The Iron Empires, A DnD and Ark Experience
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-Campaign- Journey to Gain a Teleportation Stone

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Campaign Details
The Journey to Find The Stone of Telaportathion

Time to take: Estimated 6 months
Bag capability's: 35 pounds
Items you Must Bring:
-Vile of unknown blood
-small pocket book
-2 matches
-an apple
-Loss paper
-1 healing tonic
-1 tonic of greater stamina

Items you can Pick to Bring with(pick no more than 6)
-Weather forecast for 1 month
-War Hammer
-A small reptile
-4 Healing tonic
-Flintlock pistol and 12 small steel balls
-Book on gambling
-4 blocks of firewood and stack of loose paper
-Bag of treats
-Book on different races
-Book of healing spells (unlearned)
-Small chest with magical unknown item
-A Bone
-2 Small traps
-A Second of your choice
-Raw meat
-1 medium trap
-fire starting rock, one use
-A large glass eye
-Broken large trap
-Flint and stone
-Rust remover gel
-2 Repair kit
-notebook and quill
-a pack cow (Bertha)
-an apple
-One chicken (alive in cage)

Beasts known to walk the areas in which you may be heading into, some beasts may not be found, some may show up more than others, it is unknown how much or many there shall be or what they shall all entail.
Spiked devil
-Displacer beasts
Large rats
Deer fox
rust monster
Copper dragon
Mind Flayer
Galatonus cude
Roc -Rare-
Cave Troll
-more beasts can be found wondering the areas that are not listed here-

Combat mechanics
Combat within the campaign works just like standard T1 role play fighting, but with a twist, which will be explained, first let's go over what T1 fighting is.

Paragraph, turn-based fighting.

T1 is a type of fighting style generally used by people in chat. These people are generally the more serious RPers. Average time to learn T1 can take anywhere from two weeks to two months, depending on the time spent learning and perfecting the form. It is based on the idea that the paragraphs you use should appear to come out of a book using detailed descriptions so that the people watching can ‘see’ what is happening in chat to make Role Playing a more enjoyable experience.

T1 is probably the hardest way to role-play if you are not good at being descriptive. T1 is turn-based, so you have to wait for your opponent to finish typing his/her attack. It is also paragraph fighting. In a T1 match, your opponent can strike you. You have the ability to reverse the attack or take the hit and come back with one of your own. In T1, you can only type one attack each paragraph. If you type more than one attack in a paragraph, you will be disqualified. You may need to type more than one paragraph, so when this is needed, use at the end and beginning of your paragraph. Once you complete your attack/entrance, put an at the end to symbolize the finalization of your paragraph.

Jhon: (paragraph) Battle entrance
Tim: (Paragraph) Battle entrance
John: (paragraph) Attacks!
Tim: (paragraph) Defends/avoids/takes-the-hit, counter attacks.
John: (paragraph) Defends/avoids/takes-the-hit, counter attacks.

combat in the campaign will be done in the same format, but when an attack is done to determine damage or the attack succeeding or failing on enemy or player a D10 for if it hit or missed, over 5 is a hit, under 5 is a miss will be rolled. Then a D100 will be rolled to determine damage whatever number it lands on the one hit by the attack will take that amount of damage till their hp runs out resulting in being forced to flee, unconsciousness, or being marked as dead.  Only the GM will be rolling the dice to be sure it is fair and no rolls are being fudged. The Gm has made a pledge to this group to be fair and just with all doings be it good doings or bad, and all dice rolls will be fair. There is no re-rolling dice You get what fate deems you.

Jhon: (paragraph) Battle entrance
Tim: (Paragraph) Battle entrance
John: (paragraph) Attacks!
GM: rolls D10 dice see if attack hits or fails
(attack hits rolls over 5) GM rolls D100 dice for damage, Damage 40
(Attack fails dice rolled under 5 if rolls 1 or 2  backlash damage) (if rolls 1 or 2) rolls D100 backlash damage  
Tim: (paragraph) Defends/avoids/takes-the-hit if given damage, counter attacks.
GM: rolls D10 dice see if attack hits or fails
(attack hits rolls over 5) GM rolls D100 dice for damage, Damage 70
(Attack fails dice rolled under 5 if rolls 1 or 2  backlash damage) (if rolls 1 or 2) rolls D100 backlash damage  
John: (paragraph) Defends/avoids/takes-the-hit, counter attacks.

