, every blade of grass every aura of life down in her town, every evil fleck on the map down there she could see them. Demons hideing in buildings, mothers with evil within them, children behing huged by men with evil in there minds about there own children. That drive to smite it out wanted to take over her being as she looked out over into the darkness and knew it was looking back. But she needed to do things and not look to the darkness just yet, but she would not forget about it and she knew it would not forget about her.
Looking back to the sky there was a humming in the air, a sparking feeling as her wings flexed and shimmered as she charged her body, her whole being feeling like it was electric. “upon my grace i chant wish upon the lands of the north to deem there curse be lifted and melt the snow and ice down to bring the summer spring and fall back to there lands. Upon the grace of god i cast my power to bring all back to how it sould be, i give myself to make this wish true i give my time, and a part of my life force to bring this to be, may it be how it sould” she moved a claw and dug it deep into her chest bright blue blood riping down her scales as within her her heart beat harder and the hole she had made held a bright glow of white that shimmered. It was to the heart, a full heart never given. Blood flowed down her body as it hit the dirt and sunk into the earth. She felt weaker as it drained and started to heal. One must give to get and she gave her own blood and her time to bring this wish to reality. It welled inside of her. The power as her maw opened and a massive beam of light smashed up into the sky form her open maw and giveing body. The light beamed and pulsed six times into the sky and then everything went dark and Anaya had in a blink droped form the air in human form and hit the ground with a thump fully unconchous.
The Wish had been granted and now the price would not only be payed by Anaya but also by others who the weather change would affect. Alpha walked up to anaya and picked her up on his back nuzzleing his grace softly as he walked with her back to the halls her body out cold slung over his back almost like a dead body. But she was still breathing and looked peaceful like in a deep rest were she would be unable to wake for any reason for the next twelve hours.

(wish has been given, reprocuthions to other role plays, massive coastal flooding, Rose lake is now gone and has suffered extream flooding over the island that snaped the island down the center forceing if not all but at minamum three quorters of the land mass to break and sink) ,rivers have raised by one foot, Galandor will suffer a warm spike witch will cause extream flooding  to all low land areas and towns, Largest place affected is Rose lake, and second galandor. Galandor will now have its 4 seasons back and no longer be stuck in a an eternal winte.  enjoy that chunk of plot XD))

Meanwhile over in Galandor

A loud roar was heard from miles away, like a clash of thunder that traveled the entire world, and a wave of energy fell over Relia, not only her but the whole Kingdom. Was this it? Had the curse been lifted? The princess ran out of the castle, bursting through the large entrance doors to the grand outside. Slowly, but surely she saw the snow melt before her, her feet soon met with grass and the scene became green. It was beautiful, magical, little white snowflakes glistened in the light of the sun, only to melt away and turn into small droplets of rain. It was over in an instant, but that would not be it. Gradually, before her the green land stretched beyond the horizon, snow turned to water causing floods beyond the hills. “Oh no…” Relia muttered and began to run, her feet light on the grass, carrying quickly and gracefully. The castle, her home was high upon the mountain and she stood upon the edge of the pathway that led up to it, here she could see everything, her heightened sight carrying her gaze for miles. She saw it, the devastation which would be the cost of the wish she asked for, her lower lands, beside Avalon, and Iron, their borders now turned into a large lake. Rose lake was in the far distance, now completely submerged, thousands would be dead.

Relia sank down to her knees, tears pouring down her cheeks but had quickly turned to ice, as her body became cold, turning the wet grass around her to ice. “I-I am sorry…” The young Princess said into the wind, this was the consequence, like every large gesture like this would cause, while her land was finally free of the curse, others perished. What would her father have done, in this instance? Maybe he knew the cost, and didn’t want to put it on anyone, but it was put on Relia, for she knew that the Kingdom could never reaches its full potential, with the cold snow making it practically unbearable to live in. It would be her burden, perhaps Anaya’s also, but it had to be done. Relia’s kingdom came first, and with the Empress’s help she was able to secure its future.


Not long after did the Queen aid Relia in fixing the weather, did she immediately send out an order for a gardener to work in the castle, and after a few days, when Relia woke up to the sun, there was a knock at the door. “Princess? Are you awake? The gardener that you called for is here.” A familiar voice came through the thick wooden door. “Yes, I am. You may come in.” Dressed already for the day, the young princess sat at her vanity, brushing her long white hair with a small comb.Tassarion stood there in the doorway, watching his princess for a while, with a small smile. “Do I have something on my face?” She asked, looking to her friend through the reflection in the mirror. Clearing his throat, his face turned serious. “No, Princess, you look beautiful as ever. What would you like me to do about the gardener?”

It was a short conversation shared between the two, of which ended with Tass leaving to escort the guest to the place that would, eventually, end up being the gardens of Galandor Peak. Relia longed to see beautiful flowers around her home, just like she had seen in Iron. Seeing so much for the first time on her journey, beyond the kingdom had changed her in a lot of ways, while the death of her friend saddened her, she wouldn’t regret going there for anything.

Relia ended up in the main hall come afternoon, deep in thought as she stared at the thrones of her once mother and father, a previous thought, now current plagued her mind. How was she going to fill her kingdom with people again? Get the money she needed to get things back up and running again? A king. A wealthy one at that. With a long sigh, the princess stepped away from the throne room and walked into her study, to a desk covered in blank paper, one of which she grabbed and quickly, but neatly wrote up an announcement.

Seek audience at Galandor Peak Castle
with Princess Relia Sigurd
Heir to the Galandor Peak throne”

An order was given to Tassarion, to have over 10,000 printed, to be spread out across the Kingdom and beyond. The princess would have the King she needed.

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