Routs you can take
Route one
Going by land, South East

Along route by foot or steed, one must leave the iron capital head out of the City of Iron after stocking and gaining goods. Then go along the snakes bend and head south-east to the village of Millmire, after spending time there one must head down into the woods and paths were anything can happen on steed or foot over a cursed bridge that hangs over a canyon water bed with rumours of trolls and goblins around, after braving that one must head south-east still over a large valley plain with many wildflowers but no water and a hot sun. With lips parched but hopefully still breathing, one will come to a small dead town, with a sign saying “warning, owlbears” but in an Exotic language, once there one must travel into the town to exit the other side past broken down buildings and dark ally ways, there are words of bandits that prey on passersby. From there one must steal or pay for safe passage over the river that links with the sea to the island of DeMoor home to the yanti snake clan and village. Upon that island there is word a copper dragon wonders hidden among the people of the town, enjoying to stay in human form and play tricks on people, there is a well-known inn there where it is said it is safe for outsiders to sleep. Free boats mark the cost to a small island to the south-east of Demoor island, take a boat to an underground passage, marked with many old tongue scribbles,  and down that passage, you shall find what you seek...maybe. After maybe gaining what you seek you must then brave the trip home the same way you came.  There is also a cart that will bring you back to iron safely but it costs coin.

-Campaign- Journey to Gain a Teleportation Stone Path_o10

Route Two
Going by Land and Sea, South then East

Starting out you are on foot or Steed as the road takes you down path and around Millmire then down to the dark forest, were monsters in the dark dwell to attack passers and kidnap unknowing victims that don't protect themselves. Large birds are known to fly here as well as harpy's with nests within the woods, there is a path around the woods but it adds more time to your trip and costs supplies. But once past it is a smooth trip to Izen hort a largely human populated town with many inns and bars for you to take in and enjoy. But careful of swindlers and bandits they can be any shape or size here.  Once you get in you must charter a ship over the sea, to be able to properly work the ship you must get a captain and crew, as well as a trusted compass, is needed, or sneak aboard a ship already going to De Moor Island, be careful this is risky. To not get found out and spend your life in a Izen Hort prison known for there brutality and strict rules. Once with ship or on a ship, you will head over the sea to De Moor Island, the sea is filled with monsters of its own, let's hope your ship and crew don't find any, may the gods be with you. Once docking port at De Moor home to the yanti snake clan and village. Upon that island there is word a copper dragon wonders hidden among the people of the town, enjoying to stay in human form and play tricks on people and on outsiders, there is a well-known inn there where it is said it is safe for outsiders to sleep. Free boats mark the cost to a small island to the south-east of Demoor island, take a boat to an underground passage, marked with many old tongue scribbles,  and down that passage, you shall find what you seek...maybe. After maybe gaining what you seek you must then brave the trip home the route North West back to Iron  There is also a cart that will bring you back to iron safely but it costs coin.

-Campaign- Journey to Gain a Teleportation Stone Path_210

Tips when on your path
-Don't mess with Buttercup
-4 is code for run
-Don't smell the flowers
-Lavander can calm Buttercup
-Never hurts to lift rocks to find loot
-Being a loot whore is not wrong
-Be careful of snakes
-Eyes are the gateway to another world
-The dead walk only this path
-Hold fast little rabbit I will love you, run
-Find hope
-Don't take the shiny

Be Careful, and Assume Everything Wants to Kill you, And if you Think it Does not, Just Assume it Does.


PayneZileQueen: With a groan of annoyance and uncomfortable feelings. Damon woke up due to some annoying yelling. "This is why I stay in the mountains" He grumbled to himself, waking up slowly and stretching his entire body with a moan. When he got up, he cracked his neck, moving his head from left to right, and circling it around once. There he stood, 6 feet tall and bare naked. In a barn filled with hay bales. Surrounded by trolls, inside castle walls. Looking for a dragon by the name of Anaya, who was supposedly living here. Only to have her guide his way to what basically was a trinket that allowed him to teleport. Something he surely deemed handy to have. Be it simply to teleport to a new location, or to even use it in battle. Dressing up in his black cottons-like pants, military style boots from his home, and a trench coat that seemed to be way more modern than the time they actually live in. It was something of his own creation a long time ago. Being bare-chested below the coat, as always. He grabbed the simple piece of cloth he used to blind his eyes with and put it in front of the deep black eyes with bright red irises. The mark that the Demon residing inside of Damon had left him. But alas, being able to still see. And in his opinion, even see better in the dark vision that the Demon had granted him. Once fully dressed, he armed himself with his trusty dual blades, sheathing them together in their holster and placing it on his back, Damon was ready to go back inside the castle. He might not smell the best right now, thanks to having been traveling for the longest time. He still looked the part of someone who was important. Even though he was basically a hermit, living in the mountains.

PayneZileQueen: Moving away from the stables. Damon tried to avoid any contact with the trolls that still creeping him out. Not to mention the highly annoying guards who seemed to rather just not help anyone but themselves and drink and laugh. "So unhonorable" He mumbled to himself. Once he had finally reached the large door to the main area once more. Damon walked trough it, secretly hoping on another meet with Sifrella. He walked further trough the hallway until the room opened up on itself. Seeing a woman, or at least. That's what she looked like to Damon. Sitting on a throne and reading a book. Damon coughed a little, his throat dry and in high need of something to drink, he kneeled down. "My name is Damon Salvatore. And I am looking for the Eyes of the World. Since they can tell me about the Stone of Teleportation. I hope I have reached the right person for it" He didn't dare to look at anything else but the ground, he didn't want to fight. As long as it wouldn't be with Sifrella, that is.

Anaya: Anaya lifted her stabbing red eyes from her book as she shut it. It had been a while since a person had come to her seeking her eyes and knowledge, she was very knowing in what some of the people called her, eyes of the world, all seeing all knowing, the dragon of the north, the one above, it all depended on what they believed in and their life choices to what she was seen as. “I am the eyes of the world, you come to the right place, a stone of teleportation you seek, a large trinket, it will not be a simple task to gain something of that value” she shifted in her chair as she leaned forward her arms crossing on her lap as she looked over seeing a maid lighting the torches that had blown out when the doors were open and the outside was getting in. “why do you want something so strong, your very life will be put in danger and at risk to gain such a treasure” she said softly as she ran her clawed fingers down her legs fixing the satin of her dress as it shivered the blue blue and her free white hair fell around her shoulders. Tilting her head softly in thought and wonder she picked up the book she had put down and started flipping the pages.

PayneZileQueen: Listening carefully to the woman. Damon slowly rose and made himself look at her. Quite a beautiful woman, that was certain. His naturally charming smile appeared as if it was waiting to be shown. "Madame. I am but a simple hermit living in the mountains of Ignoros. Traveling would be a lot easier for me, and the thrill of an adventure seeks me as well. I would want such a powerful piece of magic, simply to show myself that I am capable of doing a lot more than just simply training, day in and out. Madame, if this journey would ask for a toll to pay, I am willing to die trying. Otherwise, what is the purpose of life itself" Damon looked at the woman from beneath the blindfold that covered his eyes. Even though he seemed blind, he was able to see everything that the normal eye would see, but without the vibrant colors. His vision was made of total darkness, everything mostly in black, but the outline of everything seemed detailed. His blindfold was only to cover his eyes, to hide the Demon that inhabited him. While granting him access to his dark vision ability. "I am sorry if I did interrupt, Madame. I do wish that I did not come at an invaluable time.”

Anaya: “no the halls are empty at the moment it is rather peaceful here” as she said that a maid ran behind her with a mop and bucket to go clean that old blood from the steps due to the other night. Anaya gave a chuckle as she took a sip of her wine. “but you make a good point, there is no point in life if life has not what you want in it, if adventure is what you seek who am I to withhold it from you.” she flipped to a page as she stopped it with her clear claw and she looked down at her book, it was a page with book titles, many many book titles of the rarer books she held in the castle. “there is a book in my study, a journal, from a person unknown, it holds the record of the stone you seek to quest for” she got up from her chair as she let out a yawn and moved her hands down his hips to smooth out her light blue gown. “come, I shall get it for you, and we shall go over it, it is very old, and I don't know much myself about it, never took the time to go over it, I got it from an old man wishing to give his belongings to someone he viewed as a safe keeper for his goods and this journal was some great grand elders book” she started to walk her way down behind the thrones as she got to the door where the guards stood for her privet study, away from the main study. “open the doors men” she said sternly as she held her wine and took another drink and they did just that, opened the doors for her and her guest. The walls were lined top to bottom with books and old tattered scrolls, boxes of more books scattered the room which was in fact rather messy next to all the other rooms in the castle, a large desk sat in the centre of it, covered in papers and documents, drawers half pulled out and one even laying on the floor out of its slot, a large bare skin rug laid in the centre under everything, and the room was nicely lit with small glowing balls of light that hovered around, no flame torches were here. as she walked inside and over to a bookcase running her fingers along the titles looking for it.

PayneZileQueen: Nodding softly towards the woman as she spoke. He followed her when she had asked for it. He was still thirsty, and her carrying that wine wasn't exactly helpful. It has been quite a long time for Damon to have had a glass of wine, let alone it being of such divine taste as he imagined it would have. Struck in awe at the private library, Damon looked around the place. Reading some of the book titles as he kept himself close to the woman. "If you would like to tell me the title of what you are looking for. I am able to help you if you wish." His charming grin appeared as he moved his fingers over the books, loving the texture of it on his fingers. "It has most certainly been a long time since I have read a book. I do sometimes miss it"

RavenDeLaRose: Everyone seeming to leave the room to the library one would think it Raven would follow. But instead, she walked around the castle a bit her hands dragging along to walls as she did. Meanwhile, the cat had woke Mystic never was one to get up befoe the sun and she hated to be up early as it cut into her beauty sleep. With a large roar and stretch, She was now ready for the day and any trouble she may cause. Her hunting of rats was a bit messier now but this did not stop her and as she saw a rat run into the library she would give chase and rush after it. The library door was not hard to push open as she barged through while in pursuit of the rat she watched as the rat ran under and between a man's legs and mystic the 200 pound panther ran under fallowing the rat she also headed right into the bookshelf as she rat ran under it this made the bookshelf fall and with a loud BOOM! It would hit the floor and book would fly everywhere. At this point, she stops and turn to see her mess, mystic turn and as fast as she came into the room the panther high tailed it out of the room and was down the hall and out of sight.

Anaya shifted her feet as the panther mystic ran past smashing into a book shelf and toppling it over as Anaya stopped the main part of the shelf from falling all the way but all the books fell out and all over the floor. She gave a sigh as she looked at the mess and watched the cat get spooked and bolt away. “this is why everything is a mess all the time, i have to get her a bell or something, to know when she is coming” she looked to the male making sure he was not hit too hard by the feline as she shook her head and picked the shelf back up with one arm and hosting it back to its place, even in human form she could lift a good amount and the very large wooden bookshelf was not much trouble. As she set the shelf back up she moved her hand as her fingers started to glow and the books picked themselves off the ground one at a time as she moved them back in the air and placed them back on the shelf looking at each one before popping it back in its place. “here it is” she said softly as a book hovered over to her hands as she picked it up opening it as the pages crinkled and some dust came off the cover as she cleaned it off. “it is very dirty but it is is still readable. Well some parts are others look like the man making it had been drinking, and he did some drawings in there as well.” she flipped some pages and stopped at one ”it also informs you to bring things with you, which we can aid you with if you like. ” she handed him the book page as she kept it on the page where it listed what he needed to take with him.-Toothbrush-Vile of unknown blood -small pocket book-2 matches-an apple-Loss paper-1 healing tonic-1 tonic of greater stamina. Anaya looked at him as she picked up some more books and put them on the shelf “aswell we have goods you can pick from to bring with you as well, would you like to pick from them?”

Payne: Spooked by the sudden movement of what seemed to be something feline. Damon quickly drew his swords, but once it was gone he resheathed them. Clearly, he was spooked, wanting to defend himself. He bowed towards the madam. "Apologies, I'm rather defensive" he nodded to himself as she came with the book. Reading the belongs needed, he smiled charmingly. "If you have those vials and a small pocket book for me. That would be neat. And what another kind of goods do you mean, Madame?" He mentally checked everything off that he already had on his own, not sure about the apples. He would ask for those as well if he didn't. Unsure on the fact to how to thank the Madam, Damon simply bowed. "I thank you for your hospitality. And making it possible for me to get what I need. I wish I could do something in return"

Anaya: Anaya looked to him with a nod seeing him take his blade out as she finished with the books being popped back on the shelf, he must have been an easy one to spook seeing his eyes were covered which was not uncommon around the parts many fighters covered their eyes to be able to use their other senses better. She moved her hand as she made four vials of unknown blood from the shelf on the other side of the room as she spun them around picking one at random and then putting the other ones down back on the shelf. She brought that over aswell as with her hands putting her wine down on the desk she picked up a quill and the note pad. Bring it all together and handing it over to him. Then after he took it she reached down grabbing a brown sack off the ground and bring it up “you can place everything on the list here there is already the healing tonic and stamina tonic in the bag if you get hurt or fatigued, on your trip, as well” she paused picking up another sheet of paper with a list on it and started reading it a loud. “you may pick from this list of items to go along with you, you may only take six things from this list, what you pick you can go get in the area of the castle were it would be located. Books and papers in the study as well as tonics and magical items, meals, bones and foods in the dinning hall and animals and other things in the stable.” she looked down to the paper “
-Weather forecast for 1 month
-War Hammer
-A small reptile
-4 Healing tonic
-Flintlock pistol and 12 small steel balls
-Book on gambling
-4 blocks of firewood and stack of loose paper
-Bag of treats
-Book on different races
-Book of healing spells (unlearned)
-Small chest with magical unknown item
-A Bone
-2 Small traps
-A Second player of your choice to go with you (cant pick any of Anaya's rpcs)
-Raw meat
-1 medium trap-fire starting rock (need magic to activate it or use it), one use
-A large glass eye
-Broken large trap
-Flint and stone
-Rust remover gel
-2 Repair kit
-notebook and quill
-a pack cow (Bertha)
-an apple-One chicken (alive in cage),
-small bag of gold coins ”

and with that she handed him the paper and put a clawed hand on his shoulder “you will be paying me back for it I assure you, after your quest is done you are to return back here with what items you have left and if you have new items gained. Then we will go over payment to me from you on how to give for the help you have been given” her grip on his shoulder got mildly tight as she gave a smile and then let go of his shoulder and pated it softly.

Anaya: Anaya watched as the male took the list “yes I will take the list and think it over if that is alright” Anaya nodded her head to him as she smiled it was fully understandable to think it over, as he moved and went on his way out of the study to a side room to surely sit upon a sofa and take time to go over his plot of what he was going to do with what he was able to take.

-Campaign- Journey to Gain a Teleportation Stone Charly10

-Campaign- Journey to Gain a Teleportation Stone Charly10

(ooc Translation - Page one I miss her, she was so beautiful, such a majestic beast, she was so very beautiful, but she is lost now, I am sad I can't find her, if see her tell her I love her -Charley

Page Two- It was cold today, the sun never came out, ground was wet but I went south-east along the path took that see what I could find, there was a fisherman said I could go boat path, don't like boats get sick on boats, air is too cold for da skin. Tonight I rest at the hogs water bar in iron town, will head out in the morning, sleep in the inn or in the alleyway hope my shit don't get stolen, nights be cold still even in spring will figure out tomorrow where to go from there. -Charley)


With an immense loud groan of annoyance. Damon threw yet another book that he had read towards the corner of stacked books that he had already read. All the information was there, the mythical stone was real, and all the rumors of what it could do, and what stuff could help him aid in his journey, and yet. Nothing, nothing that he was able to find that could make Damon think that these were items that could be really useful. Once more he looked at the list of items that Anaya had gifted him to use. He sighed deeply and shook his head. 5 months now that he was stuck in the library, and 5 months that they have been very patient on basically keeping a stranger inside the house. But this time, he gave up. He couldn't do it, not yet at least. "Screw this..." He growled to himself as he threw everything that was on the tables to the ground. Once leaving the library, Damon looked for the Dragon. The one who he knew was the leader of this humble castle. If he had found her, he would kneel down before her. "Milady, you have granted me access to the libraries, provided me with food, and a place to sleep at night." He shivered in his mind as he thought of the haystack at the stables that he called his 'bedroom' He took a deep breath and continued. "But I must apologize. I can not continue this quest for the stone. Nothing I can find is able to aid me, not even with the items you're providing. So I shall take my leave, even though I do like this place quite a lot. The area has grown on me, and I know it is foolish of me to be asking for a place to live in here. But I do wish to ask for a bit of a longer time to stay, so I can make my way back home safely. Without having to fight as much as I have done on the way here." Damon looked down, he felt shame that he wasn't able to continue on with this. But on the other hand, he was getting the thought of the uses of the stone It wouldn't help him that much, apart from travel. And he wasn't much of a traveler anymore. "I do apologize for having wasted your time, Milady"


Anayas eyes looked down at him as he had found her walking a hall way and drinking wine from a clear crystal glass. She took a sip as she gave a light smile and looked down at him taking a claw and placing it under his chin and lifting up so he would rise with her finger. “no need to knee it is alright, and the quest will still be here once you are ready to do it. And if not there are many things out in the world that can help you with the task you want. I have seen many things in my life and know were many things are hidden, not all like this one are simple to get or figure out. You may stay in the stable as long as you like as well as if it is to cold for you out there you may use a guest room on the upper floor of the castle. If you are not used to the stable room you have used for the time you have been here that is.” she moved her finger back to her hip as she let out a breath and let out a yawn as well her jaw cracking as she looked out the window at the snow a melting. Spring was right around the corner and she was very happy for the wet of the melted snow to go away. Softly fingers moved along her dress as she fiddled with the fabric in her hand twisting the sweet threads together and wondering about things like flying in the summer and when spring got dryer. She turned her eyes back to Damian and nodded her head “is there anything else you need?clothing or chamber items ?”

She watched as he walked away from her to do unknown activitys and she gave a shrug and put the book she was holding back on the shelf if he was not going to use it right now another would later in life.


------Campaign open for another to partake in it
Campaign still available------

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